Uploaded by Ernesto Joel Robalino Salazar

CYMDIST 4.7 Tutorial: Getting Started

A tutorial database to use with this tutorial is provided with
the installation package of CYMDIST. The explanations below
are based on the use of that database.
1. Getting Started
Set the Configuration in CYMDIST
Configuration files are used with CYMDIST to keep the different settings of the application such as the
display options, the calculation parameters, the databases configurations, etc. It is thus important to set
up the configuration files that CYMDIST will be using.
You can create you own configuration that can be distributed to other users, making it easy to use the
same default configuration.
1. From the installation folder of CYMDIST, open the executable file
2. The CYMDIST Configuration Setup dialog box is displayed at the
Configuration Files tab. Click on the New button. Enter a name for the
configuration that you will use with this Tutorial, and then click OK.
3. To select the path of the folder containing the configuration files, click the Browse… button located at
the bottom of the dialog box. The files are in the installation folder of CYMDIST, in the subfolder
(by default, the complete path should be C:\CYME\CYMDIST\Tutorial\Configuration).
Once the folder is selected, click the button Select. This gets you back to the CYMDIST
Configuration Setup dialog box.
4. Click on the button Apply to apply the path to all of the configuration files. Your new configuration is
now complete.
To close the CYMDIST Configuration Setup and to save the new configuration you have created, press
the button OK. Clicking on the button Start CYMDIST in this dialog box will start the application using
the configuration just selected.
Set the Database
Once CYMDIST is started, you first need to connect to a database containing the network, equipment
and load information. You can also create a new database that you will populate by importing data.
or, from the menu, select
1. From the Databases tab of the Explorer Bar, click New.
File > Database > Create. This displays the CYMDIST Database Wizard. Select “Single database”
as your Database Mode and click Next.
2. The wizard displays the Database Type options. Select “Microsoft Access” and click Next.
3. Then the wizard displays the Microsoft Access Database options available. Browse or type in the
“Database File” name with the full path as shown in the picture below or browse to locate your file.
Click Next.
If you enter a new *.mdb filename, CYMDIST will
create an empty database automatically for you.
Your CYMDIST installation folder might be on a drive
other than C:\.
© CYME International T&D, August 2007
CYMDIST 4.7 Tutorial – Getting Started
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4. The wizard then asks you to confirm your database configuration setting. Ensure that you have
entered the correct settings and information, and click Continue.
5. Finally, you enter the name of the database configuration. By default, the name of the database file is
selected. Once you have entered the name, click Finish.
Once you click Finish, the CYMDIST Database Wizard closes and your new database configuration is
added to the Databases tab of the Explorer Bar.
The “Database Configuration Name” is the name that is displayed in the Database tab of the Explorer
Bar or in the drop-down list box of the Database toolbar. Database configurations are session-persistent.
It is possible to change the database configuration as the projects and studies change.
Get Started with CYMDIST
When you open CYMDIST, the background of the window is grey and most of the toolbar icons
and menu commands are disabled. To enable all of the functions of the application and get
started with a study, click on the New Study icon or, from the menu, select File > New Study.
Load Circuits
1. From the toolbar, click on the Show/Hide
Network icon. The dialog box Load /
Unload / View Networks opens and let
you select the feeders you wish to load and
2. Use the double green arrow pointing to the
right to load all the circuits in the one-line
diagram, and click OK. The display should
now look like the one shown on the right.
3. To unload circuits, you use the same
Show/Hide Network icon.
4. To unload all the circuits from the OLD and
from the memory, use the double arrow
pointing to the left. The two right columns
should now be empty.
5. To load a single circuit, in this case the
feeder GA04, highlight the circuit name in
the Network(s) in Database list and click
on the green single-arrow. You can also
double-click on the circuit name directly.
Click the button OK.
Your CYMDIST screen should now look
like the following image if you have loaded
only the GA04 feeder.
You can also load networks (circuits) into the study
using the Explorer Bar. See section 2.3 of the
Reference Manual to learn about it.
See section 5.8.2 of the Reference Manual to learn
about the filtering options available in the Load /
Unload / View Networks dialog box.
© CYME International T&D, August 2007
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CYMDIST 4.7 Tutorial – Getting Started
Save, Close and Open a Study
1. From the toolbar, click on the Save Study icon or, from the menu, select File>Save Study As.
2. Enter a name (“Tutorial” for example) for the study file in the field File Name and press OK.
3. In order to open a study, you first need to close the current study. Do this using the menu by
selecting File>Close Study.
The main window of CYMDIST should now be disabled (grayed), as for most buttons of the
toolbars and menu options.
4. To open the study, you can press the Open Study icon from the toolbar. You can also select
File>Open Study from the menu.
Select the study file you previously created and click Open.
5. CYMDIST loads the circuits that were loaded in the OLD when the study was last saved, and
the modifications that were saved in the study will be applied on the circuits.
The CYMDIST screen should look like when it was last saved.
Saving a self-contained study – The second option to save modifications to the circuits is to save as a
self-contained study.
The steps to save and open a self-contained study are exactly the same as for a simple study. The only
difference is that when you open a self-contained study you do not need to be connected to the
database it was created with. The file is autonomous, meaning that it contains all the information to
replicate the network that was loaded when the study was saved.
Updating the network – The third option to save modifications to the circuits with CYMDIST is to
update the database with the command File>Database>Update Network.
Navigate in CYMDIST
CYMDIST features several ways to navigate through the data and the graphics that are displayed in the
workspace. The simplest and more general ones are standard pan/zoom and search functions.
Begin by loading the circuit GA04 from the database that was already configured. (step
Pan – Click the right mouse button once and hold it down (the cursor will show “Pan”). Move the
mouse and release the button. The picture on the screen will move as though you had pulled it.
Zoom – Click the right mouse button twice and hold it down. The cursor should change to “Zoom”.
Move the mouse so that the outline box surrounds the desired area and release the button.
Zoom – If your mouse is equipped with a wheel, you can zoom in or out using that wheel. The
center of the area that will be zoomed (the focus of the zoom) will be the location of the cursor on
the display. It will remain visible as you change the zoom level.
Zoom tools –You can choose Zoom In or Zoom Out to increase or decrease the size of the
network components and the level of details displayed. Zoom to fit will bring you to your original
display, while Magnify will allow you to select and magnify a small part of the network. See
section 2.4.3 of the Reference Manual for an outline of all the zoom tools.
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CYMDIST 4.7 Tutorial – Getting Started
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Search a section, node or equipment
1. The Find icon (or the Edit>Search menu command)
offers an easy way to select a section, node, or
equipment. It displays the Search dialog box that
contains a list of all sections (by name) currently
displayed on the OLD.
2. Choose a “section” from the drop down combo box.
CYMDIST highlights, zooms in and centers the
selected section in the display.
3. The Search function contains filters. Click on the
Properties button next to the combo box. The Search
dialog box expands to display the available filter
4. Here you can select specific type(s) of equipment. For
example, check the option Use Filters and select
Switch by checking the appropriate box in the
category Protective Devices.
Note that CYMDIST indicates the number of elements it found corresponding to the filters you
selected. In this case, we can see that there are 19 switches in the circuit.
5. The combo box only lists the sections containing the elements filtered, in this case sections with
switches. Select one in the combo box. This action zooms in on the element selected and
centers it on the display.
6. When the Draw circle on devices button (in the
same combo box) is selected, you will see in the
graphical display that all switches are now
represented with a circle around each.
An alternate way to search a component is by using the Detailed View Tab of the Explorer pane. Since
you are looking for a section, expand the list of sections by clicking on the + sign next to the word
“Sections”. Go to the number “12152”. Right-click on it to display the contextual menu, and select Locate.
The section will be selected automatically, and the display will be adjusted so that the section is centered
on the OLD display.
Access the Properties of a Section
As you build or modify your model, you can set the properties specific to each component. To access the
Properties dialog box of a specific node or section, select the node or the section on the OLD display, and
double-click. The equivalent menu command is Edit>Properties. You can also right-click on the
component selected and then select Properties. This displays the Properties dialog box that shows the
properties and current settings of the element selected.
See chapter 3 of the Reference Manual for an overview of sections and node properties.
© CYME International T&D, August 2007