126 23. Probing and Penetration Testing 23.1 General Probing from the surface probably represents the oldest method of investigating the depth to a hard layer where the overlying material is weak and not unduly thick. The simplest probe is a sharpened steel rod which is pushed or driven into the soil until it meets resistance. The method is still of use where other means of site investigation have disclosed relatively thin layers of very soft soils overlying much harder soils. In such cases, the thickness of the soft layer may be determined over a wide area very quickly and economically. The method has many limitations, and a variety of more sophisticated apparatus has been developed, both in an attempt to overcome these drawbacks and to extend the use beyond that of detecting a hard layer, e.g. to give some measure of the allowable bearing capacity of the soils present. Two distinct types of probe have been developed : one where the probe is driven into the soil by means of some form of hammer blow; the other where the probe is forced into the soil by a static load. 23.2 Dynamic Probing The apparatus for dynamic probing comprises a sectional rod fitted at the end with a cone whose base is of greater diameter than the rod. It is driven into the ground by a constant mass falling through a fixed distance. A device commonly used in Hong Kong is the GCO Probe (Figure 36 and Plate 10A), which is essentially a larger and heavier version of the Mackintosh Boring and Prospecting Tool. Probe results are very useful for assessing the depth and degree of compaction of buried fill, making comparative qualitative assessments of ground characteristics, and in supplementing the information obtained from trial pits and boreholes. Probing has also been carried out in the base of hand-dug caissons (Evans et al, 1982). Probe results are normally reported as the number of blows per 100 mm penetration, as shown in Figure 37. As additional rods are added for probing at depth, the driving energy provided to the tip is attenuated by the additional mass of the rods. Correction of the probe values is sometimes made to allow for this effect. The correction is negligible at the shallow depths at which many probings terminate, and it is unnecessary to apply a correction if only qualitative comparisons between probe results at similar depth are being undertaken. The fact that the rod and couplers are somewhat smaller in diameter than the base of the cone prevents, to some extent, shaft friction from influencing the results; however, at depth in certain soils, this factor should also be considered. The primary use of dynamic probing is to interpolate data between trial pits or boreholes rapidly and cheaply. Therefore, probing should first be carried out adjacent to a trial pit or borehole where ground conditions are known, and then extended to other areas of the site. As with other types of penetrometers, probing may sometimes be unsuccessful in soils containing corestones, cobbles or boulders. In fill or completely decomposed rock, the maximum depth to which a GCO probe can be driven is about 15 m. In order to minimise damage to the equipment, probing should terminate when the blow count reaches 100, or when the hammer 127 bounces and insignificant penetration is achieved. 23.3 Static Probing or Cone Penetration Testing 23.3.1 General Description Several types of static probing equipment have been developed and are in use throughout the world (De Ruiter, 1982; Sanglerat, 1972). The basic principles of all systems are similar, in that a rod is pushed into the ground and the resistance on the tip (cone resistance) is measured by a mechanical, electrical or hydraulic system. The resistance on a segment of the rod shaft (friction sleeve resistance) may also be measured. Static probing, or cone penetration testing, is also known by a number of other descriptive terms, depending on the manufacturer or operator of the particular device being used. There is no British Standard for cone penetration testing, but suitable recommendations are given by the ISSMFE (1977) and the ASTM (1985k). Both of these test standards recognize a number of traditional types of penetrometers, and it is imperative that the actual type of instrument used is fully documented, as the interpretation of the results depends on the equipment used. Two common types of penetrometers, mechanical and electrical, are described further in Sections 23.3.2 and 23.3.3 respectively. The reaction required to achieve penetration of the cone may be obtained by screw anchors, the weight of the thrusting machine, kentledge, or a combination of these. When cone penetration testing is done in shallow water, the thrusting machine may be secured to a jack-up platform (see Section 14.7). 23.3.2 Mechanical Cone Penetrometers Two common mechanical cones, the Dutch mantle cone and the Dutch friction sleeve cone, are shown in Figure 38 (see also Plate 10B). These cones were developed mostly at the Delft Soil Mechanics Laboratory in the l930's. With either type, the cone is pushed into the ground by a series of hollow push rods. With the mantle cone, the force on the cone is then measured as the cone is pushed downward by means of inner rods inside the push rods. This force is generally measured at the ground surface by a hydraulic load cell. With the friction sleeve cone, the same initial measurement is made, and then a second measurement is taken while the cone and friction sleeve are together pushed downward a further increment. The friction is calculated by deducting the former reading from the latter. This procedure is normally repeated at regular depth intervals of 0.2 or 0.25 m. An alternative quick continuous method of penetration is sometimes used with the mantle cone. In this method, the cone and push rods are pushed into the ground with the cone permanently extended and connected to the load cell. Accuracy is reduced in this operation, however, and the free movement of the cone should be checked at frequent intervals. For accurate work, the weight of the inner rods should be taken into account in calculations. In very soft soils when soundings are carried to a significant depth, the weight of the inner rods may exceed the force on the cone or cone plus jacket; in these circumstances, 128 it is impossible to obtain readings. This effect can be reduced by the use of aluminium inner rods. The inner rods should be free to slide inside the push rods, and the cone, and friction jacket where used, should be checked for free sliding both at the start and at the end of each penetration test. All push rods and inner rods should be straight, clean and well-oiled internally. The accuracy of the load and pressure gauges should be checked periodically by calibration. 23.3.3 Electrical Cone Penetrometers A number of types of electrically-operated cone are in use, and these generally incorporate vibrating wire or impedance strain gauges for measuring the force on the cone and friction jacket. In use, the cone is advanced at a uniform rate of penetration by pressure on the top of the push rods, and signals from the load-measuring devices are carried to the surface by cable threaded through the push rods. Forces on the cone, and friction jacket, can either be displayed on a readout at the surface or recorded automatically on a chart recorder, punched tape or magnetic tape. Exclusive recording on punched tape or magnetic tape which does not allow direct access to the data during or immediately after sounding is not recommended. Provision should be made for calibration of the force-measuring system at regular intervals, preferably on site. An inclinometer built into the cone is available with some equipment. The cones are generally parallel-sided, and the friction jacket, where fitted, is immediately behind the point, as shown in Figure 39a (see also Plate 10B). However, parallelsided electrical cones do not give exactly the same results as those obtained with the mechanical cone penetrometer, although the difference is usually of little importance. Electrical cones with a profile modified to give better agreement with the mechanical cone are also available (Figure 39b and c). One particular type of electrical cone penetrometer is the "Brecone", which has a combined 5 kN and 50 kN force measurement range (Rigden et al, 1982). It has the advantage of being able to measure cone resistances in clays containing dense sand layers without suffering damage to the more sensitive load cell. The recently developed "piezocone", which incorporates a pore pressure transducer within an electrical cone, has also found application in some Hong Kong marine investigations (Blacker & Seaman, 1985; Fung et al, 1984; Koutsoftas et al, 1987). 23.3.4 General Recommendations The following general recommendations apply to cone penetration testing, whether undertaken with mechanical or electrical cone penetrometers : (a) The cone cross-sectional area should be 1 000 mm2, and the cone apex angle should be 60°. (b) The friction sleeve, if present, should have a surface area of 15 000 mm2. 129 (c) The rate of penetration should be 20 ± 5 mm/s. (d) Force measurements should be accurate to within ±5% of the maximum force reached in the test. 23.3.5 Uses and Limitations of the Test The cone penetrometer test is relatively quick to carry out, and inexpensive in comparison with boring, sampling and laboratory testing. It has traditionally been used to predict driving resistance, skin friction, and the end bearing capacity of driven piles in granular soils. In recent years, the cone penetrometer test has also been used to give an indication of the continuous soil profile by interpretation of the ratio of friction sleeve and cone resistances. In addition, there is substantial published information relating cone resistance value with other soil parameters. The cone penetrometer test is also the preferred substitute for the standard penetration test in soil conditions where results of the latter test are suspect, and where hard driving is not anticipated. The test is also commonly used as a rapid and economical means of interpolating between boreholes. Although it may be possible to estimate the type of soil through which the cone is passing as described above, it is preferable to carry out the test in conjunction with some other means of determining the nature of the soil present. Cone penetration is limited by both the safe load that can be carried by the cone, and the thrust available for pushing it into the ground. It is also limited by the compressive strength of the inner rods; some machines are capable of crushing the inner rods before the rated capacity of the machine is reached. Because of limited cone capacity, penetration normally has to be terminated where dense sand or gravel, highly to moderately decomposed rock, or cobbles are encountered. For this reason, cone penetration testing in Hong Kong has been limited to the Recent alluvial and marine sediments. 23.3.6 Presentation of Results Results are normally presented graphically with cone resistance (and local skin friction where a friction jacket cone is used) plotted against depth. The friction ratio, defined as (friction resistance/cone resistance) x l00, may also be plotted against depth. This ratio is used to assist in interpreting the soil type penetrated. Suitable scales for plotting the results are given in ISSMFE (1977). 23.4 Static-dynamic Probing The standard penetration test is rather insensitive in loose materials and is not truly relevant to cohesive soils. On the other hand, the cone penetrometer is of limited use when dense or stiff layers are encountered. The static-dynamic test combines the two methods (Sherwood & Child, 1974). [Amd GG2/01/2017]