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Ear Training Guide: Intervals & Triads on Tonedear

Ear Training Website
Under “Ear Training Practice” click on “Intervals”
Under “Intervals Quiz”, click “Start Quiz”
In the sidebar, unclick Major 3rd, click Minor 2nd, and make sure Perfect 5th
and Octave are active.
N.B. Later in the term, we will add the “Augmented 4th” to our list of
intervals. This is also called a “Tritone”, or for those more oriented to
drama, “The Devil’s Interval”. Make sure this interval is active on the site
as well.
Click “Hear first question”
Listen to the interval, and identify.
Move to next question.
First, here is an excellent demonstration of the effect of major vs. minor.
You can see how the use of these two sounds would be very valuable to a
film composer.
Now to practising identification of these two sonorities via “tonedear”.
Under the “exercises” tab, click “Chords”
Under “Chord Identification Quiz”, leave everything as is, and click “Start
Unclick “augmented” and “diminished” and only concern yourself with
“Major and Minor”.