Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 An Experimental Investigation Based On Mathematical and Software Modeling Of Total Harmonic Distortion in Personal Computer M. Shahzad Bajwa, Aslam. Pervez Memon, Jamshed A. Ansari, M.Tarique Bhatti Abstract — The penetration of sensitive and nonlinear loads like Personal computers (PC’s) increases distortion levels and can cause severe problems to power systems. Personal computers are nonlinear devices that cause flow of nonsinusoidal current with harmonics at input power supply. Production of harmonics in personal computers has special interest to power quality (PQ) due to fact that personal computers are usually concentrated in large groups. Therefore it has become increasingly important to address their influence with good level of accuracy. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation that was conducted to develop mathematical model related to harmonics and concentration of personal computers. Curve fitting toolbox of MATLAB software has been used for developing mathematical model and then comparison is done for measured results of experimental work with developed mathematical models. The findings of this experimental work are helpful to achieve the best curve fit model for total harmonic distortion as well as individual current harmonics, which helps to determine the magnitude of harmonics for cluster of personal computers. Due to highly nonlinear behavior of personal computer and big data tables for harmonic measurement, it is very difficult to predict the effect of harmonics for power quality of distribution system. Therefore it is always required to choose the best curve fit for mathematical models. The results obtained in this paper will help in accurate modeling of harmonics due to cluster of personal computer. Index Terms — Point of Common Coupling (PCC), Power Quality (PQ), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Personal Computer(PC’s), Curve Fitting. multiples of the fundamental frequency (50 or 60Hz) [5].Harmonics cause distortion and distorted wave can be represented as shown in Fig 1. Fig. 1 Distorted waveform breaks into sinusoids Personal computers are electronic and nonlinear loads to AC supply system because they have a power supply design known as a switch mode power supply (SMPS), conducting current for part of a cycle through multiple paths in order to efficiently convert alternating current to direct current, which get down the quality of the electricity supply system [6].SMPS in computer is responsible for production of harmonics. In SMPS based load, nonlinear current is produced due to charging and discharging of dc-link capacitor in power supply [7]. A general SMPS block diagram and equivalent SMPS circuit model of personal computer is shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3 I. INTRODUCTION In AC power distribution systems, harmonics are produced when the current waveform is distorted by non linear loads. This cause power quality (PQ) problem [1]. The problem resort to massive fault occurrences and economic losses to power supply system. Therefore power system harmonics have become one of the important investigations [2-3]. Effects of harmonic in AC power supply system have always been present, but they are not in the limelight until recently due to the intensified usage of power electronic gadgets such as personal computer. Good power quality means less distortion and fewer harmonic in the voltage and current sources [4]. As harmonic in power system can be defined as the sinusoidal waveforms with frequencies Muhammad Shahzad Bajwa, Aslam Pervez Memon, Department Of Electrical Engineering, QUEST Nawabshah and Jamshed Ahmed Ansari, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sukkur IBA, Muhammad Tarique bhatti, Department of Electronic Engineering QUEST Nawabshah Manuscript received February 03, 2016; revised on March 21 and May 16, 2016; accepted on June 03, 2016. Page 62 Fig. 2 General block diagram of SMPS load [6] Fig. 3 Equivalent SMPS circuit model of PC [7] ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 Information Technology facilities are having number of computers as high as five hundred numbers or more than that. In such facilities SMPS used in computers plays important role for deciding harmonic contents. It is therefore necessary to make an experimental investigation of measuring harmonics indices and make mathematical equations for individual and total harmonics distortion indices with respect to increasing non-linear load (electronic load PC’s.) To compute and quantify the harmonic pollution the following harmonic indices are most commonly used [08-10]. A. Current and Voltage Harmonic Mathematically In (1) I1 Where Ih is value of harmonic current in percentage and In is value of nth harmonic current and I1 is value of fundamental or RMS (Root Mean Square). For the harmonic voltages, I can be replaced with V. B. Measurement of Harmonic Distortion In Equipment Degree of distortion: This will cause equipment damage or malfunction i.e. THDv Equipment Emission: How equipment will effects the supply mains i.e. THDi . THD: The distortion in voltage or current waveform is quantified by total harmonic distortion (THD). THD is used to define level of harmonic content in alternating signals. THDi = K1 K>1 (4) Where AF,K is attenuation factor and IKN is k order total N harmonic current of N loads and IK1 is k order harmonic current for single loads. The value of DF and AF in between 0 and 1, low value means high attenuation. III. METHODOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP II. CRITERIA TO ANALYZE HARMONIC DISTORTION Ih = IN AF,K = N∗IKN In this experiment, harmonics measurements of non linear load i.e. PC’s was conducted in computer laboratory by power quality analyzer (PQA) instrument at QUEST Nawabshah. Measuring harmonics in terms of individual and total Harmonic distortion (THD) and power quantities such as Power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power, input voltage and current waveforms are recorded for analyzing purpose. In experiment 24 numbers of PC’s are connected gradually one by one by pressing switches/button of AC supply mains and magnitudes of harmonics are observed and recorded. So that harmonic distortion indices as mentioned in section II can be computed and calculated. PC’s data P-4 cpu-3.00 GHz, Power supply of ATX type 220v, Monitor (CRT)-17 Inch, Power range-140w-200w, 256 MB of RAM. 2 √∑∞ n=2 Irms,n (2) Irms Where ∞ 2 Irms = √∑ Irms,n n=1 Fig. 4 View of computer laboratory in Electrical department QUEST Nawabshah Similarly for THDv , I can be replaced with V. C. Evaluation of Harmonic Distortion To evaluate the harmonic quantification two terms are generally used [11-13]. One is diversity means partial cancellation of harmonic current among different loads due to dispersion in harmonic current phase angles. Second is attenuation describes as the reduction in harmonic magnitude due to share system impedance. These two terms can be mathematically written as DF,K = |∑N n=1 IK,n | N ∑N n=1 IK K>1 (3) Where DF,K is diversity factor and IK,n is k order phasor magnitude of harmonic current of nth load and IKN is simply magnitude of harmonic current. Page 63 Fig. 5 Connection of PQA and switching board ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 A. Functionality of PQA instrument: The features of PQA are as shown in Fig.6, Fig.7 and Fig.8 Interpolation: It is used for connecting the data dots or points. The function obtained by Interpolation cannot be use as general function f(x) since it’s really a collection of small f(x) s, in which one point is connected to the next .it does not work very well for data that has built in random error or scatter. Curve Fitting: In curve fitting we find approximate function that may not pass through all data points .Approximation is usually preferable for smoothing noisy data. An example of interpolation and curve fitting for straight line as shown in Fig.9 and Fig.10 Fig. 6 Functions in PQA Fig. 9 Graph of function with interpolation Fig. 7 Recording screen of PQA Fig. 10 Graph of function with curve fit In actual practice there is not only straight line function is used for curve fit, there are lots of functions such as higher polynomials, exponential, trigonometric etc. So how do we define good fit and how we choose appropriate model? Fig. 8 Measured Data of PQA B. Curve Fitting Technique For set of data points obtained from an experimental or simulation base worked. it is assumed that there is some functions f(x) that pass through data points and we have to find that function. There are two types of curve fitting methods [14] (1) interpolation (2) curve fitting Page 64 What makes a particular model a ‘good’ fit? Most popular criteria for choosing the ‘best’ fit Residual: Difference between the measured value and fit function f(x). ei = (xi) − f(xi) is called the residual or error related with fitted data for the data pair (xi, f(xi)). ei is the vertical distance between the known data and the fitted function. residual = data – fit For straight line, residual or error may write in this way error = ∑ππ=1(π¦π − (ππ₯π + π))2 ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 So we can say criteria for choosing the ‘best’ fit , in which sum of squares of residual values (also called least squares criterion)= ∑ni=0 e2i , known as the sum of squares due to error (SSE) is minimum .The Value closer to 0 show a better fit and then approximation is equivalent to interpolation. A. Experimental Results of Voltage and Current Waveforms IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Section A present the discussion of the experimental results obtained from measurement of harmonics. Section B explains the graphical and mathematical representation of individual harmonics and THD with the help of curve fitting toolbox of MATLAB software. In section C the calculated and develop mathematical expressions have been compared. A. Results Of PQA Measurement PC’s numbering from PC1 to PC24 are connected to the AC supply mains gradually at a interval of two computers and then wave-forms of supply voltage and input current, values of power indices, harmonic spectrum of odd harmonics in current significant up to 15th harmonics and THD in current and voltage, have been captured and recorded in real time for observations. Fig. 11 One PC Fig. 12 Twenty four PC B. Experimental Results of Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, Power Factor and Displacement Power Factor Values Fig. 13 One PC Fig. 14 Twenty four PC Table 1. PQA Measurement Results Page 65 No. of PC’s Input Supply Voltage (volts) Input Current (Ampere) Power Factor Displacement Power factor Active Power (Watt) Reactive Power (Var) Apparent power (VA) Crest factor for voltage Crest factor for current 1 209.5 0.870 -0.77 -1.00 -140 118 183 1.4 2.2 2 205.0 1.715 -0.77 -1.00 -266 219 344 1.4 2.2 4 200.8 3.74 -0.79 -0.99 -0.58k 0.46k 0.74k 1.4 2.0 6 196.9 5.57 -0.78 -0.99 -0.90k 0.71k 1.15k 1.4 2.1 8 226.1 6.81 -0.78 -0.99 -1.18k 0.97k 1.53k 1.4 2.1 10 223.2 8.67 -0.78 -0.99 -1.49k 1.21k 1.92k 1.4 2.1 12 219.0 9.66 -0.77 -0.99 -1.64k 1.34k 2.11k 1.4 2.1 14 188.9 12.93 -0.80 -0.99 -1.93k 1.45k 2.41k 1.4 2.0 16 194.3 14.45 -0.80 -0.99 -2.25k 1.69k 2.82k 1.3 2.0 18 196.8 15.84 -0.79 -0.99 -2.48k 1.92k 3.13k 1.4 2.1 20 205.7 17.49 -0.79 -0.99 -2.82k 2.22k 3.59k 1.4 2.1 22 192.1 20.26 -0.80 -0.99 -3.09k 2.34k 3.88k 1.3 2.0 24 190.4 22.22 -0.80 -0.99 -3.41k 2.52k 4.24k 1.3 2.0 ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 C. Analysis of Measured Results The waveforms results of input voltage and current gives information that supply voltage is nearly sinusoidal has no significant impacts of PC’s or nonlinear load up to certain level .However input current wave shape is characterized by a pulsed current. The input current is non-sinusoidal, it contains of 2 pulses over a cycle. The result is that such a current waveform contains high level of harmonic distortion. The crest factor of input supply voltage waveforms is 1.3 lower than 1.414 when number of PC’s increases. It means concentration of PC’s increases distortions in input supply voltage waveforms .it is observed that crest factor of voltage can be much better predictor of THDi than THDv . As crest factor for input supply current is higher that is 2.2 for single PC from 1.414 this mean there is harmonic distortion in current .By increasing number of PC’s it decrease up to 2.0 . In table.4.1 the negative active power sign shows that flow of power from loads to source and if power is negative then it mean power factor is also negative sign because RMS values of current and voltage is positive. It can be concluded that “-” and “+” not show the leading and lagging Power Factor. In measured results power factor is almost 0.77 and at some point it differ very high. As per IEEE standards power factor must be between 0.90 and 0.95. But in this case power factor is quite less than 0.90 that means the reactive power drawn from supply is very high and it needs to be reduced. Because the current pulses are centered in the voltage period, the displacement power factor is almost one or 0.9. Fig. 19 9th harmonic Fig. 20 11th harmonic Fig. 21 13th harmonic Fig. 22 15th harmonic E. When Twenty Four(24) PCs Are Connected To AC Supply Mains D. Experimental Results of Odd Harmonics When One (01) PC Is Connected To AC Supply Mains Fig. 15 1st harmonic Fig. 17 5th harmonic Page 66 Fig. 23 1st harmonic Fig. 24 3rd harmonic Fig. 25 5th harmonic Fig. 26 7th harmonic Fig. 16 3rd harmonic Fig. 18 7th harmonic ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 F. Experimental Results Of Maximum, Minimum And Average Value Of ππ»π·π Fig. 27 9th harmonic Fig. 28 11th harmonic Fig. 31 One PC Fig. 32 Twenty four PC G. Experimental results of THDV values Fig. 29 13th harmoni Fig. 30 15th harmonic Fig. 33 One PC Fig. 34 Twenty four PC Table 2. PQA measured results of IHDi , THDi , THDv No. of PC’s % Magnitude Of 3rd harmonic % Magnitude Of 5th harmonic % Magnitude Of 7th harmonic % Magnitude Of 9th harmonic % Magnitude Of 11th harmonic % Magnitude Of 13th harmonic % Magnitude Of 15th harmonic % Magnitude Of ππππ’ % Magnitude Of ππππ― 1 57.2 28.3 8.6 11.3 8.6 1.5 5.4 66.3 1.6 2 55.9 22.3 6.1 11.6 5.5 1.6 3.9 62.5 2.0 4 55.2 20.2 5.6 11.1 8.5 1.9 3.4 60.1 2.2 6 56.1 23.1 2.7 10.0 5.4 2.1 4.9 62.2 2.1 8 56.1 23.3 2.0 9.3 4.8 2.3 4.2 62.1 2.0 10 56.1 22.9 1.9 8.6 4.0 2.8 4.3 61.6 2.2 12 56.2 23.3 1.1 7.9 1.2 4.3 2.5 61.8 2.2 14 53.8 16.6 7.5 7.9 1.4 3.9 2.5 57.4 2.4 16 54.1 16.6 6.3 8.4 1.1 3.9 2.2 57.9 3.7 18 54.5 18.2 5.3 8.6 1.8 3.9 2.9 58.7 3.3 20 54.4 18.1 5.0 8.0 1.2 4.0 1.7 58.6 3.6 22 53.1 14.5 6.6 6.8 1.4 4.0 1.3 53.2 4.0 24 51.3 10.6 9.0 5.8 2.5 3.7 0.4 55.9 4.3 Page 67 ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 Table 3. PQA measured results of phase angle of IHDi No. of PC’s Phase Angle Of 3rd harmonic Phase Angle Of 5th harmonic 1 145 -48 2 158 -26 4 163 -22 6 162 8 161 10 Phase Angle Of 7th harmonic Phase Angle Of 9th harmonic Phase Angle Of 11th harmonic 165 23 -172 59 -50 -114 85 -97 -100 62 -78 109 -121 -74 87 -27 -85 113 -79 -85 82 -29 -88 111 -85 -76 88 162 -27 -89 112 -90 -60 90 12 161 -29 -96 112 -145 -68 104 14 165 -20 -51 116 -120 -65 106 16 165 -21 -57 117 -106 -69 103 18 164 -22 -61 114 -105 -66 100 20 164 -22 -59 116 -166 -61 108 22 165 -22 -41 123 171 -57 112 24 165 -28 -27 133 146 -55 -92 H. Analysis Of Measured Results Of πΌπ»π·π ,ππ»π·π , ππ»π·π£ Diversity Effect: For example, from Table .2 and Table .3 For 2 PC , 10PC and combine 12 PC, the diversity factor for 5th harmonic will be DF5 = 23.3 ∗ 9.66 22.9 ∗ 8.67 + 22.3 ∗ 1.715 DF5 = 225.08 198.54 + 38.24 DF5 = 225.08 236.78 DF5 = 0.95 For 2 PC and 22 PC and combined 24 PC, the diversity factor for 5th harmonic will be DF5 = 22.22 ∗ 10.6 20.26 ∗ 14.5 + 22.3 ∗ 1.715 DF5 = 235.5 293.7 + 38.24 DF5 = 235.5 355.7 DF5 = 0.66 The diversity factor value is between 0 and 1, small value of DF show significant amount of cancellation due to the circulation of harmonic currents among individual loads. Similarly Attenuation Effect: Attenuation factor for one PC and 24 PC is connected to AC supply mains, the attenuation factor for 5 th and 15th harmonic can be calculated as Page 68 Phase Angle Of 13th harmonic 2.48 2.48 0.08 0.08 AF5 = 0.220∗(24) = 5.28 AF15 = 0.042∗(24) = 1.008 = 0.08 = Phase Angle Of 15th Harmonic 0.5 The attenuation factor value is between 0 and 1, small value of AF shows more cancellation of current harmonics. In similar manner, we can calculate value of DF and AF of any number of PC’s. With the operation of increasing nonlinear loads, the injected harmonic current magnitudes and phase angles vary in a random way. Attenuation and diversity are two key factors that are used to evaluate magnitudes of harmonics, so we can say that total distortion in current is not the arithmetic sum of harmonic current magnitudes as traditional methods describe, it can significantly overestimate the cumulative harmonic currents produced by PC’s loads. Among odd harmonics, 3rd harmonic is not much effected due to diversity effects, diversity in phase angle much more appeared for higher harmonics. Mostly cancellation of individual current harmonics occurs above from 7th harmonic. If the concentration of nonlinear loads (PC’s) is not large in cluster form, then they do not possess any severe problems for distribution feeders, but if PC’s are increases then the cumulative magnitudes of harmonic are dangerous which may impacts on distribution transformer. If the load power increases, the shape of current waveforms is affected. As a result the pulse of current is taller and high. A change is occurred in magnitudes of current harmonics and also change in phase angle. The increase of power level also effected for attenuation factor. The non-sinusoidal current in PC’s generate high magnitudes of harmonics, due to half wave symmetry the current harmonics are in odd magnitudes. ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 I. Graphical Representation and Mathematical Modeling of Results The experiment which carried out in this research work shows the results of harmonics in magnitudes ,but for engineering application of these results the convenient method is to show the πΌπ»π·π ,ππ»π·π , ππ»π·π£ function with respect to number of PC’s with mathematical expressions. Therefore curve fitting toolbox of MATLAB is used. it is possible to show the trend of odd IHDi ,THDi , THDv with increasing PC’s loads. From the graph shown in Fig.36 5th harmonic decrease as PC’s connected to AC supply mains increase. So afterward it reaches to zero. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 5th harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as I5 = 0.001239N6PC-0.001111N5PC+0.03816N4PC -0.6282N3PC+5.0826N2PC -17.56NPC +41.56 (6) >> goodnesspoly6 a. Graphical representation of 3rd harmonic sse: 3rd Harmonic 1.8365 60 c. 59 Graphical Representation Of 7th Harmonic 7th Harmonic 10 58 9 57 7 Magnitude % Magnitude % 8 56 55 54 53 6 5 4 3 2 52 1 51 0 50 2 4 Fig. 35 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Graphical representation of 3rd harmonic rd From the graph shown in Fig.35 3 harmonic magnitude is at high percentage and after decrease in constantly manner by the application of increasing PC’s load. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 3rd harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as I3 = 0.002869N6PC -0.0002706N5PC+0.009613N4PC -0.1617N3PC +1.304N2PC-4.525NPC+60.68 (5) Where NPC shows number of PC’s. >> goodnesspoly6 sse: 1.8365 b. Graphical Representation Of 5 th Harmonic 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 37 Graphical representation of 7th harmonic From the graph shown in Fig.37 indicates that the magnitude of 7th harmonic first decreases and at some points again increase with increase of PC’s rather than for 3rd and 5th harmonics. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 7th harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as I7 = 0.00655N6PC+0.003636N5PC-0.003653N4PC +0.0831N3PC-0.6375N2PC+0.7058NPC+7.8444 (7) >> goodnesspoly6 sse: d. 5th Harmonic 2 16.1732 Graphical Representation Of 9th Harmonic 30 9th Harmonic 20 18 25 16 14 Magnitude % Magnitude % 20 15 10 12 10 8 6 4 5 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 36 Graphical representation of 5th harmonic Page 69 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 38 Graphical representation of 9th harmonic ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 From the graph shown in Fig.38 indicates that 9th harmonic magnitude decrease in cubic functional way as PC’s increase. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 9th harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as From the graph shown in Fig.40 13th harmonic increase rapidly and then remains constant with further increase of PC’s. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 13th harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as I9=-0.00122N3PC+0.04904N2PC-0.7495NPC+12.68 I13 = -0.007463N2PC+0.30344NPC+0.8987 (8) >> goodnesscubic >> goodnesspoly2 sse: sse: e. 2.7824 Graphical Representation Of 11th Harmonic g. 1.4743 Graphical Representation Of 15th Harmonic 11th Harmonic 15th Harmonic 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 Meagnitud % 10 Manitude % (10) 6 5 4 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 0 Fig. 39 Graphical representation of 11th harmonic 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 41 Graphical representation of 15th harmonic th From the graph shown in Fig. 39 11 harmonic magnitude linearly decrease and reaches to zero and then remains constant for further addition of electronic loads. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 11th harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as I 11 = -0.0001655N4PC +0.009842N3PC -0.17N2PC +0.4942 NPC +7.199 (9) >> goodnesspoly4 sse: f. The magnitude of 15th harmonic decreases in constant manner with increase of PC’s. Using curve fitting technique, the function between magnitude of 13th harmonic and number of PC’s from Table.2 can be written as I 15 = 0.007311N6PC-0.0005843N5PC+0.01793N4PC -0.2632N3PC+1.867N2PC-5.735NPC+9.575 (11) >> goodnesspoly6 sse: 1.2223 10.2610 h. Graphical Representation Of 13th Harmonic Graphical Representation Of ππ»π·π 13th Harmonic 5 THDi in current 70 4.5 68 4 66 3.5 Magnitude % Magnitude % 64 3 2.5 2 62 60 58 1.5 56 1 54 0.5 52 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 40 Graphical representation of 13th harmonic Page 70 50 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 42 Graphical representation of THDi ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 From the graph shown in Fig.42 indicate impact of individual current harmonics on total harmonic distortion in current (THDi ). THDi is decrease with the increase of electronic or PC’s loads, though the curve is not smooth ,because the background distortion of power supply is not fixed. From function THDi = f(NPC ) is not continuous, it is decreasing up to some PC’s and almost constant for higher PC’s . Is looks like there is kind of saturation in THDi values, when number of PCs is increased. However, the distortion current is constant (√∑ πΌπ2 ).The values of I3, I5,I7 ,I9 ,I11 ,I13 and I15 also decline, although their absolute values are almost constant. Now the THDi and number of PC’s of table.2 can be written with help of curve fitting as THDi THDi = 0.001798N6PC-0.001408N5PC+0.04274N4PC -0.6299N3PC+4.591N2PC-15NPC+77.73 (12) >> goodnesspoly6 sse: 12.8395 The evaluation of current harmonics (odd) are derived for mathematical modeling proved that the decrease in THDi with respect to increase the number of PC’s. According power quality analyzer Fluke 43B manual instructions, if THDi is below from 20%, then it is acceptable limit. Now obtained measured results of total harmonic current distortion is more than 20% which may makes affect on the neutral line conductor. A harmonic filter necessary required to install in order to eliminate the harmonics injection into this system. For illustration purpose, when one PC and 24 PC’s connected at PCC. The harmonic current spectra in Table 3 shows cancellation among harmonics due to phase diversity, the result is that the current which is flowing through the PCC has lower value of THDi as compared to individual computer taken separately. i. The relation b/w number of PC’s and THDv can be written as from table.2 THDv = 0.00424N2PC+0.005218NPC+1.827 (13) >> goodnesspoly2 sse: 0.9013 j. Verification Of Mathematical Model Now the derived mathematical expressions by curve fitting techniques are verified by comparing the measured results with practical results. THDi = √I2rms,3 +I2rms,5 +I2rm,7 +I2rms,9 +I2rms,11 +I2rms,13 +I2rms,15 Irms For example when 8 personal computers switched on from AC supply mains Irms = 6.81 A The values of odd harmonics are as 3rd =56.1% * 6.81 = 3.8204 5th =23.3% * 6.81 = 1.5867 7th =2.0 % * 6.81 = 0.1362 9th =9.3 % * 6.81 = 0.6333 11th =4.8% * 6.81 = 0.3268 13th =2.3% * 6.81= 0.1566 15th =4.2% * 6.81= 0.2860 Now if we put these odd harmonics values in above Eq. THDi = √(3.8204)2 + (1.5867)2 + (0.1362)2 + (0.633)2 + (0.3268)2 + (0.1566)2 + (0.2860)2 6.81 THDi =17.74/6.81=0.618 %THDi=0.618*100=61.8 % Above Eq. can be modified as THD Graphical Representation Of ππ»π·π£ =√ THDv in voltage 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Irms,5 Irms,15 Irms,3 Irms,7 Irms,9 Irms,11 Irms,13 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 2 Irms Irms Irms Irms Irms Irms Irms 9 8 2 2 2 THD= √I32 + I52 + I72 + I92 + I11 + I13 + I15 Magnitude % 7 6 THD= √56.12 + 23.32 + 2.02 + 9.32 + 4.82 + 2.32 + 4.22 5 4 THDi= 61.8 % 3 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of PCs connected to AC supply mains 22 24 Fig. 43 Graphical representation of THDv From the graph shown in Fig.43 THDv is increased with increase in electronic loads. Page 71 Now I3,I5,I7,I9,I11,I13 and I15 are magnitudes of current harmonic in percentage. The measured value of THDi is 62.1 % and calculated value is 61.8%,difference between measured and calculated value is 0.25 which in terms of percentage is 0.40%.This small difference is due to neglect the odd harmonics higher from 15th harmonics. The closed results between developed ISSN – 1999-4974 Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technologies Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2016 mathematical model and measured results prove the validity of measured harmonics by PQA. It plays vital role for analysis of the odd current harmonics. Now the value of THDi from derived expression of Eq.(4.8) of THDi with the help of curve fitting toolbox is 62.67 % .The difference b/w derived value and calculated value is 0.82 which in terms of percentage is 1.3%. observed under standard limit. This project can provide an extension for further investigation in the field of nonlinear load by connecting some more new nonlinear load collectively. The applications of this particular mathematical model can be extended to the power systems with much larger number of buses. Also filtration work can be included in laboratory work as well as in software models to reduce harmonics. For odd current harmonic calculation REFRENCES Now the Eq.(5) to Eq.(11) can be used as for odd harmonic calculation. For example for 10 PC’s ,the values of odd harmonics as given below I3 =56.07 % I5 = 23.16 % I7 =2.02 % I9 =8.86 % I11 =3.33 % I13 =3.18 % I15 =3.83 % As derived Eq.(5) to Eq.(11) obtained by the curve fitting technique give very close results to the experimental measured values with less than 2% error which is acceptable. This confirm the authenticity of developed model. In same way values of IHDi ,THDi , THDv can be calculated for any number of PC’s. V. CONCLUSION This research work shows the analysis of nonlinear load concentration effecting on total harmonic distortion. The simple method to detect the harmonics and model mathematically in nonlinear load at PCC is discussed with experiment and computed by the software means. Measured results shows that magnitude of THDi is decreased when nonlinear loads (PC’s) connected to the laboratory is increased in concentration. Although individual single PC harmonic current distortions are approximately constant .The extensive measurements during experimental work provide insight in the behavior of harmonics into PC. Diversity factor and attenuation factor phenomena in PC clusters can be used for analysis of harmonic voltage and harmonic current characteristics .The more attenuation of harmonic current as harmonic increased from the 3rd harmonic. However, the 3rd harmonic experiences only slight attenuation. The harmonic spectrum for current are more dominated by high magnitudes of low order odd harmonics such as 3rd, 5th and 7 th which decay rapidly with frequency. THDv is found under standard limit but it can be high if more nonlinear load will be connected. Curve fitting technique helped us to quantify the harmonic magnitudes and also show the values of harmonics within very short time by developed mathematical expression. Verification of results shows the accuracy of using the curve fitting technique to mathematical model. Filtration methodology can be easily designed to reduce harmonic content in voltage and current if accurate harmonic generated phenomena are known. In this work voltage harmonic is Page 72 Kaushik Aryan and Varanasi Jyothi. (2014), ‘‘Harmonic Voltage Distortions in Power Systems due to Non Linear Loads’’, International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE), V. 3, No. 1, pp. 67-74. [2] Memon Aslam P., Ahsan Zafar, M. Usman Keerio, Waqar Ahmad Adil, Asif Ali. A. 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