Uploaded by Moshira Bahaa

the relationship bet.letters-

The meeting of two
(The relationship between two Letters)
• The study of the relationships between letters is
important to learn which letters can merge with
others and under which circumstances.
• The relationship between two meeting letters is
divided into four divisions:
1-Mutamathilan: The Two Like
Each Other )‫(المتماثالن‬
• It means likeness
• They are the two letters that are the same in
characteristic and in articulation point.. This
means they are the exact same letters next to
each other.
• The Rule: Idgham Mutamathilin.
-When the first letter is saakin, and the second
letter is voweled, whether they are in one word
or in two words.
We merje the first letter into the second one .
ِّ ِّ‫ ا ْذهب ب‬- ‫اضبا‬
ِّ َ‫ إِّذ ذَّهب مغ‬- ُُ‫ فَما رِِّبت تِّـاارُه‬- ْ‫وقَـد َّدخلُوا‬
َ َ
ُ َ َ
ْ ََ ََ َ
There are two exceptions to this
1- when two ”Waaw” and two ”Yaa’” are next
to each other in writing, but one of the
two ”Waaw” ‫ و‬and one of the two ”Yaa’”
‫ ي‬are a medd letter such as in:
ِ ‫وايالص‬
• ‫فيُيوسفي‬
‫ ِ ي‬- ‫ات‬
‫اِل ِي‬
َّ ‫آمنيوا يوع ِمل‬
2-When the first letter is ‫ هاء سكت‬, and this only
occurs once between verses 28, and 29 in surah
‫مالِي ْهي* هلكي َع ِِّن ُس ْلطَانِّيَ ْه‬
The first: Making the ‫ هاء‬clear with a light stop
with no breath during the stop (this is called
a Sakt ‫) سكت‬.
The second: merging the ‫ هاء سكت‬with the ‫ هاء‬that
follows it.
2- Al-Mutajanisan: The two of
similar nature )‫(المتجانسان‬
• It means similarity
• They are the two letters that have the same
articulation point, but differ in characteristics.
• This occurs when the first of the two letters is
saakin, and the second voweled.
The Rule: Idgham Mutajanisin.
The following letters merge into the
letters below them:
• ‫دي– تي– ط‬
• ‫ذي– ثي– ظ‬
• ‫ م‬-‫بي‬
‫‪- We merje the first letter into the‬‬
‫‪second one .‬‬
‫‪• Examples:‬‬
‫اياللي •‬
‫ّي ‪ -‬إِذيظَّلميوياْ ‪ -‬ودَّتيطَّـآئ‬
‫قد تَّـب َّ ي‬‫ْ‬
‫بيمعنا ‪ُ -‬ـلْهثيذَّلِكي‬
‫ْاركي َّ‬
• If Letter “‫ ”ت‬preceded by letter “‫ ”ط‬that has
Sukoon, in this case we will pronounce Letter
” ‫ ”ط‬without Qalqalah and then pronounce
Ietter ”‫ ”ت‬without Shaddah.
• ‫ بسطتي‬- ‫ فـ َّرطت ْيم‬- ‫فّـ َّرطتي‬- ‫أحطتي‬
• The Rule: Idgham Naqis.
3- Al-Mutaqariban: The two
It means closeness.
• They are the two letters that near in the
articulation point and in the characteristics.
• This occurs when the first of the two letters is
saakin, and the second voweled (Mutaharik).
The Rule: Idgham Mutaqaribin.
The following letters merge into the
letters beside them:
• - We merje the first letter into the second one .
• Examples:
• ُ‫( أََلْ َخْلُقك‬The only word in Quran with Qiraet Imam
• ‫ قُل َّرب‬- ُ‫بَـل َّرفَـ َعه‬
• There is exeption in this rule in ‫( بَ ْل َران‬Surat AlMutaffifin Ayah 14) there is no Idgham
becouse there’s Sakt in Laam, we pronounce
the ‫ الم‬clear with a light stop with no breath
during the stop (this is called a Sakt ‫ ) سكت‬.
4- Al-Mutabaa’idan: The Two
Far (‫(المتباعدان‬
• It means distant.
• They are the two letters that have distant
articulation point and different characteristics.
• This occurs when the first of the two letters is
saakin, and the second voweled (Mutaharik).
The Rule: Idhar.
‫ولِت ْك ِملوا ‪ -‬ح ْيثي ‪ُ -‬تْملوني‬
With my best wishes
Teacher Moshira