Modeling a Professional Liability Claims Handling System Using the Unified Modeling Language Abstract This article presents a professional liability claims handling system modeled using the Unified Modeling Language. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the object-oriented modeling created by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and Jim Rumbaugh. A professional liability claims handling system tracks claims, payments and the people and organizations involved with the claim. This paper demonstrates the strengths of UML by modeling the professional liability claims handling system. 1 Modeling a Professional Liability Claims Handling System Using the Unified Modeling Language Introduction During the decade of the nineties several object-oriented methodologies and their notation were introduced. The most prominent methods were Booch [Booch-94], Object Modeling Technique (OMT) [Raumbaugh-91], and Object-Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) [Jacobson-92]. Each method had strengths and weaknesses. Unified Modeling Language (UML) extends the combination of these methodologies and has been adopted as the standard object-oriented specification language by Object Management Group (OMG). Object Oriented Modeling using UML UML is defined as a language for specifying, visualizing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system [UML97]. It is a graphical notational system that uses a variety of modeling diagrams for capturing knowledge about an environment and expressing knowledge about the environment for communication purposes. UML is composed of class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, collaboration diagrams, and use case diagrams. Most of these diagrams may be applied throughout the entire software lifecycle. The tools that are discussed in this article include class diagram, state diagram, and use case diagram. Professional Liability Claims Handling System Overview A claim is defined as any civil action, suit, proceeding or demand by any person or entity, other that the insured, seeking to hold the insured responsible for monetary damages. The damages are the result of a wrongful act actually or allegedly committed by the insured or by any other person for whose wrongful acts the insured is legally responsible. [Fireman-96] A claim has four states: incident, open, closed and purged. An incident is any occurrence that the insured believes may become a claim and reports to the insurance provider. The incident is purged if no claim is filed before the statue of limitations expires. A claim is opened when a claim is filed. The claim is closed if a the case is dismissed, a settlement is reached, or a judgment is awarded. A closed claim can be reopened. Purging of closed claims occurs after seven years. All insurance claims involve two parties, the insured (the first party) and the insurance provider (the second party). Professional liability claims also involve a third party, the claimant. The insurance provider makes payments, usually to the claimant or his legal representative. [Malecki86]. An adjuster is in charge of each open claim. A defense attorney working for an attorney firm is also assigned to each open claim. Reserve amounts are assigned to open claims. The reserve amount is the estimated worth of the claim. Adjustments are made to the reserve amount over time. The reserve amount minus the amount of payments made equals the reserve balance. There are multiple reserve types including legal reserves to pay legal expense and settlement reserves to pay settlements or judgments. 2 Claimants, attorneys defending the case, and others, all receive payments. The system must compute the amount of money available to pay claims before it can make payments. Many layers compose an insurance policy. Each layer contains limits of liability that are contractually predetermined. Three types of limits exist. The maximum paid to a single claimant is the claimant limit. The maximum paid on a single claim is the claim limit. The maximum paid to a single policyholder is the aggregate limit[Launie-86]. The Class Diagram The class diagram represents the static, structural, “data” aspects of a system. Typical information in a class diagram includes classes, associations, and inheritance. The class represents entities with common characteristics or features such as attributes, associations, and operations. In UML, a class is depicted as a compartmentalized rectangle. Class name Attribute: Operation: The top section of the rectangle contains the name of the class. The middle section contains the structure of the class or a list of its attributes. The final section contains the behavior of a class or its list of the methods (operations). Associations represent relationships between objects in associated classes. In UML, an association is drawn as a line connecting associated classes. Multiplicity defines the number of objects that participate in the given relationship. The multiplicity of the association is shown below. 1 One and Only One Class 0..* 0..1 1..* Class Many (zero or more) Class Zero or one Class One or more Class Exactly one, two or four 1,2,4 Inheritance represents relationships between classes where a subclass shares the structure and/or behavior of one or more classes or superclasses. 3 Superclass The superclass has two subclasses, sub class 1 and subclass 2. The two subclasses are mutually exclusive. Subclass-1 Subclass-2 Professional Liability Claims Handling System Class Diagram The class diagram for the Professional Liability Claims Handling System is shown in Figure 4. The diagram does not include any information not directly related to the tracking and paying of claims. For example, provisions for billing policyholders are not included. A list of the objects used in the class diagram is given in the following table: Stakeholder State history Person Organization Policy Layer Reserve Type Claim Defendant Claimant Reserve Adjustment Payment Any person or organization that has an interest, or ‘stake’, in the business or system is a stakeholder. Claimants in an iclaim are either a person or an organization. Named defendants are also either a person or an organization. Handling both of these situations is very easy with the stakeholder object. Claims go through many states including incident, active, and closed. In some cases, the claim switches back and forth between states. The State history object tracks the date on which a claim enters each state. A person is a subtype of stakeholder. An organization is the second type of a stakeholder. An insurance policy purchased by either a person or an organization. One or more layers combine to make an insurance policy. Reserve types include: Legal Fees, Legal Costs, Settlement Costs. Reserve types are grouped under each other. For example, Legal Fees and Legal Costs may be grouped under Legal Expenses. The claim object contains either an incident, open claim or closed claim. The defendant object resolves a many to many relationship between a claim and a stakeholder. Each stakeholder is a defendant in zero or more claims. Each claim has zero or more defendants. The claimant object resolves a many to many relationship between a claim and a stakeholder. Each stakeholder is a claimant in zero or more claims. Each claim has zero or more claimants. A reserve adjustment changes the amount of money that is set aside to pay expensed for a claim. A reserve adjustment may be for zero or one claimant. A reserve adjustment is for one reserve type. A payment is an exchange of money between two stakeholders. A payment may be to zero or one claimant. Each payment is for one reserve type. 4 Stakeholder Pay To Address Phone Receive From Policy Holder Insurance Provider Policy Person Organization Policy limit Per claim limit Per claimant limit Eff ective Date Term Date Insurance Co. Stakeholder is Defendant Prefix First Middle Last Suff ix DOB Legal Name Common Name Policy Eff ective Policy Term. Money Exausted Attorney Firm Claim under Policy Policy Layer 1+ Staleholder is Claimant Claim Adjuster Attorney Defendant Defendant for Claim Notes State History Claim Number Description Notes 1+ Claim States New Claim Incident to Claim Claim Closed Claim Reopened Claim Purged Layer limit Per claim limit Per claimant limit State Change Date Policy Eff ective Policy Inactive Money Exauhsted Payment f or Claim Rsrv Adj. for Claim Claimant f or Claim Layer Reserve Type Reserve type limit Claimant Limit Single Claim Limit Claimant 1+ Reserve Types of Layer Layer Active Layer Inactive Money Exauhsted Notes Reserve Adj. For Claimant Payment for Claimant Reserve Adj. Payment Amount Date Notes Reserve Type of Payment Amount Notes New Payment Req. Req. Approved Req. Denied Req. Canceled Check Cut Payment History Status Change Date 5 Payment States The State Diagram The state diagram represents the temporal, behavioral, “control” aspects of a system. It shows the different states that an object goes through in it’s life, events that are experienced by the object, and the behavior of the object to an event. A state is displayed as a rounded rectangle. State A transition from one state to another caused by an event is depicted as an arrow. State 1 event State 2 Finally, the initial state is shown below. Initial State The Professional Claims Handling System State Diagram The state diagram for the Professional Claims Handling System is depicted in the following figure. The diagram does not include all of the objects from the class diagram. Each excluded object had two states, Exists and Deleted. The included objects are Claim, Policy, Layer and Reserve Type. The Claim object has four states. Its initial state is an incident or open claim. An object in the incident state becomes an open claim, or after the statue of limitations has expired, object transitions from the incident state and becomes a purged claim. An open claim becomes a closed claim if it is closed, settled, or if a judgment is awarded. A closed claim becomes an open claim if it is reopened. Otherwise, a closed claim becomes a purged claim after seven years. The Payment object has four states with the initial state being payment request. Upon approval, the payment request becomes a payment pending. It becomes a Payment Made after the check is cut. If the payment request is canceled, or the request is not approved, it becomes a canceled payment. A Policy object, which begins as a new policy, has three states. The Policy becomes active after the effective date of the policy. The Policy becomes inactive after the termination date of the policy, or all funds have been exhausted. The Layer and Reserve Type objects have the same states as the Policy object. 6 Claim States Payment States Request f or Payment Incident Request Approved tue Claim filed Sta Re of lim Re que que st D e nie st C d anc ele d ita n tio s Open Claim Payment Pending ledPay ment ve n Ye ar s Check Cut Canceled Reserve Type States Policy Active Reserve Type Inactive 7 e Term Dat tive tive Layer Inac Policy Inac Layer Inactive Money E xhausted Reserve Type Active Money E xhausted Layer Active Money E xhausted Effective Date New Policy Layer Active New Reserve Type Policy States Policy Effective New Layer n ce Payment Made Closed Claim Layer States Ca Se Reopened Closed Claim Purged R e st equ Policy Inactive The Use Case Diagram The use case diagram documents the “functional” aspects of a system from the users point of view. It specifies the results of operations without specifying how or when they are done. A use case diagram contains processes accept events from actors of the system. A use case is depicted as an elliptical circle. The name of the use case is inside the circle. A flow is a line with an arrow on one end. It represents communication between the actor and the system. We label our communications to better understand the diagram. An actor is shown as an stick figure. The name of the actor is given immediately below. The actor stimulates the use case with system events. It is an active object that drives the state diagram by producing and consuming values. Process Data Actor's name The Professional Claims Handling System Use Case Diagram The use case diagram for the Professional Claims Handling System is on the following page. On this example, all data stores have been collapsed into one symbol called Data Bases. The diagram contains four processes: File Claim, Pay Claim, Adjust Reserves and File Incident, and three actors: Adjuster, Claimant and Insured. 8 Request Payment Adjuster Re qu Release tA Pay claim en ount m st Payment am t Limits Payment history u dj Check Claim es Claimant Limits Claim info Data Bases Incident report File incident Insured s Reserve Current ent Info Adjustm Adjust Reserves Incident info Notification of claim File claim Conclusion Unified Modeling Language has unified the best of Booch, OMT, OOSE and other methodologies to produce a standardized modeling language. UML’s class diagram is complete and understandable. Its state diagram, which identifies the required methods and states, is straightforward. The use case diagram has allows one to comprehend how data and external users affect the behavior of a system. Overall, UML has made it easier to specify, visualize, and document a software system. 9 References [Alhir-98] Sinan Alhir. UML in a Nutshell. O’Reily & Associates, Inc., 1998. [Booch-94] Grady Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, 1996. [Firemans-96] Firemans fund insurance policy, form C22016. [Jacobson-94] Ivar Jacobson. Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach. Addison-Wesley, 1994. [Launie-86] J.J. Launie, J. Finley Lee, Norman A. Baglini. Principles of Property and Liability Underwriting. Malvern, Pennsylvania: Insurance Institute of America [Malecki-86] Donald S. Malecki, et. al.. Commercial Liability Risk Management and Insurance Volume I. Malvern, Pennsylvania: American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters [Rumbaugh-91] James Rumbaugh, et. al.. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991. [UML97] Grady Booch, et. al. “The Unified Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Development”, Documentation Set Version 1.1, Rational Software Corporation, 1997. 10