SFTY 1100 HW 1-Due Wk 2 Class 2- Aug 26 MW class or Aug 27 TTH class Defining Risk and Control Overview: This assignment is to introduce risk and related controls in EHS Environmental Heath and Safety. The outcome is that you accurately identify hazards, risks, and controls. HW score includes both content and following directions. 1. 2. 3. You are to provide and identify a picture of a situation that indicates a hazard (at home, work, hobby, industry, play..etc) Name the Hazard and other required information Upload your photo 1. 2. 4. 5. Complete the Risk assignment as indicated on slide 2 and as discussed in class. Refer to slides 3-5 for resources. Follow font sizes for the information to be presented visually correct/understood. Complete and post ONLY SLIDE 2 to Blackboard MW –Post by 11 am Wed Aug 26 /TH Post by 11:30 am Thurs. Aug 27) 6. Title your HW as: HW 1_Hazards Risks_your Last name first Initial _ Date ( I.e. HW1_Hazards Risks_Hefferin T_Aug 26 2020) Name of Your Hazard Your Name/Date/Class Title Use this format/bckgrndAll Font size 24 or more reqrd./ Picture of your hazard Show Your Scores Risk Score Calculations & Results & Recommendations Use the Scoring table (slide 2) and hierarchy of controls 1) Calculate a Risk Score-(Combine all Safety, property and environmental hazards to achieve) Severity x (How often the risk will create exposure) Frequency (slide 3-4) Scoring is subjective. 2) Provide 2-3 Recommendations based on the Hierarchy of Controls. Use Methods of Substitution, Elimination etc.. and in that order to correct the hazard ( slide 5). corrections require considering all possibilities 3)Compliance- Provide the number indicating How often the hazard is in compliance (1-5) (slide 4) Risk-Identification via Scoring and Prioritizing Severity Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Incident/Accident/Crash Outcomes Property Health Effects (People) Damage Likelihood of Occurrence 2 3 4 5 Unlikely Possible Likely Very Likely Environment 1 Impact Very Unlikely Significant Death or permanent total Catastrophic environmental disability damage impact 5 10 Permanent partial disability, Significant, but injuries or illness that may reversible, result in hospitalization of at Severe environmental least three personnel damage impact 4 8 Moderate Injury or occupational illness reversible resulting in one or more days Significant environmental away from work damage impact 3 6 Injury or occupational illness Minimal not resulting in a lost work Moderate environmental day damage impact 2 4 First aid only or no injuries or Light No environmental illnesses damage impact 1 2 Very high risk: 15 or greater High risk: 10 – 14 Moderate risk: 5 – 9 Low risk: 1-4 15 20 25 12 16 20 9 12 15 6 8 10 3 4 5 Severity x (Frequency + Compliance)= Risk Controls = Effectiveness to reduce risk Rank Score: 1 – 5 = Lowest to highest risk rank Severity: Looks at the process as if there were no controls used and what the worst probable outcome. Frequency: How often is this task performedHigher score for higher frequency ---------------------------------------------------------------Controls: What controls are in place?: We don’t have any controls, administrative controls only, engineering controls only, admin and engineering controls, or failsafe Compliance –Effectiveness that the hazards is controlled: Almost always compliant (5), noncompliant once per year (4), (3)non-compliant once per month, (2) non-compliant weekly, out of control (1) 4 5