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The Flaretot program is designed to solve flare network problems, either for revamp, new networks or system auditing.
 Flaretot is much more than just a flare hydraulic program.
 It includes detailed modules for other aspects of flare and safety related calculations
 These typically require more than one software package to accomplish, but Flaretot achieves this in one software solution.
 The main interface defines the flare network and allows hydraulics to be evaluated for multiple scenarios.
 The data from a solved case is linked to the other surrounding calculation modules.
 The interface and reporting allows for all locale based numerical formats.
The flare network is defined in the main interface using a
network drawing. This means a minimal amount of user training
is required to start using Flaretot.
 Uses a windows style drag & drop interface with on screen
connectivity on a fully expandable drawing space.
 Supports move / copy / paste and grouped operations.
 Rapid build header tools help quickly define the network.
Edit pipe common pipe properties as a group to speed up
data entry.
Provides on screen key properties to
help reach a suitable design.
Mach number is colour coded based
on sizing criteria compliance.
On screen colour coded feedback helps identify
units with errors or missing data.
Wide choice of units to define the network:
Comprehensive Tee pressure loss
calculations covering all combinations
and directions of flow.
Uses Beggs Brill methods for 2 phase loss which is
applicable for all pipe inclinations.
Flare tip pressure loss calculated
as pipe flare, multiple nozzles or
pressure loss curves from user
Loss over purge seals can be included.
Allows looped connections:
For example parallel headers
and split flow
Multiple trains can be solved in one file.
Comprehensive reporting on all streams
is provided and data can be exported in
a spreadsheet (csv) format.
Data units for all input and output are
fully customisable and can be switched
at any time without data reentry.
Pipe pressure loss calculations address all possible
conditions of flow likely in flare networks, (compressible,
two-phase flashing flow & potential for sonic conditions at
pipe exits).
Effects of pipe heat transfer to atmosphere (including
insulation if present) can be modelled.
Includes rigorous Diers method for pipe pressure loss.
Fluid properties for pressure loss calculations generated
from composition/ thermodynamics, not by mixing rules.
Atmospheric vents with 90° bends can
be modelled as well as detailed wire
mesh screen loss.
Design piping individually or a group, to meet any
combination of velocity, Mach number, v , v or
maximum pipe pressure.
Uses pipe classes for automatic selection of pipe size.
Mechanical design criteria based classes allow selection
from the database of standard pipe sizes. Two typical
classes are included in new networks. These classes allow
for accurate pipe selection even for study projects.
User table pipe classes allow for any allowable pipe sizes
and can easily be edited, exported or imported from other
sources or even a created directly from a design class
Results from the flare network simulation are linked into
the calculation modules (such as radiation, noise etc).
Notes can easily be added to the network drawing .
To speed up the build process,Flaretot allows existing network
models built in Flarenet ™ to be imported using XML files.
Flaretot models can also be exported to Flarenet ™.
Stream data required to define network sources can be imported
and linked to data from process simulators. Supports data from:
 Hysys ®
 Pro/II ™
 Petro-SIM ™
Note that Flarenet™ and Hysys® are registered trademarks of Aspentech. PRO/II™ is a registered trademark of Invensys plc.
Petro-SIM ™ KBC Advanced Technologies plc. Reference to these trademarks does not imply any affiliation to, nor endorsement from, any of these products.
© 2018 Flaretot Ltd
Flaretot has full case management for evaluation of all possible loading on the flare network.
Each network source can contain multiple load cases, (defining
flow rate, composition, pressure, temperature or condition)
Source case data can be entered manually
 Mole or mass % can be used for composition
 Either temperature or liquid fraction can be
used to specify stream enthalpy
Source cases data can be derived from a
linked relief load calculation
Selected source case data is used for device sizing
(relief valves or rupture disks).
Overall plant incident cases are easily defined in a grid
based user interface.
Clicking on the grid allows the
active source case for a
network case to be set easily.
Source case data is mapped to an
overall plant incident case
For each incident cases, one (or
none) of the source cases is active.
Solved data is linked to calculation modules
For an overall plant incident
Network hydraulics
are calculated
Mapping to a network case can also be set in the source
Colour coding is used on the
drawing to show active / inactive
elements in a network case when it
is selected.
Network cases mean flare network hydraulics and
environmental impact (radiation, dispersion and noise) can
be evaluated for all possible incidents.
© 2018 Flaretot Ltd
Calculates combined contour or point radiation levels and surface
temperatures, in 3D space for any number of selected flares using
detailed models.
Calculate flame profiles accurately using a
choice of models for both flame profile and
flame length. Includes API models for flame
profile & length, Brzustowski & Sommer
model, and Kaldair /Indair sonic profile &
length models.
Select from 7 models for heat fraction radiated based on gas
properties and exit velocity. Provides the Kent, Tan, Cook,
Chamberlain, combinations of these, and a proprietary model.
Comparative values for all methods are presented during selection.
Also optionally correct for steam injection.
Use the IDS (opaque flame) or IPS (transparent flame) models or any
combination of the two models (IMS model) for radiation from each
section of the flare flame.
Use up to 100 radiation points along the flame to ensure accurate
calculation of radiation contribution from each flame segment (in 3D
space) to total target point radiation.
Takes account of radiation shields attenuation.
Calculate radiation levels / surface temperatures at any number of
target points.
Surface temperature calculations use linked user definable surfaces,
so properties only need to be entered once.
Surfaces support variable emissivity with temperature. Important for
steel, as  varies significantly in the range of typical flare radiation/
temperatures. Ensures more accurate temperature predictions.
Temperature calculations use detailed natural and forced convection
heat transfer coefficient calculations.
Sources gas properties data are derived directly
from the flare network.
Size flare stack height to required radiation levels
at any target point.
Generate plan and side view contours of radiation
or surface temperatures, with overlay onto
equipment layouts or plot plans.
Contour plots include the flame profile
Side view can be from East or North direction.
Allows definition of shields in 3D space which contribute to radiation and
noise attenuation.
 Allows both fixed (mesh) and
water spray type shields
Build the shields from basic shapes rotated into 3D
Use square, circular or polygon shapes to define
the shield.
Models frequency dependent noise attenuation
Predicts the temperature rise with time of a tubular structural
steel element resulting from flare radiation.
Uses a rigorous four quadrant model
to calculate all aspects of heat
transfer (radiant, conductive, forced
and natural convection).
Heat transfer coefficients and air physical properties are
calculated internally so minimises user input.
Results are presented in both chart and tabular form.
© 2018 Flaretot Ltd
Calculates combined pollutant concentrations and % of LEL (lower
explosive limit) in 3D space for any number of flares or vents.
 Uses a combination of the Briggs equations to determine the plume
profile, accounting for both buoyancy and momentum.
Wind speed is corrected for elevation with
adjustment for terrain type.
Uses a 3D gaussian dispersion model corrected for atmospheric and
terrain conditions.
Atmospheric conditions are specified by Pasquill stability class which
can be determined by the SRDT method or temperature gradient.
Specified stability classes are validated for wind speed.
Both flame-out and flared conditions are supported.
Flared gas temperature is calculated from
gas composition and excess air.
Several pollutant concentration reporting standards are supported
as well as correction for sampling time.
Sources gas properties data directly from the flare
Calculate pollutant concentration and % of LEL at
any number of target points.
Generate plan and side view contours with overlay
onto plot plans or terrain maps.
Calculates combined noise in 3D space from any number of flares or vents
 Calculates both jet and combustion noise (for flares)
 Takes account variation of noise power with frequency.
Typical flare noise spectrum for flare
combustion noise included, but can
be user supplied
Calculates frequency dependent attenuation due to atmosphere by
ISO 9613.
Use either A or C frequency weighting standards.
Size flare stack to meet maximum allowable noise.
Generate plan and side view contours with overlay
onto plot plans or terrain maps.
Calculate noise power level exceeding the design limit.
Calculate noise generation due to high velocity in piping.
Size knockout drums in piping network / standalone calculations.
 Size vertical or horizontal drums, including 3 nozzle
horizontal drums with centre or outer feed.
Calculate required vessel wall thickness from stress data.
Typical library of stress data provided.
Horizontal drum sizing tabulates shell weight for various L/D
ratios to allow optimisation of the cost based on material
Calculate required nozzle sizes.
Calculates required flare network purge rates using 3 methods (Husa, Tan and alternative modified methods).
Aside from the ability to select custom units for the flare network, Flaretot also offers a unit conversion module covering conversion
from a wide range of other units.
© 2018 Flaretot Ltd
Calculates depressurisation of pressure vessels to assess
blowdown time and vessel wall temperatures.
Uses a rigorous component property and phase model with
unsteady state wall and insulation heat conduction.
Heat transfer coefficients can be calculated or derived from
API521 equations for heat input.
Depressurisation of vertical, horizontal and spherical vessels
can be modelled, including associated piping & equipment.
Where liquid or water is present, the initial inventory is
calculated based on liquid levels rather than specifying the
overall system composition. This makes it easy to evaluate
alternative liquid level cases (since liquid and especially
water has a significant effect on the system behaviour).
Depressurisation device can be modelled as:
 A restriction orifice with calculated or specified Cd.
Includes adjustment for pipe and orifice thermal
Tailpipe can be included but must be > orifice.
 Control valve, modelled using the ISA equation. Cv can
be calculated from % open and valve recovery factor
can be from a C1,Cg or Xt value. Database of typical
control valves is provided for quick estimates.
Control valve integral fittings can be modelled.
Tailpipe can be included and allows use of reduced
diameter pipes.
 The depressurisation device can be omitted and
modelled as a reduced size pipe arrangement only.
Device flow calculations use detailed sizing equations rather
than generic.
Where an orifice is used, a quick estimate of approximate
size can be made based on blowdown time required.
Fire conditions and normal blowdown conditions are
supported to evaluate both minimum and maximum
possible wall temperatures. Fire exposure to vessel can be
adjusted based on vessel elevation.
Possibility of liquid entrainment in the vapour during
depressurisation can be included.
A library of wall and insulation material properties for heat
conduction is provided to minimise data requirements.
Comprehensive output is given in chart and tabular form.
Metal wall stress calculations are included to indicate
possible wall failure during depressurisation due to elevated
wall temperatures resulting from fire exposure.
Multiple materials can be selected for stress evaluation and
a library of typical material stress is provided.
Based on wall temperatures and pressure:
Allowable stress for selected materials, based on wall
temperature (as above), is charted with actual wall stress.
This highlights possibility of wall failure. As in the above
example, where wall stress exceeds that allowable for
© 2018 Flaretot Ltd
The detailed relief load calculations provide load flow rate and
properties for cases in network sources and device sizing.
 Gas blowby calculation is defined on a
graphic interface.
 Uses rigorous control valve rating
 Bypass valve can be included
 Has library of typical control and
bypass valve data.
Tube rupture calculation includes rigorous DIERS method
for all phases, allowing for flashing flow or retrograde
Fire relief calculation covers vessel and
surrounding equipment and includes
standard API512 methods as well as a more
detailed heat transfer based model.
Sizes rupture disks and associated piping for multiple cases.
 Includes coefficient of discharge (Kd) and flow resistance
(Kr) methods.
Kr method uses detailed pipe
installation model (not
combined K)
Covers all flow regimes with DIERS method and includes
ideal adiabatic gas and incompressible flow methods.
Beggs Brill 2 phase method allows for all pipe inclinations.
Piping pressure profile can be viewed in chart form.
Sizes relief valves and associated piping for multiple cases.
Supports ASME VIII multiple set pressure
arrangements & supplemental fire valves.
Rigorous sizing using enthalpy integration (DIERS) method
with HEM or frozen composition models.
Includes API520 ideal sizing methods & liquid capacity
Valve selection from API526 database provided.
Smart selection of valve configuration includes alternative
arrangements to minimise excess area.
Rigorous pipe installation rating (from inlet to header) as
per rupture disk sizing.
Produce datasheets in API or custom format.
Flaretot uses a built in component based physical
property calculator with 312 library components to
generate all physical properties, phase and
thermodynamic data.
Library components can be located easily using
name/synonyms, formula or CAS number.
Uses Peng-Robinson EOS for vapour liquid equilibria and
vapour density.
Uses Lee-Kesler for enthalpy and entropy.
Supports petro / user components with a flexible
user/petro component interface.
Combine Petro, API and Joback group contribution methods
for key user component properties.
User component temperature dependent data can be
calibrated with known data.
This data is presented in chart
form to provide the user with
an insight into the predicted
data to help prevent inaccurate
data entry.
The Joback group contribution
method is presented in a clear
diagrammatic form.
Displays physical properties for a specified composition.
 Generate 17 mixture properties and 8 vapour / liquid
properties for a composition, temperature & pressure.
Create tables of physical property data for temperature and
pressure ranges, isenthalpic , isentropic or polytropic paths.
Create standard phase envelopes or full 3 phase maps.
© 2018 Flaretot Ltd