Uploaded by shravan123

Food Quote

Taj Indian Restaurant
Dewali, November 4, 2012 Menu and Price Quote
Person Count: 350
Price per Person: $5.50
Mattar Paneer
Vegetable Biryani
Gajar Halwa
We will provide you with 4 electric heaters for hot holding the food, provided you have electrical outlets.
If electric outlets are not present in immediate area, then we will provide you with traditional chafing dishes.
We will deliver your food, as the delivery fee is included in the price and we will set up the food as well.
You will be responsible for providing tables for food setup.
You will be responsible for silverware/plasticware as well as serving plates/trays.
We can provide silverware/plasticware, serving plates/tray, and setup food serving tables for additional fee.
This quote is good for one week, you must sign contract before 9/27/12 to get this price.
Please feel free to email/call us back for any changes in menu, as it will have change in price.
My name is Simran and my cell phone is 414-248-9596.
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