CIKM 2010 Conference Proceedings 1 of 3 Main Page file:///H:/ACM%20Fall%20Proceedings/CIKM2010/CIKM_2010/pair/au... PaIR'10 Author Index CIKM'10 A C D E F H J K Workshops M N O P R S T V L AND'10 BooksOnline'10 CloudDB'10 Andersson, Linda A Vector Space Analysis of Swedish Patent Claims with Different Linguistic Indices (Page 47) DOLAP'10 Arens, Robert DTMBIO'10 Comparison of IPC and USPC Classification Systems in Patent Prior Art Searches (Page 27) ESAIR'10 Cardenas, Alfonso F. PaIR'10 Search for Patents Using Treatment and Causal Relationships (Page 1) PIKM'10 SMUC'10 Sponsors & Supporters D'hondt, Eva Genre and Domain in Patent Texts (Page 39) Ertl, Thomas Preliminary Study into Query Translation for Patent Retrieval (Page 57) Farfán, Fernando PatentsSearcher: A Novel Portal to Search and Explore Patents (Page 33) Hanbury, Allan Aspects and Analysis of Patent Test Collections (Page 17) Harris, Christopher G. Comparison of IPC and USPC Classification Systems in Patent Prior Art Searches (Page 27) Foreword Ideas: from Mind, to Paper, to Mind: Panel Outline (Page 67) Hernández, Alejandro PatentsSearcher: A Novel Portal to Search and Explore Patents (Page 33) Hristidis, Vagelis PatentsSearcher: A Novel Portal to Search and Explore Patents (Page 33) (Return to Top) Jochim, Charles Preliminary Study into Query Translation for Patent Retrieval (Page 57) Koch, Steffen 10/18/2010 10:58 AM CIKM 2010 Conference Proceedings 2 of 3 file:///H:/ACM%20Fall%20Proceedings/CIKM2010/CIKM_2010/pair/au... Preliminary Study into Query Translation for Patent Retrieval (Page 57) Kondo, Tomoki Automatic Creation of a Technical Trend Map from Research Papers and Patents (Page 11) Krishnan, Ashwathi Search for Patents Using Treatment and Causal Relationships (Page 1) Liao, Wenhui Unsupervised Learning for Reranking-Based Patent Retrieval (Page 23) Lioma, Christina Preliminary Study into Query Translation for Patent Retrieval (Page 57) Lupu, Mihai Aspects and Analysis of Patent Test Collections (Page 17) Foreword Ideas: from Mind, to Paper, to Mind: Panel Outline (Page 67) Mayer, Katja Foreword Nanba, Hidetsugu Automatic Creation of a Technical Trend Map from Research Papers and Patents (Page 11) Oostdijk, Nelleke Genre and Domain in Patent Texts (Page 39) Piroi, Florina Aspects and Analysis of Patent Test Collections (Page 17) Ruiz, Eduardo PatentsSearcher: A Novel Portal to Search and Explore Patents (Page 33) Schütze, Hinrich (Return to Top) Preliminary Study into Query Translation for Patent Retrieval (Page 57) Springer, Derek Search for Patents Using Treatment and Causal Relationships (Page 1) Srinivasan, Padmini Comparison of IPC and USPC Classification Systems in Patent Prior Art Searches (Page 27) Tait, John Foreword Ideas: from Mind, to Paper, to Mind: Panel Outline (Page 67) Takezawa, Toshiyuki Automatic Creation of a Technical Trend Map from Research Papers and Patents (Page 11) van Halteren, Hans Genre and Domain in Patent Texts (Page 39) (Return to Top) Varadarajan, Ramakrishna PatentsSearcher: A Novel Portal to Search and Explore Patents (Page 33) Veeramachaneni, Sriharsha 10/18/2010 10:58 AM CIKM 2010 Conference Proceedings 3 of 3 file:///H:/ACM%20Fall%20Proceedings/CIKM2010/CIKM_2010/pair/au... Unsupervised Learning for Reranking-Based Patent Retrieval (Page 23) Verberne, Suzan Genre and Domain in Patent Texts (Page 39) 10/18/2010 10:58 AM