FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP EB-1(2) - OUTSTANDING PROFESSORS & RESEARCHERS DOCUMENTATION I. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: To satisfy at least two of these criteria, please provide us with the following evidence: a. Field of Expertise – Please provide your field of expertise (for example: IC Design, Analog and Mixed Signal IC Design, communication circuits and system design, etc.). You may omit this if you provided a detailed summary of your research in your EB-1 Assessment Questionnaire. i. IMPORTANTLY: We will use this field of expertise description (exactly as you list same) throughout the USCIS Support Letter. b. Research Summary – Please provide a brief (1-2 page) overview describing, in layman's terms, your research achievements i.e. novel findings, how these findings are significant and also their impact in terms of real-world applications (i.e. consumer advancements, military applications, etc.). Focus on the benefits your research has had and will have to the United States and worldwide. Please explain if your work is in a fairly recent area of research. i. IMPORTANTLY: We will use this summary up front in the USCIS Support Letter to highlight your research in very understandable terms. c. Resume/Curriculum Vitae – Please provide a “detailed” and updated/current copy of your Resume listing therein all awards, membership, publications – journal and conference, conference presentations, standard proposals, review work – journal and conference, patents and invention disclosures, education, etc. d. Awards – Copies of all awards or confirmation of awards (letter of award issuance or email memorandum), and information on the association presenting you with said award. Note: these can be awards received in the United States or abroad. i. Ex: Best Paper award from prestigious international Conference. If a product you worked on won an award, provide us with that product’s award and evidence to connect you in a critical role to that product (listed inventor on patent or letter from manager) e. Membership in Associations – Copy of your membership cards, and information pertaining to the associations. Please include selection criteria and qualifications for membership, i.e. must you be selected for membership, or is membership open to everyone? i. Ex: Student membership are typically insufficient. Memberships in professional associations may be useful, but must be criteria to qualify for membership (i.e. Senior IEEE Member) Boston, MA Brussels, Belgium Brisbane, Australia* Chicago, IL Coral Gables, FL Dallas, TX Frankfurt, Germany Hong Kong* Irvine, CA Iselin, NJ London, UK* Los Angeles, CA Melbourne, Australia * New York, NY Paris, France ** Perth, Australia* San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Santa Clara, CA Singapore * Stamford, CT Sydney, Australia* Troy, MI Washington, DC * Affiliated through Fragomen Global Immigration Services, LLC ** Correspondent Office FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP f. Review Work – Evidence of invitations to review the work of others (reviewer, editor, Technical Program Committee Member, Track Chair, etc.). Provide evidence of review invitations and confirmations of completion of the review work for journal and conference review work (emails are sufficient). May also include journal or conference websites which list your review work. g. Updated Publication List & Copies of Publications/Articles – Provide PDF copies of all published book chapter, journal and conference publications. h. Presentations – List of all oral Presentations and Evidence of Presentations made by you at national and/or international conferences. Include email invitations to present a paper and the conference program listing your oral presentation. Please do not provide evidence of poster presentations. i. Standard Proposals List & Copies of Standard Proposals – List and evidence of all Standard Proposals clearly indicating if the proposal has been accepted/implemented into the standard. j. Citation Index/Citation Summary – Google Scholar Profile (all pages) and Google Scholar Citation Index Printouts. Create and Maintain a Google Scholar Profile, which in turn will continuously track your citations for ALL Journal papers, Conference Papers, Books/Textbooks, and Patents. Provide link to public Google Scholar page. k. IEEE Xplore Downloads – To obtain the total number of downloads, which is required in addition to your creating and maintaining a Google Scholar Profile (which will also count your total number of citations) and providing the citation articles, please provide hardcopy PRINT-OUTS of the IEEE Xplore Downloads showing the total number of downloads for each of your papers (journal, conference, standards, etc.) i. First, anyone (with or without an IEEE Membership) can access the IEEE Xplore site at: and be able to access the total number of paper downloads (using the paper title), however, will not have access to the 'full-paper'. Once an individual accesses the site, they must then search the specific paper title (Search) and then once the list of options opens (lower section of the page) and the paper is opened, the person must then click on METRICS which will provide the Paper's total number of downloads as well as a citation count for CrossRef - Scorpus - and - Web of Science. Boston, MA Brussels, Belgium Brisbane, Australia* Chicago, IL Coral Gables, FL Dallas, TX Frankfurt, Germany Hong Kong* Irvine, CA Iselin, NJ London, UK* Los Angeles, CA Melbourne, Australia * New York, NY Paris, France ** Perth, Australia* San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Santa Clara, CA Singapore * Stamford, CT Sydney, Australia* Troy, MI Washington, DC * Affiliated through Fragomen Global Immigration Services, LLC ** Correspondent Office FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP l. Other Press / Media Articles – in addition to the citation articles, please also provide copies of any and all articles, publications or press releases written by other Editors/Scientists/Researchers/Professors about your work – such as an interview with you regarding your research and/or findings, press releases featuring your research findings and/or inventions, etc. Please forward any articles or publications that are primarily about you or the research work for which you are responsible. m. Patents – Evidence of Patents (Patents, Provisional Patents and/or Invention Disclosures) clearly indicating if the patent has been granted or is pending. i. If these patents have been implemented in industry/products, provide evidence of the product which implements the patent. May require a letter from a manager to tie the patent to a consumer/industrial product. Include press releases on the product, if applicable. n. Degrees – If not previously provided, copies of your scholastic degrees (diplomas and transcripts/marks certificates), including an English translation if applicable. o. Letters of Reference – Please see reference letter worksheet provided to you with the formal initiation. These letters are meant to serve as evidence from industry peers and colleagues who can attest to and confirm the significance of your contributions to your field. Please complete each section with detailed explanations on your contributions in both technical and layman’s terms. We will take the information you provide and build the first draft of each letter on your behalf. It is important for you to select referees who can personally attest to your work, but also are well-known as industry experts or luminaries in your field. The referees can either be individuals who you have worked with or independent referees who know of your contributions through your publications, presentations, etc. p. Evidence of Grants/Funding – from Private or Governmental Agencies to conduct your Research as an individual or as a part of a research group (past, present and/or ongoing) as well as documentation verifying same. Please include documentation of the grant/funding amount, publications resulting from the research, and an explanation of why the resulting research is significant. q. Employer Offer Letter – copy of the Offer Letter you were provided by your employer. r. Documents Not in English – Please note that ALL documents not written in English must be submitted with an English translation, as well as a completed Certificate of Accuracy. Boston, MA Brussels, Belgium Brisbane, Australia* Chicago, IL Coral Gables, FL Dallas, TX Frankfurt, Germany Hong Kong* Irvine, CA Iselin, NJ London, UK* Los Angeles, CA Melbourne, Australia * New York, NY Paris, France ** Perth, Australia* San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Santa Clara, CA Singapore * Stamford, CT Sydney, Australia* Troy, MI Washington, DC * Affiliated through Fragomen Global Immigration Services, LLC ** Correspondent Office