ANNEX D Republic of Namibia Performance Agreement Part A: Personal details Staff Member Augustinius Nowaseb Period for Quarterly Reviews Due/Completed Position Deputy Director: Internal Audit Service Performance Agreement Period OMA/RC Ministry of Finance Supervisor Final End Of Year Report Due March 2021 1st 2nd 3rd quarter quarter quarter July October January 2020 2020 2021 01 April 2020 - 31 March 2021 Ericah B Shafudah 22 December 2020 Date Completed Part B: High Level Statements MISSION: “Setting the direction of Namibia’s economic policy and manage public finances to achieve strong, sustainable and equitable economic growth and development” . VISION: “To be a catalyst and adaptive institution that promotes sustainable economic prosperity for all Namibians “ Defined Core Values: Competency We continuously improve on knowledge, skills and attitude and ensure quality service delivery. Accountability We shall be answerable for our actions and responsive to our stakeholders. Loyalty We shall be committed to hard work and ensure that our actions are dedicated to the priorities and objectives of the Ministry Integrity We shall be honest, fair, humble, respectful, transparent and consistent. Page 1 of 4 ANNEX D Strategic objective To Enhance Organisational Performance Assuming that organisational structure has been reviewed for effective risk management processes. Risks and Assumptions Weight 1 = Important 2= Very important 3 =Critical Part C: What I am accountable for? Output Risk Based Internal Audit Strategic Plan developed. W 3 KPIs # of risk Based internal audit Strategic plan developed (21/24) Target Baseli ne Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Operational objectives 0 0 0 1 Action steps 1. 2. 1 3. 4. 5. 1. 0 Annual Risk Based Internal Audit Activity plan developed 3 # of Annual Risk Based Internal Audit Activity plan(21/22) developed 0 0 1 2. 1 3. 4. 1. 1 Audits completed within allotted timeframe 3 # Audits completed within allotted timeframe 2. 9 3. 4. 5. Page 2 of 4 Analyse the organisations strategic plan to establish key performance indicators. Verify the annual risk assessment results, current and projected internal and external risks, Analyse the IT governance strategy, Assess available resources and staff skills, Develop the risk based internal audit strategic plan for the period 2021-.2024 Identify risk universe and risk factors, employ tools such as the annual risk assessment, annual control selfassessment survey, enterprise risk management committee activities and prior audits (annual process) Understand and increase collaboration with risk other risk management functions (annual process) Conduct an annual environment scan to identify changes in the risk universe that directly and/or indirectly impact the provision of audit services. Understand the Information Technology (IT) risk environment and controls (annual Process) Learn and continue to maximize use of new audit management software that allows all-inone packaging of audit planning, budgeting, process, timekeeping, reporting activities, auditee response and survey tools, and audit reports, as well as many new functionalities for a more efficient audit process (FY 2021 initially but ongoing to maximize understanding and use of all functionality) Update current audit processes and work papers as necessary to maximize Teammate functionality (FY 2022) Develop and operationalize key internal performance indicators to track effectiveness of new audit software and updated processes (FY 2022) Continue to employ new and current project management approaches to improve efficiency and timeliness of audit process (ongoing) Leverage technology, e.g., Continuous Auditing and Monitoring (CA/CM), and new ANNEX D Follow-up on implementatio n of recommendati ons and management action plans 3 6. 1. Measure the % implementati on of high risk recommenda tions and management 2. 3. 1 1 4. 1. 1 Customer Satisfaction Rating PMS system properly implemented 3 3 % of customer satisfaction 2. 4 3. No of PA of staff members signed. 0 0 0 1 1. 1 2. 0 0 0 5 1. 2. PMS system properly implemented 3 3. No of quarterly PA reviewed. 1 4. 5. flowcharting and audit management software (FY 2022 initially with acquisition of VISIO software but ongoing) Issue Final report to relevant stakeholders. Guiding the Analysis of previous internal audit reports for implementation of recommendations. Ensure proper follow up audit performed. Review follow up reports for quality assurance. Analyse report on the cure rate for each engagement. Educate stakeholders about internal audit process, services, and value (ongoing) Create Internal Audit brand–reports, website, marketing, etc. (FY 2021) Develop and execute Internal Audit Service events (FY 2021) Conduct One on one sessions to strike a balance on the Performance Agreements Sign Performance Agreement with Chief Internal Auditor. Review implementation of Performance Agreements signed. Analyse overall performance for the period under review and advice on performance improvement. Conduct a performance skills gaps analysis and assess gaps for workforce needs (FY 2021 unless delayed to align with HR institutional efforts to reassess job descriptions, etc.) Complete job descriptions for multiple layers as applicable, balance FY 2021 (Unless delayed to align with HR institutional efforts to reassess job descriptions, etc.) Create a formal, personalized development plan for each staff member (FY 2021) Personal Objectives (Skills and Core Values) To enhance use of computer assisted auditing tools (CAATS) To obtain professional qualification 3 % improved use of computer assisted auditing tools(CAATs) 3 % improved competency and due professional care 0 0 0 0 25% 0 0 0 0 50% Identify suitable internal audit management software to enhance value adding. Study towards Professional Internal Audit Qualification Part D: Personal Development Plan Staff Member : Supervisor : Period of plan : Development Area 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 Competencies Interventions/ Training Professional Internal Audit PIA Enhance and protect organisational value By when Date completed Professional Internal Auditor February/March2021 October 2021 designation (IIASA) Page 3 of 4 ANNEX D This Performance Agreement and PDP is entered into as follows: I hereby acknowledge that I accept ownership of and commit myself to the terms of this agreement. ………………………………………………. STAFF MEMBER …………………………………… Date I agree to support the staff member in the achievement of his/her objectives. ………………………………………………. SUPERVISOR …………………………………… Date Page 4 of 4