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Project Proposal Template: Key Sections & Elements

Executive Summary
a. Specific Problem to be Addressed
b. General and Specific Objectives
c. Target Beneficiaries
d. Strategies / Activities
e. Persons Responsible
f. Duration of the Project
g. Proposed Budget
h. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
i. Sustainability of the Project
a. Information and data to provide the context of the project are adequately presented
b. Problem is clearly stated
c. The need to solve the problem is urgent
d. Importance of the proposed project is emphasized
e. The proposed innovation is appropriate
Goals and Objectives
a. The general objectives addresses the problem presented
b. Each objective is SMART
c. Target beneficiaries are identified
a. Action Plan
b. Clearly stated objectives for each activity
c. Sequentially arranged activities
d. Needed Resources (Human / Financial)
e. Reasonable Timeframe
f. Expected Outputs that are reflective of the activities
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
a. Objectives
b. Activities
c. Verifiable / Measurable Indicator
d. Means of verifying activities
e. Schedule of M and E
f. List of Monitors and Evaluators
g. Method of Data Collection
h. Frequency of Monitoring and Evaluation
Key Personnel
a. Organizational Chart includes key personnel and their TORs
Strength of Innovation
a. Merits and benefits of Innovation are emphasized
b. The capabilities of the persons involved to achieve the desired goals to sustain the project are
clearly stated
c. The project and manner in carrying out the activities to produce positive change reflects creativity
and originality
d. Sponsoring agencies / partner’s capability to provide support for the success of the project
e. Project reflects creativity and originality