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7history (2)

 Identify the causes and effects of the decline of roman empire
 Define feudalism
 Describe how the authority and responsibilities were distributed in the
feudal system.
 Briefly describe Byzantium empire and its relation with neighbouring
Q1) Why was the emperor Augustus important in the history of the roman
Ans. Augustus was the first emperor of roman empire. He was a successful
ruler. He extended the empire, adding Egypt, northern spain and much of
central Europe. By the time of his death in 14 AD the empire was an
enormous market place in which millions of people could trade and travel
under rome’s protection.
Q2) Give an example of roman achievements that continues to influence
western civilization today.
Ans. The roman civilization had great influence on the modern world. We
can see evidences of roman civilization in our art, architecture, technology,
literature, language and the law.
Q3) Compare the hierarchy of responsibilities between knights and
peasants in feudal system.
Ans. Distribution of responsibilities in feudal system
Knights serve their noble lords in exchange for land.
Many peasants worked as tenants on lands which were owned
by the nobles or knights.
Q4) How was the byzantine empire linked with other parts of the world?
Ans. The byzantine empire had a strong agricultural and trade based
economy. Constantinople was regarded as the center of trade. It was
controlling the key trade routes that connected Europe and asia and also
linked the empire with rest of the known world.
Q5) What was justinian code?
Ans. The emperor justinian collected the ancient roman laws and organized
them to form justinian code. The justinian code brought uniformity in
majority of the laws which provides the basis of the justice system of the
modern world.
Q1) Explain the impact of the attacks made by barbarians on the roman
Ans. Some of the important impacts are
1) The invasions of barbarians destroyed the whole socio economic
infrastructure of western Europe except the roman catholic church.
Eventually, the people became the strongest religious and political figure in
western Europe.
2) The eastern roman empire became the Byzantium empire with
Christianity under orthodox church as its official religion.
3) People retreated to rural areas due to barbarian’s attack in the urban
areas. The roman cities were left without strong leaders.
4) Advancement in learning declined and only the priests, church official
and very few people for able to read and write.
5) The western empire was split largely into small tribal kingdoms which
were always at war with one another.
6) latin was an official language despite not being in wide spread use.
7) The society was fragmented until the 7th century AD when kings and
their lords and nobles established some order in the land through the
system of feudalism.
Q2) Summarize the effects of the fall of the roman empire.
Ans. Many historians believe that the fall of the western roman empire in
the 5th AD marks the end of the ancient world and the honest of the middle
The fall of rome had a profound impact on the world. When rome’s
infrastructure was destroyed, the quality of life of people also began to
decline. What followed was the dark ages which produced long lasting
impact on western Europe.
Q3) Identify the reasons for the downfall of the byzantine empire. Also
explain its major outcomes.
Ans. Decline of the byzantine empire:
According to the historical records, no
single problem caused the end of the byzantine empire. The natural
disasters and powerful enemies such as the arabs, Seljuk turks and
ottoman turks made the fall of empire inevitable.
Major outcomes:
Most importantly, the internal conflicts and infighting in the
byzantine empire destroyed its efficient military system, significant
population, trade network and economy. With the fall of Constantinople, the
center of eastern Eurpean society and of orthodox Christianity shifted to the
Russian empire.
1) Feudal system:
Feudalism or feudal system arose in the western Europe
after the collapse of the roman empire. Nearly everyone lived in small town
or villages. The means of communications were very poor except for a few
roads and earth tracks. Feudalism helped people to create an order in a
chaotic and politically disintegrated society of western Europe.
2) Barbarians:
To the romans, anyone who was not a citizen of rome or
who did not speak latin as a barbarian. The barbarians settle in the
periphery of the roman empire. They were also hired as soldiers by the
roman government. Seeing the instability in roman empire, barbarians
started invading the empire form 375 AD and continued their attacks until
538 AD. The weak rulers of the western roman empire could not defend
themselves against the fierce barbarians attacks.
3) Orthodox Church:
The Russian orthodox church is the largest and most
influential branch of the orthodox faith.it alone represents half of the worlds
200 million orthodox believers.
4) Byzantine empire:
Byzantine empire also called the eastern roman
empire, existed from 330 AD to 1453 AD. The byzantine empire was the
continuation of the roman empire in its eastern provinces during the middle
5) Catholic Church:
The roman catholic church traces its history to jesus
Christ and the apostles. The invasions of barbarians destroyed the whole
infrastructure of western Europe except the roman catholic church.
Eventually the pope became the strongest religious and political figure in
western Europe.
6) Hagia Sophia:
Hagia Sophia was the seat of the leader of the orthodox
church in Constantinople which is modern day Istanbul. It was built in 537
AD. It is the formal greek orthodox Christian patriarchal cathedral, later on,
an ottoman imperial masjid and now a museum.
Match the columns
1) Byzantine empire
a) Respect for law
2) Augustus
b) Meritocratic society
3) prince , dukes
c) Cardinal , bishops , arch bishops
4) Marcus, Arelius
d) Worldly nobility
5) Organization of law
e) Justinian code
6) Religious nobility
f) Nomisma, solidus
1 (f), 2(b), 3(d), 4(a), 5(e), 6(c)
1) The middle ages is also refered as
a) dark ages
b) feudalism
c) modern Europe
d) byzantine empire
2) The term pax romana refers to the period of
a) chaos in the roman empire
b) the industrial development
c) the region of marcus aurelius
d) roman peace
3) The term middle ages is the time period between
a) 2AD to 5AD
b) 4 AD to 13AD
c) 5 AD to 13 AD
d) 7 AD to 12 AD
4) The capital of the byzantine empire was
a) Anatolia
b) Balgaria
c) Rome
d) Constantinople
5) The roman lavas were organized by
a) Augustus
b) Marcus Aurelius
c) Pope
d) Justinian
1) Write short note of the following topics in your own words.
a) limitations of feudal system
b) The golden age of the roman empire
c) Decline of the byzantine empire
UNIT # 2
Describe the role of the catholic Church in the lives of common
people in the western Europe.
Describe the dark ages, the period of medieval Europe
Briefly describe the rise of the mongos
Elaborate the invasions of the mongos and the impact of those
invasion on Europe
Define the crusades
Identify the main contenders in the crusades and briefly describe the
role of Salah -ud- din Ayyubi.
Q1) Explain the importance of the following personalities in the history?
Ans. i) Kublai khan:
He was a military general and a great Mongolian
statesman. He was the 5th emperor (reigned 1260 AD- 1294 AD) of mongol
dynasty and the 5th yuan ruler of the whole china.
ii) Sultan salauddin ayubi:
he was born in 1137 AD in Tikrit (Iraq). He was
the hero of many battles, face the crusaders for about 20 years. He pushed
back the combined forces of Europe which had come to capture the holy
land of Jerusalem in Palestine. The world has hardly witnessed a brave,
fearless yet a human conqueror sultan salauddin ayubi.
iii) Ganghis khan:
Ghanghis khan united all the nomadic tribes of Mongolia
under his rule and founded the mongol or khan empire.
Q2) What was the church’s role and education during the middle ages?
Ans. The church played a dominant role in education. Schools were
established at cathedrals students of these schools were usually nobles
who often became religious or political leader. These cathedral school later
grew becoming early universities in Europe.
Q3) Write a short note on the byzantine empire?
Ans. Byzantine empire:
The Byzantine empire also called the eastern
roman empire existed from 330 AD to 1453 AD. The byzantine empire was
the continuation of the roman empire in its eastern provinces during the
middle ages.
Q4) List down the effects of crusades in your own words?
Ans. The effects of crusades:
i) Crusades brought back Asian goods, resulting in increased trade.
ii) Europeans learned to read maps, navigate the routes and use
iii) Europeans had also improve their language and mathematics and grew
stronger in their medicine field, their hygiene and building structure.
iv) The defects of the crusaders diminished the power of pope and nobles
which strengthened the power of kings.
Q1) What were the impact of mongol invasions?
Ans. Impact of mongol invasion:
 Once the mongos established their rule, they allowed the subjugated
people, particularly in Europe, to continue their local institutions.
 The mongol network greatly inverse the travel and contacts between
Europe and asia. It was under the mongols that such travelers as a
morco polo brought back information about china and access to
Chinese technologies, including printing and exlplosive powder,
astronomy medicine and mathematics. Also the sea explorer
including vasco da gama, a Portuguese explorer, reached the shores
of india.
 Under the monglos a tax system was created. Banking and insurance
and practices in Eurasia spread to Europe and led to the economic
stability in these religious of the world.
Q2) What was the role of catholic church on the lives of common people?
Ans. Influence of catholic church:
 To live an ideal life, man and women formed communities called
monasteries. The men entered high ranks of the church becoming
bishops, priests and cardinals.
 The catholic church become very rich and powerful during the middle
ages. People gave the church 1/10th of their earning.
 People had to pay the church for various ceremonies such as their
 People also paid fines or gave land to the church to purify themselves
 The church owned about one third of the land in western Europe but
the church was excused from paying taxes.
 The church played a dominant role in education ,schools established
at cathedrals.
Q3) Summarize the positive and negative impacts of dark ages in Europe?
Ans. Impacts:
 In this period, catholic Christianity flourished in the western Europe.
The orthodox church was popular in byzantine.
 The roman empire slowly split into many smaller political entities or
smaller empires. Feudalism was a dominant political system in the
western Europe.
 The wealthiest and the most influential members of society developed
cathedrals, churches, sculpture, painting , textile, manuscripts,
jewellery and ritual items
 The byzantine empire in the east, remained a strong political entity.
1) The city of Jerusalem is important to the three major religions
Islam ,christanity, and judaism
2) the first crusade got started off when
Pope urban II made a call for crusade
3) people joined in fighting in the crusade because they thought
It would help them capture holy land
4) The main contenders of the crusade were
The European Christian , the muslim
5) The event which signaled the start of the holy roman empire
The crowning of Charlemagne
1) list and describe the reason of the beginning of the crusades
2) list down the effect of crusade in your own words.
UNIT # 3
Q1) Enlist the efforts of conquer Constantinople during the Umayyad
Ans. In 674 AD, Constantinople the capital of the byzantine empire, was
sieged during the time of suleyman bin abdul malik Constantinople was
sieged both from the sea and the land.
However, this attempt of conquest was also unsuccessful.
Q2) Name any three pieces of architecture made during the Umayyad
Ans. 1) dome of the rock (kubatal- sahara) in Jerusalem.
2) Umayyad masjid in Damascus
3) Minarets and mihrab of masjid.
Q3) What was the inspiration of Islamic art during the early Umayyad.
 Coptic tradition of present day Egypt and Syria
 Sessanian metalwork
 Crafts from Iraq
 Byzantine mosaics depicting animals and plants.
Q4) How do you see promotion of Arabic language during the Umayyad
Ans. During the caliphate of abdul malik Arabic was declared as official
language. This helped to promote Arabic as a language of scholarship.
Q5) Who were the famous muslim generals during the time of walid bin
abdul malik?
Ans. Munammad bin qasim
Uqba bin nafay
Musa bin naseyr
Tariq bin ziyad.
Q1) Describe the founding of Umayyad dynasty.
Ans. During the caliphate of hazrat ali (RA) the governor of Syria was
hazrat muawyia who was very strong and ministrator. Many people wanted
him to be the next caliph. Keeping in view the importance of unity of the
muslims community, hazrat hasan sacrified and give his pledge to hazrat
muawyia. This mark the start of the rule of the Umayyad dynasty. This
dynasty lasted from 661 AD to 750 AD.
Q2) Write a note on the expension of the Umayyad rule in Africa
Ans. Previously started conquests in Africa continued during the Umayyad
caliphate. Uqba bin nafay conquered many parts of Africa that includes
present day. Algeria , Tunisia ,Libya, and morocco upto the atlantic shores.
 Later during the region of walid bin abdul malik, musa bin nuseyr and
tariq bin ziyad achieved great victories in Africa and spain.
Q3) Briefly explain the administrative system of Umayyad.
Ans. The empire was divided into several provinces where governors were
appointed to run administration.
The following diagrams explain the system of administration
 Diwan al kharaj
* It was responsible for finance
( the board of revenue)
 Diwan al barid
( the board of pasts)
 Diwan al Qudat
(the board of justice)
* The postal service was responsible
for meeting the needs of the
Government officials.
* It was responsible for appointing
 Dawin al jund
(the military board)
 Dawin al rasail
(the board of correspondence)
 Diwan al khatam
(the board of seal)
* The umayyad troops were divided into
three divisions: infantry, cavalry,artillery
* The chief secretariat was responsible
for issuing circulars.
* This state archive was responsible for
preserving each official document.
Q3) What do you think were the four main reasons of downfall of the
Umayyad dynasty?
Ans. i) Life style of the rulers: started to live lavishly and ignored their
ii) The mistreatment of the nobles: new caliph mistreated the
administrators and generals of the previous ruler. This destroyed the spirit
of loyality.
iii) Discrimination against the mawalis (non –arabs ):
during the Umayyad caliphate, the mawalis were treated as second class
iv) Ignoring scholarly activities: one of the issues that brought negative
results for the Umayyad was their neglect of scholarly activities.
v) Internal conflicts: another important cause of the decline of the
Umayyad dynasty was their internal conflicts.
1) The year when hazrat hassan gave his pledge to hazrat muawiya is
called (amal -jama)
2) The Umayyad dynasty started in the year (616 AD)
3) During the Umayyad caliphate the Islamic state included almost (30%)
4) Hazrat abu ayub al Ansari got martyred during the expedition of
5) Sindh was conquered during the caliphate of (Umar bin abdul aziz)
6) Great general uqba bin nafay conquered areas in (Africa)
7) During the caliphate of (umar bin abdul aziz) many berbers in spain
embraced islam
8) The dome of the rock was built during the reign of (abdul malik bin
UNIT # 4
Q1) Enlist the factors responsible for the rise of abbasid caliphate.
Ans. The downfall of the Umayyad dynasty is responsible for the rise of
abbasid caliphate. There are many factors such as the following caused
their arose.
1) Life style of the ruler
2) The mistreatment of the nobles
3) discrimination against the mawalis
4) Ignoring scholarly activities
5) Internal conflicts of the Umayyad caliphate.
Q2) Name two famous caliphs during the abbasid caliphate.
Ans. 1) Haroon –ur- Rasheed
2) Mamoon –ur – Rasheed
Q3) What do you think was the behavior of the abbasid towards science?
Ans.The abbasid caliphate gave great importance to scientist. Baghdad
became the center of intellectual and scientific learning.
Q4) Who were the most famous poets?
Ans. Ibn nuwan, al – mutanabbi, khayyan and firdousi.
Q5) Why do you think Baghdad was founded along the banks of the tigris
Ans. Baghdad was founded along the banks of the tigris river that remained
a center of learning for many years to come as the capital of the Islamic
empire was shifted from Damascus to here.
Q6) Write a short note on fall of the Baghdad?
Ans. Fall of the Baghdad is believed to be the most devastating moment in
the history of the muslims. The mongols destroyed almost every place. The
world famous house of wisdom and the great library of Baghdad were also
destroyed completely.
Q7) What is your opinion about the rise of art.
Ans. During the abbasid caliphate Islamic art and culture grew with the
discovery of new method
Q1) Describe the foundation of the abbasid caliphate/.
Ans. Abbasid caliphate first centered its government in kufa modern day
Iraq, but in 762 AD, Mansur founded the city of Baghdad near the ancient
sasanian capital of Ctesiphon. The abbasid line of rulers and muslims
culture in general recented themselves, in the mamluk capital of cairo I
1261 AD.
Q2) Write a note on Baghdad as a great city.
Ans. After the death of the founder of the abbasid dynasty, abu al abbas in
754 AD , the second caliph of this dynasty was abu jafar al Mansur. He
organized administration to strengthen the abbasid’s rule. After eliminating
internal threats, al Mansur founded a new city on the banks of the tigris
river. This was Baghdad that remained centre of learning for many years to
come, as the capital of the islamic empire was shifted from Damascus to
Q3) Explain the achievements of muslim scientist during he abbasid
Ans. The greatest contribution of the Abbasids to the Islamic civilization
was in the field of science. Some of the best known intellectual of that time
were al razi, ibn sina, al Khwarizmi, al beruni and jabir bin hayyan, there
are many other scientist too who played important role in spreading light of
knowledge to the world.
Al – RAZI (854 AD to 935 AD):
He was a physician, philosopher and
chemist. Most of his work in medical field were translated into latin and
circulated widely in Europe.
IBN –SINA (980 AD to 1037 AD):
He studied the quranic sciences and
Islamic jurisprudence before engaging with geometry, logic, other aspects
of philosophy and medicine.
AL –KHWARIZMI (750 AD to 825 AD):
He explained the use of (0) and
advanced the decimal system. He introduced important mathematical terms
like algebra and algorithm. Al khwarizmi is also known as the father of
AL BERUNI (973 AD to 1052 AD):
He is considered as one of the great
muslim scientist till date. He wrote around scientist till date. He wrote
around 150 books most of his wrote were on mathematics and astronomy’
JABIR BIN HAYYAN (721 AD to 815 AD):
He is called the father of
chemistry. Jabir wrote more than 300 books on chemistry and many of
them were translated into latin.
Science thrived for two centuries in the abbasid caliphate.
Q4) What do you think were the three main reason of the downfall of the
abbasid caliphate?
Ans. Following are some important factors
Difference among various groups political and regional disputes weekend
the state.
1) Luxurious lifestyle of the rulers destroyed their military virtues reign of
the early abbasid is considered as the golden period of the caliphate.
However this was also the time when extravagance was at its peak.
Moreover even in later years of decline the rulers were more indulged in
luxuries and comforts.
2) Lack of interest towards irrigation was another cause of their decline.
This negligence had a great effect in then weakness of the government.
1) The abbasid caliphate started in the year (750 AD)
2) Which aspects of culture flourished during the golden age of islam.
(All of the above)
3) During the abbasid caliphate the capital of Islamic empire was
4) Mawalis were ( Non -arab)
5) The great city of Baghdad was founded by the caliph ( Abu jafar al
6) During the 9th century the abbasid capital was shifted from Baghdad to
7) An important role in the development of arab scientific knowledge was of
the (translation movement)
8) Ibn nuwas and al mutanabbi wrote poetry in ( Arabic)
9) The abbasud caliphate was finished by halaku khan in (1258 AD).
Q1) False statement correctly.
Ans. 1) Babur defeated Ibrahim lodhi in the first battle of panipat in 1525.
2) Humayun died after the felldown the stairs of his library.
3) Sher shah suri defeated humayun twice, in 1539 and 1540 forcing
him to exile.
4) Rajput started guerrilla warfare in the north india
5) Aurangzeb fought drawn war against tha marthas of india.
Q2) Write 2 – 3 sentences about each of the following.
Ans. i) Mansabdari system:
In 1570 AD mansabdari system, was introduced
as a new administrative system. Mansabdars were directly accountable to
the emperor. They were responsible to collect the land revenue and all
other taxes and military responsibility i.e , to maintain a specified no: of
ii) Chain of justice:
Jahangir is famous for installing the golden, chain of
the justice, outside the castle of agra. The chain was meant to be a link
between the citizen and the emperor.
iii) Babur nama:
Babur nama is considered one of the earliest auto
biographies in Islamic literature by an indian ruler. It contains detailed
accounts of baburs political and military efforts to achieve throne.
Q1) Briefly describe the factors which contributed to the foundation of
Mughal empire in india by babur.
Ans. The founder of Mughal emperor was zahiruddin Muhammad babur
(1526 AD to 1530 AD). Babur was brilliant general who descended from
both timur and Genghis khan babur achieved some major success against
Ibrahim lodhi, afghans, rajputs and founded the Mughal empire.
By 1529 AD, Babur successfully conquered the major part of
northern india and began consolidating the Mughal empire. The boundaries
for the Mughal empire were defined by natural topography of the subcontinent. Babur also made some of the following efforts to develop an
efficient administration of the empire.
1) Babur built agra as his capital. He generated support of the nobles by
presenting them lands as gifts.
2) He appointed his four sons a governors to administer the province
3) The hindus and the muslims both were made a part of the local
Q2) Enlist the contribution of sher shah suri.
Ans. Sher shah suri’s rule did not last more than five years (1540 AD to
1545 AD) but his region proved to be a milestone in the administrative
history of the subcontinent.
1) Communication networks road were laid, it was under his rule that the
grand trunks road (GTR) from delhi to Kabul was rebuilt.
2) public welfare institutions numerous civil works were carried out
including playing of trees wells and building of sarai for travelers. He set up
a simple tax collection system.
3) formation of strong defence sher shah in the kingdom was improved by
strritly dealing with docoits and thiefs. The protection of traders. The
protection of traders on roads. The protection of traders on raods
enhanced trade and commence in the Europe.
Q3) What was akbar’s role in the expansion and consolidation of the
mughal empire.
Ans. Being a great warrior akbar established a vast kingdom by conquering
following the kingdoms.
 He captured Gwalior, ajmer, jaunpur and malwa he also succeeded in
capturing the famous forts of randham and chitter
 Military campaigns in Gujrat were followed by compaign in the east in
bihar, Bengal and Orissa. Akbar’s army also conquered kandhar
Kashmir, Sindh and balochistan.
 Form 1595 AD to 1601 AD akber’s forces annexed some of the
deccan sultanates namely bihar and ahmed nagar. In addition to
being a military genious, akbar also proved to be a successful leader
and administrator.
Q4) Why was shah jahan reign considered as the golden age.
Ans. Shah jahan ascended the throne of Mughal empire in 1628 AD and
continued the politics of the great Mughal rulers. He extended the Mughal
rule into the south of india by conquering the deccan states. Shah jahan
reinforced the empire by building a massive army. It is said that his army
was consisted of a huge no: of soldiers. He also made advancement of
cannon at large scale.
Q5) Identify the problem which made Aurangzeb unpopular in india.
Ans. According to the historians, some of the Aurangzeb. Policies caused
series discontent among the muslims and non-mulsims alike. These
policies are:
 Financial difficulties of the empire increased due to the policy of long
drawn wars of Aurangzeb. The impose heavy taxes including war tax
on the common people which were beyond their means.
 Aurangzeb wanted to unite the sub-continent under his on politicoreligious will which caused problems for his rule. Historians believe
that the failure of the Aurangzeb’s son to cope with the challenges
prompted the decline of the Mughal empire in the mid 18th century.
UNIT # 6
Q1) Why were the later Mughals could not save the empire?
Ans. Due to the repeated war of succession internal conflicts and
rebellions, later Mughal could not even regain their control over the lost
Q2) Describe the system of education established in the Mughal era.
Ans. During the Mughal period, education was free of cost. Islamic schools
were attached to the masjids and khangahs of the Sufis. Persian was the
official language in the maktabs. The system of education was called
Q3) Why did british decide to fight against siraj ud doula?
Ans. Because the british wanted to protect their business in india. He was
inclined towards the French. In this way he was big hardle for the british
Q4) Write a short note on third battle of panipat.
Ans. This war was fought in 1761 between afghan ruler ahmed shah abdali
and the marathas. Limited scale battles continued for months and on
January 14, 1761 battle started that is known as the third battle of panipat.
After initial success the marathas suffered defeated by the hands of ahmed
shah. This defeat gave a heavy blow to Maratha power in the region.
Q1) Describe Mughal policy of religious tolerance in india.
Ans. Mughal rulers bahur and humayun babur practiced an open –minded
and tolerant islam. His son humayun also followed the religious policy of his
father. To a great extent he was just as tolerant as babur was.
Akbar was religiously must tolerant among all the Mughal rulers. When
Akbar’s son Jahangir came to the throne he preferred comparatively
stronger religious policies. Shah jahan was unprejudiced toward all the
muslims sects and non –muslims. Aurangzeb was tolerant toward all the
other religions.
Q2) What are important features of the mughal art and architecture.
Ans. The Mughal era has vastly contributed on admirable architectural,
literary and cultural history to india. The Mughals keen interest in art
presented a blend of indo- Persian mixture. Forts had distinct domes,
lustrous towers at corners and the magnificiant halls.
The mausoleum such as taj mahal presents a blende of Persian,
Turkish and indian style of architecture. Mughal architecture expresses a
beautiful sense of harmony and a feeling of immense peace. Some
example of the Mughal art and architecture can be found in Pakistan,
Afghanistan, india, Nepal and Bangladesh. Taj mahal, shalimar bagh etc.
Q3) What is the significant of the Mughal painting and literature.
Ans. The Mughals keen interest in paintings presented a blende of indoPersian mixture. The paintings of the Mughal era show thems from stories
of Persian literature and indian folk lore. Main subjects of the Mughal
paintings included potraits of the monarchs, events and details of the court
life, wild life, hunting scenes and battle illustrations.
 Literature:
During the Mughal dynasty, Persian , Bengali and Punjabi
literature developed immensely. The interests of Mughal in the growth
of literature reflected from tuzk- i- baburi humayun nama and
navratans. Tuzuki-i- babari, tuzuki –i- jahangir, iqbalanam-i- Jahangir,
fatwa-i- alamgiri, Masir-i- Jahangir were written during the Mughal
Q4) Why did the Mughal empire decline?
Ans. The mughal empire declined after the reign of Aurangzeb alamgir
because the empire was governed in succession by in capable, weak
dissolute monarches.
The zaminders and nobility got corrupted and gained more power. The
wars of succession crisis as there was no designated crown prince
according to Mughal lawas. The repeated was of succession, internal
conflicts and rebellions allowed other climates of power to gain control over
the pats of declining empire. Later Mughals could not even regain their
control over the lost territories.
Q5) Write a note on consequence of the unsuccessful war of
independence 1857.
Ans. After the start of struggle from merit, the war spread in other places
unsuccessful war of independence had very bad consequence for the
people of the sub- continent. The Mughal emperor bahadur shah zafar was
captured his two sons and grandson were killed and he was sent to
Rangoon (Myanmar) where he died in the year 1862 AD.
Hundred and thousand people were brutally murdered the muslims
were subjected to greater operation as in the eyes of the britishers, they
were the main cause of the war of independence. It resulted in keeping the
muslims backward in different walks of life.
1) The Mughal rulers adopted policy of religious tolerant to create peace in
the empire
2) Akbar abolished jizya on the non-muslims
3) Mughal architecture started to flourished until 18th century.
4) Battle of plassy was fought 1757.
5) Mir jaffar is known in the history for his treachery.
6) Third battle of panipat provided an opportunity to the britishers.
7) The real name of tipu sultan was Fateh ali
8) Tiger of meysor is the title of Tipu sultan.
9) The war of independence started from merut
10) Bahadur shah zafar was exiled to Rangoon.
 Rewrite the false statement correctly.
1) Shah jahan did not adopt very strict religious policy with non- muslims in
Mughal india.
2) Akbar referred to navartans as the nine important courtiers of Mughal
3) The Mughal art and architecture present resemblance to islamic
4) Third battle of panipat was fought between abdali and marathas.
5) The real beneficiaries of the third battle of panipat were English east
india company.