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Short Story & Diary Excerpt Worksheet: Analysis & Vocabulary

"The Washwoman," Isaac Bashevis Singer
1. Which of these phrases best describes the washwoman?
She is clever but lazy.
She is hard-working and self-reliant.
She is fun-loving and carefree.
2. What does Singer's mother seem to feel for the washwoman?
She feels sympathy.
She feels resentment.
She feels indifference.
3. What prevents the washwoman from returning to the family for several months?
She has gone to visit her son.
She has been severely ill.
She forgot all about the laundry.
4. What does the washwoman's eventual return tell you about her character?
She is dedicated to her work.
She is embarrassed to ask for more money.
She is philosophical and resigned to her hard life.
Terms: obstinacy, rancor, forebears, pious, atonement, accumulated, fore 5. ____ are person’s ancestors
6. The rivals fumed with ___ for each other.
7. ___ shows that you are sorry for a past wrong – doing.
8. The little girls refused to clean up, and they were punished for their __.
9. If you are ___, you show your strong religious beliefs.
10. We have __ a large stack of newspapers in our living room.
11. Fore – is an Old English prefix that means:
the act of
to become or form
earlier or in front of
"New Directions," Maya Angelou
1. Why does Annie Johnson seek a source of income?
Her husband earns a very low salary.
She needs capital to expand her meat-pie business.
She is a single mother with two children to raise.
2. Why does Annie decide against a job as a domestic?
She thinks the pay is too low.
She doesn't want to leave her children in someone else's care.
Jobs are almost impossible to find in this field.
3. How would you describe Annie's abilities as a businessperson?
She is imaginative but impractical.
She needs to know her customers and their needs better.
She is determined, resourceful, and hard-working.
4. What does Annie's experience suggest?
The human spirit flourishes in spite of hardships.
Good looks determine a person's success in life.
Facing life's hardships may make people cruel.
5. If you are behaving ___, you feel friendly toward others and do not want to argue.
Terms: ominous, meticulously, conceded, unpalatable, balmy, amicably, con 6. She ___ applied her makeup.
7. Something that is ___ causes you to feel that something bad is going to happen.
8. She thought cleaning the bathroom was her most ___ chore.
9. If you have ___, you have admitted that something is true or correct.
10. It was a __ spring day with sunshine and a warm breeze.
11. The Latin prefix con – means:
the act of
with or together
earlier or in front of
"Sonata for Harp and Bicycle," Joan Aiken
1. Why does Jason first sneak into the Grimes Buildings after five o'clock?
He sneaks in so he can to court Berenice.
He sneaks in so he can to reunite Daisy Bell and William Heron.
He sneaks in so he can to discover why everyone vacates the building before five.
2. Why does Berenice agree to meet Jason in the building after dark?
She is romantically interested in Jason.
As one of the Established Staff, she needs to check on Jason.
She is curious about the building's secret.
3. Why does Jason tell Berenice to meet him in the switchboard room?
It is the most likely place to encounter Daisy Bell's ghost.
It is the brightest room.
Jason needs Daisy to work the switchboard to draw the ghosts together.
4. Which of these sayings states a theme or main point of the story?
There's no fool like an old fool.
Love conquers all.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Terms: reciprocate, furtive, encroaching, preposterous, menacing, tantalizingly, - ate
5. If something is done ___, it is being done in a teasing way.
6. With a ___ win, he let his best friends in on the joke.
7. When you __, you return a favor.
8. The ___ weeds are sneaking into the lawn.
9. Something that is ___ makes you feel that something bad is going to happen.
10. Ticket prices for the show are ___.
11. The suffix – ate means:
the act of
to become or form
earlier or in front of
"The Cask of Amontillado," Edgar Allan Poe
1. Why does Montresor hate Fortunato?
Fortunato physically injured Montresor.
Montresor believes that Fortunato has repeatedly insulted him.
Montresor believes that Fortunato has not been honest with him.
2. How does Montresor persuade Fortunato to follow him to the catacombs?
Montresor appeals to Fortunato's pride as a wine connoisseur.
Montresor tells Fortunato that part of the carnival is taking place in the catacombs.
Montresor asks Fortunato to accompany him while he checks on his servants.
3. What specific steps does Montresor take to ensure that his plan works?
Montresor brings Luchesi along to help prevent Fortunato from trying to escape, and he asks one
of his servants to help him construct the wall.
Montresor reveals his plan to his servants and threatens to fire them if they refuse to assist him.
Montresor makes certain that his house will be empty by telling his servants he will be out all night;
he has supplied chains and wall-building materials to trap his victim.
4. What happens to Fortunato at the end of the story?
Fortunato's illness evokes sympathy in Montresor, who then releases him from the crypt.
Fortunato is sealed up in the crypt.
Fortunato gives Montresor his opinion of the Amontillado.
Terms: recoiling, afflicted, precluded, subsided, explicit, retribution, - tion
5. If you ___ something, you prevent it from happening.
6. She wanted ___ for an insult she had received.
7. Something that is ___ is said directly and clearly.
8. The little girl was ___ with the chicken pox.
9. If you are ___ from something, you are drawing back from it because you are afraid of it.
10. As we walked away from the beach, the sound of the waves ___.
11. The suffix – tion means:
the act of
to become or form
"Checkouts," Cynthia Rylant
"The Girl Who Can," Ama Ata Aidoo
1. In "Checkouts," what does the girl's enjoyment of grocery shopping reveal about her?
She likes to try exciting new things.
She enjoys ordinary activities.
She is miserable about moving to Cincinnati.
2. How is their unacknowledged romance useful to the girl and boy?
It helps them both move on with their lives and find other relationships.
It teaches them to accept disappointments.
It prompts them to do better in school.
3. In "The Girl Who Can," what criticism does Nana make about the narrator's legs?
She says they are scarred.
She says they are too fat.
She says they are too thin.
4. Why does Nana iron Adjoa's school uniform so carefully?
She is secretly proud of Adjoa's achievements.
The ironing offers her a distraction from her anxiety.
She wants to set an example to Adjoa's mother.
5. First – person point-of-view means the narrator is a character who participates in the action and
uses the first – person pronouns _____________, ______________, and _______________.
6. Third – person point-of-view omniscient means the narrator knows everything about _______
7. Third – person point-of-view limited means the narrator reports through _______ character’s eye.
8. True or False. Cultural perspective takes into account only one person’s culture.
9. What type of graphic organizer is used to compare and contrast ideas?
10. What is the definition of theme?
11. Define round and flat character.
12. Define static and dynamic character.
13. Define foreshadowing.
from A White House Diary, Lady Bird Johnson
1. In the excerpt from A White House Diary, what most surprises Lady Bird Johnson about the
assassination of President Kennedy?
The Secret Service men's protective concern surprises her.
Finding Mrs. Kennedy alone in the hospital after the assassination surprises her.
Her husband's calm surprises her.
2. Where and when was President John F. Kennedy assassinated?
in Dallas in 1963
in Chicago in 1968
in Los Angeles in 1973
3. Why does Mrs. Kennedy continue to wear her bloodstained clothing after leaving Dallas?
She forgets to change.
She is unaware of the blood.
She wants people to recognize the brutality of the assassination.
4. How does Mrs. Johnson sum up her husband's character traits in this selection?
He was ready to assume the office of the presidency.
He was a good man in a tight spot.
He was stoic and did not often show emotion.
Terms: poignant, confines, tumultuous, immaculate, desolate, implications, - fin –
5. Something that is ___ is full of activity or confusion.
6. He did not think about the ___ of his decision to change jobs.
7. Something that is ___ makes you feel full of emotions.
8. The children were playing within the ___ of the yard.
9. A person who is ___ feels very alone.
10. My mother kept an ___ house, with nothing out of place.
11. The Latin root –fin- means:
limit, end, boundary
"My English," Julia Alvarez
1. When Julia was small, at what times did her parents speak English at home?
when they wanted the children to practice English
when they were worried about money
when they wanted to keep a secret from the children
2. What methods did Sister Maria Generosa use to teach English?
She had the students write imaginative stories and experiment with language.
She drilled the students in diagramming sentences and learning grammar rules.
She had the students take turns reading stories aloud.
3. What kind of writing does "My English" illustrate?
4. Which of the following best describes the writer's tone or attitude in the selection?
playful and enthusiastic
sad and regretful
skeptical and disillusioned
Terms: accentuated, enumerated, countenance, bilingual, interminably, ponderously, -term5. To the tired audience, the speaker went on ___..
6. The child’s overjoyed ___ showed her relief at being home.
7. Joel ___ the names of video games he like to play.
8. The ___ student speaks both French and English.
9. Her new haircut ___ her graceful neck.
10. The telemarketer ___ explained the rules of the service contract.
11. The Latin root –term- means:
limit, end, boundary