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SBI 3U Biology Unit Test: Diversity of Living Things

Diversity of Living Things
Knowledge and Understanding
Multiple Choice – circle the correct answer (1 mark each)
1. The name of the person who created the current species identification method of binomial
a) Gregor Mendel
b) Carlos Linnaeus
c) Ulysses Taxon
d) Alexander Nomenous
2. Structural diversity is
a) the genetic variability among organisms; usually referring to the individuals body structure
b) the morphology of a group of species within an ecosystem
c) an increased diversity of species due to a variety of different habitats
d) a measure of the physiological structure of an organism
3. The following statement is true
a) viruses can live independently
b) bacteria and archaea are in the same domain (prokaryote)
c) when one cell engulfs another cell the engulfed cell becomes part of the host it is called
d) tissues are made up of organ cells
4. Which of the following is not an invertebrate
a) Arthropods
b) Monotremes
c) Echinoderms
d) Sponge
5. Gymnosperms are
a) non enclosed seed producers
b) seedless vascular plants
c) non vascular plants
d) seeds that are enclosed in a protective layer
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the six major bacteria groups
a) proteobacteria (purple bacteria)
b) gram positive bacteria
c) spirochetes
d) endosymbiont
7. A taxon is
a) a rank
b) a type of dichotomous tree
c) the name of a category to classify living things
d) a tail like structure that extends from the cytoplasm of a nerve cell
8. A prokaryote is
a) an organism that can not make its own food
b) an organism that does not have a nucleus
c) an organism that makes its own food
d) a domain in species classification
9. I am a eukaryote, multicellular, sometimes I photosynthesize, sometimes I am a heterotroph, I
can exist in either aquatic or terrestrial environments and sometimes have cell walls, what am I?
a) protist
b) moss, vascular ferns
c) amphibian
d) dinoflagellates
10. Which of the following statements is NOT true about archaea
a) halophile – base lover
b) acidophile – acid lover
c) psychrophile – cold lover
d) thermophile - heat lover
True or False – circle the correct answer (1 mark each)
11. True
All eukaryotes are multicellular.
12. True
Plants can not get viruses
13. True
Dichotomous means a two-word Latin name for classifying species
14. True
Trees are an example of sessile organisms
15. True
Birds are believed to be highly modified reptiles
Short Answer – provide enough information to satisfy the number of marks for each question
16. Describe the difference between radial and bilateral symmetry (2 marks)
17. Briefly describe how fungi obtain nutrients (2 marks)
18. Describe the difference between a parasite and a virus (4 marks)
19. Describe how we know if something is diverse or has biodiversity (2 marks)
20. Which type of angiosperm is the following plant. State how you know. (2 marks)
21. a) Label the plant diagram (0.5 marks for each box)
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________
6. ___________________
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
9. ___________________
b) What are the collective names and names of the organs
for both the male and female reproductive parts (4 marks)
10. ___________________
22. Create a dichotomous key to classify the following (6 marks)
Thinking and Inquiry
22. Describe what bacteria with the morphology of diplo-bacilli would look like (2 marks)
23. While hiking in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, you find a multicellular organism growing on the
bark of a dying spruce tree. Under a microscope, you observe that its cells are eukaryotic, have
cell walls and do not contain chloroplasts. Into which kingdom would you classify this organism
and why? (3 marks)
24. Rabies is an infection caused by a virus. It affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous
system) of mammals, including humans. It is nearly always deadly if not treated before
symptoms begin. Describe the replication process of a virus like rabies. (5 marks)
**Note: the rabies virus does not kill its host cell
25. Protists are exceptionally unique in that they can be unicellular and eukaryotic. Describe how
protists are animal-like, plant-like and fungus-like AND state how these 3 groups were created
(what characteristic was classification based on) (4 marks)
26. Two students were able to identify an organism to differing levels of classification. Student
"A" was able to identify the organism to the level of "class." Student "B" was able to identify the
organism to the level of "order". Which student has been able to classify the organism more
accurately? Explain. (3 marks)
27. Explain why genetic diversity is important to the survival of a species (3 marks)
28. A pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) is an Ontario bog plant with leaves that hold water in
which various organisms live. Is a pitcher plant a species or an ecosystem? Explain (3 marks)
29. There has been a recent increase in the number of parents who are choosing not to vaccinate
their children. Some parents believe that vaccinations were the cause of autism in children, this
however has been disproven. Recently there have been a few known cases of measles occurring
in the United States, Canada and a few other “first world” countries. Explain the misconception
that is occurring among some members of the population that are not vaccinating their children
AND explain how this decision could potentially be dangerous for others. (4 marks)
30. The relationship between humans and viruses is evolving. Explain what the phrase below
means in terms of the virus-human relationship. (3 marks)
“Just as they have always used us, we are now starting to use them”