The meeting of two letters (The relationship between two Letters) • The study of the relationships between letters is important to learn which letters can merge with others and under which circumstances. • The relationship between two meeting letters is divided into four divisions: 1-Mutamathilan: The Two Like Each Other )(المتماثالن • It means likeness • They are the two letters that are the same in characteristic and in articulation point.. This means they are the exact same letters next to each other. • The Rule: Idgham Mutamathilin. -When the first letter is saakin, and the second letter is voweled, whether they are in one word or in two words. • We merje the first letter into the second one . Examples: ِّ ِّ ا ْذهب ب- اضبا ِّ َ إِّذ ذَّهب مغ- ُُ فَما رِِّبت تِّـاارُه- ْوقَـد َّدخلُوا ـكتَايب َ َ َ ُ َ َ ْ ََ ََ َ There are two exceptions to this rule 1- when two ”Waaw” and two ”Yaa’” are next to each other in writing, but one of the two ”Waaw” وand one of the two ”Yaa’” يare a medd letter such as in: ِ وايالص • فيُيوسفي ِ ي- ات اِل ِي َّ آمنيوا يوع ِمل 2-When the first letter is هاء سكت, and this only occurs once between verses 28, and 29 in surah Al-Haaqqah مالِي ْهي* هلكي َع ِِّن ُس ْلطَانِّيَ ْه The first: Making the هاءclear with a light stop with no breath during the stop (this is called a Sakt ) سكت. The second: merging the هاء سكتwith the هاءthat follows it. 2- Al-Mutajanisan: The two of similar nature )(المتجانسان • It means similarity • They are the two letters that have the same articulation point, but differ in characteristics. • This occurs when the first of the two letters is saakin, and the second voweled. • The Rule: Idgham Mutajanisin. The following letters merge into the letters below them: • دي– تي– ط • ذي– ثي– ظ • م-بي - We merje the first letter into the second one . • Examples: ِ اياللي • و َّع تيد ل ق ـ ث ايأ م ل ـ ف ةي ف ي ّي -إِذيظَّلميوياْ -ودَّتيطَّـآئ قد تَّـب َّ يْ َّ ّ بيمعنا ُ -ـلْهثيذَّلِكي ْاركي َّ Note: • If Letter “ ”تpreceded by letter “ ”طthat has Sukoon, in this case we will pronounce Letter ” ”طwithout Qalqalah and then pronounce Ietter ” ”تwithout Shaddah. • بسطتي- فـ َّرطت ْيم- فّـ َّرطتي- أحطتي • The Rule: Idgham Naqis. 3- Al-Mutaqariban: The two close )(المتقاربان It means closeness. • • They are the two letters that near in the articulation point and in the characteristics. • This occurs when the first of the two letters is saakin, and the second voweled (Mutaharik). • The Rule: Idgham Mutaqaribin. The following letters merge into the letters beside them: • • ق ل ك ر • - We merje the first letter into the second one . • Examples: • ُ( أََلْ َخْلُقكThe only word in Quran with Qiraet Imam Hafs) • قُل َّرب- ُبَـل َّرفَـ َعه Note: • There is exeption in this rule in ( بَ ْل َرانSurat AlMutaffifin Ayah 14) there is no Idgham becouse there’s Sakt in Laam, we pronounce the المclear with a light stop with no breath during the stop (this is called a Sakt ) سكت. 4- Al-Mutabaa’idan: The Two Far ((المتباعدان • It means distant. • They are the two letters that have distant articulation point and different characteristics. • This occurs when the first of the two letters is saakin, and the second voweled (Mutaharik). • The Rule: Idhar. Examples: ولِت ْك ِملوا -ح ْيثي ُ -تْملوني With my best wishes Teacher Moshira