DNP805 Organizational Systems and Leadership Module 1 Assignment Project: (This is an individual, not a group or team assignment) Some of the guidelines for working on these skills within your paper include the following: Describe the healthcare system, including the history and development. Include the number and types of people who work in this system, for example the number of employees and the number of patients served. What are the mission, vision, and values of your system? How are these things demonstrated to your clients and the community? What smaller systems are within your system? Is your system part of a larger system? Describe the interrelationships of your system with other smaller or larger systems. Describe these points of interaction. Describe the culture in your system. What are the shared beliefs and values of those who work in your system? How is conflict handled? How likely is it that your system will take risks? Describe the power structure within your system. Include anything else that you think describes your culture. Provide an analysis of a Health System Issue Apply Kotter’s 8 Stage Model to the issues and focus of your project (see below) What financial costs will be incurred because of your change? Conclusion. Kotter’s 8-stage model is a useful, comprehensive, step-by-step approach for making change. It applies systemic thinking to any change project. Stage 1: Establishing a Sense of Urgency Stage 2: Creating the Guiding Coalition Stage 3: Developing A Vision and Strategy Stage 4: Communicating the Change Vision Stage 5: Empowering Employees for Broad Based Action Stage 6: Generating Short-term Wins Stage 7: Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change Stage 8: Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture Please review the following: Objective: Analyze the context in which your scholarly project will take place. Assess the organization. Identify system issues and facilitate organization-wide changes in practice delivery. Table of Analysis of Health System Issue Project Due Dates Week Due Week One Choose a Topic Week Two Intro of your system analysis & how stage 1 and 2 of Kotter’s change model apply to your topic. Week Three Continue and Submit Literature Search Week Five Submit First Draft of Paper Week Six Review and Edit First Draft Week Seven Submit Final Paper Write and Post an Executive Summary Week Eight Critique Presentations of Two Other Students Assignment for week 1: Prepare a paper an introduction of 500 – 700 words describing the system that you have selected for your paper. Describe the system, including the history and development. Include the number and types of people who work in this system, for example the number of employees and the number of patients served. What are the mission, vision, and values of your system? How are these things demonstrated to your clients and the community?