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Essay Topics: Personal, Social, Cultural, & Future

The funniest thing that ever happened to me
Cruel humour
The street kids
The changes I see in myself
Teenagers are a misunderstood lot
The importance of forgiveness
Write a story beginning with "I'm thankful I have a friend like..."
My special friend
Teenage friendships
Describe a few incidents of bullying in your school
How I choose my friends
How a person managed to leave a bad company
Gangs pose a threat to society and should be severely dealt with. Do you agree?
My favourite comedians
The curse of the stolen diamond (or something precious)
Superstitions ( puraney daqqianoosi khyalat )in our society
Being superstitious can be dangerous. Do you agree?
Black cats on a dark night
Communications of the future
How I overcame my fear of learning to use a new communication tool
The day when someone got caught doing a crime
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advanced technology in our household
A day in the life of an astronaut
Life on Mars
A brave new world
On the trail of the criminal
How the case of the bloodstained glove was solved
What can be done to fight crime?
A world without problems is a perfect world. Discuss
An Eskimo boy's first hunting trip
Surviving the cold
Is it important to keep traditional skills in a modern world? Discuss
Lost in a blizzard
An account of oppression in my country's history
Can we do without freedom of speech? Discuss
The time I stood up for what I believed
A political figure I admire
Pakistan- a multilingual state
The importance of living harmoniously in multicultural Pakistan
The multicultural aspects of Pakistan that would interest tourists
Why I am proud to be a Pakistani
The struggle of my ancestors
Pakistan - the future of its people
Pakistan’s success is dependent on regional peace and internal cohesion
Pakistan - the land of opportunity for all
The time I played with fire
Escape from the burning flames
A day in the life of a performing dolphin or monkey(dugdugi wala) or bear or snake (been wala)
What can be done to save and protect the dolphins of Pakistan’s Arabian sea?
It is beter never to borrow or lend money." What are your views on this advice?
Write about an amusing incident on a day out with your family, which still makes you laugh whenever
you remember it.
What are the differtent types of subjects girls and boys select differently in education?
Describe how a religious or national event is celebrated in your country.
What important lessons in life are learned away from school?
Write about an occasion when it was necessary to tell the truth whatever the consequences.
Some people say that the internet does more harm than good. What is your view?
Describe the location and main features of your ideal home and explain why you think it would be the
ideal place to live.
In the 21st century, how important is it to be able to read, write and speak English in the world?
'I'm bored!' is so often the cry of teenagers today. What could be done about this?
Write about an occasion when an attempt to help led to unexpected consequences for the helper.
Write about some of your worries and hopes for the future.
The delights and frustrations of being a teenager.
Write about an occasion when you just could not stop laughing at an inappropriate moment.
Television, newspapers and the internet - which of these do young people prefer as a source of
information and why?
In your opinion, what kind of voluntary work is worth doing, and why?
If you were drawing up a set of school rules for a new school, what would they be? Explain which of
these you think are important.
Nowadays, people live longer than ever before. What problems does this present and how can these
problems be dealt with?
Write about someone who failed to live up to his or her reputation.
Write about some of the things in your country you value most and would miss greatly, if you had to live
in another country.
Write about a time when your late arrival for a particular meeting or event led to serious trouble.
What do you think secondary schools can do to ensure the health, well-being and safety of their
Given the limited land available in Lahore, is it wise to set aside some areas as nature reserves?
Do you feel that you need the long school vacation? How do you occupy your time during the December
break, when schools are closed?
'Parents and teachers are partners in the education of children.' In what ways can parents and teachers
contribute to the education of children?
Write about how a serious accident led to an area being made safer for those who work or live there.
It is not only shopping that brings visitors to Lahore. Describe some other tourist attractions and say why
you think visitors enjoy them.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions to be made in life. What factors will affect your
Is it said that school uniform gives pupils a sense of identity and encourages good discipline. Do you
Write about an occasion when a furious argument took place, based on a case of mistaken identity.
Should both parents go out to work when their children are very young? What are your views?
Describe one of the large shopping malls in Lahore. Why does it attract so many customers?
Write about a teacher who made an unfortunate mistake which caused a student to suffer as a result.
'There is no point in preserving the past. We should be looking to the future.' What is your opinion?
Imagine a reunion with three friends from your school days in 10 years' time. How will your lives have
Write a story about what happened when, on the morning of your journey to spend a year studying
overseas, you were unable to find your passport.
'What a wonderful sound!' Write about some of the sounds you like best and why they mean so much to
Describe any procession you have seen or taken part in. Explain why the procession was held.
Explain how you learnt to play an indoor or outdoor game or sport. Give an account of any special skills
which are necessary.
Explain how you help in your family at the time of any important festival.
Discuss the ways in which the location of Pakistan affects its economy.
Describe a time when you spent a holiday away from your own home.
Give an account of an occasion when a relative or friend asked you for advice in dealing with a difficult
Wild animals
To what extent has your district changed in the past 20-30 years? Have the changes been beneficial or
not as far as you can judge?
Trying to improve the environment.
The Ministry of Education has invited students to write a report of up to 200 words on the topic "How
can we improve primary and/or secondary education?" All reports will be sent to the Ministry for study
by officials. Write your report on one or several aspects of education.
What is global warming? Should we be concerned about it?
What part does discipline play in society?
Write about a time when you forgot to do something and this led to serious trouble.
Television programmes.
Give an account of a visit (by yourself or another person) to a doctor or dentist.
Boys or girls I like and those I dislike.
Discuss the role of religion in the community.
Write about a Sports Meeting from the point of view of a competitor or spectator.
Describe what happened on your last birthday or on a recent birthday of a friend or a family member.
Write a review (for publication in a newspaper or magazine) of any book you have read recently. Do not
tell the story except when introducing the book and whenever it is necessary to illustrate a point you are
making in your review.
Consider the good and harmful aspects of the use of computers in the home. Consider global users
generally and not just those of your own community.
Music I enjoy.
Describe a time when you did something which you later regretted. If you could go back to the same
situation again, how would you act now?
The joys and problems of keeping a pet.
Write about any national or international person (dead or alive) whose character and achievements you
Do you feel that the influences of other countries on the way of life of people in your own country are
good or bad? Give examples when possible.
Celebrating National Day
The problems that a teenage male or female meets as he or she grows older (you can write generally or
from personal experience)
Describe any outdoor game which you enjoy playing and outline some of the skills needed to be a
successful player.
Give an account of what you have done in the past few months as a member of any organisation at
school or outside school.
Some people believe that before students are admitted to a university they should have worked for at
least a year. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this proposal.
Attitudes to clothes.
Describe a time when your family moved to a new home.
Give an account of ways in which an individual can contribute to the community.
Pakistani food
Pakistani clothes
What are your favourite television or radio programmes? Why do you like them? Could they be
improved in any way?
Haunted house