EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com The perils in research writing Preparing a dissertation can be challenging, daunting and painful, especially for the uninitiated. However, worry not. This guidebook imparts some of the important generalised principles and approaches which will aid postgraduate researchers in developing a professional research thesis that is meaningful and memorable. Practising them with due diligence will help you navigate through the trenches and maze of research writing with much clarity and mastery. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com You will find in this guidebook, heaps of tips and activities. By the end of this book, you will understand and develop abilities in preparing a memorable and meaningful dissertation. We sincerely hope you will benefit a lot from this guidebook, graduate on time, and have fun working on your research dissertation. We welcome constructive suggestions and comments on this guidebook. Good luck! DR DAVID YOONG (PHD, MCJ, MLING, BA) SUE-ANNE LIM delphi@be-adept.com www.be-adept.com (M.COUNS, ACCA, B.COMM & LAW) (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CORE BUSINESS OF RESEARCH....................................1 THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS................................................2 COMING UP WITH TOPICS....................................................5 THE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER.............................................9 COOK UP A LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................12 BUILDING A RESEARCH BLUEPRINT...................................17 ANALYSING DATA...............................................................19 PROPER CLOSURE...............................................................24 GET MORE HELP ON RESEARCH WRITING..........................25 THE BE ADEPT TEAM..........................................................27 (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 01 THE CORE BUSINESS OF RESEARCH First, understand why we do research. We are in the business of generating facts. And, facts are statements that are difficult to dispute. Second, know who you are writing for. You are writing for a group of experts. They have many years of experience in the area of your research. So, you have to write as though you’re one of them. They want to see if you have the competence of being part of the ‘club’ and a knowledgemaker. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 02 THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Four questions that your readers have What is your research about? Your answer must be easily understood by your stakeholders and members of the intellectual community in your field. Why should anyone care about your research? This is a question of significance. Your examiners want to see value in your research. What are you planning to reveal that is new? Research must reveal interesting insight s t hat are not obvious to others or verify ideas. How are you generating your facts? Explain the types of data which are curat ed, the methods of data collection, and the methods of data analysis. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 03 THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Try to answer these questions What is your research about? E.g. Examining the lived experiences and the emotions of people who use drugs in relation to police harassment. Finding ways to improve policing practices. Why should anyone care about your research? E.g. By understanding policing practices, we can identify interactional practices that contribute to the fear of seeking treatment which in turn may lead to increased dangerous drug use practices. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 04 THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Try to answer these questions What are you showing that is new? E.g. Documented narratives concerning police interaction. How are you generating your facts? E.g. Research design: Face-to-face interview research design Data types - Narratives of police harassment Data collection methods - Interviews with people who use drugs Data analysis methods - Social actor analysis (van Leeuwen, 1996) (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 05 COMING UP WITH TOPICS The RETAIL framework Assuming you don’t have a topic in mind, consider using the RETAIL framework that we developed. This framework draws its inspiration from businesses where sellers make a living by selling what is valuable t o others. R - Read voraciously By reading, you will acquire new knowledge. You will be able to determine what research has been done before, and what has not . E - Experiences Don’t do research that you do not care about . One way to do research that is meaningf ul t o you is to draw topics from your personal experience. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 06 COMING UP WITH TOPICS The RETAIL framework T - Test your ideas Whenever you develop new ideas, it is imperative to test them in terms of feasibilit y (practicality) and ambition. You need to f ind a nice balance between both. A - Ask questions Be curious like a child. Ask simple and difficult questions. Ask questions that will add value to the lives of other people I - Immerse yourself in data Before you begin writing your research, it is a good idea to get hold of some preliminary data. This will help you to develop great er data familiarity. Carry out informal observations and informal thought experiments. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 07 COMING UP WITH TOPICS The RETAIL framework L - Create leverages One example of a leverage is to engage wit h the experts in the field. Ask them quest ions like what has been done? What has not been done? What are the latest trends that are worth pursuing? Also, get honest feedback on your topics. R E T A I L - Read voraciously Experiences Test your ideas Ask questions Immerse yourself in data Create leverages (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 08 COMING UP WITH TOPICS Refer to the RETAIL Framework and list a few possible research topics. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 09 THE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER Developing your problem statements The most important part of a thesis is t he introduction chapter. This chapter stipulat es the trajectories of the research, it determines the appropriateness of the literature chapt er, the research designs, the analysis and so on. In this book, we are going to focus on t wo elements: Problem statements Research purpose and questions (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 10 THE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER Problem statements This is where you identify the research gaps and also real life implications. Create your own statements based on the example below. E.g. An overview of the literature reveals that police harassment cases of people who use drugs are well documented and covered in western countries, but literature is scarce in the South East Asian region. Personal correspondence with 20 methadone clinics reveals that police harassment may cause fear among patients, thus compelling them to engage in dangerous drug practices like needle sharing - which in turn may increase the risk of HIV and AIDS exposure. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 11 THE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER Research purpose and questions Here is where you state your motivation and your specific lines of enquiry. E.g. Research Purpose: To give a voice to the marginalised and to find ways to improve policing practices. Research Question (RQ): What goes on in these interactions? Why is this asked? This question is asked to explore the policing nature toward people who use drugs. How will this question be answered? To answer this question, a face-to-face interview is carried out with people who use drugs at a methadone clinic in Kuala Lumpur. The interview will elicit the narratives which will then be examined using the social actors analysis framework. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 12 COOK UP A LITERATURE REVIEW 3 steps to cook up a literature review Here are some reasons we need to review literature: To do a critique of other people’s work To build a repository of knowledge, theories and concepts To identify gaps and variables There are three main steps in producing a professional literature review chapter. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 13 COOK UP A LITERATURE REVIEW 3 steps to cook up a literature review Step 1: Make a list of the keywords relat ed t o your research questions. These keywords can be the major themes (or subthemes) in your literature review. E.g. Policing powers Police harassment and police presence Policing ideologies: crime control, due process, social discipline Policing and harm reduction Review of legislations related to drug policy and practices in Malaysia (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 14 COOK UP A LITERATURE REVIEW 3 steps to cook up a literature review Step 2: Search for relevant literature and plot mind-maps to link these ideas. An example: (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 15 COOK UP A LITERATURE REVIEW 3 steps to cook up a literature review Step 2: Search for relevant literature and plot mind-maps to link these ideas. Try it for yourself. Remember to also map the relevant citations for each node on your mind-map. Get your data from reliable sources: e.g. Web of Science, reputable publishers (Taylor and Francis, etc.) Each node should cover these two things: concepts (definition of ideas) and theories (explanations of phenomena) (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 16 COOK UP A LITERATURE REVIEW 3 steps to cook up a literature review Step 3: Present your understanding of the literat ure in your own voice. Write as though you are delivering a great lecture where you’re not merely referr ing t o notes, but you’re trying to engage as much as you can with your audience. Avoid merely reporting and summarising points. You need to take a step back and explain in your own words. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 17 BUILDING THE RESEARCH BLUEPRINT RESEARCH METHODS AND METHODOLOGY The triangle of research designs This chapter aims to convince your examiners your methods are also reliable, valid, and trustworthy, and you are explaining how you are using them to address your research quest ions in great depth. If you want to be regarded like a professional, you will have to do more t han just describe procedures. You must also pr ovide a discussion of the procedures. There are three component in every research design that you must address in order t o answer the research questions: Data types Data collection methods Data analysis methods (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 18 BUILDING THE RESEARCH BLUEPRINT RESEARCH METHODS AND METHODOLOGY Fill in the following details of your own research to help build your research methods and methodology chapter. Data Types E.g.Narratives of people who use drugs Data Collection Methods E.g. Face-to-face semi structured survey Data Analysis Methods E.g. van Leeuwen (1992) framework of analysis Advantages & Disadvantages E.g. Expensive and time consuming compared to focus group method. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 19 ANALYSING DATA Think like a scientist An analysis aims to provide insights to what is hidden. Check out the illustration of an iceberg metaphor below. The iceberg (data) is what we can easily see and observe. A scholar should try to make sense of the what is holding the iceberg in place by examining what is hidden from view. This is the crux of an analysis. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 20 ANALYSING DATA 5 steps in doing an analysis Step 1 - Make a claim The fella is likely to have been murder ed by a fork. Step 2 - Provide exhibit (evidence) The fella is likely to have been murder ed by a fork. Exhibit A. Dead guy Provide relevant descriptions of the exhibit . Photo taken at scene of incident at 10: 23pm by the forensic unit Body was found lying stomach down. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 21 ANALYSING DATA 5 steps in doing an analysis Step 3 - Activate/highlight relevant parts in the exhibit and discuss in detail There are four puncture marks on the head which is of interest. Depth of puncture marks = 2cm. The front al lobe is punctured. *Do not activate irrelevant parts, e.g. colour of hair, shoes, armpit hair. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 22 ANALYSING DATA 5 steps in doing an analysis Step 4 - Provide logical and qualified interpretations The puncture marks indicate forceful impact of a sharp object. Sharp object is likely to be a fork. Further biochemistry analysis will further corroborate evidence if death is caused by puncture marks. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 23 ANALYSING DATA 5 steps in doing an analysis Step 5 - Organise your analysis into themes Make sure you are telling a story. Use headers and section headers to narrate your analysis. Keep it to 3 levels. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 24 PROPER CLOSURE Give your research a good ending. Short chapter that contains three parts: Summary Summarise key ideas Recommendations to the problem statements Link findings to problem statements; provide suggestions to solve problems Recommendations to future research Relate back to the limitations of the research and what can be done in the future (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 25 GET MORE HELP ON RESEARCH WRITING Comprehensive lectures that save your time & money. Accessible anywhere, anytime online Full course available on Udemy. Discount ed price for a limited time only. How to write an excellent research thesis Learn the ways to exceed your examiners' expectations in less than 3 hours! (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 26 GET MORE HELP ON RESEARCH WRITING 3 years for a PhD? Here’s how to do it right. To learn more, consider getting this easy-t o-read eBook by Dr. David Yoong. (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020 EXCELLENT RESEARCH THESIS WRITING www.be-adept.com | 27 The BE Adept team Dr David Yoong Sue-Anne Lim (PhD La Trobe, MCJ Malaya, MLing Malaya, BA USM) (M.Couns Malaya, ACCA, B.Comm&Law Melbourne) Personal development trainer, author, academic researcher, consultant Trained counselor, acceptance and commitment therapist Dr David Yoong was a university researcher and senior lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. He was also Deputy Dean of Research and Development. Sue-Anne Lim was a tax consultant at Ernst & Young. Today, she is a trained counselor who helps people gain clarity and under-standing of their emotions. delphi@be-adept.com www.be-adept.com Facebook: @daveyoong.ideas (C) DAVID YOONG & SUE-ANNE LIM COPYRIGHT 2020