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Morris the Milkman: Short Stories for Kids

A Collection of Short Stories
Part 1
Copyright 2020 Tim Elgar
Published by Tim Elgar
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This collection of stories is inspired by my memories as a 9-year-old helping the milkman on his rounds in a small village nestled in the
heart of the North Downs. And dedicated to my wife’s dear aunt and uncle, Fred and Brenda Sturland, who are sadly no longer with us, but
who owned a milk round business in Bury, Greater Manchester for many years.
Table of Contents
Book One - Morris the Milkman
Book Two - Morris and the Robbers
Book Three - Morris and the Snowy Day
Book Four - Morris and the Kidnappers
About Tim Elgar
Other books by Tim Elgar
Book One - Morris the Milkman
Morris was a milkman.
He delivered milk. That's what milkmen do!
His real name is Maurice Morris but everyone just calls him
Its easier that way.
He drove a slow old milk float called Martha.
Morris always had adventures with Martha. Sometimes for
company Morris and Martha took their dog, Smudge, with
Early one morning Morris woke up. It was very early. It was dark outside and the moon was shining. Morris got up, had
a wash, and went down stairs.
'Good morning, Smudge' he said as he got his breakfast ready.
'Rrrr rrr woof rrr’ said Smudge wearily.
Smudge liked to wake up slowly.
He opened one eye and then shut it again and
snuggled back down.
Today was obviously not a day that Smudge
would be joining Morris and Martha on their
Morris finished his breakfast and jumped into Martha.
'Good morning old girl' he said to Martha.
'Good morning Morris' said Martha. ‘Are you ready to go?'
‘Yes please Martha’, said Morris.
'Off to the dairy then' said Martha.
At the dairy Morris loaded the milk, the cream, the yoghurt,
juice, butter, and eggs, and checked his deliveries for the day.
'Right', said Morris, 'all done! Off we go.'
Martha slowly, but at top speed for her, headed for Downlandby-sea. Downland was where Morris delivered most of his
To get to Downland Morris and Martha had to go through Greengrass village and sometimes they had to make a special
delivery to the General Stores there.
Today was such a day.
The General Stores were owned by Mr
He was usually up bright and early.
Today however, when Morris arrived,
there was no sign of him. Where could
he be?
Was he still in bed?
Morris knocked on the door.
There was no answer.
Morris called through the letter box.
'Hello! Anyone at home?'
As he called through the letterbox the door swung open and Morris fell right into Mr Clamps shop.
Morris heard a groan.
Oh dear! There was Mr Clamp - he was all tied up behind the
counter with a big brown sack over his head.
Next to him was a broken box. It looked as someone may have tried
to hit Mr Clamp over the head with it.
Morris also noticed the trays of chocolate bars and snacks, which
were usually on the counter by the till, had been thrown all over the
What a mess!
'Help, help' He called.
Morris quickly ran over to Mr Clamp and removed the sack.
'Oh thank you Morris' said Mr Clamp 'you have saved the day. I
thought I'd be stuck here forever!'
Morris asked Mr Clamp if he was all right.
'Did the robbers take any money?' asked Morris.
'I'll get the police straight away', and he picked up the phone to call
Constable Smartly.
Mr Clamp laughed. He laughed and laughed.
'Oh Morris!' he said 'You always somehow get it all wrong but end
up saving the day.' And he explained what had happened.
He had fallen over some old apple boxes on his stairs and had
tumbled into his shop landing behind the counter.
As he had tried to stop himself his hand had knocked an old potato
sack from a shelf on the wall and the sack had fallen right over his
head. He had knocked the trays of food bars off the counter as he
Somehow Mr Clamp had managed to get himself well and truly stuck. Morris began to laugh too. Martha and Morris
finished their deliveries for the day and called back in on Mr Clamp on their way home just to make sure he was feeling
better after that nasty fall.
Morris and Mr Clamp enjoyed a nice cup of tea and another laugh
at the day's events before Morris headed home.
When he got home Morris told Smudge all about his adventures.
What an exciting day it had been!
The end
Book Two - Morris and the Robbers
Morris was a milkman.
He delivered milk.
That's what milkmen do!
Morris got up early in the morning.
Most people were still in bed.
The birds sometimes were still asleep.
Each day he would climb down his
stairs, have his breakfast have a
wash and get dressed.
He had a dog called Smudge and
sometimes, if Smudge was awake
and it wasn't raining, he liked to go
with Morris.
Today was such a day.
Morris and Smudge went into the garage where Morris kept Martha his Milk
"Morning old girl" said Morris to Martha.
"Morning Morris" said Martha.
"Woof' said Smudge.
"And good morning to you" said Martha "Off to the dairy?" Said Martha.
'Yes please!" said Morris.
Slowly but at top speed for Martha they headed for the dairy.
At the dairy Morris collected the milk, the yoghurt, the juice, and the cream, and
as today was Thursday there was the usual special order of cheese to
This was for Mr Golitely. Mr Golitely owned the bookshop at Greengrass village.
Morris, Martha and Smudge checked the orders and set off for
Greengrass village on the way to Downland by Sea.
Downland was where Morris delivered most of his milk, but
sometimes he had to make special deliveries in Greengrass village.
Today was such a day.
At the village bookshop Morris came across Mr Golitely and
Constable Smartly.
"Morning Morris" they said. "Good morning Constable
Smartly, Good morning Mr Golitely. Is anything wrong?"
Asked Morris.
"Mmm, might be something, might be nothing" said Constable
Smartly "Might be robbers!" he said.
"What's happened?" asked Morris.
"The dustbins have all been knocked over at the back of the
shop. Someone may have been trying to get in" said Mr
“Did Scamp scare them away?" asked Morris.
Scamp was Mr Golitley's dog. It had a loud bark.
"I'm afraid Scamp ran away last week" said Mr Golitely "It was the fireworks. He was scared by the bangs and ran
"Oh I am sorry" said Morris. "Here is your cheese, now I must be on
my way. I hope you catch the robbers" he said, and he left the two
men looking around.
Morris, Martha and Smudge headed slowly on to
Downland by Sea.
Morris delivered the milk, yoghurt, juice, cream, and
eggs in Downland and headed slowly back to
Greengrass village on the way home.
On the way back, at Greengrass village, Morris would often have a break. He would
stop for a cup of coffee and a few of his favourite chocolate biscuits.
Morris got out his flask and his packet of chocolate biscuits and put them on the seat
next to him. Smudge sniffed the air.
He liked chocolate biscuits too!
Suddenly there was the sound of running footsteps past the side of Martha and a milk bottle crashed to the ground.
"Quick Smudge come with me" said Morris "We've got robbers!"
Morris and smudge ran to the back of the milk float.
There was nothing there except a broken milk bottle.
All of a sudden Morris's flask fell to the ground with a thud. "Quick back to the
front" Morris shouted
to Smudge.
"Oh no" said
Morris "They've
stolen my chocolate biscuits"
Smudge growled.
Morris said he was angry too.
But Smudge crouched down and growled again. And then he
growled again.
Smudge's straggly tail twitched and twitched again. He was
looking under Martha.
"Well done Smudge!" said Morris" He's under there is he? I can see the end of the biscuits. You
keep him there and I'll fetch Constable Smartly".
Morris ran to get Constable Smartly.
Constable Smartly was just coming out of the bookshop after stopping for breakfast with Mr Golitely. Mr Golitely had
made him a special breakfast for helping him look for the robbers.
"Come quickly, please Constable Smartly. We've trapped your robbers."
Constable Smartly and Mr Golitely ran after Morris who was now heading back to the milk float. When they got to
Martha Smudge was still there crouched low, bottom up, tail wagging and growling at the same time.
All three knelt down together.
"Well, what have we here then!" said Constable Smartly. "Oh well done!" said Mr Golitely.
Morris blushed. Yet again he had somehow got it all wrong but got it right again.
It wasn't a robber. It was Mr Golitely's missing
of Morris’s chocolate biscuits.
dog Scamp who was busy hungrily eating all
"Thank you Morris you've found my dog".
Scamp gave Mr Golitely a big lick, then Constable Smartly, and then Morris. He nuzzled Smudge and left him two half
eaten chocolate biscuits. Everyone laughed and Smudge barked.
Morris, Smudge and Martha headed home. What an exciting day they had had.
The end
Book Three - Morris and the Snowy Day
Morris was a milk man he delivered milk. That's what milkmen do. He drove a slow old milk float called Martha. Morris always had
adventures with Martha.
Sometimes for company Morris and Martha took their dog
was a cold day in Smalltown where Morris lived. So cold it
down outside in the cold dark early morning sky.
Smudge along with them. But not today, for it
was snowing. Big white snowflakes came floating
Morris didn't want to get out of bed. He was cosy and warm
round to do.
under the covers. But he had too he had a milk
So slowly he climbed out of bed pulled on his clothes and went down stairs. Morris had a hot bowl of
porridge for his breakfast to set him up for the day and a nice hot cup of coffee.
After his breakfast Morris put on his coat and
scarf and finally his long woolly gloves which
had leather patches on the fingers so that he
didn't drop the milk bottles that he had to deliver.
He opened the door to the garage and climbed on
to Martha.
"Good morning old girl'' he said to Martha.
"Morning Morris" said Martha
"Where's Smudge?"
"I think it's too cold for him," said
like the snow, he preferred to stay
Morris "he's still in his basket." Smudge didn't
inside on days like these. "Are we ready to go?"
"Yes" said Martha "To the dairy, here we go."
As soon as she got out of the garage door Martha let out a large long
headed towards the dairy.
At the dairy they loaded up with milk, yoghurts, cream, and juice,
Downland was
"Brrrr." "Oh its cold" she said and off they
checked the orders and set off to Downland by the Sea.
where Morris delivered his milk.
It was snowing hard, so hard Morris couldn't see where he was going. He was sure he
was going through Greengrass village and had to turn left to get on the road to
Downland by the Sea. So he did. But he was not expecting the steep icy hill that
suddenly appeared in front of him.
"Whoa Martha" said Morris.
"We're in trouble Morris," said Martha. "The brakes are on but we're not slowing down
we are just going faster. Whoa - hold on to your hat Morris we're heading for the
Martha and Morris crashed through the hedge and slid across the field like a sledge.
"Oh er, hold on Morris" said
going faster than when she was on
"Keep a hold of your hat Morris,
Martha. She was having fun and was
the road. Another hedge was coming up.
here we go again", said Martha.
Phlumpph. They were through the
road. And there in front of them
tractor. He was there with
looking at Morris and Martha in
hedge and out on to the road. The right
was farmer Kettle in his snow plough
Constable Smartly. They were both
"Well done!" they cheered, "you're
important deliveries to make. That
Morris!" Said Constable Smartly.
the first through here today and you've got
was an amazing piece of driving I must say
Morris blushed he knew he always
all right in the end.
got it wrong but somehow it always worked out
"Well done Martha," he whispered
to Martha and gave her a pat.
They followed farmer Kettle to
on the way back to have a nice hot cup of tea.
Downland by the Sea and stopped off at his farm
Morris gave farmer
Kettle an extra pint of milk for helping him on his rounds that day.
That afternoon when
an exciting day it had
they got home Morris told smudge all about the adventures he and Martha had had. What
The end
Book Four - Morris and the Kidnappers
Morris was a milkman. He delivered Milk that's what milkmen do. Morris got up early in the morning. Most people were still in bed. The
birds sometimes were still asleep. Each day he would climb down his stairs, have his breakfast have a wash and get dressed. He had a dog
called smudge and sometimes if Smudge was awake and it wasn't raining he liked to go with Morris.
Today Smudge didn't fancy it. He lifted one eye lid and shut it again and then lifted the other. No it was dark and he was
warm and cosy - today he would stay on guard dog duty at the house.
After breakfast Morris went to the garage and climbed on Martha. "Good Morning Martha, old girl" said Morris
"Good morning Morris "said Martha "Off to the Dairy?" Said Martha
"Yes please, off to the Dairy Martha" said Morris.
At the dairy Morris collected the milk, the yoghurt, the juice, and the cream and checked the orders for the day and then climbed aboard
"Off we go then, Old girl" said Morris.
Martha slowly but at top speed for her headed for Greengrass Village and on to Downland by Sea.
Downland by sea was a quiet seaside town where
nothing much ever happened.
One of the last houses on Morris's milk round was a
back of the town. It was on the way back to Greengrass
wooden door. The garden gate always creaked when
along with Morris' whistling, for Mrs Berringer, who
for a nice cup of tea. Mrs Berringer was a kind old lady
and always on his way back to Greengrass Village
pretty little cottage nestled away at the
Village. It had small windows and a big
Morris opened it. That was the sign
owned the house, to put the kettle on
who always liked to help people out
Morris would call in for a cup of tea
and slice of homemade cake.
Unfortunately, Mrs Berringer was also very forgetful and very often talked so much to Morris that she forgot to pour his tea out or to bring
his slice of cake in from the Kitchen.
Morris didn't mind he liked Mrs Berringer and he was grateful for a rest after delivering all his Milk Yoghurts juice and cream in
Downland by sea before he headed back to
Greengrass Village and then home.
Morris felt very much in need of a nice cup of
quite looking forward to a nice slice of fruit
tea today. He had been busy and he was
cake too.
As he opened Mrs Berringer's gate he whistled
loudly and clanked the milk bottles
together -just so she knew he was there. The lights were on but he could not see the old lady in the kitchen window.
He knocked on the door "Milk" he called. There was no answer he gave another knock and the door swung open. "Hello - it's me,
Morris, with your milk" he called. Still no answer.
She must have popped out he thought he opened the door a bit more, but there on the coat rack was Mrs Berringer's coat. So was her
umbrella and today she would have needed it.
Where could she be?
He went into the hall and called again - nothing. The first door on Morris right was open. It was a bedroom and the wardrobe doors were
open and all the clothes had gone.
So had Mrs Berringer s special alarm clock that made a cock a doodle do sound. She had had this as a present last Christmas and she liked it
so much she had shown it to Morris. He laughed when she told him that she kept it by her bed as it was the only thing that could wake her
up in the morning.
Morris ran back to Martha
"Oh dear, Martha" said Morris
has been robbed and kidnapped.''
"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I think Mrs Berringer
And with that he ran off to phone Constable
Constable Smartly soon arrived and had a look in the
Morris. I'll make the house secure straight away and he went
doors and shut the windows.
cottage. "I think you might be right" he said to
around and turned the lights out, closed the
Morris and Martha knew there was nothing else they could
Smartly. Morris and Martha went home.
do and left it all in the safe hands of Constable
Just as they arrived home there was Mr Didcot the postman
box, and there was Smudge barking and growling not letting
loved playing with the postman and he loved making as
trying to put something into Morris's letter
him do what he was trying to do. Smudge
much noise as he could.
"Oh Morris, I'm glad you're here "said Mr Didcot'' I'm
postcard for you from Mrs Berringer -She's gone on holiday you know!"
having a bit of trouble with Smudge. I've got a
Morris laughed "Well, well, well" He said "that explains a lot."
Mr Didcot read the postcard to Morris while Morris dealt with an over excited Smudge.
"She says she forgot to cancel the milk and to tell you she'd be away. She also left in such a hurry to catch the train that she thinks she may
have not locked the door, shut the window or turned the lights out. She says can you do it when you get there today. And to help yourself to
a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake. She says she'll see you next week"
Morris laughed again. Mrs Berringer had not been kidnapped or robbed after all. Once again he had
got it wrong but it had all worked out all right in the end. He told Mr Didcot all about his adventure
that day and then rang Constable Smartly.
After that he sat down with his much needed cup of tea and a slice of fruit cake. What an exciting day
it had been.
The end
About the Author
Tim Elgar is a new author on the circuit. He lives and works from his home in Whitstable on the North Kent Coast.
Other books by this author
Morris the Milkman A Collection of Short Stories Pt 2 (available 2019)