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Self-Transcendence Workbook: Brain Potential & Personal Growth

Self-Transcendence Workbook
T.D. Lingo
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Contents Section A: Love
of Life
Inner Journal
Instant Child Gratification
Healing Hands.
Child Playsie Funsie Gamsie
Release Repressed Adult/Adolescent Trauma Memories
Section B: Neurophysiology of
8 Open Receptive Meditation
9 Dormant Brain
10 Dormant Frontal Lobes
ll Temporal Lobes, Hippocampus, Amygdala l2 Triune
l3 Self Trauma Drama, Theory
l4 Self Trauma Drama, Method
Section C: Self-Therapy
l5 Release Repressed Child Trauma Memories i6 Script
l7 Dream Analysis
l8 Temporal’Sphenoidal Suture Tap
19 Morning Pre Conscious Honesty
2O Self-Guided Imaging.
2l Extended Family CoTherapy
22 Normal Paranormal Powers
23 Values/Beliefs
24 Energy/Entropy Physics
25 Consciousness
26 Retarded Adolescent Rebellion
27 Release Repressed Infant Trauma Memories
28 Mountain Meditation: Closed Focused Meditation
Section E: Advanced Self-Therapy
29- Brain Cyclotron
Right—.Hemisphere Re—Click
31Creativity, Theory
Creativity, Method
Transcendence Love
3LL.. Transcendence Sex
Mutating Multiple Orgasm
VSection F: Social Action
36Social Intelligence V
Growth Support Family Rituals, Festivals,
Public Relations, Advertising and Mass Media
Goals, Career, Money Making and Power
LIO- Money Profits from the Brain Revolution
Transcended Teacher
Transcended Leader
Scholar Howdy
Relax. Love. Everything is going to be all right. You
will make it: into your own vastly dormant brain
potentials. Simply generate warm and trusting selfmotivation: “I WANT my whole brain powers” The paradox
of the brain revolution is that you must be
sufficiently egotistical to want your transcendence
into egolessness.
Do each Lesson in this Workbook gently, to your own
depth of under-standing this first time through. Later,
you will gleefully want to re-work your answers a
second time; a third time, discovering still deeper
secrets about your Self nurturance and milk of
kindness. Integrate each Lesson with your existing
beautiful personality, tenderly. As each Lesson is
completed, it will dissolve old child confusions into
trust. Your child hurts will feel secure and protected
in your own emerging power of self-healing. Pains and
fears will dissolve into free energy and selfconfidence. The cumulating flood of free energy will
roar into your dormant frontal lobes. Re-birth.
This text is designed to be completed thoroughly in
from 1 to 3 years. Transcendence then happens
automatically. It is genetically encoded to do so.
This text provides you with a basic toolkit so that you
can build your own unique personality and character.
You will create your own delightful regimen of daily
self-therapy and self-growth until the firecrackers
start to ignite and implode ecstatically behind your
Do not be surprised if the first two weeks of
concentrated study triggers the innate reaction of
retarded adolescent rebellion against this probe. The
brain is genetically encoded to do that too. Such
resistance is the test for passing through your ego
barrier into unlimited growth. It is the test for
survival of the fittest.
The fit are in-gathering through common cause as
soulrnates, dedicat
Love t4
The way to study this Workbook is in love. Self—love.
Start with 100% egotistical, sucking narcissism. Put a
bucket over your head and repeat 100 times: “1VIeeee
For Meeeeee only!!” Later, transcend: “For Thee.”
Egoless. Paradox.
Unless your unconscious, repressed, unsatisfied child
greeds, needs and pains are expressed consciously and
satisfied totally, your adult cannot and shall not
outgrow this backward entropy to self-circuit for-ward
into the 1/3rd bulk of dormant frontal lobes: the
“nirvana, sat— oH, samadhi, kensho, moksha, kairos,
born-again, Godhead” transcendence fact genetically
innate in each and every human brain--- waiting.
The human brain physiologically is at least 90%
dormant; psychologically more so. The human potential
is to perceive, understand, comrn— unicate with and
daily live in infinity and eternity; with cosmic in—
telligence. The neural mechanism to self-click into
this dormancy now is known: the simple amygdala clickswitch, half-way between your eyes and ears, in the
center of your brain. The method to click the switch is
this Workbook. Any self-motivated individual now can do
Start with the value , the belief , the attitude
: “Yes , I contain this potential. Yes, I can do
the work. Yes, I shall get my total growth and
transmutation. Yes, I shall be all I can be in this
one Lifetime.”
Study in your own way; at your own pace. Try
reading each Lesson the night before class in your
lean-to to dissolve the data in your unconscious
mush of confusions, pains, fears and defenses
during sleep under the stars. Re--work the Lesson
when Dawn Child births down there
out of the Great Creation Plains. Some of the idea hand
grenades you have eaten will sneak behind your
defenses. With the nurturance of your freshest
morning energy, explosions of new insights and new
emotions will occur. Automatically.
The format of this Self Transcendence Workbook is
designed for one Lesson per day; 42 Lessons, L days
during the 6 weeks of this Brain In Nature Course.
Each day’s class in the woods will expand the basic
facts, extrapolations, assumptions, speculations,
wild leaps and methods into still richer selftherapy and self-growth to final divinity.
Supplementary worksheets will be given in class at
your points of blockage as soon as we, together,
diagnose these points accurately.
Discuss each Lesson in class with the deepest
possible self—probing trust and honesty to get
reactions from your co-therapy family. In this way,
affectionate challenge from others will help you
discover still deeper intellectual insights and
emotional releases; still more profound powers of
innate self-healing; still more subtle ways to
click your amygdala forward.
Buzzings. Popps. Whams. They will start. Once you
start releasing the bound energy of neurosis--your repressed child trauma mem— ones stored in
your temporal lobes and your repressed infant
trauma memories stored in your hippocampus-----into free energy, this free energy will shunt,
automatically, into your amygdala and click it
forward into your frontal lobes. These are the
first teasers: “Keep going! You’re on the right
track!!” Next, transcendence. Into kozmick
Scientific Foundation
Each Lesson in this syllabus is based upon formal,
scholarly research via the scientific method of inquiry
and/or the philosophic method of inquiry, performed at
other facilities and reported in the professional
journals or performed at this facility and documented
in staff reports. This data base will be reviewed in
Each Lesson is a careful extrapolation from the
known facts and values into a method which guides the
student to a new order of self-discovery. The method is
ethical because it is brain s$4 control. The method is
democratic in the extreme. And free. It now can be
mass-multiplied through existing social, political,
economic, relig? ious, medical and educational
institutions. Merely supplement each institution’s
belief system and rites with the basic neurophysiological mechanism herein contained and all people will
transcend. Four billion Earthlings await the transition
from neurology to cosmology. This is the brain
Since 1957, over 300 students have come through this
program. The spectrum includes children and adults;
high and low IQe and creativity quotients; Ph.D.s and
dropouts; affluent and poverty; white and black. Each
followed and evolved the standard system contained in
this text. Measurements were made before and after
completion of the program. Longitudinal follow—up
studies on each student have documented break-throughs
into transcendence, permanent chanes in personality,
in-creases of intelligence, expansions of creativity
and emergence of normal paranormal powers.
Parametric experiments have been performed on each
factor within the evolved methodology. Rigorous test—
one/delete-one trials were carried out on all elements
and components within this system of selftranscendence. Comprehensive empirical evidence has
been accumulated. We know what works. More importantly,
we know what does not work. These Lessons are the
Research Report Nirvana in 1 to 3 Years
Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory
Laughing Coyote Mountain
— BoxlO
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
Facts The human dormant frontal lobes can be selfcircuited to cause the transcendence phenomenon.
VerificatiQp: Two experiments were performed,
teaching brain self—-control: #1,
from 1957 to 1967, with 100 children,
10 to 15; #2, from 1967 to 1977, with 100 young
adults. Each factor
was tested to relate the brain’s organs to its
genetically innate power
of transcending into the nirvana event. Eight
students in experiment
#1 and sixteen students in experiment 2 achieved
the peak happening.
All reported it to occur overwhelmingly in the
frontal lobes.
Method: The neurophysiological mechanism which
automatically causes the frontal lobes
experience is triggered by a sequence of
self—controlled occurrences. Repressed adult
trauma memories and repressed adolescent trauma
memories, stored in the cortex, are physical-ly
released and emotionally discharged. Next,
repressed child trauma memories stored in the
temporal lobes are released and discharged.
Finally, repressed infant trauma memories stored
in the hippocamPus are released and discharged.
The locus of each storage point has been
identified by neurosurgical electroprobe
experiments reported in the literature. ‘The
release of repressed memories in this current
procedure is caused by a gradient of selfcontrolled exercises: intensive journal writing,
imagry, focused meditation, morning pre-conscious
(hypnagogic) probe, sphenoidal-temPOral suture
tapping, primal nature retrogression into triune
brain. The emotional discharge of each pain is
caused by an enriched form of self-psychodrama
catharsis: “self trauma drama.”
Neurophysiology: The bound energy of neurosis
stored in the cortex and temporal
lobes is released into free energy.
free energy is converted automatically into selfmotivation and focuses all its power into
releasing and discharging the final infant
neurosis stored in the hippocarnpus. \‘Then the
pre-ideational, pre-verbal trauma is released from
the hippocampus in the form of a primal scream,
the cumulative free energy shunts automatically
into the amygdala-- - which is the click-switch
blocking the way into the sleeping frontal lobes—-overwhelms it and clicks it forward into nirvana.
Results: Once the old brain computer circuits into
the 3/8 bulk of unused frontal lobes, a
geometric progression of measurably
new intelligence, creativity and normal
“paranormal” perceptions, communications and loves
emerges. The old rootstem killer ape is outgrown.
Experiment :
Since 1977, a streamlined form of
this brain self-con-trol method has
been distributed to workers in
occupational settings to determine if the economic
structure can be used as a humanistic mechanism to
liberate all humans into whole brain
power. The workplace is being used for selftherapy and self-transcendence (in a way which
supercedes the Japanese non-neurological method
which partially achieves these goals). In the
first four years of this ten year experiment, the
8% success rate of experiment #1 and the 16%
success rate of experiment #2 already has been
exceeded dramatically. The procedure now can be
mass multiplied through existing institutions.
Research Report Frontal Lobes Transcendence
Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory
Dormant Brain Release School
Laughing Coyote Mountain
Box 10
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
The final goal of neural maturation into the
dormant frontal lobes is “transcendence.”
Transcendence is an overwhelminP emotion of
being finished with con— fusions, pains and fears
in this Life. No more suffering.
Transcendence is never again--- ever--- feeling
the negative emotions of boredom, loneliness,
lovelessness, melancholy, anxiety, stress,
meaninglessness, depression, desperation,
hopelessness, terror, suicide
Transcendence is the permanent, perpetual,
routine feeling of f low-ing love goodness with
Life, happiness, secure toughness solving all
survival problems, frisky flowing genius
intelligence, theatrical fun playing with the
sleepers down there, voluptuous ecstacy sharing
growth with soulinates, wild creativity inventing
love tricks to awaken worthy friends and humble
communication with super intelligences guiding
growth into still higher levels above the basic
Transcendence is the automatic clicking of the
amygdala into the
dormant frontal lobes to cause the
nirvana/satori/samadhi/kensho/mok sha/born—again
Transcendence is the flow of cosmic
consciousness through the frontal lobes circuit
and back out to Universe, thereby placing the mdividual within the Universe circuit of
Transcendence is receiving information from
other advanced planet civilizations to solve the
Earth problem being computed out of the retilian
brain: inter-personal competition, greed,
aggression, hate, violence and war; inter-personal
killing of physical, intellectual, emotional and
spiritual potentials within each child.
Transcendence is frontal lobes domination over
the paleo mammalian brain and reptilian brain
circuits of defense and attack so that these
circuits can be used as needed--- simply by
clicking the arnygdala back-ward--- during normal,
daily survival in the business jungle of killer
Transcendence is child playsie funsie gainsie
above the clouds between lower reality of
suffering society and the highest reality of the
Transcendence is normal human evolution into
egoless flow with the Godly Lifeforce.
Transcendence is moral force.
Se1f-Dignosis Grp
By establishing your neurosis baseline--- where
your energy/entropy curve is now—-- you can
measure and quantify each specific step in your
self-therapy growth to transcendence.
The Science of Self Experimentation (SOSE) is
based upon subjective measurements of your
physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual
(PIES) energy systems--- and their deterioration
by entropy.
The measurements are valid data because the two
limits of the meas— urement scale, suicide and
nirvana, are intuitively and universally felt and
understood by each person within the human
By monitoring the ups and downs of each
component within your neurosis system, you can
understand each separately as it fluctuates during
your therapy. You can identify each fluctuation in
its relation to each brain organ. You can treat
each symptom and cause separately to coordinate
and harmonize each organ with each emotion and
thought to self-trigger your final breakthrough
into spiritual fulfillment.
The method of this skill merely is to focus your
attention separate-ly on your physical condition,
intellectual computation, emotional well being and
spiritual struggle.. Determine which words best
describe your gradient of feelings within each
energy system. Write your own profile of numbers
and words to create your own scale and diagnostic
tool. The verbal descriptions below are suggested
Take your first measurements upon awakening in
the morning. Take your last measurements in the
evening. How many in-between measure-ments will be
profitable for accurate self-diaosis? Record these
in your printed dated diary or Inner Journal.
Periodically graph your numbers on graph paper.
Graph each curve in a different color. Each
curve is your precision self-diagnosis of that
energy system.
From this diagnosis, precision prescription
follows. Each therapy into each energy system is
accelerated or relaxed as needed. Each specific
brain organ is integrated with each of your 4
energy systems to cause perfect economy of time
and work in perfect functioning to accelerate
perfect growth into perfect transcendence:
straight line +10.
+10: Nirvana
+9: Frontal lobes pre-popps approaching
breakthrough; wild creativity
+8: Voluptuous ecstacy; mindboggling intelligence
burbling powerfully
+7: Routine genius; theatrical efficiency; doing
everything right
+6: Happiness; secure toughness solving all
necessary problems
+5: Flowing love goodness of Life
+4: Efficiency of survival; doing work, but not
+3: Getting my ass in gear to do what has to be
done for survival;drag
+2: Grinding, plodding, automatic, mindless,
joyless struigle
+1: Barely functional; re-start automatic selfhealing; fragile
Computer Collapse
Loneliness, lovelessness, melancholy
Anxiety, stress
Fullhlown, grinding, acid depression
Lesson 1: Universe
‘ The ultimate reality is Universe. The circular
river of conscious-ness flows from Universe cosmic
consciousness into your brain to pro-duce emotions
and thoughts and back out to Universe. An infant is
born unblocked and perceives the universal language of
cosmic perception and communication. Cultural
conditioning blocks this natural flow. You now
shall re—open it to receive cosmic intelligence &
Energy/entropy physics is the first reality of
Universe. Energy is the force of
growth/expansion/Life. Entropy is the force of
conform-ity/retrogression/death. The cosmic egg
exploded into l00,00O00O,0O0 galaxies, each
containing 100,000,000,000 stars with planets
circling. When this era’s energy expansion reaches
its furthest limit, it will contract all the
galaxies into a black hole: GodHen. Another egg
will get pooped out.
.. ener
stem. Understand it within the
context of Universe. From that, understand it
within the context of cultural conformity,
society, family and your personal human potential.
Re-start your infantile growth back out through
pure neuronal freedom to cosmos.
1- Lay on your back at night on the crest of the
mountain under the full awe and mystery and magic
of s tar dome • Ask : “Why ? “ Answer.
2- Feel the full emotional wash of the experience.
Allow your emotions to lead your intelligence.
Flow with your emotions into the
full sensitivity and wonder just like you did when
you were Child.
1hat memories do you have from childhood when you
felt the unbroken
magic of the stars and Life?
3- Vlithin the enfolding womb of the Universe, who
are you? What is
your emotional identity with your home galaxy?
With your neighborhood solar system?. With your family planet?
4- As you are contemplating the stars, expand
consciousness out there
to a single glitter spot. Next, contract
consciousness down to you.
Now expand consciousness out to the size of the
whole galaxy; Universe.
Contract consciousness down to the size of your
brain; frontal lobes;
down to one neuron ; down to one atom. Expand
again. Contract and
expand like a paddleball on a rubber string.
5— ‘That is intelligence? Why is intelligence? Is
there such a thing as cosmic intelligence? Do you
believe it? Why? ‘Jhat is your
emotional feeling of the relation of cosmic
intelligence to your per-sonal intelligence?
6- How can you prove intellectually, objectively
and scientifically that you are in direct
communication with cosmic intelligence?
7- i.ihat is consciousness? What is an emotion?
What is a thought? \lhat is the relation of each
to Universe?
8- What is the difference between the Philosophic
Method of Inquiry . and the Scientific Method of
Inquiry? What is the relation of each
to Universe?
9- Is there a God? Describe her?
10—\Ihat are values? What are facts? What are
universal values?
Universal facts? How does each help you to reconnect your Child
consciousness back into your cosmic connection?
11- What is the purpose of this Lesson to the
entire course?
Lesson 2: Inner Journa
Your Life is your artform Perfect. Your supreme
Lifework is to cre ate of your Self what you really
are already. Your total potential for endless
cosmic curiosity, growths love, meaning and wheee
was guaran
teed the moment Pa’s srerm tickled Ma’s ovumo But
then Child confusions pairt3 and fears Iiocked the
automatic yeasting. Re-start your Love-of--Life in
your Journal: 3-ring notebook with a dozen sidetab dividers . \TriLe non-judgmentaily. There is
no “right” or “wrong” any— more in your history.
It just happened. Just You. Wholly. Holy.
here am I now in my Life?
2- :/hat are the true, the beautiful and the good
things of me?
3- What parts of my Self do I want to create into
more truth, beauty and goodness?
4— How shall I do it? Who shall I choose to
helprne? How?
5— How shall I enfold my Self and expand my Self
in gentle, warm love while I do the cold inner
work of learning to release try dormant brain
6— When did I get off the track of growing as
Natural Ch:i.ld in love intimacy toward riy
magnificent spiritual fuifillen?
7— \ihat is my autobiography of chapter titles?
What images are most vivid? What values and
meanings did I acquire?
8— What trails over what mountains and down
through what canyons have
I taken and not taken in my Life?
9— What feelings have I denied my Self in Life?
Shall I always?
10— Do I wan-b to Jearn how to release my 9 dormant
brain into cosmic perception, communication,
intellienco and love’?
11— Have I already had my first cosmic experience?
Do I want more?
12— Who am I?
13- ‘That is Life?
14- \There am I going in this one chance to be all
I can be?
15— iVll’lat is my spiritual goal? Intellectual
goal? Emotional goal?
i6- \‘That is my complete love meaning?
17— Do I wsnt to get what others are getting: To he
re—born into front— al lobes whole brain power
and pure cosmic consciousness ; nirvana?
18— Can I trust others who are on this Earth to
help me grow up’?
Ceri I flow with others above the clouds of
daily trivia and boredom \P..rhile I learn how
to transcend my Self into perpetual rapture?
20- What supreme question--- which will turn my
Life around; which will change my Life forever-- should I now ask my Self?
Lesson 3: ChIld Instant Gratifipgti.fl
Blocked Child blocks brain. Blocked Child selfconfidence blocks your brain from feeling the flow
of consciousness out to cosmic perception and
communication. Blocked Child freedom blocks the
feeling of universal love and fun. Unblocking your
Child’s genetically innate
desire and power to play with Self/Life/Universe
begins to unblock the click-switch into your dormant
frontal lobes.
Start gently. Start to get in touch with your
Child not through vigorous playing of games (Lesson
8) , t through quiet re-experiencing of your
Child’s genetically innate offcté añd awe. This
begins to open your circuit back to your Child
memories from which your repressed traumas soon
shall emerge and be cleansed.
1- What are the blocks between your adult awareness
and your Child’s need to play with
2- Whon and how did you lose your self-confidence to
play with Self/Life/Universe as pure Child in
divine love? \Alhat parts of that selfconfidence were notshed How can you bring up those
parts of your Child self-confidencIño full power via
adult logic?
3- What freedoms of self-expression were blocked in
your Child? ‘lhat freedoms of Child’s selfexpression are blocked by the city? What
freedoms of Child self-expression can you discover
and expand uniquely in primal nature?
4- Invent,pry the memories of your Child’s wonders
and awes when you discovexhe blossoming new
emotional feelings and intellectual insights
relating Self to Life and Universe. Re-live each
5- Define love. Inventory the memories in Childhood
when you felt overwhelming, total, unconditional
love. Beside receiving it, were
you capable of giving it? Was yoi’love more than
infantile narcissistic suck? What is the relation of
your Child’s love history to your cap— acity to give
and receive adult love?
6- Do you remember the first time you looked at a
flower, animal or tree with total, pure infantile
love? Where did the power go? Do
it again, forever. Describe how. Teach someone
7- Lay on your back and just watch the colossal
cloud comfort. The whispering stars. WhyJs this
therapeutic? How does this nurture
transcendence ?
8- Turn off your (left hemisphere) verbal intellect.
Turn on your (right hemisphere) non-verbal
artistic Child cosmic flow. Focus on
flower, animal, tree or cloud. Describe the
different way of perceiving and communicating with
reality. (This is a shortcut into your frontal
lobes.) Flow can you build this mechanism/regimen
into your daily, workaday Life? Invent a “Be HerQ
Now” ame which stops your verbal in-— telligence to
coioi±non—verba1, Child flowing, love awareness on
a single thing or event during your normal work
9- Describe your self-confidence and power drive
toward Child love of Life which says, “I WANT it!
I CAN do it!! I SHALL get it!!!”
10- What next question should you ask your Self
about this Lesson?
Less on 4 s Heal ..
The power to accept the gift of using one’s own
moral hands to heal
others is not the monopoly of the American Medical
Association. The power is genetically innate in
each vastly dormant brain. The power is
released simply by a loving attitude.
Merely by self-releasing the child trauma blocks
imprinted in the
limbic system--- specifically in the hippocampus and
the amygdala----healing cosmic consciousness is
allowed to flow forward through the dor— mant
frontal lobes until you now the healing moment is
upon you. This releases an ecstatically explosive
reverberation of new energy through—-out the whole
brain, which th.iis self-guided down the neck to
flow across the shoulders, along the arms and out
the fingertips. But firsts Physician, heal thy Self,
As the new cosmic energy flows out the
fingertips, it is seen as a linear aura. (Circular
aura around heads and bodies indicates passive,
non-working potential.) Move the fingertips to a
friend’s body. Feel the proper distance between the
fingertips and body (about 1 or 2 in-ches ) . The
distance is a direct function of the energy flow
from the fingers encountering the energy field
radiating around the body. Two
like poles on a magnet repel each other. Two unlike
poles attract.
Move the fingertips until the energy is sucked in
like into a hungry baby. This is an entropy point.
A cosmic sewer.
Entropy is the opposite of energy. Entropy is
negative energy. En-ergy is anti-entropy. Entropy
is degrading energy. Entropy is the power of
destruction. Energy is the power of construction.
Death is entropy. Life is energy.
Die—ease is caused by entropy: by improperly
functioning cells in the brain—body, improperly
computing in—coming cosmic consciousness through
the reptilian brain (reticular activating
formation) into competitive consciousness.
Ease is caused by energy: by properly
functioning cells in the brain— body, properly
computing inrtcoming cosmic consciousness through
the limbic system into the frontal lobes, which
releases cooperative con— sciousness, love and fun.
Love thy Self first.
Entropy is “combed-out” by healing hands. Comb
the fingers outwards from the head down to the
neck, shoulders, arms, hands; down from the neck,
to the chest, trunk, legs, feet. The reverse
direction is bad because it “combs-in” entropy; it
combs—back entropies into greater congestions in
the head. Like cities.
Once an entropy point of stale energy or rotted
energy is identified by sensitively searching
fingers and combed out, genetic intelligence
automatically pours warm cosmic energy into the
abscess, The once Ialthy tissue is re-healed back
to its original child purity: no entropy. Aging
slows. Longivity occurs. The human brain—body is
genetically designed to live at least 160 slurping
summers, as demonstrated by ion-givity people in
the mountains of the Caucasus, Andes, Himalayas and
Rockies. They have a lust for Life.
The mechanism to self-release healing hands now
is known in scientific detail as a chain of self—
controlled events starting in the cor— tex, working
back through the temporal lobes and hippocampus,
then triggers the amygdala click-switch into the
dormant frontal lobes:
the locus of all normal paranormal powers.
Each one teach one.
1- What experiment can you design to prove you have
healing hands?
2- How 1o you get into “Love Mind” to make healing
hands flow in brain?
3- Which friend shall be your “Healing Partner” to
cause this emergence?
Lesson 5: Brath
)t/4rF G vAt
14 T/i
Your brain is magic. The magic of your Father’s
sperm triggered your Mother’s ovum to create the
fantastic recapitulatiOfl of 400,000,000
years of evolution, carrying forward your successful
reptilian ancestors, old mammal ancestors and new
mammal and primate ancestors into the stupendous
intelligence of your brain cells to compute
consciousness into voluptuous emotions, genius
thought and final transcendence? How far dare you
now accept this gift into cosmic expansion?
Brain self-control causes self-controlled
evolution into whole brain power. The skill of
brain self-control is oblique. By doing a sequence
of secondary actions—-- described and guided by the
Lessons of this Workbook-—- you remove blocks of
entropy inhibiting specific brain or-gans from
surging forward with primary energy to fulfill
their full p0-tential behaviors dictated by genetic
intelligence. a_JaaQQeen tropy block is removed via
specific se1fhraPYtc V. hfliqUeS specific fO±tiard
from that organ to cause uni4ue new of how to
cumulate this newly freed energy into
st{I6IIëThierieS of self-therapy, self—control and
1- Describe your readings in neurology (Nachiney of
Brain, Dean Wooldridge, 1963, McGraw-CHill;
Brain: fl& Last Fronti, Richard
Restak, 1979, Warner Books). Describe how abrain
works to compute consciousness into an emotion and
a thought.
2- Why does brain compute emotion first and
thought second? What is the relation of this
process to evolution? To transcendence?
3- Define intelligence. How does your intelligence
increase or de. crease by your understanding of
your brain? How is your intelligence increased or
decreased by your parents’s understanding of your
brain? How much intelligence can you expect to
accept if you are rnotivated to release your
dormant brain organs? Is it increasing now? How?——
4- Inventory the functions of your brain which you
can self-control by a direct act of will. By an
indirect act of will. Inventory those
functions which you cannot control by a direct or
indirect act of will. Which of the latter can be
converted to the former? How? Demonstrate.
5- What is the relationship of philosophic values
about The Good Life to the functioning of
specific organs in the brain? How can this
relationship be self-controlled to increase the
functioning of those organs into maximum
6- What is your theory-—- elevated to a selftestable hypothesis-—— of how to harmoniously
link your triune brain from your reptilian brain
through your paleo mammalian brain to your neo
mammalian brain of cor—tex and frontal lobes to
cause maximum efficiency of computing emotions and
thoughts to survive and transcend the lower reality
of the permanent war society controlled by killer
apes? rj
7- Invent, describe and demonstrate your
comprehensive set of self-defense and counter—
attack “display behavi9rs” computed out of your
re pt ii ian bra in . ‘r . P ciM’ ui c-L
Invent, describe and demonstrate your cooperation
and love display behaviors computed out of your
frontal lobes.
9- Why must the approach of neural cybernetics be
drastically different
lie S S ofl 6 t ci1,ci PlayI FunsI.
Uninhibited, vigorous child play relaxes and
releases the defenses ‘ around your child trauma
memories and allows these memories to rise up
for self—therapy discharge. By playing
unselfconsciously--— in the flow of love and Life-- you remind your child that there were fun times
as well as the traumatic times. This relaxes your
unconscious tenseness about confronting and reliving past child hurts.
Harmonize your clean child energy with the energy
of the mountain, the trees, the flowers, the deer,
the hawks, the stars. Kid talk to them; with them.
In split-brain paradox, allow your adult to observe
your kid talking so as to discover intellectually
the deeper therapeutic function of this play
method. Intellectually observe how your child puts
you in touch with your pure, deep love, joy and
meaninging with the Lifeforce; with cosmic
consciousness. As you learn neurophysiology,
observe how different organs click off inhibitors
and click on enthus— iasms; how your brain
automatically shifts from left-hemisphere linear
thinking to right-hemisphere artistic emotion flow.
While in the right-hemisphere, gently push your
consciousness up into the frontal lobes. Child
play is the shortcut.
1- Build the neetest lean-to with all kinda secrut
hidin places,
2- Discover the caves an hidey holes up in the
3- Didja ever crawl down the Socrates Trail? Walk
4- Sing a song to a tree an tellum alla bout
Mommie an Daddie.
5- Sculpt poopie
6— Dig a hole.
7- Bugs. Pullom apart. What makesem wiggle?
8— Roll down a grass slope.
Look upside down through your legs.
10- Make a doll from sticks an grass an flowers.
11- Climb atree. Swing on a branch.
12- Build a treehouse. Build a hut.
13- Play hidengoseek. Kick the can. Baby inna hole.
Capture the flag.
14- Sculpt a tree.
15- Dance a tree.
16— Have a innalectchul diskussion with a tree.
17- Make a rock an log fort to fight off the
18- Play Mountain Man an Mountain Woman round the
19— Barry a message in a jar with secrut stuff from
your pocket.
20— Watch clouds.
21— Sail boats. In pee.
22- Make up words, names, gurgles, snuffels, pipps
an popps.
23- Make up rituals for each part of the day.
24- Make up a song for each ritual.
25- Make off’ like you are somebuddy from history
and be him/her all day.
26- Eat like a liddle kid,
27— Sleep like a liddle kid. \1akeup like a liddle
Ask somebuddy if s/he wantsta be your
29- Make up new games together.
: Go for a Beauty VIalk together holding hands &
oohing & ahhing.
32— :3334— :35361192,833Get the idee?
Supplement “A” to Lesson 6, “Child Playsie Funsie
“Self-Diagnosis of Play Burnout”
When the genetically innate and neurally healthy
emotion to love Self
and love Life via play is burned out, intelligence
rots and the physical body accelerates toward death.
The ability to play games-—— quietly or raucously--like the Child who you still (always) are, is a
measure of that genetic and neural process to
release dormant creative energies into unlimited
intelligence and love.
Re-phrase the Self-Diagnosis Graph in the study
guide apparatus.
intuitive feeling of
interest, excitement, ecstacy and fullfillment while
playing with primal nature--- the ultimate source of
all Life energy. Change the -I, —2,
-3... words
embarassment, blockage, stress, hostility and flatout deadness to play. The precise self-measurement
of the inability to play is the precise measurement
of the point at
which the brain burnout
inexorable termination.
The seriousness of the self-diagnosis determines
the cure and the prognosis.
The deeper the deadness to play and laugh and
love freely, the deep— er the neural burnout, the
more creative must be the cure to avoid
total human collapse.
1- Compare your re-phrasing of the Self-Diagnosis
Graph with others to share and borrow better
words to create a better tool.
2- Apply your tool at different times of the day to
determine maximum and minimum measurements.
3— Diagnose workmates in your workplace. Prescribe
a prescription, democratically and lovingly.
Shortcut Exercise Self TranscendenQ Wor1thoq witit
Gratification Creativity”
I— Start with Lesson 6, “Child Playsie Funsie
Gamsie.” This immediately
reduces your adult stress to child relaxation with
the problem. Turn the problem around like a child,
upside down, backwards, inside out. See it with new
eyes; un—neurotic child eyes of sensitivity, wonder
and awe. This automatically clicks the arnygdala out
of left-hemisphere (for right handed person;
reversed for lefty) linear/logical/verbal
computation in to right—hemisphere
pattern/playfull/non-verbal computation.
2- As spontaneity and enthusiasm for doing the
problem increase in right hemisphere, gently but
specifically pJ your thoughts and emotions
forward into your dormant frontal lobes. Do this
precisely in the same way you “push” a bowel
movement. Visualize the image of a big, beautiful
radiant lump in your right-hemisphere. Grunt and
urge it forward. (See Lesson 20: “Self Guided
Imaging.”) This will click your arnygdala f or— ward
into your frontal lobes temporarily. It is an endaround run. It by-passes your left-hemisphere
neurosis of repressed child trauma memories, which
are too confused, pained and fear filled to continue
growing forward by genetic drive into whole brain
3- Frontal lobes (right quadrant only) now will
compute wild, magnif i— cent multiple solutions to
your primary problem. Secondary and tertiary
problems impacted in memory also will chain-react
into multiple solutions.
4- Experiment with performing this exercise at
different times of day. Do the exercise at night
before bed and receive your answers in mor
ning pre -c onsc ious state (Lesson 19 ) . Observe
temporary increase of multiple orgasm (Lesson 35).
5-— After solving this problem, your brain
mechanism will collapse back to routine neurosis.
But 3 steps forward will be only 2 steps back.
You now know how your brain computes this automatic
process via feelirg. So now re-read Lessons 31, 32
and Supplement “A,” “Creativity.” You now will
understand the neurology of creative computation:
simple, self-controlled, automatic clicking of your
amygdala into triune organs (Lesson 12) to release
unlimited intelligence for survival self-defense
and counter-attack as well as love transcendence;
to release unlimited imagination, rapture and
growth. Life meaning.
6- Once you have performed this long form of this
shortcut 3 times, your synapses will be ready for
the short shortcut: Lesson 28, “Mountam Meditation:
Closed Focused Meditation.” The laser needle of
focus-ed meditation clicks your amygdala forward
into frontal lobes at will; in 2 or 3 minutes; at
any time you need to solve a particularly important problem with stupendously overwhelming
intelligence and creativity
--- regardless of where you are on your personal
gradient of self—therapy. (But preferably not
during rush hour driving.) It is the free gift of
genetic intelligence. It is the seduction of your
ego into growing up: into transcendence. Into
Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory
Dormant Brain Release School
Laughing Coyote Mountain
Box 10
Black Hawk, Colorado 80422
Lesson 7: Release Repress4
TraWI. Memori
The house of one’s personality is built on the
foundation of repressed child trauma memories and
repressed infant trauma memories. If that
personality is wrongly lived or/and neurotic, it
must be dismantled and rebuilt. The dismantling
starts with the attic doWn, nith
first---tOo soon--- causes the carefully
constructed defenses around these mom-ones to be
threatened and doubled. ‘So start by first taking
apart your repressed adult trauma memories and
repressed adolescent trauma memories stored in the
cortex. This causes a trickle-down of courage and
confidence into your temporal lobes to release your
child memories and into your hippocampus to release
your infant memories. This per-suades your child
and infant that the process really works and that
it is not as frightening and painful as they think.
Thus, child and in-fant lower their defenses,
release their memories of hurts in proper sequence
and allow the therapeutic discharge of emotion to
happen via “Self Trauma Drama” of Lesson 16. The
reverse procedure--- of not ad-equately cleansing
adult and adolescent trauma memories--- causes
quick popping of the frontal lobes, quick
experiencing of first cosmic pyrotechnics and quick
‘1- Inventory your comprehensive list of adult and
adolescent problems
--- physical, intellectual, emotional and
spiritual (PIES)--- block-ing you from daily
satisfaction, cooperation, intelligence, love,
soul— mating and happiness.
2- Act-out with extreme emotion and intellectual
ruthlessness a dialog with yourself criticizing
your procrastination/laziness/confusion/uncreativity/fear which have prevented you from
heretofore solving these problems.
3- SepaieeacpobleTn into
A- Parts I can chage;
B- pV.Vf cVannot change.
4- Select one problem. Plan a strategy and tactics
of extreme emotion
and intellectual ruthlessness to solve that
problem via:
A- Long-range time/energy/work/production;
B- Middle-range T/E/W/P;
CShort-range TEWP.
5- How does your matrix of unsolved adult and
adolescent problems block your cortex from
releasing to awareness your repressed child
trauma memories stored in your temporal lobes and
your repressed infant trauma memories stored in
your hippocampus?
6- What is the prapatic benefit to your approaching
child/infant self-therapy to first solve such
gross adult/adolescent problems as
getting a perfect education and earning freedom
7- What is the long-range benefit to your emotional
survival in the competitive capitalist system to
develop the adult skills immediate— ly by which you
can earn sufficient subsistence money in the
shortest time so you can escape the deadly, spiritkilling trap of insufficient wage slavery?
8- How does demonstrating adult social intelligence
via creative money- making and power-wisdom accelerate your
child/infant self-therapy
into sooner, deeper, more profound and permanent
frontal lobes opening?
Lesson 8: Ojen Reeptiye Meditation
Meditation slows thought down from 3 thoughts
swirling around the brain until they dissolve into
2 thoughts, then to 1 thought. Then, no thought.
No think. No thing. Nothingness.
Meditation is half way between sleep and wake.
When awake, cosmic consciousness enters your brain
in the reticular activating formation and is
computed immediately into competitive (reptilian
core) or coop-erative (frontal lobes) thought and
emotion. Meditation stops this constant
computation so you can see and feel your brain
receiving pure cosmic consciousness prior to meatgrinding and sausage-making.
Imagine cosmic consciousness as water flowing
from the Universe. It enters your brain and turns
3 water-wheels which produce thought and emotion.
These are the 3 decision—making centers, one in
each of your :3 evolutionary brains in your triune
brain--- explained in Lesson 12. Image the stop of
these water-wheels. Your personal inner consciousness water, contaminated with fecal thought and
sour emotion, is stopp— ed. Pure cosmic
consciousness floods in, overwhelms your 3
decision— making centers, overwhelms your inner
dirty water and flushes your clogged head toilet.
This is why you feel so good, relieved and relaxed after open receptive meditation. You do not
change anything. You merely flush out poisons. The
change comes with “Closed Focused Medi— tation”--later, in Lesson 28.
1- During any part of the day which feels
comfortable, set aside 20 mm utes as fixed
routine. Close door, shade,light. Sit on chair,
ground or lie in bed. No mumbo jumbo cross
leggedness to block blood.
2- Prior to meditation, concentrate your emotions
and willpower on a pattern of feeling-knowing:
“Me Universe. Universe Me. We are
One. Brain = Universe. The whole Universe is
trying to flow into my brain.” Believe. It is so.
This is your foundation trust in Self.
Close eyes. Slow down. Count from 100 to 1
backwards to focus chaos1 Allow each thought to
intrude and flow away naturally to nothingness
Do not resist any frisky thought nor force it to
stop. It will evaporate into void by itself. Be
natural and loving to your Self.
4— Concentrate on your breathing. As you exhale,
quietly hummmmm the S ound mantra , “
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . “ Th i S s e ts up
a re s on— ance of 6 to 7 Hertz which vibrates
through your skull bone and brain and triggers a
sympathetic surge of high density alpha brain
waves (8 to 13 Hertz) which sweeps across the
entirety of your dominant brain hemisphere (lefthemisphere if you are right-handed; right if left—
hand ed). The alpha rhythm next spreads over the
opposite hemisphere, Alpha waves are meditation;
soothing. They soothe your 3 decision-making
centers to stop computing thought and emotion
about to be formed.
5- As the mantra resonates deeply, at precisely
the proper amplitude and frequency of sound
wave required by your unique temporal lobes
and hippocampus, these storage organs may release
repressed child and infant trauma memories. The
intensity of the pain may be too great. If so,
give up for that day. You will learn how to grab
these precious exposures and discharge them
therapeutically via “Self Trauma Drama” in Lesson
6- If the mantra resonates shallowly and no trauma
is triggered and you progress from no thought to
nothingness, you will feel your Self expand out
through your frontal lobes and pineal gland (third
eye) out to Universe. Flow out. Cosmic
consciousness will flow in, thereby corn-pleting
the circuit with the reticular activating
formation, sloshing back and forth, reverseflushing and cleaning out encrusted poo p00. You
now are open and receptive to the total goodness
of the Lifeforce; cosmic consciousness. Cosmic
consciousness is the carrier wave upon which rides
cosmic intelligence. It travels in zero-time
throughout the Universe/hologram. You may be
zapped by a cosmic thought which will change your
Life. God’s bean blower.
Lesson 9: Dormant Brain
How dormant, actually, is the human brain?
Popular folksay ins jets , “The human brain is
90% dormant . “ The e stimate is proving to be too
Neurologists have identified disproportionately
large “silent areas” upon the back half of the
1/6th inch thick cortex where all sensing is
computed. In addition, apart from small association
areas, most of the forward half, the frontal
cortex, is unexplained. The entire bulk of the
dormant frontal lobes have been demonstrated to be
the locus of the
transcendence phenomenon.
The cortex contains 12 billion neurons. The 3VlflCh layer underneath i_s composed of 120 billion
glial cells. Aside from a minor support function to
the surface neurons, neurologists cannot identify
thought, communication or behavior purpose of the
glia. In hydroceph—— alic people, the cerebrospinal
fluid backs up into the brain and dissol— yes the
glia, leaving the person functioning normally.
The function of the pineal gland has not been
identified. Mystics claim it is the “third eye”
into cosmic vision.
Even non-dormant, active brain organs have
stupendously unused p0-tentials. According to
Neurologist Karl Pribram: “Experiments have been
done showing that just 2 percent of the fibers in a
particular system would retain that system’s
function. There is an amazing amount of redundancy
in the brain. We cannot explain it.” Children can.
All these facts show that genetic intelligence
has built a stagger— V irig logic of unused brain
potential in each human to encourage evolu— tion.
The above-average (non-conformist) individual is
seduced to use, “accidentally,” a little more of
each brain organ’s sluggish tissue to compute a
little more of that organ’s power to see and
communicate a little more with the grossly dormant
areas to make first contact into ultimate reality:
cosmic perception and communication.
The first step in self-controlled human
evolution is to understand and accept this vast,
free gift of available brain dormancy. The sec— ond
step is to release this dormancy progressively.
The final measurement of Wo/Man’s dormancy is
stupendous when com— pared to its ultimate
potential. According to Neurology Nobel Laureate
Sir VJ0} Eccles: “The power of the human brain
probably is infinite.”
Any daily computation of thought, emotion and
love which is less than infinitely wise, ecstatic
and fulfilling is proof of one’s crushing, smothering, Life-crippling brain dormancy, the
release of which awaits patiently.
1—- Do you believe the above? Why? Shall you check
the original cites?
2- What consequence to your Life? How does this
change your motivatiai
to do the work and expand the Lessons of this
3- Do you know how to do library research which
traces down the origin-al citations in
professional journals abstracted above?
4- What is your opinion of the religious method
and the scientific
- - -— ,- 0 V
Supplement “A” to Le sson 9 2 “Dormant Bra in” : Sc
ient ific Me thod of Inquiry versus Philosophic
Method of Inquiry (SMI/PMI).
Science is the method of inquiry by which a fact
is proved.
Philosophy is the method of inquiry by which a
value is persuaded.
A philosophic value is not a scientific fact.
A scientific fact can be extrapolated toward a
philosophic value via ,, spe culation” : guess ing
( intuitive ly) what the ne xt step might be.
A speculated “fact” may or may not be true.
Future scientific exper— imentation will prove its
truth or falsity. But for now, a speculated fact,
or a series of speculated facts, are necessary to
form a heuris— tic (Greek, heurikq: find out)
reasoning logic mechanism--- a temporary
classification scaffolding-- which holds all known
facts in place like a stone arch until the key—
stone is discovered and inserted, there-by removing
the heuristic device, for the fact arch now stands
strongly by itself. The heuristic structure holds
all known facts in place in a logical system of
inter—relations with unknown, intuited facts (non—
facts; factoids; values) so as to think-create a
theory from which new, experimentally testable
hypotheses can be generated.
This WorkbQç is a heuristic structure : a C
omprehens lye theory from which the inter-related
hypothesis of brain self-control, self—therapy and
self-transcendence is being tested parametrically
and longitudinal—-ly via the science of selfexperimentation (SOSE). Master your science.
Science (Latin, scieii sçJ: to know) is the
coordinated system:
OH! I’M QER CoP: Observation. Hypothesis.
Instrumentation. Measurement. Quantification.
Experimentation. Replication. Control. Prediction.
Philosophy (Greek, fji-]-Vio: love of; sofia:
wisdom) is the loose sys’— tern: VALP: Valuechoice from biologically felt need. Assumption
from abstract reasoning of the nature of reality
(NoR), the nature of human nature (NoHN) and the
nature of human motivation (NoHM). Logic of how
all these philosophic elements fit together with
scientific fact ele
ments to form components which can be tested in
daily behavior to discover a complete, true
system: your Philosophy of Life (PoL). Persuas-’ion---- agitation and propagandizement--- of
others to notice, under-stand, accept, believe and
follow your system.
Science progresses by exact facts, rules and
laws of cause. Philosophy progresses by inexact
values, maleable recommendations (“oughts,”
“shoulds,” “musts”) and hopes of cause (wishful
Physics is the codification of the ultimate
rules of science as determined by the
dispassionate, objective scientific method of
inquiry. Meta—(beyond)-physics ignores, claims to
go beyond, provable facts and rules to state
objectively unprovable, intuitive factoids and
values which are claimed to be subjectively
provable. Meta-physics can give no objectively
provable rules for brain self—control, self-therapy
and self—transcendence. Neurology can.
1— Is the study of consciousness a physic or metaphysic? Which “should” it be? How can it be
disciplined scientifically away from
inexact, maleable intuition and toward absolute
2- Analyze each metaphysic system of “mind”
enlightenment into its corn-ponents and
elements. Test which are scientific facts and
are philosophic values of intuitive hopes and wish
3- When does a legitimate, credible philosophic
value become an illeg— itimate, incredible
mumbo jumbo? How do you prove such?
4— What is the consequence to yo.a’Life of not
mastering the scientific and philosophic
methods of inquiry to identify facts from
values in
any belief system, including this one? To discover
new Life behaviors?
How does “ego-warp” fracture the white light of
cosmic truth into the pretty spectrum of
prophet untruth? Give examples. What consequence to student-follower of ego-warped
“transcended master”? How can democratic selftranscendence transcend this historic problem of
prophets monopolizing genetically innate
transcendence? What consequence to 4,000,000,000
Lesson 10: Dorrna Frontai. Lo
The human frontal lobes are dormant. Ever since
they bulged out 7OO,OOOyears ago, all they have
‘been doing is performing a minor function of
associating future intentions with daily activity.
Except in mutants like Buddha, Jesus and Moharnmad,
they do not perform their
available major job: cosmic perception and
communication of advanced intelligence. This
function is released and becomes operational during
the transcendence experience.
The dormant frontal lobes are self-released
obliquely. By releasing the bound energy of
neurosis stored in the hippocampus, this free
energy is shunted into the amygdala click-switch
and clicks it forward into it frontal lobes. The
gush of new energy causes the first of a
progressive series of transcendence experiences
until final nirvana is achieved.
1- From your readings in neurology and anthropology,
what do you know about the frontal lobes? What do
neurologists not know about the
frontal lobes, although they claim superior
information and authority over the subject? What
does this suggest to you about your proper re—
lationship to cultural Authorities who choose your
Life goals for you?
2- How do Eastern/oriental mystics upset neurology?
3- Have you ever felt any tinglings, buzzings,
surges or popps in your frontal lobes? What does
this suggest is happening? How can you
directly and indirectly guide this experience to
increase these involuntary self-circuitings into
dormant cells and tissues?
Review all prior 9 Lessons and re-evaluate each
part which prepares your foundation of
philosophic values, beliefs and attitudes and
scientific facts as pre-requisite to building the
strongest structure conceivable into your action of
self-circuiting your frontal lobes.
5— What do your intuitions tell you about the
available powers waiting in your underused
frontal lobes? Do they describe how you can selfrelease these powers uniquely? What are intuitions?
6- Are you impatient to get your frontal lobes
fully open? How is this impatience a good motivator
to do the long, hard work being present— ed slowly
and patiently in these Lessons? How is this
impatience a dan’— gerous temper tantrum which
might persuade you to build your house pre—
maturely with a rotten foundation under it?
7- After transcendence, how will you be able to
prove to academic skeptics, objectively and
scientifically, that your frontal lobes are,
in fact, released and functioning paranormally?
How does love of your Self--— totally cleansed-- and love of others relate to the process of
self-circuiting into your dormant frontal
lobes? Why is Social Intelligence necessary to
balance your Personal Intelligence as pre—requisite
for full frontal lobes transcendence?
I- Pribram, Karl H. and Luria, Alexandr H.,
Psycboyiolgy Frontal Lobes. New York and London:
Academic Press, 1973.
2- Walsh, Kevin W., Neuropsychpggy: Cliniça Appraj
chapter 4, “mhr rrn-1:1 Trh’ 1diVflhurPh. London
and New York: Churchill
Lesson 11: Temporal Lobes, Hippocarnpus, Amygdala
Consult a neurology text and locate these organs.
Compare the con— servative text description of the
function of each organ with the radical description
in this course.
From hard science experiments it is known that
the temporal lobes are the locus of repressed child
trauma memories (RCTM). The hippocam’-pus is the
locus of repressed infant trauma memories (RITM).
The amygdala is the click-switch which is
evolutionarily and culturally clicked backward into
the older parts of the human animal brain to
compute con-sciousness into c ornpetitive , aggress
ive , violent and kill behaviors If the amygdala
can be clicked forward, the frontal lobes will
compute con-sciousness into cooperative family and
community love behaviors.
The method to click the amygdala forward starts
with releasing and emotionally discharging (via
Self Trauma Drama) repressed adult trauma memories
and repressed adolescent trauma memories stored in
the cortex. This bound energy of neurosis (HEON)
is turned into free energy (FE). This free energy
automatically is guided by genetic intelligence
into the temporal lobes to release repressed child
trauma memories. After emotional discharge, this
cumulating free energy finally is guided aito—
matically into the hippocampus to release
repressed infant trauma memones. After emotional
discharge, this final gush of cumulated free
energy is guided automatically into the amygdala,
overwhelms it and clicks it forward into the
frontal lobes transcendence phenomenon.
1- Learn to use the library to trace down
professional journal research reports through
the directories: Big1oiQ SQt ychologic
Abstracts, Index Meç1icus. What are the hard
science data from electro— probe, ablation and
autopsy experiments that confirm the functions of
the cortex, temporal lobes, hippocampus and
amygdala as herein des-cribed?
2- What are the limits of these hard data when
extrapolated into the pragmatic use described
in this Workbqo?
:3- What cautions and what daring leaps of
intuitions are justified when extrapolating
these hard neurophysiological data of memory
organ storage into the frontal lobes transcendence
U- If the
tal_l05 linkage is, in fact, thee mechanism to
cause mass—transcendence in
whole populations, why has it not been discovered
prior to this time?
5- How can the hippocampus/amygdala/frorital-lObeS
(HAFL) brain revolution bebrought down from the
clouds of akademe to the masses of
people sufring their dormant brains and searching
for whole brain power? What is your step—by-step
program to contribute to this salvation and
redemption of planet Earth?
6- What is your step—by—step program to liberate
your Self first, prirr to assuming leadership of a
sector (spearhead?) of the brain revol-— ution?
*** Copies of professional journal cites relevant
to the above will be circulated during class.
Take to your lean-to and read. Indicate
on the master control sheet which you have read.
Once one journal article has been read by all
students, a special class will be held to discuss
it. Prepare yourself to carry on a scholar’s
discussion with your peers without a teacher
giving you leading questions. Learn to analyze and
criticize the absolute scientific foundation which
justi— fies and verifies this program and your
coming transcendence experience.
Lesson 12* Triune Brain
The human brain is 3 brains in 1, each separate
from the other, each with its own decision—making
center, each with its own specialized, auto— matic
program for survival and transmutation into the next
higher evol— utioriary stage of fulfillment.
The reptilian core brain was evolved whenOur
ancestors first were bulging out a complex brain
from the primitive spinal cord 1400,000,000 years
ago. This evolutionary advance was carried forward
in the genetic code. Around the reptile organs, the
paleo (old) mammal brain evolved 200,000,000 years
ago. It contains the limbic system which computes
emotions. Finally, the neo (new) mammalian brain
evolved around the prior two. It contains the
extended cortex and frontal lobes. Accord-ing to
Paul MacLean, the original researcher who first
discovered these facts, “the amalgamation amounts to
three inter—connected biological computers, with
each inferred to have its own special intelligence,
its own subjectivity, its own sense of time and
space, its own memory, motor and other functions.”
Terminal human behavior is the sum total
compromise—-- a force vector--—- between these 3
diverging computers of action, emotion and thought.
By learning the unique function of each automatic
brain and the connections between each, you can
learn to control, converge and harmonize their
divergent, disharmonized computations to cause more
in— telligent, more efficient superbehaviors.
1- From your personal study of the primary data
researched by MacLean, discuss what you know
about the functioning of the triune brain.
2— The limbic system is the locus of emotions. What
does this suggest about the relation of the
emotions and the reptilian brain? What
does this suggest about the reason for violence and
war in emotionless killer apes? What changes in the
penal system would you recommend? How can you stop
war? Within yourself?
3— What do you Intuit is the beneficial
relationship between your rep-tile brain and
your dormant frontal lobes? How can you improve
linkage into greater efficiency for survival and
transcendence? How can you dominate and transcend
this linkage into cosmic perception, communication
and love?
References s
MacLean, Paul D. On the evolution of’ the three
mentalities. Man-Environrnçnit stems, 1975, 5:
--— The triune brain in conflict. Psychotherapy and
1977, 28 207—220.
_ V V V V
--- Why brain research on lizards? havV.c and urolo
of Lizar, 1978, National Institute of Mental
Health. V
Hoiden, Constance. Paul MacLean and -the triune
brain. Scjence, volume 2014, June 8, 1979.
(1-us bookis being written and published at the
time this is being
Le s s on 13 ‘ Traum Dratn T1e ory
The human triune brain contains the automatic,
genetic, self-healg mechanism which clears the neo
mammalian braLrL9f’ repressed chfld trau— ma
memories as the_first ste±fdclea-ng the paleo
mammalian bam
evolutionary txma memories. Re— pressed trauma
memories cause neurosis. eurosis is gene ic in e i—
gence blocked from completing its circuit through
personal intelligere into cosmic intelligence. At
each stage of’ regression, bound energy of neurosis
is released into free energy. Free energy
automatically is ehinted by genetic intelligence
through the amygdala into the dorTnant frontal
lobes to cause the nirvana/born-again transcendence
Simply by acting-out a repressed child trauma
memory of confusion, pain or fear, its negative
emotion is discharged. The negative child memory
stored in the temporal lobes is discharged. The
negative infant memory stored in the hippocampus is
discharged. The bound energy of neurosis which
disproportionately holds each memory in each tissue
is turned loose to release your dormant frontal
1- Start with your unrepressed, consciously aware
memories of child traumas. Later, you will use
focused meditation to bring up re— pressed,
unconscious memories. Eventually, interview all
family mem— bers (via scripted questions and tape
recorder) to get the facts of your conception,
gestation, birth, infancy and childhood
experiences; both positive and negative.
2- Don’t go insane. Don’t overload your brain with
too much emotion too soon, thereby causing
breakdown into psychosis, Self—therapy
is self-responsibility. While actually being—
feeling your child at that age when that trauma
happened , maintain your adult sani ty rope up out
of the retrogression hole of pain and tie it to a
rational pine tree. Then BE that child. Re—
experience that child fully. Feel that pain fully.
Feeling only 99% is not passing in the school of
3- Act—out the trauma drama, Experiment with
different locations and times of day. Morning
pre-conscious always is best. Primal nature
always is best. The primal nature energy vortex in
morning is the sup— reme therapeutic environment
for re-birthing your Life; the urban en— tropy
environment is the least nurturing. Make your
decision: How do you intend to save your Life? What
Life do you choose to Live? Where?
4- After each trauma drama, review the
neurophysiologic mechanisms
which were involved so as to improve your
understanding and control of the basic machinery
involved in this revolutionary process.
5— After each trauma drama, write the comprehensive
experience in your Inner Journal so as -to
document your soul history evolving from
blind, obedient cultural conformity to visionary,
voluptuous freedom soaring into the next stage of human
transmutation. Do you have a desire to be a
teacher/leader to other pre-mutants ready to make this
accelerated leap into self--realization? Are you
willing to learn the disciplined skills of being such a
leader prior to the time of your own transcendence? If
so, how shall this accelerate your transcend— _ ence?
What is the neural/genetic logic?
6- After each trauma drama, each one teach one.
Sharing each stage of your self-cleansing and
forward growth with one or more other
persons not only inspires them to follow your
example, but solidifies your determination to keep
your nose to the delicious grindstone until you too
experience the supreme moment of breakthrough.
Lesson 14 Trauma Draina, Met1
Act I s
Trauma • Act—out V the event as it fac
tually happened in total, defenseléTVulnerab1e
child confusion, pain and fear. Act— out the event
in full screaming, snotting, theatricV drama.
Either sak the words OUt loud or speak them ins ide
your head .YVVBe cVVVr . Do
_V sTh&tiYi VVVBÔ V,ch VVVVVVV ØflVVVVtotãlIy and
si*iultiñeously. Be your cry-ing child
simultaneously while being your parent speaking
wrong reacti words/gesture/emoti0nS against your
biological and emotional needs. Allow-your adult
defenses to collapse totally. Suffer total defea t’
in-uticeanddestruction of your cosmic sanely. V
Act II : VVvenge . ACt’-OUVVVt VVV VVV ev çV V.
playing both your child and par erit. But
this time add a third person: You as your
now adult,
with full intelligence and full power to protect
your child and to dommate your parent. Do the
forbidden: Criticize, judge anddarnm your parent in
your child’s voice. Your chi1 now does what s/he
could never do: dominate, control, criticize, judge
and damm that parent for an injustice done.
Parents ignorant of perfect neural growth blackmail
a child not to cry its deepest repressed trauma
pain by conditioning and programming the child with
complex cultural defense mechanisms, the deepest of
which is the child’s fear that parent will withhold
the ultimate nutrient crucial to sane child growth:
love. Your child is now totally self-confident and
totally wise with your adult guidance. Your child
is now your parent’s parent, telling her/him what
is right and what is wrong. But the damage has been
done. Your child was crippled. The law was broken.
Your parent broke the natural law of genetic child
development into cosmic love. Social justice must
be done. Your child takes your parent to
evolutionary court. Your child, speaking with your
adult intelligence, is killer-ape prosecutor,
snarling jury and
pre-judicedjudg. The trial is ruthlesslyiiest--- in
you±Thvor. The direct examination and cross
examination are ruthlessly therapeutic. The verdict
VVVVV given. (Guess who loses to that packed
jury.) The judgment is given. The punishment is
inflicted: eternal damnation of no-growth ; nontranscendence • Child punishes parent. Justice is
rendered. A soul for a soul, Child catharsis is
achieved. RevengeV. Sweet. But revenge is not love.
Revenge is simply re-balancing your deepest,
reptilian brain. Revenge is not ultimately
satisfying. Re— venge does not genetically shunt
energy into frontal lobes.
Act III: Forgiveness. “Forgive him/her, for s/he
knew not what s/he did to screw up my
Life.” Redemption. Transfiguration. Actout the event as it shoul have happened with love.
After Act I and Act II are repeated until all
emotion is drained and only cold logic remains,
fantasize the most perfect and wise and loving way
that epi— sode shbuld have occurred. Persuade your
parent to be all-knowing par— ent: to see and
understand your child need with total teaching and
patience so you are guided out of that pain and
into your full genetic flow toward whole brain
power happiness and cosmic fulfillment. Image the
most wondrous and beautiful resolution of that most
grim and hurt-ing trauma. Forgive your parent for
being so unknowing, insensitive and foolish with
the pawn of your precious Life. Transcend your
Act I causes the sub-threshold, unconscious
memory to be volted up tV VCOflSC1OUS awareness.
But conscious awareness is not emotional dis
charge. Act I is classical Freudian couch
“therapy”: intellectual in-sight therapy. It is not
emotional feeling therapy. It does not discharge
the negative emotion. Thus does such “therapy”
prolong itself ($) for 20 years with zero reports
of frontal lobes transcendence into
t-t--icyn-L--mmtiiri±ier nñ
Supplement “A” to Lesson 14, “Self Trauma Drama”:
“y Briçiin.”
Bonding in total trust and love to a reciprocally
growing soulmate causes the fear of growing up to
dissolve and to be replaced by excite— -• ment, drive
and perpetual fulfillment. As water in a U-shaped,
plastic hose seeks its natural, balanced level, so
too does the high level of energy within the
superior person lovingly go down to the low level
of energy--- of entropy——- within the inferior
person, thereby bringing him/her up to their
natural, shared equi-—librium Q4br: balance;
liberty: freedom) point. V
The trauma drama is acted-out at this
disproportionately energized point, causing
accelerated breakthrough, cleansing and healing of
a single, repressed, blocking, poisoning child
After the superior person helps the inferior
person to act-out and emotionally discharge that
Life-ruining trauma, the bound energy of neurosis
holding together the trauma memory--- binding to
the tissues of the temporal lobes for child
memories; to the tissues of the hippo-campus for
infant memories—-- is liberated into free energy.
That unit of your personality entropy is
dissolved. That unit of that free en-ergy raises
the equilibrium point between you and your
This process continues until both of you are
equi-liberated; until both of your energy/entropy
mixtures are equal. (See Lesson 24: “Ener——
gy/Entropy Physics.”) From then on, you both
progress in reciprocal love growth-——— as true
soulmates, not wish-fulfillment fantasy soul
murderers--- through your first frontal lobes
transcendence climax. Then you continue on up the
genetic escalator into all stages, expansions and
circuitings of nirvana and diverse creativities
through your whole brain powers converging in
shared social actions.
1—— Discuss the energy/entropy relationship between
you and your soul-beloved/teacher/friend .
Identify the superiority/inferiority levels
of each. Identify your reciprocal needs; your
reciprocal equilibrium point.
2- Discuss your process and invent your method to
take turns in helping each other release a
single unit of personal need so as to release
progressively higher quantities and qualities of
bound energies; so as to raise the equilibrium
point progressively until one, or both, of you
experiences the first frontal lobes popp—--singly or simultaneously; in isolated skull
consciousness or in shared consciousness. U—tube
astride the cosmic rocket.
3- What if mate dont wanria grow up?
.Lesson 15: IRolcaso Child Traujn Memoriç
V At tho timo of utorino grovith of the fotus, birth
and the first 6 months of external rowth,the
ideation centers and the speech centers in the left
hemisphere arc not yet connected to the limbic
emotion sys— tern. All infant trauma emotions are
felt and stored without ideation
content and without words in the hiTpocampUs, which is
part of the urnhic system. After 6 months, tho
ideation and spooch centersaro gonotically
connected to tho limbic system. From then on, all
child trauma emotions are felt and stored with
ideation content--- the child ets the idea that the
stove is hot--— and with words--- “Ooch”--- in the
temporal lobes at the temples. Mechanical
manipulations, described in fo1lowin Lessons,
systematically release these bound child memories——
— from ao 6 months to adolescence--- stored in the
temporal lobes. The emotional pain of each is
discharged via Self Trauma Drama.
If the repressed infant trauma memories stored in
the hippocampus arc roloasod prior to the repressed
child trauma memories, the over whelming,
unfocused, unprepared pain can cause breakdown of
the WhOle, orderly, self—healing brain mechanism
into psychosis. Thus, the genotically healthy brain
automatically prohibits and prevents such premature
release until at least 51 of the child traumas have
been clean-sod and discharged to neutral emotion in
the temporal lobes.
Child confusions, pains and fears about how to
live Life are the deep root of adult confusions,
pains and fears about how to live Life. Unhiocking
stagnant adult intelligence, creativity and
happiness happens when you o down to the root of
your repressed child trauma mom— ones, release each
in proper order and emotionally discharge each with
trauma drama.
Start by skimming the cream off the top of your
memory milk. Skim off those memories of childhood
hurts which are in full, un-repressed awareness. In
the following Lessons you will release repressed
memor— ies systematically via script writing, dream
analysis, suture tapping and focused meditation.
1- Do you have the courage and determination to relive your past mom-ones of child traumas? Vihy?
2- Inventory your comprehensive list of negative
child memories---physical, intellectual,
emotional and spiritual-—— blocking you from
daily satisfaction, cooperation, intellionco, love,
soulmating and happiness. List your un-repressed,
normally remembered child traumas in random order.
Identify the most traumatic and the least traumatic
in rank order. If you feel strong, emotionally
discharge the most traumatic first through the Self
Trauma Drama method. If you feel weak and overly
threatened, discharge the easiest first and build
your courage and determination by working up the
:3- vVlrite a script (Lesson 16) for each trauma.
This focuses the details on paper so your brain
can fill its conscious void with more details.
Act-out each trauma drama. Record each episode in
your Inner Journal and discuss with your co-therapy
family. \Vjhat does such discussion identify? V
L_ Do not allow your Self to get overly emotional
during the first few trauma dramas because you
may overvVlhelm your child, cause breakdown
of further communication and double your defenses
aainst the next rev-elations, Back into the cold
\iater of painfull memories slowly. Build
.- , - -‘ -‘ ,. - ‘- VV __1V! _ ..
Lesson 16: Scr Wtin
A script is a meticulously prepared system of
words and ideas written in anticipation of a
nervous confrontation which will make you too
confused to think of the proper words and ideas which
are necessary to dominate that confrontation
comprehensively to your advantage.
A script prepared before attempting a Self Trauma
Drama organizes all your words, ideas and emotions
properly so you do not lose the central focus which
makes the trauma drama lOO effective.
A script boxes-in your repressed, unconscious
emotions so they can— not escape during the trauma
drama, thereby forcing them to break your dam so
that all your emotions can be expressed
1- Once you have identified a primary adult,
adolescent, child or in— fantile trauma memory,
write down its details. Write down the
ical facts, the intellectual ideas, the egipnl
hurts and the spirit-ThT56nsequences. Describe he
step-by-step sequence leading up the tràtic scene.
Describe the tiauma. V
KaQt eI) 4VZ ki1
2—- Write ddwn key quotations which can be thrown
at you by members of your co-therapy family. What
did Mother/Father say? What did I say
in self—defense? What did She/He say in rebuttal?
- Discuss the script with the family before
starting. L_ Give the script to the leader of the
co-therapy family.
5- Lay down in the most comfortable, unstressed,
relaxed position to allow your thoughts to flow
maximally. Close your eyes.
6- Regress your age slowly from your current age
to the age at which the trauma occurred. Watch
the movie play backward. Get into the
mood and spirit of each age.
Once you have reached the trauma age, re-see
and re-live the episode. Describe it as it is
happening, in the present tense: “I am now
walking into Mother’s bedroom. She is saying to
8— Once you have reached the trauma action and
once you have recited the key quotations from
Mother/Father, the family will throw these
same quotes at you (with embellishments) to grind
in the hurt and pain until your dam busts and the
tears flow.
9- Complete Act I of the Self Trauma Drama until
you can proceed to Act II and Act III.
10— Continue doing script writing and co—therapy
until the family becomes a hindrance. They
become a hindrance when you notice that
they have the wrong sound, the wrong inflection,
the wrong attitude and the wrong vision of how the
trauma really happened. Now do Self Trauma Drama by
yourself, alone, in your own head. You now need no
else. You now are on the fast track to selftherapy. You now will be able to zipp off a Self
Trauma Drama in a fraction of the time it used to
take. Soon, you will be doing 2, 3, Li trauma
dramas per morning. Soon, you will be doing 2, 3,
U trauma dramas simultaneously. Super thoray.
Lesson 17: V3jfl Analyj
A dream is your brain’s first way of causing a
repressed, unconscious memory to rise to consCioUs
awaeneS$. Once you fully are aware of the
unsatisfied need in that momory yQVaro forced to
satisfy it.
A dream is an unconscious
pain or fear from your
hood which was repressed and now is tryiig to come up
to conscious awareness in factual, linear
simplicity to force you to solve that problem.
Since it is so confusing, painfull and fear-filled,
you cannot stand the discomfort of re-confrntthg
the. memory of the original traumatic episode in
your conscious aweneSS, hence, it must sneak into
your problem-solving computer via the back door--via dreams.
A dream is like a Oolor projoct’ion slide heated,
twisted and warped so the image is not clear and
simple. he warp comes from your child fear-- lack
of courage--— which prevents you from confront ing
your original trauma memory directly because you do
not yet have the necessary intellectual tools to
dominate, control and change the power (usual-ly a
parent) which caused the original trauprn. As you
acquire those tools through this Workbook, and as
you release the bound energy of neurosis into free
energy within your conscious surface trauma
memories, your dreams will un-warp. They will
clarify and simplify until they start )iving you
straight, factual datafrom your repressed history.
Your dreams will become a simple dialog between
friend and friend, revealing your library of
ultimate trauma memories. These clear, simple,
factual dreams, then, will become the subject
matter of your self-therapy regimen, systematically
telling you your proper gradient of repressed child
trauma memories so they can be cleansed
systematically and properly until your
transcefldence happens and your sleep is cata—
tonia: No more night work. “I slept likea log.”
Then, morning genius
creative production. V
1— Record dreams when they happen by V keeping
your Dream Journal next to your sleeping bag with
a flashlight and pen Vfl your lean-to.
2— After re-reading, analyze and write an
interpretation. Trust your intuitions to give you
theVdeeptVaVVdmOSt subtle insight into what
your unconscious memory is tryinto
:3- Share your first few dreams vh you -therapy
family mates to get a different perspective into
Sour reptilian ego defenses oozed into
your interpretation. This shocks you into being
more honest—-— egoless
--- and daring with your trust of Self receiving
cosmic consciousness.
Li_ As you signal your brain that you honestly. and
seriously are ready to process dreams
systematically, your brain automatically will
you progressively deeper data of your child and
infant traumas to be remembered and acted-out and
discharged via Self Trauma Drama. V
5- Your repressed dream library will signal when
it has evacuated the last negative garbage it has
been holding for your conscious awareness: Dreams turn to wit and humor. When they turn
to flying and free flowing out of your brain-body,
your genetic intelligence is signalling you that
you now are ready to receive your next teachers:
your cosmic guides. They will glide in throuh your
now open and clean channel of
your brain. They will make first contact with your
conscious awareness through your dreams.
6- Be tough. Ask who they are; their names; where
they are from. Ask
- - V
1’tii1r1 h
LTiJ (Vfl
Lesson 18: Temporai-Sphenoid@ Sutur Tap
The temporal-sphenoidal suture between your skull
bones arcs from your eye over your ear. Consult a
text to identify exact location. By tapping it
firmly (just short of pain or discomfort) with 2
fingertips at ni’ht before sleep, you release
repressed child trauma memories from
the temporal lobes into aware dreams for later
discharge via traumadran’a.
1- Start by imaging your Self back to age-5. Tap
your left temporal-sphenoidal suture line until
you feel a point of resonance or pain.
This is the point at which you are reinforcing your
age-5 thought and emotions to encourage age-5
memories to emerge after you go to sleep.
2- Repeat the imaging method for age-6, ageLs, age7, age-3, age-8, age2, age-9, age-l, birth, in womb. Each age has a
point of resonance.
Repeat on right temporal—sphenoidal suture.
3- Map all your suture lines on left side, right
side, top and back.
14- If you are right-handed, your left-hemisphere
is dominant: awake, logical, verbal; adultdefensive. Your right-hemisphere is subservient:
mute, hiding, cringing child. Dominate your
dominant left-hemisphere with superior power.
Seduce your right-hemisphere with tender love.
Reverse this order if you are left—handed.
5— Speak to your left-hemisphere (out loud, or just
in your head) with the first word: “Not” “No, you
shall repress your trauma memory
just because it hurts” Speak stearnly but lovingly
like Big Daddie. This works because under the mask
of your dominant left-hemisphere ad-ult there still
cringes the child of repressed trauma memories.
Your adult mask is merely your “personality”
composed of complex defense mechanisms to protect
your child from further pain. Speak to your lefthemisphere as if it is age-5. It is. After giving
the stern order, tap the suture at its
corresponding age—point. This reinforces the order.
Do this at night before sleep and the repressed
trauma memory
V of that age will release itself from the temporal
lobes and rise durin.g dream or during morning preconscious state for later discharge.
6- Speak to your right-hemisphere with the first
word: “Yes!” “Yessss, hunnn-NEEEH You SHALL
remember that naughty ol memorie which has
been making a big waa-waa in your beautiful apple
pie head!!! I love you and I will make the hurtie
hurt go away. Just tell me what it is.” Speak--NAY! PURRRRRH--- gently and L 0 V I N G G L L E E E
like guess who?: Mommie! Now tap the right-suture
at the same age-point as you did on the leftsuture. This works because your child was born into
right-hemisphere cosmic language which was crushed
out by parental ignorance and which now wants to
7- Combine left-suture tap with right-suture tap
before sleep and observe the quantity and quality
of repressed child trauma memories
which emerge. Discharge the emotional pain via Self
Trauma Drama.
The mechanism of suture-tap snapping up of
repressed memories is accupressure. Cosmic
consciousness enters the reticular activating formation in the reptilian brain and attempts to
complete its circuit out the dormant frontal lobes.
It gets snagged at the hippocampus and tern-poral
lobes by repressed infant and child trauma
memories. Each snag-point is betrayed blatantly by
genetic intelligence along suture lines. Self
Trauma Drama discharges the negative entropy of the
snag-point. You now flow to, release to awareness
and heal the next child-trauma snag-point; the next
infant-trauma snag-point, until your frontal lobes
Use suture-tap in aitehtion with closed focused
Mountain Meditation, morning pre—conscious
programming and imagery to give your sutures a rest
and to not over-milk the method. Try suture-tap
around the front-al lobes and the rear pineal
gland. Be creative in seif-experimentation. Observe
temporary in-flow of cosmic language, intelligence,
Le s S on 19 : Mornig Pro—Cons ci ous
Hone y
Genetic intelligence creates the human brain to
create emotions and thoughts to slf-tSt each
individual against the ultimate standard of survival
of the fittest. Those who discover total genetic and
personal honesty within themselves evolve their
emotions and thoughts up a demonstrable gradient of
genius productions and leader actions. Such tot-al
honesty is genetically built-into each brain in the
morning preconscious state of awareness.
The morning pro-conscious occurs as the thin
middle layer in the baloney sannawich of neural
meat. The lower layer is unconscious sleep. The
upper layer is conscious awakenoss. The pro—
conscious is when you are rising from sloop toward
awakeness and you stop before you are fully awake.
You are not asleep--- and you know it. You are not
awake--— and you know it. During sleep, rational
thought is stopped. During pre-conscious
consciousness , rational thought is re-started .
During awakeness, your reptilian brain ego and your
hurt child defenses in your temporal lobes and
hippocampus are fully operational. During the preconscious state, reptilian ego and child defenses
are still asleep. You now compute rational thought
between your personal intelligence (Fl), genetic
intelligence (GI) and cosmic intelligence (CI)
through zero ego and zero defenses. Your rational
thought computes answers to problems in pure, zero
friction flow through your maximum brain power
through total self-honesty into supreme growth
through social intelligence (SI) to genius leader.
1- Develop the skill of flowing into your morning
pre-conscious (MPC; pre—con) for 1 second, 2
seconds, 10 seconds; 1 minute, 10 minutes.
The primal nature environment has been tested
against the urban environ— ment and found to be the
fastest and most efficient way to discover this
power. Ask your Self: “Am I in morning
preconscious?” When you
— are, the answer will flash: “Yes!”
2- All morning pre—consciOus answers flash like
lightning. All answers are lOOp true. The most
astonishing behavior in all neurotic existense is
that you cannot lie to your Self in the morning
:3- Once you have mastered the warmgooey flow of
morning pre-conscious purity--- no neurosis--ask your Self a binary (Yes/No) question
the night before: “Shall I feel happiness today?”
“Do I want to grow up?” The answer will come in a
blinding flash of truth. The answer will be lOO5
believable within your value-system and growthdestiny. You will believe the answer instantly with
100% trust and action. You will adjust your Life
from that moment forward upon the bedrock foundation of that answer.
t4_ Once you have mastered the night-question and
morning-answer process, write out a gradient of
binary questions analyzing each block in
your Life growth. Present one question per night to
your meat computer:
Receive one answer per morning. Eventually, ask
more complex, non-binary questions: “What question
do I fear to ask?”
5- As the gross bound energy of neurosis is turned
into gross free ener
- gy by solving your
survival and growth
problems, turn this mor-— ning free energy into
your fine problems: to release your repressed child
and infant trauma memories. Eventually, after selftherapy is completed, you will learn to lock into
the morning pre-conscious clean channel for
hours/days and use it to receive advanced genius
ideas, erno— tions and productions beyond your
learned wisdom from the cosmic intell-igence
circuit. You will tap into words beyond Earth
vocabulary. You will make decisions through your 3
coordinated triune brain decision making centers
which release supercreativity. You will do multiple
4--vle mi1iir Y()1] Will write books in morning
Le sson 20 : Self-Guided Imaging
Imaging is the brain’s magic method of bringing
unconsCiOuS powers of self-healing and self-growth
up to consciOuS self-control.
Imaging is the brain’s magnificent power to
imagine the mechanism of self-healing and selfgrowth so as to control the mechanism--- egoless—
ly--- into blatant demonstrations of physical
health, intellectual genius, emotional ecstacy and
spiritual transcendence.
Imaging is the brain’s stupendous gift of a
specific method by which to identify the
inhibitors—-- repressed child trauma memories--which block the free flushing flow of cosmic
consciousness through the brain so that these
inhibitors can be removed via Self Trauma Drama.
Imaging is a perception without a direct outside
stimulus, causing a totally flowing, infinitely
creative vision of what your Life was, is
and shall be.
• •
Imaging integrates your components of sensing,
emotion, intelligence, cognition and motivation to
create a new power of knowing your Self expanding
into Life and Universe.
Imaging expands your child playsie funsie gamsie
dominance and con-trol over
boredom/confusion/pain/fear experiences in Life.
Imaging is cosmic consciousness attempting to
flow cosmic intelligence through your triune brain
so that your personal intelligence sees and
understands the gradient of your full human
1- Develop your power of imagination via Lesson 6,
“Child Play.” Develop your skill of allowing your
100% emotion and lOO intelligence to
flow into each fantasy. Guide the flow of emotion
and intelligence like a laser beam to cure and heal
your specific body hurts. Design your Self-Guided
Imagery procedure to heal Self and Others. Trigger
your brain-body to react in quantitatively and
qualitatively new ways.
2- Guide your image to be an atom of infinite
intelligence and feeling. Flow through your blood
stream to visit, understand, heal and liberate each
cell, tissue and organ of your brain-body toward
transcendence, transmutation and cosmic
3- Guide your image into your temporal lobes to
release your repressed child trauma memories.
Later, into your hippocarnpus to release your
repressed infant trauma memories.
4- Guide your image into frontal lobes to pop a
first transcendence experience. Make first
contact with your cosmic guides.
5- Guide your image into your reptile brain and
become a hissing creature crawling around this
wild mountain.
6— Write an Imaging Script to an emotional topic and
use it to guide the scene and emotions into
dramatic, pre-—chosen brain-body respon—ses.
Observe and record warmth, sweating, chills, racing
heart, breathlessness, guts gurgl and poopierrhea.
7- Experimentally measure the bio-information which
Self-Guided Imaging makes available to you.
8- How can networks of imagings be used to heighten
your self-therapy?
9- What written or verbal instructions best focus
your innate power of Self-Guided Imaging into the
most vivid episodes? When can such
vividness be too overpowering and dangerous? How
can you avoid such danger? Does the brain—body have
an automatic cutoff switch to prevent such
overpowering and danger? When can such vividness be
10- What is your theory and hypothesis of the
neurophysiological mech
anism which causes imaging? How does this theory
and hypothesis
increase your power of imaging?
_V 11-— If a person cannot do Self-Guided Imagery, what
does this suggest
about his/her ability to do self-therapy--- or
even therapist-con--trolled therapy? What is the_fate of such a person?
12- What super—sensing and super-knowing can you
discover in your dor
mant brain via Self-Guided Imaging?
13-- Share imaging through shared consciousness.
Le s s on 2 1 : Exte nd Fami Co-The
The individual without a neurally-trustable,
Life’knOwledgable family cannot learn to grow into
social intelligence--- which is pre-requisite to
transcending into cosmic intelligence. The
individual who creates a
Co—Therapy Family learns the shortcuts into whole brain
The motivation for you to do the work of
developing your Co-Therapy Family is the simplest
and most effective emotion in the spectrum of
genetically encoded feelings: greed. You are
desperate to grow up. You are terrified by the
thought of living your Life in perpetual confusion
and pain. Only a Co—Therapy Family can help you not
slip back into con—-formity and spiritual death.
Only via such egotistic motivation will you do the
work to finish your transcendence into egolessness.
Only via such cooperation can you create the
mission totally dedicated to helping each other
Family member:
A- Self-release repressed child and infant trauma
B- Self-circuit into dormant frontal lobes;
C- Have fun during the beginning turmoil of growing
Method of Reciprocal Co-Therapy:
1— Create your Family Co—Therapy rules on paper.
2- Create your Co-Therapy Economy so there is a
balance between giving and receiving. One person
giving more energy and receiving less
energy will---- like a car battery--- be drained
:3- After you have a voluptuous massage, you do not
want to get up and massage your massager. During
each formal session you either are
the therapist or you are the therapee. Not both.
Don’t switch on that
— day of deep probing. Get a good night’s sleep first
to re-balance your energy and entropy. It is O.K.
to switch sides back and forth during shallow
l4 Empathy. That’s all therapy is. Merely listen to
the other person’s genetic code tell you what it
wants and needs to re-start automatic
growth. Merely listen to the other person’s
unconscious Child telling you which blocks it must
have removed to re-start automatic genetic growth.
Merely ask the gentle and tough questions which
cause the therapee to tell what s/he wants and
needs to re—start automatic genetic growth. Merely
form your questions within your expanding knowledge
of how the human brain works, how the brain is
blocked from automatic grow-th and how the brain
wants to unblock and grow into its dormant frontal
lobes--- and beyond. The reason the therapee does
not or cannot get past this block in self-therapy
by herself/himself is because s/he is still
endorphin-bonded and still needs a Big Daddie or
Big Mommie to help her/him grow up. You are Power
Pa or Yumm Mammary Ma. Or both. Androgyne .
5- Discipline each therapy session into one solvable
problem. Solve that problem by the end of the
session. Solve a problem a day.
Make the therapee feel like a winner.
Family Co-Therapy is not illegal because no money
is exchanged. No government licensing is required to
outgrow infantile narcissistic suck
into mature love with Family Brothers and Sisters.
Discuss your strategy and tactics.
Le s S On 2 2 : Normal Paranora2.
A normal power is sensing--- seeing, hearing,
smelling, tasting and touching--- the outside
environment within the limits you now have. A para
(“beyond”) normal power of sensing perceives and
knows the reality of primal nature and Universe
beyond these limits. Extra sensory per-ception sees,
hears, smells, tastes and touches phenomena beyond
the ranges of ordinary people. Such mutation
dominates ordinary people.
The ability to release your normal paranormal
powers from your dor— mant brain is a normal stage
of evolution. The method to do so is mere— ly to
release your repressed child and infant trauma
memories which are blocking this automatic flow into
super perception and super commuflication. Once
child hurts are released, normal paranormal powers
emerge automatically. Once the dormant frontal lobes
are released with love, conscious awareness expands
out to a new order of emotion, perception and
communication with other intelligences throughout
I— Describe your preliminary popps of telepathy,
clairvoyance and clairaudience which have
happened without your knowing how to self-cause
them. What emotions accompanied them?
2- Describe how your understanding and knowing the
neural mechanism of this natural phenomenon is
stimulating it to emerge more naturally.
3- What subjective tests and measurements can you
design and operate to verify that a specific
simple skill of paranormal power is emerging
progressively? What objective tests and
measurements can you design and perform to prove to
scientific skeptics that you have such powers?
Lj_ What is the entire spectrum of available human
paranormal powers reported in the literature? Why are
those reports not accepted by convontional, conservative science? How can the entire
field of parapsychology be upgraded by neural
cybernetics into scientific respectability,
systematic increase and accelerated mass
multiplication through planet Earth’s human
5- What is the optimum regimen to cause the
emergence of your paranormal powers? Do you have
the courage and determination to pursue it?
6- Why is the utter simplicity of primal nature the
optimum environment to cause the emergence of
normal paranormal powers? How?
7- Inventory the paranormal powers exhibited by
animals, fish and birds. How are these related to
your triune brain? What does this suggest
about those evolutionary powers being repressed-—and waiting--- in your triune brain? Invent a
triune technique to release them.
8- A1hat is your image of a society within which all
individuals live in fully released, normal
paranormal powers? What first change must be
caused in American society to allow this emergence?
Shall you cause that first change? How? Describe
your strategy and tactics.
9- What is your image of a love shared between
soulmates who both are fully liberated into their
normal paranormal powers? Can you tollerate a
“love” which is less than that?
10- What paranormal powers did you have as a child?
How were they lost?
11- Communicate with deer; hawks.
Lesson 23: V,çlie
A value is a usually unexamined, casual emotional
ranking or feeling that something is true or false,
right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ui4y,
moral or evil. Each value is rooted in a
biological, neuroloP-ical or experiential function
of the individual’s cultural Life. When a value
becomes a 100% emotional fooling, it changes into a
belief. A value or belief may ho scientifically
right or wrong--- “The Earth is flat.” “The moon is
chooze.” “Disease is cured better by healing hands
than by penicillin.” Some values/beliefs cannot be
proved scion-tifically: “This sunset is beautiful.”
“I have faith in Buddha/Jesus/Mohammad to create my
Life perfectly.” A fact can be proved scientifically. A value only can be persuaded.
If a value/belief is proved wrong by the
scientific method of validation, and if a person
still has that value/belief imprinted in his or her
brain library, that wrong value/belief blocks part
of the vastly dormant brain from genetically selfcircuiting into demonstrable whole brain power.
If you re-examine each value and belief which you
have sucked up unquestioningly from the culture’s
accepted values into your brain since conception
and if you re-judge each to be worth retaining or
re— jocting, you will clean out your head garbage,
liberate your functional brain and nurture your
dormant tissues into action.
I- Inventory your value system and belief system.
Judge which are worthy of retention and which are
worthy of rejection. How do you
reject a value/belief which has become automatic
2- When is a scientifically unprovable value a
comfortable guide into unknown reality? When is
it a hindrance or danger to living Life
succe ssfully?
:3- How do values and beliefs separate people from
perfect cooperative communication? How can that
separation be dissolved?
Li-- VVlhy arc religious beliefs created among the
5000 religions on Earth? Which one is right?
Wrong? What effect does religious belief have
on the belief of human evolution into warless Earth
and galactic confederation? On scientific advancement into these
5- VThat values/beliefs are holding you back from
6- Design and demonstrate a logical method to expose
conflicting and irrational values between two
people and to dialog those conflicts
rationally until consensus is achieved. When are
you willing to invest the enormous auantity and
quality of time, energy and intelligence into such
a dialog? When are you not so willing?
7- What happens when a person is ignorant of his/her
value re-evaluation skill or refuses to use it
reasonably? What is your communication value choice
when confronted by such a person? What is a fool?
8- What happens when a person who holds an
irrational or illogical value is boxed-in by
another person’s rational logic to see the
inconsistency or lie? When does rational change
happen and when does irrational, emotional temper
tantrum happen? Why? How can the latter be matured
into the former?
9- How do you integrate a value/belief/faith system
of personality/maturation/reality with a
scientifically empirical system of behavioral
science? What evidence do you have from history
that religious-ly “holy” societies based on boliof
systems still have not transcended the genetically
innate killer ape in each brain?
10— How can an intuitively conceived belief system
be verified to be true or false by setting up an
experimentally testable hypothesis
for each of its components and elements? Why is
this a safe way to stay sane?
11- Inventory the available texts systemizing known
belief systems.
Supplement “A” tO Lesson 23, “Values/Beliefs”
“Philosophic Method of
A “value” is ±he choice that a material, idea,
behavior or experien—’ ce is good or bad; true or
false; right or wrong. A value held by a
person, group or population with absolute certainty
transcends into a “belief.” A belief or belief—
system which is welded into the unconscious
behavior of a culture or group automatically i_s
forced into each individual Who enters that
population-—-- by birth or choice--- via the act of
A value can be analyzed by rational, logical
dialog, discussing the goodness or badness of that
value against the ultimate moral standard of
excellencet justice to pro-Life or anti-Life
One’s standard of excellence ultimately is based
upon the foundation of biological processs
neurology, genetics, consciousness physics. Bio—
logical process, already verified partially via the
scientific method of inquiry (SMI ) , md icate s
the human potential : release of the vastly dormant
brain into zero-time transmisS ion of thought , re
gardle ss of die—-tartce , to rece ive inf mite
intelligence , understanding and being.
Destruction of intelligence occurs in any
population whose value— system/belief-system (V .S
.13 .S . ) ignores , diverts , mis—informs , blocks
or forbids self-release of one’s own dormant brain
Release of onets own dormant brain powers and
infinite intelligence occurs by analyzing the
unconscious belief-system and value-system of the
family, group and culture into which one was born
or chose to enter. The systematic analysis is of
the self-absorbed growth values and block— ing
values which are pro-brain and anti-brain growth.
The analysis starts by securing a definitive
statement of the con-scious and unconscious brain
beliefs and values of your enfolding cul— ture,
group or/and family. From this text, specific
assumptions about your “allowed” growth are
inventoried. Each assumption is a generalized
cluster of fully believed, partially believed or
disbelieved (yet hypocritically stated as beliefs)
values which are crystallized into a moral force
to guide each individual into daily behaviors in
the direction chosen by the culture, group or
family. From this inventory, each assumption is
dissected and boiled down to its bare bones
values. Each value, finally, is compared against
the ultimate standard of pro-Life or anti-Life
perfection and judged: “good” or “bad.”
1- Secure the definitive statement of the
of your relevant culture, group or person.
2- Inventory the assumptions.
3- Analyze and state the assumptions as separate
)4_ Analyze each value against a standard of
5- Judge each value.
6- Create your social action program to change the
cause of bad values.
Le s S on 2LI : Enegy/Entro Phys I ç
Entropy is death. Energy is Life. Entropy sucks
energy. Energy is V merely temporary anti-entropy,
eventually getting sucked down to exhaustion, deflation
and death. Transcendence rises above exhaustion, deflation and death. Transcendence escapes the constant
gravitational pull
of entropy: the constant gravitational pull of
competitive consciousness in entropy people/events
sucking down your daily in-flow ration of cosmic
consciousness. Your daily struggle of Life is to
avoid, defend your Self and escape the entropy
people and social situations which V suck your
carefully grown and preciously hoarded daily energy
down to their spiritual death. Energy/Entropy
Physics has not yet been invent-ed because no one
has yet invented the instrument to measure
conscious-ness energy and entropy. Thus, this
pregnant science is still at the theoretical stage.
Shall you be the Columbus/Fermi/Oppenheimer who
scientifically liberates the planetary brainbornb?
1- Describe your regimen for shaping your energy
growth each day via proper sleep and proper use
of the morning pre-conscious reverie.
2- Describe your regimen for expanding your cosmic
consciousness energy growth each morning into bed
learning and creative production. Why
are these vital to perfecting the
neurophysiological functioning of your triune
:3- Inventory the people and social obligations of
your daily Life along a gradient of
14_ Inventory your increasing nurturance and
acceleration program to in-crease contact
efficiency with energy people and social
5-Describe the systematic steps by which you
deteriorate into “brain energy collapse,” “computer
collapse,” after exposure to and infection from an
overwhelming entropy source.
6- Describe your reptilian brain self-defense and
counter-attack strategies and tactics against
entropy people and experiences.
7- Which daily absorbtion of spirit-poisoning
entropy can you not elimmate from your Life? Why?
Which can you eliminate? How?
8- Describe your daily regimen of self-therapy to
purge emotion-poison-ing and thought-poisoning
entropy, to heal your broken circuits between your reptilian brain, paleo mammalian brain
and frontal lobes of neo mammalian brain and to restart computation of cosmic intelligence into
social intelligence.
9- Describe your random chance moments when your
brain temporarily clicks your amygdala into your
frontal lobes and causes transcend- V
ence above the clouds of lowly Earthly entropies.
How can you cause these moments to happen more
frequently? Permanently?
10- Describe your feelings and knowings of utter,
crushing boredom with entropy “friends” whom
you have outgrown. Whatcha gunna do bouttit? V
Describe your feeling of utter, crushing
boredom and loneliness with your Self. This is
what untranscended Old Age feels like,
permanently. What are you going to do to remove
this entropy from
- ¶ - —-- — —-- —-— — —— —
Lesson 25: Consciousne
The one and only uncaused reality is
The first cause which causes all other secondary
causes is conscious-ness. Consciousness creates
matter. Sub-atomic particles are created and guided
into the formation of genes, brains and galaxies by
V intelligence transmitted on the carrier wave of
cosmic consciousness.
Cosmic consciousness enters the human brain in
the reticular activating formation in the reptilian
brain, is clicked forward by evolution-ary chance
into the paleo mammalian brain where the mutating
amygdala clicks it forward into the frontal lobes
of the neo mammalian brain to compute cosmic
perception and communication, thereby teaching the
mdi-vidual to click it forward one more time
through the frontal lobes to complete the cosmic
circuit into personal maturity.
Immature understanding of cosmic consciousness,
caused by cultural ignorance and parental miseducation, causes the human individual to keep the
amygdala clicked backward into the reptilian brain,
thereby recomputing cosmic consciousness into
competitive consciousness, self— defensive
behaviors and counter-attacking behaviors.
Mature understanding of cosmic consciousness,
caused by random chance genetic mutation and
growing up, causes the individual to click the
amygdala forward into frontal lobes, thereby
recomputing cosmic con-sciousness into cooperative
consciousness and social intelligence, terminating
in Life-loving and society-transcending genius
The goal of maturation is achieved by
understanding one’s own block-ed flow of cosmic
consciousness so as to invent personally unique
ways to release and expand it.
1- Do you believe the Universe is created and
controlled by cosmic con-sciousness? Why? How
does this relate to God?
2- Can you identify cosmic consciousness entering
your brain in morning pre—conscious reverie?
3- Can you identify cosmic consciousness flowing
through your paleo mammalian brain? Through your
neo mammalian brain? Through your
frontal lobes? Describe.
Lj_ Can you feel blocks in parts of your brain
which slow clown or stop the flow of cosmic
consciousness? Can you feel the recomputation
which occurs at each of these points? Describe.
5- What regimen have you invented to remove one
specific block? What improvement of emotion and
thought computation have you observed?
6- Have you felt clicks in your amygdala shunting
energy forward into frontal lobes? What caused
it? Can you replicate it? At will?
7- Draw a schematic diagram of how consciousness is
shunted and computed between the blocks at
various neurophysiological points in brain.
8— Describe how competitive consciousness is
computed to warp cosmic love into deceitful
interpersonal “love” of self-defensiveness and
counter-attacking. Against whom is the defensive
“lover” counter-attacking? What is the relation of
such counter-attacking and the endorphin-caused
instinct to breed babies?
9- How can pure cosmic consciousness be accepted
purely in morning preconscious reverie to compute
genius thought which teaches others to
do the same? Describe. Demonstrate. What happens to
the flow of cosmic consciousness if it is not
ultimately focused on transmitting cosmic
intelligence into social intelligence; if it is
sucked by ego only for self?
10- How can the 3 forms of consciousness (3C; C3) be
explained to others who never have thought of
this interpretation of reality?
— 11- Describe the entropy forces which have the power
to break your cosmic consciousness flow. Describe
your self-therapy regimen to restart the flow.
12— Cosmic consciousness is teaching/learning
energy. Discuss. If so, what is the limit of
your intelligence? Demonstrate.
Lesson 26: Retarded Adolesce Rebellion
Retarded adolescent rebellion (RAR) is the final
genetic drive to outgrow conformity (to the
permanent war society) so as to mutate into the
warless, cooperative, loving evolution of Homo
Retarded adolescent rebellion is the final
genetic drive to re-remem— ber and re-live the
full, original cosmic perception and communication
out of which you emerged to be born throuh your
Retarded adolescent rebellion is the paradox of
the child attempting to be a transmutated adult by
attacking each available dominant Father Figure
or/and Mother Figure to prove that the child has
balls enough or cunt enough to make it in the
outside world as a freely growing, tran-— scended,
cosmic communicating human. “Let me attack you
incorrectly, Big Daddie,Big Moinmie, so you can
correct me and teach me to make my attack against
you more precise and effective. Stop your own Life
and growth to invest your total time and energy in
me to train me to dominate you--— even if that
means destroying your whole Life of past values and
slowly accumulated beliefs and Lifelong acquisition
of knowledges and skills of survival.” The supreme
Retarded adolescent rebellion in the adult brainbody can be either destructive or constructive .
Destructive rebellion against Authority Figures
blindly rejects the Authority’s knowledge and skill
of survival (perhaps even of transcendence) without
first comprehensively mastering the jne of
principles which are that Authority’s data base so
as to criticize it intelligently and to extrapolate
beyond it creatively.
All Authority agures--- Doctors, Lawyers, Judges,
Businesspersons, Eng— ineers, Scientific Researchers,
Philosophic Researchers, Mutant Teach--ers--- are
masters of a comprehensive data base of time-tested
method— _V ologies of inquiry, procedures of
professional discussion, empirical
evidence from controlled and replicated experiments
and logical discourse by which that pyramid of
facts and values is evolved and presented to others
in orderly, sane progression toward satisfying
learning aimed at improving human evolution. Destructive
rebellion, ignorant of this impregnable fortress,
blindly attacks it to satisfy the in-tuitive,
egotistic drive not to conform to the consciousness
contract— ion which the fortress and the Authority
Figure are assumed to represent. Destructive
rebellion does not know how to get the alternative
,——- consciousness expansion--- hence, attacks all
Authority Figures, including the Mutant Teacher who
can teach the rebel how to get con-sciousness
expansion. V
Destructive rebellion destroys the creative
teacher’s creativity by turning orderly discussion
into illogical chaos and irrational emotions
The destructive rebel is cut down by the nonmutating Power Author-ity--- slice by logical
slice; fact by logical fact--- until the rebel’s
spirit is broken and he/she is forced to retreat
into the age—old die-turn (especially once the
babies start to come) : “Conform Or Die.”
The mutating individual who is wise enough to
avoid destructive rebellion and clever enough to
grow into constructive rebellion chooses his/her
pyramid of Authority Knowledge, enters it, masters
its outline of principles and then--- and only
then--- extrapolates from its care-fully reasoned
facts to identify its errors so as to invent truly
methodologies of improvement and evolution, not only
for Self, but for :i Wo/Mankind. Anything less is
temper tantrum. Ego suck. Pigsuck.
The constructive rebel avoids blind
“intuitions” and “revelations”
¶f +cc+ c+c (P itr nr1 flO hitorieallv
tested values
Supplement “A” to Lesson 26, “Retarded Adolescent
Infantile narcissistic suck (INS) is the flip
side of the behavioral coin of retarded adolescent
rebellion (RAR). When genetic infantile needs are
not satisfied, at infancy or adulthood, the
adolescent explodes in desperation. Both are steps
up the step ladder in one’s attempt to mutate out
of cultural conformity to infant—suffocating and
adolescent-killing practiced in today’s permanent
war economy. But where adolescent rebellion,
retarded or otherwise, rebels against the
intuitively felt wrongness of a culture which it
still is trying to understand intellectually,
infantile narcissistic suck behavior does not
rebel. The adult merely sucks upon that same
culture without knowing or caring whether it is
“right” or “wrong.” The infantile narcissistic suck
personality simply needs and wants to suck
nutrition--- any kind of nutrition: books or booze—- merely to stay emotionally alive.
Infantile narcissistic suck behavior in a young
adult is the desperate action to suck new knowledge
about how to self—cleanse and self-release one’s
own 90% dormant brain--- regardless of how others
are doing; regardless of how society is doing;
regardless of how the planet is doing. “I’m gettin
mine (slurp slurp slurp). And I really don’t care
how you’re doin.”
If it is pro-Life, infantile narcissistic suck
behavior eventually matures into retarded
adolescent rebellion behavior--- which eventually
matures into transcendence; into mature behavior.
But prior to such transcendence and maturity, the
infantile narcissistic suck need must be fed.
Unless infantile narcissistic suck behavior is
fed with the same
— unconditional love and total giving as that of infant
clamped at marnrnary, the young adult will not grow
naturally into retarded adolescence and on to the
semi-mature job of self-cleansing repressed child
trauma memories--— which is pre-requisite to cause
the amygdala to click for-ward into the dormant
frontal lobes; into nirvana. Thus, teaching at this
crucial stage of the self-therapy regimen must be
exquisitely sensitive and rational by both teacher
and student--- lest the tit sour and the infant
collick; lest the teacher be sucked dry and the kid
1— Which specific behaviors of your personality and
character are infan— tile narcissistic suck
actions? Which consciously? Which uncon— V
Sc lously?
2— Which are rational? Irrational? What consequence?
3- Which irrational behaviors do you force upon your
V”soulmate/friend to solve for you because
you choose to not SOlV: V:em your— self? Why? What
/4_ Are you lazy?
5- Do you want to grow up? Why? How? Via what
6- What is the danger of irrationally mixing
economic reptilian survival behavior with
therapeutic paleo mammalian (hippocampus) infant
therapy behavior and frontal lobes transcendence
behavior? Can you un-mix them rationally and pursue
each separately until tranecendence blends all
conflicts into one glee?
7- Describe how infantile narcissistic suck behavior
and retarded adolescent rebellion behavior can be
mixed in “adult” behavor.1 Give
examples. What consequence? When is such mixing
accepted anI rewarded by the American culture? When
not accepted and punished? \hat consequence to your
transcendence and maturation?
Lesson 27: Release Repress4 InfaI1 Trauma Memories
Traumas which occur from conception, gestation
and birth to age 6 months are recorded in the
hippocampus. The hippocampus is connected directly
to the amygdala——— which is connected directly to
the dormant frontal lobes. The bound energy of
infantile neurosis in the hippocampus blocks the
circuit of thought production from the adult and
adoles-cent cortex and the child temporal lobes
from completing that circuit into frontal lobes
transcendence. Releasing each organ’s bound energy
of neurosis cumulatively,automaticallY shunts the
free energy into the amygdala, clicks it forward
and causes the self_transfigurationing event of
cosmic perception and communication.
The infant trauma memories in the hippocampus
start their flow of self-release after an estimated
5l of repressed child trauma memories are released
from the temporal lobes. Once started, each trauma-- of being unfed, unwarmed, unloved--- emerges as
a primal scream with no focused idea content and no
words. The ideation centers and speech centers are
not completely formed and connected to the limbic
emotion cen— ter until after 6 months of age.
After an estimated 51% of infant trauma memories
are screamed out and repeated until all negative
emotions are drained, the bound energy of neurosis,
now freed, cumulates and clicks the arriygdala
forward into the first transcendence experience.
Thereafter, the thrill of almost completed selfrealization motivates you to go back and clean out
the remaining 14’9% of garbage to cause a
progression up the gradient of in-creasing
transcendence phenomena until you popp into final
1- Clean out your repressed adult and adolescent
trauma memories in
your cortex by 100% via the Self Trauma Drama
method. Do the same for your repressed child trauma
memories in your temporal lobes.
2- Subjectively measure your increasing gradient of
physical energy, intellectual understanding,
emotional motivation and spiritual meaning as you progress into this home stretch to the
reality jackpot.
:3- Inventory your cumulating, comprehensive list
of negative infant
trauma memories--- physical, intellectual,
emotional and spiritual--’—-blocking you from your
final shunt into your dormant frontal lobes.
Discharge the negative emotion of each through Self
Trauma Drama.
Inventory your cumulating, comprehensive list of
positive infant memories which balance the
traumatic ones and make Life overwhelmingly a pleasant flow of evolution into
transcendence and maturity.
5- Wake each morning as freshly-born infant. Do not
think as an adult, Flow right from sleep into
infant feeling. See each finger, fly,
tree and cloud as if for the first time. Remember
how you did so dur—ing your first days of Life.
Remember each positive and negative memory from
your first days of Life. Gurgl in joy with the
former. Dis- V charge the latter via Self Trauma
6- Document your increasing gradient of frontal
lobes popps, intelligence, creativity, social
action power surges and clarifying emergences of
cosmic guides--- your next teachers.
7- Document your increasing gradient of child love
behaviors harmonized
into your adult personality as this final stage
of your self-therapy completes itself. How does
this personaiityenrichment make you a more
Lesson 28: Mountain Meditation --- Closed Focused.
Open Receptive Meditation (Lesson 8) is the
passive technique. Noun— tam Meditation is the
power shocker. Mountain Meditation focuses the
nebulous power of the Universe into a needle laser
beam which you direct
— systematically into your cortex to release the last
of your repressed adult and adolescent trauma
memories to be discharged via Self Trauma Drama.
Work the laser beam slowly in a grid pattern until
it is sucked into a neurotic soft spot like a bull
dick into a cow twatt. Increase the voltage. This
will release the memory to full awareness in
tomorr-— ow’s dream or pro-conscious reverie.
After completing release of the cortex, direct
the laser beam into your temporal lobes to release
and discharge the last of your repressed child
trauma memories. Finally, direct the laser beam
into your hippo-campus to release and discharge the
last of your repressed infant trauma memories.
Follow the attitude and procedure of Open
Receptive Meditation. Once your brain is open
totally like a funnel, receiving the full in—flow
of cosmic consciousness, slowly, slowly image your
arms reaching out and closing around the wide flow
to shape it and tighten it down into a sin— gle,
needle-thin, focused laser beam aimed at a specific
brain point.
Slowly move the laser needle around your cortex
in an orderly grid pattern and observe known
reactions. Move it back and forth across your
occipital lobes and stimulate the expected lights,
patterns and visions. Move it to your speech and
ideation centers and stimulate ex pected sounds.
Move it to each sensory and motor area to stimulate
and cause a known reaction via this self-controlled
electroprobe: cosmoprobe. Experiment with known
areas of the cortex until you master the
V characteristics of this revolutionary new scientific
Slowly move the cosmoprobe into areas of cortex
which release repress ed adult and adolescent
trauma memories. Discharge these via Self Trauma
Drama. SlVOWl criss-cross the temporal lobes to
release (and discharge) repressed child trauma
memories. Cosmoprobe the hippocampus to release
(and discharge) repressed infant trauma memories.
Slowly cosmoprobe the anterior amygdala. The
frontal lobes. Later, slowly cosmoprobe the
posterior amygdala to click into past Lives through
your paleo mammalian brain, reptilian brain and
down your chordate spine to one-celled beginning
and out to Cosmos.
Cosmoprobe supercedes--- and makes obsolete--gross electroprobe to discover the next order of
consciousness reality in the human brain.
Record each step of your comprehensive,
parametric experiments in your Inner Journal. This
is pioneer work. It never has been done this way
before on planet Earth. You are a pioneer crossing
the frontier of the known into the unknown. You are
documenting discoveries of procedures which work
and which do not work so that the second and third
waves of forward searchers will learn your
shortcuts; will save time and will evolve new
Science of Self Experimentation (SOSE) until all
humans are transcended.
When you are ready, make a telepathic connection
with an electroencephalogram machine; with an
oscilloscope. Cosmoprobe your brain and
V obtain hard data measurements Cosmoprobe the brain of
another willing person and record hard data
measurements. Make a telepathic connection with a
computer and multiply the power of this method of
research, diagnosis and prescription.
La ss on 29 s Brain 9clotron
COnSCVIOUSnCSS physics has not yet invented its
first instrument to measure consciousness energy
and entropy objectively, therefore, the brain
remains the only available tool to observe and
record its own subjective measurements. The brain cyclotron is a
superbrain created by self-purifying individuals
system-linked with each other in critical mass to
cumulate and accelerate cooperative consciousness
so as to beam a thought through the ego barrier of
planet Earth. The beamed thought is aimed to flow
out on cosmic consciousness through the Universe
until it hits areceptivo andcommunicativC V
intelligence within another civil-ization upon
another planet within this or another galaxy. The
purpose of such contact is to bring back advanced,
scientifically valid problem solving intelligence
to teach Earth how to 0W up. Such intelligence, if
received, can be tested and verified by the
scientific method of V inquiry. A statement of the
furthest advance of a specific Earth V science will
be given into the contact person by an expert in
that field of science. The superior intelligence
will send back detailed instructions for the next 3
experiments extrapolating from that state-mont.
Academic skeptics will perform the experiments.
Why has no such scientifically verifiable new
data been received through the many receivingchannel brains now publishing exhaustive
philosophic dialogs with a gang of extraterrestrial
intelligences? V
Ego warp.
The “white light” of pure cosmic communication
hits the prism of repressed child trauma memories
and retarded adolescent power needs and sprays into
a fantastic spectrum of words, words, words. But no
_ able facts. The color spectrum is not the white
light. The color spectrum is neurotic behavior
reflecting out of the prismatic child and infant
neurosis, warping a valid contact into invalid
gibberish. The brain cyclotron is designed to
contact and receive such gibberish so as to back it
up into white light. The brain cyclotron is
operated to accelerate the purification of each
participating individual forming superbrain until
the prism is dissolved and the white light
communication is received clearly and simply.
The neurosis of each individual cooperating in
forming a brain cyclo tron is reduced
systematically by the Lessons of this Workbook. The
brain cyclotron itself is a “suck-pump.” It sucks
out the most deeply repressed individual blocks and
pumps in group energy--- cosmic energy
--- thereby accelerating personal self-therapy.
1- Gather 2 or more friends who are totally
persuaded that:
A- The human brain is vastly dormant;
B- This genetic dormancy can be self-released;
C- Dedicated self-therapy is the only way to
release this dormancy;
D— Universe is harmonious cosmic consciousness;
cosmic intelligence;
E- Consciousness travels from brain/intelligence
#1 to brain/intelligence #2 in zero-time,
regardless of distance; telepathically;
F- Higher parent civilizations teach lower child
civilizations to evolve into adolescent
galactic maturity via mutant leaders.
2- Meditate in closed focused technique to cleanse
specific tensions
r--P +H rr
rii PTYtiTc C1fli(1UO to receive soothing.
Lesson 30: Right-HemIsphe Re—Click
In the right-handed person, the left hemisphere
of the brain is dominant, computing verbal, linear,
logical, analytical survival thought. The righthemisphere is culturally subservient, computing nonverbal! holistic pattern (“gestalt”), artistic,
intuitive transcendence feeling— knowings. In the left-handed person the mechanism is
the opposite. In the right-handed mutant--- the
child who refuses to conform--- the right
-hemisphere is dominant, attempting to escape the
logical, analytical consciousness contraction to
cultural conformity forced upon the child by lefthemisphere parent values and public schools. The
mutant is attemiDting intuitively, without
understanding his/her neurophysiological mechanism,
to sneak and end run around the culture’s lofthemisphere killer ape computer through the righthemisphere into the dormant frontal lobes in order
to get more felt cosmic fullfillment. Relax. The
right—hemisphere now can be clicked into dominance
by the left-hemi--sphere as an act of will.
The right-hemisphere perceives cultural
conformity to the permanent war economy as a
limiting vision and limiting technique to solve the
problem of understanding and communicating with
ultimate reality. The right-hemisphere blindly
struggles to survive and transcend the suffocat—
ingly, crushingly, myopic dominance of the lefthemisphere by inventing “creative” tricks which
attempt to solve the lower reality problems defined
by the left-hemisphere: all artforms, The
motivation to do so is caused by genetic
intelligence forcing re-balancing of the righthemisphere with the left-hemisphere--— and with the
reptilian brain, paleo mammalian brain, neo
mammalian brain and dormant frontal lobes--- to re— create whole brain power, which is the original
state of balance out of which the infant is born
with its genetically perfect brain.
1- Pump-Priming. Merely by doing right-hemisphere
behaviors--- Lesson
6, “Child Playsie Funsie Gamsie”--as an act of will, the brain automatically clicks
the amygciala into right-hemisphere gush-ing
production of colored gestalts. Wordless gurgling
sandbox child shunts consciousness into righthemisphere. Do it. Daily. Re-compute each leftwww.co-bw.com
hemisphere Lesson of this Workbook into righthemisphere val— ence; into right-hemisphere gestalt
2- End-Running.
Turn off your memory-blocking and
intuition-blocking left-hemisphere via Lesson 6 and
reverse the left-hemisphere valence of a single
Workbook Lesson into right-hemisphere intuitive
flow. Guide the flow of factual knowledge and
behavioral skill through your right hemisphere and
into your frontal lobes. After redoing each Lesson
in right—hemisphere intuition of higher reality,
record your increase of remembering repressed
adult, adolescent, child and infant trauma
memories. Discharge each via Self Trauma Drama.
3- Focused Meditation.
Focus meditation (Lesson
28) into the 4 quad-rants of each amygdala in each
hemisphere. Observe behaviors. Discover the clickposition which guides the flow of in-coming cosmic
consciousness into your right hemisphere.
Experiment with guiding the flow into each specific
right-hemisphere organ of your triune brain. Record
in your journal. Report.
LlPower_Click. Focus meditation parametrically into
the 14’ quadrants of
- each organ in each hemisphere of each
brain within your triune brain to stimulate and
experience each unique computer’s unique
production. Re-compute each Lesson in this Workbook
into each corn-puter’s language and receive each
computer’s “...special intelligence, its own
subjectivity, its own sense of time and space, its
own memory, motor and other functions.” Experience
each computer’s reality. Integrate all into whole
brain power.
Lesson 31$ Croativit, Thoory
Creativity is Yin/Yang magic. Lifolovo.
Creativity is Life/Death unity. Chaotic harmony.
Wild tranquility. The secret of existence.
Creativity is the ultimate form of simultaneous
intolloctual/intUi tivo, thought/emotion
production. A brain which does not mature into
child creativity fizzles out like a LIth of July
skyrocket, repeating
sparkelee, obsoletovisions of Life, ideas and words
until burnout. Then. nothing. Boredom. Loneliness.
Meaninglessness. Until the grave.
Creativity is perpetual curiosity, imagination
and playfullness cx-panding into endless
combinations and permutations until you break through into full understanding flow with Universe:
transcendence. Croat— ivity is constant sensitivity
to the mystery of Life, wonder of unf old-mont, awe
at discovery, spontaneity in invention and
enthusiasm through absolutely certain growth beyond
time/space. Creativity is the genetically encoded
driving force which integrates
intolligence/CmOtion/intU ition/Life/Universe into
a Self yielding a steady release of creativity.
Creativity is power. Creativity is the energy of
production which creates the force of new thought
processes that dominate, manipulate, control and
exploit to profit--- morally--- all lessor, puny,
non-creative people. The power of creativity
filters the creative individual up into a position
of natural moral leadership over others who cannot
solve their Life problems: socially, politically,
economically, spirit—-ually. The proof of power
creativity is in the peasant’s jibe at Socrates:
“If yer so damm smart, why aint yew rich!”
The power of creative thought production emerges
automatically in inverse proportion to the entropy
of neurosis frozen within each genetically
automatic brain. As the bound energy of neurosis--repressed child trauma memories--- truly and
effectively is self-released and self-discharged,
creative invention surges into tangible form
automatically and progressively. The first, and
most important, form is in interpersonal behaviors.
Unloving creativity is entropy.
The antonym of creativity is infantile
narcissistic suck; conformity
A “creative” thought, paradoxically, harmonizes
two “irreconcilable” ideas into a now synthesis
which explains the reality of the Universe into a
higher understanding and which produces a higher
order of Life-advancing Earth mechanisms and
technologies. Einstein, Darwin, Freud.
A creative thought unifies and harmonizes two
paradoxically polar ideas in simultaneous
opposition into simultaneous cooperation.
A creative thought shapes a tension between a
thesis and an anti-thesis, then transcends this
“irrational impossibility” via a leap of intuition
insight which “sees” the “impossible” creative
synthesis. This payoff is caused automatically in
your brain’s genetic power drive---ifff you release
it via self-therapy; via self-discharge of
repressed child trauma memories; if you are
survival of the fittest.
A creative thought shapes a tension between your
reptile brain kill thinking and your limbic system
emotion motivation to click the amygda— la into
frontal lobes cosmic thinking.
Janus was the Roman god who had 2/t-1J8 faces,
seeing in opposite dir-ections simultaneously.
Janus Thinking sees in opposite directions simultaneously; with no conflict of paradox logic.
Janusian Thinking in-tentionally formulates
simultaneous anti-theses. Janusian Thinking relishes the emotional torque and tension of seeing
and contemplating simultaneous anti-theses in each
person, material and process, and then creating
“impossible” solutions. Janusian Thinking makes
black and white be black and white--- not grey--simultaneously. Janusian Think—
ing is joyfull play with each thought paradox of
Yin/Yang. Janusian Thinking clicks the amygdala
simultaneously into reptile brain kill behavior
and frontal lobes cosmic behavior; simultaneously
into left— hemisphere linear-verbal “logical”
logic and right-hemisphere pattern-nonverbal. nonlogical, intuitive suchness; into simultaneous
Lesson 32: Creativity, Meth
1-Theory. What is the value of creative production
in your Life? What is the consequence if creative
production is used only for ego
flattery? What is the consequence if creative
production is used for social action?
2- History. Describe your creative thought and
emotion production during childhood. How did it
feel? How was it suffocated?
3- Diagnosis. Describe your creative process.
Describe that part of you which automatically
generates new thoughts, ideas, concepts and
processes which heretofore have never been seen or
heard on planet Earth. Describe that part of you
which is numb--- or dead-—- to creative process.
Describe the neurophysiological mechanisms.
4- Prescription. Describe your optimum regimen of
re-starting and in-creasing your creative process
to optimum production. Document your
increase on a production graph. Describe the
neurophysiologics of it.
5- Prognosis. \lhat is the probability that you will
re—start your creative process? For ego flattery?
For social intelligence. For
cosmic breakthrough? Describe the
neurophysiological mechanisms.
6- Janus Thinking clicks amygdala into leftwww.co-bw.com
hemisphere analytical verbal talking and right-hemisphere artistic,
intuitive, non-verbal feeling simultaneously. Do it
through Lesson 6, “Child Playsie Funner.”
7- Think & feel an adult thought/feeling
simultaneously with a child
thought/feeling. Create a permanent behavior in
your personality.
*— 8-
Make material/energy/light nterchangable in your
consciousness, just like Einstein’s E mc • Do it
with stars before sleep.
9- Click into your reptilian brain killer behavior
and use this competitive consciousness as
ruthlessly honest cooperative consciousness
to help someone solve a hard persOnal problem,
10- Create thô impossible tension of walking
forward and backward sim—ultaneously, then
solve it. One hand clapping.
11- Inventory all the anti-theses to your standard
therapy theses and use them as syn-theses to
accelerate your therapy. As games.
12— Demonstrate your relish of your emotional torque
and tension upon discovering an irreconcilable
conflict in your growth. Song it.
1:3How many uses can you write down for a
ballpoint pen? Paper clip? Sheet of paper?
Which of your answers do you will to emerge and
which flow automatically from your genetic
intelligence and cosmic in-telligence? How can you
increase the latter? By dancing?
lU- Create a thought/action which is both infantile
narcissistic suck and mature social moral
action. Apply it to power politique.
15- Open up and accept a thought from the Universe
hologram which is V blatantly beyond your intelligence.
Apply it to your daily Life.
Do it again. Shared.
16- Invent Janus Thinking artforms for this
mountain; for this program.
17- VIhat should this be?
Supplement “A” to Lessons 31 & 32, “Creativity”
Creativity turned inward through reptilian selfflattery, ego-inflation and infantile narcissistic
suck automatically limits itself and eventually
retrogresses into suffocating the brain.
Creativity turned outward through frontal lobes
into social action is genetically encoded to be
automatic and unlimited.
Creativity turned outward into giving surprize,
pleasure and learn-ing to others automatically
triggers the genetic code to trigger all brain
organs into coordinated production of still more
Creativity starts with the act of giving childego its own unlimited, unc ond iti onal love j oy
and learning-meaning . This totally egotistical
foundation of transcendence starts with the rewww.co-bw.com
discovery of the fun as one re-remembers the
ecstacy of playing the below creative techniques.
Once egotistical child creativity is re-mastered
and becomes automatic in daily adult routines, it
automatically self-circuits out of the rep— tilian
brain decision-making center into the frontal lobes
decision-making center--- from which it automatically
derives joy and meaning by giving whole brain
powered joy and meaning to others. Mature
creativity now is operational.
Creativity re-starts with the subtle re-tuning of
the triune brain to re-release the genetically
automatic creative child techniques of:
1- Chaining (conservative divergent thinking);
2- Wheeling: rim, spokes, hub (conservative
convergent thinking);
3- Transposition & Inversion: A:B/B:A;
Lj_ Substitution: A:B/A:X;
5- Leaping (lijral divrgept/corjv-eent thinking).
i1: Vf14AJ 1
1-A: Chaining.
Free associate their relationship
to yon bush. Make them into your Kid
the magic leafs, jumping the mighty chasms,
twanging the branches and
soaring to clouds. Do it with eating, washing,
pooping. Do it with a soulmate. Do it with a job.
This loosens genetically innate child im—
agination suffocated by conservative cultural
conformity. This loosens turdgid personality into
blithe flow and. frisky glow. Practice flowing
outward in divergent, linear, logical, lefthemisphere (in right-handed person) sequencing as
a standard fragrance in your self-therapy regimen.
Every time you feel the fecal impaction of
funless/meaningless conform-ity forming in your
brain, your amygdala is being clicked back into
rep-tilian survival seriousness; into self-defense
and counter-attack fun-lessness. Cick it forward
into frontal lobes creativity: Kozmick Kid.
2-A: WheeJAng.
This is linear, logical, lefthemisphere convergent thinking which
in-gathers a relevant rim data base
one or all triune brains, then focuses all data and
thought inward along different spokes to the hub of
solving a single problem. Start with a single hub
problem. Relate all logical, relevant, secondary
material objects, values and actions around that
problem into that problem. Con-verge each object,
value and action in proper, left—hemisphere
sequence to form a separate component sub-solution
spoke. Converge each separate component spoke into
sub-final sub-system solutions; into final, closed,
complete, intuitively satisfying solution system.
Hub. Write practice: How many uses can you think of
for a pen? For a piece of pap-er? A paper—clip?
Expanded practice: Wash dishes. Be Big Daddie sawing wood and chopping kindling. Be Loving MaMa
scraping plates and feeding porkypine. Converge the
values of joy and meaning into the job. Converge
child playsie funsie gamsie into sudsing soap,
swooshing bowl boats and sinking rinse submurines.
Add the spiritual essences of sing-ing, talking,
joshing, joking, teasing, laughing and loving.
Transcend the problem into creative solution.
Titin/Tnvrion. Filo/floD thinking which takes
a cultur
Page 2, Supplemement “A” to Lessons 31 & 32,
thought or behavior and flips it over into its
“impossible” Janusian opposite by computing it
through its opposite automatic brain program. Take
each normal relationship and transpose it or invert
it. Take the normal relationship of your pants to
your body. Puttemon backerds.
Wear a shoe on head; hat on foot. Practice loosening
up. Transpose your current age into a childhood
age and behave thusly all day (For the rest of
your Life??). Invert the roles you play normally
with an—-other person. Invert and transpose word
meanings, idea expectations and behavior
conformities. Invert and transpose brain-body
LI’A: Substitution.
Take each normal relationship
between 2 material objects, people, experiences,
values, beliefs, attitudes, ideas or behaviors and
substitute one with a new, outside, “irreconcilable , “ “impossible” material object,
person, experience , value, belief, attitude, idea
or behavior.
5-A: Leaping.
Liberal divergent or convergent
thinking and feeling--feeling-knowing (with sub-conscious
cosmic guidance)---which impulsively free
associates beyond thought and logic, surging and
flying outward and inward through all parts of the
brain; simultaneous-ly wandering from normal
conformist ideas to reptilian self-defensive and
counter-attacking ideas and out through frontal
lobes cosmic ideas. Occurs in linear, lefthemisphere progression or in patterned, righthemisphere progression. Or in both simultaneously.
Leaping is extrapolation which starts with logical
steps 1, 2 and 3 but does not pro-gress to U, 5
and 6. Instead, it leaps to 8, 9 and 10. Leaping
is extrapolation thinking which extends a logical,
left-hemisphere progress-ion of data into wildly
“illogical” logical solutions by leaping over the
logical middle progression which leads to a nonwild, logical, con-forrnist solution. The veeringoff into “irreconcilable,” “illogical”
logic is Einstein Thinking. Leaping logic is either
through left-hem-isphere computation or righthemisphere computation, separately or simultaneously. Take a normal relationship between 2
material objects, people, experiences, values,
beliefs, attitudes, ideas or behaviors and extend
that relationship in its logical, left—hemisphere
progression of interactions 1, 2 and 3. Now stop
the natural (conformist) impulse to continue the
logic through steps 14’, 5 and 6. Instead, trust
your intuitions (your cosmic guides) to leap ahead
into steps 8 and 9 and into the solution, 10.
Cosmic logic. Such successful leaps of imagin—
ation are caused by system-linking your freeflowing reptilian brain automatic programs with
your free-flowing paleo mammalian brain auto-matic
programs with your free-flowing neo mammalian
brain automatic programs with your free-flowing
frontal lobes automatic programs with your freely
inter-communicating left and right hemispheres.
It aint as complicated as it sounds. Play with it
now to help open your frontal lobes. It happens
automatically once you popp your frontal lobes.
Then you go back to this form of feeling-knowing
routinely; as Einstein did accidentally. It
happens progressively as you release your
hippocampus of repressed infant trauma memories,
thereby progress— ively clicking the amygdala
forward into the frontal lobes: the locus of
Einstein Thinking; Leaping Logic. It happens
progressively as you practice “U-power clicking”
of the amygdala into 14 quadrants at will. Play
with leaping. You’ll be surprized how close you
are to Einstein.
In short, all creativity, by whatever gimmicky
name, is nothing more than the natural, automatic,
genetic function of the self-therapized
brain flowing freely through its given whole brain
power. The progression of creativity seductively
increases proportionate to your progression of
self-therapy. Voluptuous payoffs happen all along
the gradient of growth--- until the frontal lobes
experience happens. Then the corn— binations and
permutations of creative production go
Discussion: Give 10 examples of each creative
Le s S On 3 3 $ Transcondenc Love
Love is the ultimate motivator and goal of
personal satisfaction, fulfillment and peace of
mind shared with a beloved. Love also is the
ultimate method to transcend out of the 9O dormant
brain to release dormant circuits into whole brain
power. Voluptuous mutant.
Love motivated by unconscious infantile
narcissistic suck needs circuits cosmic
consciousness back through the paleo mammalian an&
V V reptilian brains to terminate only in
reproduction. Pig
Love motivated by conscious mature adult
intelligence aiming to transcend into dormant
frontal lobes terminates in cosmic perception and
Love is the supreme motivator emotion by which
genetic intelligence separates survival of the
fittest from the unfit. The unfit individual
chooses to use love and sex to devolve back into
animal behaviors. The fit individual chooses to use
love and sex to evolve forward into dormant frontal
lobes behaviors..
Mature love is caused within each individual
whose intelligence and attitude choose to selfmutate out of automatic, obsolete, old animal
behaviors into self-transcending frontal lobes
behaviors. Immature love is caused within each
individual whose intelligence and attitude choose
to conform to automatic genetic animal behaviors:
the blind breeding behaviors caused by endorphin
bonding and by the estrogen and testosterone
The obsolescence of immature love at this point
in human evolution is observed through the mass
suffering of meaningless marriages, divorces,
alcohols and drugs sucked to got Life “purpose” and
the general cultural hopelessness ending in
spiritual suicide. America.
Survival of the fittest progresses through those
who seek and discov— er love transcendence by seIftherapizing their crippled child sucking after the
immature love from an unresolved Father-need or/and
Mother—need. Once mature love of Self and others ripens into
social responsi— bility to love the planet, the
dormant circuits of the brain open, auto—
matically, into, and become conversant with,
genetic intelligence and cosmic intelligence.
Mature love now is the natural free flow of
cosmic consciousness through the now quiet
reptilian brain, through the balanced limbic systern computing gorgeous emotions, through the
satisfied hippocampus and temporal lobes of healed
infant and child trauma memories, through the
progressive intelligence of the cortex, through the
liberated frontal lobes and out to Universe to join
in the flow of cosmic consciousness as teacher
through lower Lifeforms seeking evolution via the
hunger for
love a
c,_ i4L:1
I- What is your definition of love t
2- What is your intuitive understanding of your
position along the growth continuum between
infantile “love” and truly mature love?
Explain your position in neural terms.
3- How can you get daily love satisfaction during
your work and growth toward maturity without
retrogressing into infantile sucking which
retards and stops that work and growth?
with soulmates in a growth support family and a
cooperative community. Compare with other utopian
descriptions. What are the common elements which
suggest that such a drive for such a need
_ is genetically innate?
5- What can you do at this level of your selftherapy to give and receive love at your maximum
capacity to accelerate your self-cleansing process into transcendence?
6- What is the relation of your lovoto your] lobes?
Poyour tran
Lesson 3Us Transccnderia
The sexual act has two evolutionary functions: to
reproduce the species by placing a motile sperm
within spitting distance of a jucily fertile ovum,
and to excrete electro-consciOusness thought
residues out of the brain circuits by means of
orgasm. The first act maintains un
— evolved animal existence. The second act transcends
the animal into its next higher form of social
Transcendence sex is the method by which the
orgasm is used system-atically to accelerate selfmutation by cleansing brain circuits of
electro_consciousness residues left over after
systematic re—computation of repressed child and
infant trauma memories in a self-therapy regimen.
The transcendence sex method uses the orgasm--alone or with growthmato--- to cleanse the brain
after intensive self-therapy to clear the circuits,
thus allowing more intense thought-production and
emotion-production to enter those circuits the next
day. As the accelerating quantity and quality of
self-therapy progresses, the single-shot orgasm
becomes inadequate to discharge the ever-increasing
cumulation of electro-consciousness garbage .
Multiple orgasm commences.
Transcendence sex is an attitude of faith in
Self/Life/Universe. It is an attitude based upon
the absolute value of self-therapy and focus— ed
into the terminal behavior of transcendence. It is
an attitude of perpetual, daily growth: within
Self; between beloveds.
Transcendence sex is a religion. It is a belief
that the multiple orgasm was placed within the
human brain-body to cause redemption out of the
ego-driven killer ape into the final salvation:
self—released whole brain power, capable of seeing
and communicating directly with the wise and loving
God who placed this crucial, self-releasing love
mechanism in the 9O dormant brain hitched up to the
galloping gonads.
1— Do you understand the relationship of
transcendence love and transcendence sex to your
self-therapy and self-transmutation? To intelligence and creativity? Explain in terms of the
neural mechanisms and psychological mechanisms
involved. How does your theory differ from that of
a celibate Hindu mystic and a Catholic priest and
nun? Who is right? Who is wrong?
2- What is your value-system, belief-system,
philosophy and scientific
method of contra-conception?
:3- What intellectual procedure can you invent to
maintain the highest quality of transcendence
love and transcendence sex while working
toward your transcendence? What is your emotional
procedure to main-tam perpetual love and ecstacy
while so working? What spiritual pro-cedure can you
invent to test for. the lie--- to test that the
above is true and not another subtle trick to get
infantile narcissistic suck? What spiritual
procedure can you invent to transcend out of brain—
body into cosmic perception, intelligence, love via
sex ecstacy?
4- Discuss the comprehensive neurological and
psychological deterioration of the brain
motivated only by infantile narcissistic suck
Why does genetic intelligence place such a
retrogressive behavior?
5- Discuss your history of non-transcendence sex,
what you did wrong and why you did wrong.
6- What is the function of esthetics in sex? How do
cultural values—--transmitted by mass media--warp human esthetics away from the
spiritual values of transcendence love and
transcendence sex into the animal values of lust? Reexamine your value system. How can you ex_ crete
obsolete values about the physical, intellectual,
emotional and
spiritual esthetics of your love Life and sex Life?
To what higher end?
7- How do you identify the incredibly subtle entropy
of a “soulmate” who really is a liar--- to Self
and to you--— and who does not want
to grow up; who unconsciously only wantto suck your
8- Describe your ideal transcendence sex needs.
Lessen :35’ Mutatin MUltPVl 9gp
Multiple orgasm, in males as well as easier
females, is the symptom that the brain is
releasing dormant circuits. As more dormant
circuits are opened, they compute more thought
production. As more thought pro-duction is
computed, more thought residi--electroconSciousneSS garbages--- are left over
after two or moretriCes of thought create that new
thought. In time, the one—squirt orgasm becomes
insufficient to excrete the electro—consciousness
residue left over from the increasing thought
production. Multiple orgasm begins. Automatically.
First, sperm ejaculation happens in males. Next, a
new order of dry spasms happens. The quantity and
quality of the multiple orgasm is a direct measure
of the location of the dormant circuits being
If multiple orgasm does not occur with the
accelerated opening of new dormant circuits, the
poisons from the cumulating residues are absorbed
by the tissues and slow down the process of
opening still newer dormant circuits; slow down
the production of new creative thought.
Eventually, the non_multiple—-orgasmic brain backs
up its toilet and stops all truly transcending
thought production. No scientifically ver—ifiable
cosmic perception and communication is released.
Hindu and -Catholic celibates do not create truly
transcending thought production which creates
warless Earth.
1— Induce conventional orVsm within an attitude of
zero stress and
total voluptuous childplay. The best time is
morning pre-conscious
c .‘ (hypnapompic) state of awareness when defenses are
still asleep. The
‘, . best stressless situation is alone, without a
stress-bleeding partner
who sucks energy. Soulmates-shared multiple orgasm
comes later.
: 2- The night before, just as sleep is approaching
(the hypnagogic state
of awareness) and defenses are dissolving,
program in the binary
\__- question: “Shall I achieve more than one orgasm?”
When the brain is + ready to accept this genetic gift,
the answer in the waking pre-con
) scious will be, simply, “Yes.”
I :3- As the first orgasm approaches its peak
amplitude, assume the atti: tude: “Do as you will. I,
ego, do not demand that you be more. I
•\ do not push the river of consciousness flow. I
accept whatever is.” \, Lij- As the first orgasm
achieves its peak amplitude and starts its slide
down to quiet satisfaction, notice the second
impulse lurking and
I “1 willing to build up. As your first wave hits the
bottom of the graph,
j: allow this second impulse--- from formerly dormant
brain circuits--- to
surge into a second rising curve. As the second rising
curve achieves
its peak, observe the third impulse lurking and
willing to build up.
-: As the second wave hits the bottom of the graph,
allow this third im
pulse to surge into a third rising curve.
Continue the process for 25,
- 50, 100, 200 maximum intensity scream peaks over
whatever span of time
‘ seems natural--- from a few minutes to hours.
5— Multiple orgasms trace square curves, sine
curves and spike curves. Each curve signature
represents a different organ of the brain and
different interactions between separate organs.
Identify your curve signatures, frequencies,
decision-making centers from which each unique
signature originates in each triune brain and
organ relations.
6- Where one-shot orgasm is exhausting--— due to
incomplete and ineff icient excretion of accumulated
electra-consciousness garbages—-multiple orgasm is
energizing. The total excretion of entropies accum—
t ulated from bound energies of neurosis causes a
secondary flow of free
energy. This free energy flows through the brain
and stimulates stil more dormant circuits to
open. The newly opened dormant circuits sys-.
tems-link with the previously opened circuits to
compute a higher order of creative production.
Whore the one-shot orgasmer rolls over and +1-r
rnii1±ir\1 rnrrc:rn1r rnllc rnrcr rand grabs the
sexiest thing
Lesson 35: Mutgtjg Multip1 Orgg
Multiple orgasm, in males as well as in easier
females, is the dram-atic, creative symptom that the
brain, finally, is releasing its dormant circuits.
As more dormant circuits are opened, they compute
more thou— ght production. As more thought
production is computed by combining
two or more old thought matrices into a new, Lifeadvancing thought, more thought residues--- unusable
electro-consciOusness fragments from the original
old thoughts-—- are left over. These residual
thought garbages must be excreted via orgasm. As
self—therapy progresses and more dormant circuits
are opened, the one-squirt orgasm becomes
insufficient to excrete the increasing electro—
consciousness scraps left over from the increasing
thought production. Multiple orgasm must commence to
avoid plugged toilet.
In males, sperm ejaculation occurs first. Next, a
new order of dry spasms happens. The quantity and
quality of the multiple orgasm are-a direct measure
of the location of the dormant circuits being
If multiple orgasm does not occur with the
accelerated opening of new dormant circuits, the
poisons from the cumulating residues are ab— sorbed
by the brain tissues and automatically slow down the
process of opening still newer dormant circuits;
slow down the production of new! pro-Life creative
thought. Eventually, the non_multiple-orgasmic brain
backs up its toilet and stops all truly transcending
thought production. No scientifically verifiable
cosmic perception and cQmmunication are released.
Buddhist and Catholic celibates do not create truly
transcend-ing thought production which creates
warless Earth.
The trigger to the multiple orgasm is the
arnygdala. As cosmic con-sciousness and cosmic
intelligence are probing forward from the reptilian
brain, through the amygdala and into the dormant
frontal lobes, they are preceded by the multiple
orgasm to flush, repair and cleanse the circuits.
When the posterior amygdala is triggered, a
culturally conditioned, constricted, single-shot
orgasm occurs--- sufficient for animal breeding and
ego satisfaction motivation. After multiple orgasm
becomes operational and flows automatically, this
lower evolution, 1-shot orgasm can be verified by
aiming the laser-needle of focused meditation into
the posterior amygdala just as multiple orgasm is
approach-ing. You will observe a violent shunt
backward, then, just one huge, painful climax.
Caution: 100 volts now are funneling into a 1 volt
circuit. Fuse blows.
When the anterior amygdala is triggered,
multiples occur, clearing the circuit into the
dormant frontal lobes. This too can be verified by a
similar focused meditation experiment after
multiples become routine. Aim the energy needle into
the anterior amygdala before the or-gasm is truly
ready to explode; before all dormant circuits have
system-linked their rivulets into creeks into
streams into the single river for the coordinated
event. You will observe a soft gush forward of many
uncoordinated, conflicting squirts.
The method to start the multiple orgasm is to use
imaging and focus-ed meditation. As the normal,
culturally constricted, one-spasm, rep-tilian orgasm
approaches its roof, image its energy being focused
out of the posterior amygdala and into the anterior
amygdala. This will cause the amygdala to click into
two or more additional spasms. Practice imaging the
gross energy forward in this gross focusing--- in
non-meditative focusing--- until the additional
spasms become routine.
Next, as the gross, non-meditative focused energy
routinely triggers the amygdala into 2 to 10 maximum
scream crests, fine focus the cosmic conscjousness
energy. As the orgasm approaches first climax, go
into a semi-meditative state and focus the energy
into a fine laser beam:
Mutating Multiple
Orgasm, Page 2 of 3
into the golden needle of Lesson 28. Focus the
needle of energy into the anterior amygdala and it
will click forward toward the frontal lobes. This
will trigger 25 or more pre-cosmic yells.
At this stage, as entropies progressively are
cleansed, orgasm will procede through 3 distinctiVe
wave-forms: square-Wave, right_triaflgle (ramp) wave and undulating-ocean- (s the ) -wave . Square
-wave and ramp-wave are caused by broken circuits
within the incompletely connected triune brain and
by stress and tension within the re-integrated
triune brain. Sine-wave is caused by harmonious
flow between the reptile brain , pale o mammal ian
brain and fr ontal lobe S • The square and ramp
wave-forms indicate gross circuit repair. The sine
wave—form indicates gentle circuit cleansing. The
frequency of the pulse train measures the quantity
of work being done. The pulse characteristics--rise-time and fall-time of the wave amplitude,
amplitude on a scale of 1-to-10, wave length in
seconds and base line duration between waves--measure the quality of work being done.
As the triune brain increasingly is cleansed and
repaired via self— therapy, more dormant circuits
are opened and made functional, thereby causing
massive advances of creative production. Janusian
Thinking---Einstein Thinking--- automatically flows
into increasing social power production. Creative
genius perceiving, thinking and feeling is the
brain’s natural, complete circuit response within
the cosmic intelligence circuit.
Finally, once one is self—confident within the
multiplicities, as the orgasm approaches its first
amplitude apex, focus the consciousneSS needle into
the left and right sides of the amygdala. This will
cause the orgasm energy to shunt into gross lefthemisphere circuiting and
gross right-hemisphere circuiting for more specific
vacuum cleaning of the rugs. The resulting orgasms
will be equilateral—(SaWtoOth)tri angle or isoscele
s- (spike ) -triangle wave-forms.
Multiple orgasm now is fully operational. It
happens autimatically, as needed. No further
imaging or focusing is necessary. Multiple or-gasm
will occur in whichever quadrant your brain has
been computing, automatically; as needed; in
whichever quadrant is ready for house-cleaning. The
resulting pulse characteristic is the sure proof of
which quadrant was functioning, with or without
your self-willed con— trol. The amplitude and
frequency of that wave-form are direct meas—
urements of the depth into the brain cells from
which that computation occurred in that quadrant.
When two or more quadrants compute simultaneously,
two or more characteristic pulsing patterns emerge
in the multiple orgasm, either in sequence or
simultaneously as harmonics of each other.
1— Induce conventional orgasm within an attitude of
zero stress and total voluptuous, guiltless
childplay. The best time is morning
pre-conscious (hypnapompic) state of awareness when
defenses are still asleep. The best stressless
situation is alone, in primal nature, without a
stress-bleeding, entropy partner who sucks energy.
Multiple orgasm shared between energy soulmates
comes later. (Multiple orgasmc, energy soulmate can
induce harmonic multiple orgasm in non-multipling
partner, thereby teaching shortcuts.)
The night before, just as sleep is approaching
(the hypnagogic state of awareness) and
defenses are dissolving, focus meditation
into your golden needle of honesty; focus
meditation energy into the
gross amygdala. Program-in the binary question:
“Shall I allow my
]1’ +r r-rh more than one orgasm?” When the
brain/ego isready to
Mutating Multiple
Orgasm, Page 3 of 3
(hypnapornpic) state will be, simply, “Yes.” Go!
— :3- As the first orgasm approaches its peak value of
amplitude, assume the passive attitude: “Do as
you will. I, ego, do not demand that
you be more. I do not push the river of
consciousness flow. I accept whatever is.” (For
L_ Passive practice. As the first orgasm achieves
its peak amplitude and starts its bumpy slide
down to quiet satisfaction, notice the
second impulse lurking lasciviously in the circuit
between the reptilian brain and the paleo mammalian
brain and willing to build up. As your first wave
hits the bottom of the graph, allow this second
impulse---from formerly dormant circuits—-- to surge
into a second rising wave. As the second rising
curve achieves its limit amplitude. observe the
third impulse lurking and willing to build up. As
the second wave hits the bottom of the graph, allow
this third impulse to surge into a third rising
5— Active practice. As the first orgasm begins to
build up, image its energy into a gross laserneedle stuck into your posterior amygdala.
Pull it out and stick it into the anterior amygdala.
This will cause
25, 50, 100, 200, 500 maximum intensity scream
pinnacles over whatever
span of time your brain chooses to be correct for
that state of neuro—
515--from a few minutes to hours.
6— Observe the wave-form traced by your multiple
orgasm: square-wave, ramp-wave, sine-wave,
sawtooth-wave or spike—wave. Record in your
Inner Journal that day’s wave-form signature,
amplitude and frequency. Identify the organ or
group of organs from which the pulse pattern origmated. Intuit the cision-making center which chose
this patter from this organ or set of organs.
Intuit the reason for this choice. Ad-just your
self-therapy and growth regimen accordingly.
7- Where one—shot, reptilian orgasm is exhausting-—due to incomplete and inefficient excretion of
accumulated electro-consCiousness feces
--- multiple orgasm is energizing. The total
excretion of entropies accumulated from bound
energies of neurosis causes a secondary flow of
free energy. This free energy flows through the
brain and stimulates still more dormant circuits to
open. The newly opened dormant circuits system-link
with the previously opened circuits to compute a
higher order of intelligence and creative
8- After the frontal lobes are opened, a new order
of orgasm is exper— ienced: whole-brained orgasm;
out-of-brain orgasm. Cosmic orgasm.
Full cosmic yells occur. Genital stimulation no
longer is necessary. Thought stimulation triggers
the natural phenomenon. The phenomenon triggers
itself when needed.
9- Where the one—shot, reptilian orgasmer rolls
over and sleeps, the multiple orgasmer rolls
over and grabs the sexiest thing imaginable:
the typewriter/brush/Chisel/Piano to gush out new
artistic genius pro-duction.
10- Go do your homework.
Lesson 36: Social Inte1ligeflç
Cosmic intelligence creates the genetic
intelligence of a sperm searching for an ovum to
create the brain-body to contain one’s personal intelligence. During healthy infancy and childhood,
personal in— telligenco sucks energy to grow toward
maturity. At adolescent matur— ity, genetic
intelligence forces personal intelligence to cease
sucking and to start driving outward via idealism-- via social intelligence-—-to make final contact
with cosmic intelligence through the dormant
frontal lobes. This is the egotistical drive of
adolescence to become egoless via social action.
This is the adolescent drive for transcend’— ence
via helping society survive and transcend.
Adolescent idealism which does not find
expression throuPth social intelligence quickly
rots back into the automatic reptilian behaviors
of self-defense and counter-attack, thereby
perpetuating the institution of war. Adolescent
idealism which does express itself through social
commitment quickly completes the circuit of the L!
intelligences through the frontal lobes to expand
in Lifelong problem-solving which brings perpetual
joy, meaning and power.
1- What is your intuitive description of your
genetic intelligence? Personal intelligence?
Social intelligence? How are these integrated into
cosmic intelligence?
2- Describe your idealism. How can your
egotistical idealism complete your
transcendence into egoless intelligence? By
what steps?
:3- Describe your strategies and tactics to fight
the cultural values
and social institutions which are designed to
prevent the maturity of your genetically driven
adolescent idealism into full social intell—
Li-What links of emotion and thought do you
observe as your personal intelligence tries to
make contact with cosmic intelligence through
social action? Explain the neurophysiological
mechanism which causes
this evolution.
5— How can the brain achieve false transcendence
without the link of social intelligence? What
ultimate consequence? Give examples.
6- Describe complete L_intelligence transcendence.
7- If a person’s ego is not strong enough to drive
for egoless transcendence, how can you motivate
him/her to do so?
8- What is the advantage of 2 or more individuals
cooperating through social intelligence to
create their personal transcendences? To
create society transcendence?
9- Give a 10 minute lecture to an audience which
has never seen this syllabus, explaining the
steps to achieve whole brain powered intelligence.
_ 10-
What improvements of this program do you
suggest to motivate more people to work
through social intelligence so as to transcend
killer ape into holy ape? What percentage of your
work do you choose
to tithe to your suggestions?
Lesson 37: Growth Suppor Famil Rital, Festivals,
Growth to transcendence without a support family
is a lonely grind. With a support family it is a joy
Joy JOY. But sensitive, empathetic, responsible,
wise action families do not grow on trees and are
not sold in suDormarkets. You must grow your own.
You must create your own fran
raw human ingredients with as much intelligence and
drive as you are creating your Self. And after you
have designed and built a sane family successfully,
you must join with other healthy--- or perhaps
lesser---families to form a community of cooperation
so that social Life is some-thing more than
adversaries, competition, hostility, lying,
cheating, stealing, aggression, violence and war.
Finally, sane society.
1- What is your comprehensive need and drive to be
an integrated, harmonized member of a wise growth
support family?
2- What rriotivation can you induce in two or more
other humans to join with you to form such an
emotionally satisfying and intellectually
fulfilling growth support family?
3- Hov can you spread publicity and advertising to
in-gather the high-est ciuality people for such a
growth support family? \That is your
method to filter out Life-losers and filter up Lifewinners, morally?
U- What is your guiding philosophy of the family to
minimize individual ego suck and maximize shared
ogoless giving? What happens when one
member subtly refuses to give maximum e°oless giving
of material and money wealth? What are your step-bystep strategies and tactics to make such a
philosophy work? Demonstrate.
5— What arc the behavioral, economic and social
dynamics of inter-per-V sonal behavior which make a
owth support family successful? How
can each be maximized with
the family work maximally?
fool who mumbles gibberish
dynamics but cannot create
deadly competence to make
How do you identify a
about such
the actual dynamics?
6- How do you persuade other individuals to create
growth support fam— ilies within the principles of
this Work and along these guide— lines? How do you
set up a owth support community? Toward what ultimate roals? Via what democratic, political
7- \Alhat is the neural function of rituals,
festivals and celebrations? What is your theory
by which you can design an endless progression
of rituals, festivals and celebrations to be lOO
satisfying, meaning-ful and fulfilling? Do it.
8- Design and create a single Life-meaning ritual; a
Life-honoring festival; a Life-voluptuizing
9- What is your creative procedure for bringing
other new people into your family and community
to insure the inflow of now candidates so
as to prevent stagnation?
10- What is your creative procedure for bringing
other new people into your ritual-invention,
festival-invention and celebration-invention
process to enrich this spectrum of year around
spiritual expressions?
11- LVThat private rituals can you and your
soulmate invent to enrich
Lesson 38: Pub1i Relations, Adyetising and Ma
Mej Pow?
Without public relations (PR), the best idea of
social transformation dies a-borning. With proper,
wise publicity, potential soulrnates are filtered up
out of the mass to join your moral movement. The
supreme skill of social action is knowing how to
advertise properly through all relevant mass media
so as to in-gather the dynamic minority which understands and wants the ethical product and service
which you are selling:
the brain revolution.
The supreme skill of PR is:
1- Develop a product which others will demand and
buy to satisfy a need.
2— Analyze the market to guess where your market
demand will be.
:3- Test your market to identify where your
customers are and are not.
L_ Improve your product and advertising against
these market tests.
5- Hit your jackpot.
Once you have developed your product and PR, all
after is routine for mation of an organization and
routine administration of the sales force.
1— Do you have the desire, intelligence, knowledge
and skill to design your own strategy and tactics
to achieve one goal of selling one pro— duct of the
brain revolution? Which part of this program do you
want to use to practice selling survival to others?
2- Select one product. Select one target market.
Design and build your strategy and tactics to hit
that target. Discuss your plan with the
family to receive final constructive criticisms and
improvements. Wage your campaign and prove your
victory: profit.
3- What new products and services can you develop
and add to the product line of the brain
U- How do you do controlled, accurate sociological
and psychological analysis as the foundation of
market analysis to identify market
demand for product supply?
5- What is your theory and hypothesis of effective
advertising of the brain revolution? Design a
gradient of press releases (P.R.) and
ads to hit the greeds/needs/pains,
hungers/envies/yearnings, of a grad-ient of
populations within each relevant sector of the
consumer mass market. How do you field test each
before mass multiplying?
6- How can you get free advertising? Demonstrate.
7- How can you get free media publicity? What is
your theory of penetrating the media power
structure to get free, quality publicity?
Set up a comprehensive strategy and tactics to get
free, quality pub-licity for one segment of the
brain revolution through the mass media.
8- Design, create and apply a customer reaction and
customer satisfaction program to cause word-ofmouth customer “radiation” of a single
product’s virtues to other potential customers.
- 9-
Discuss the value of legwork in making contacts,
contacts, contacts with the media people who
control the fate of the brain revolution
by allowing or not allowing its publicity to be
mass multiplied. Discuss your plan for penetrating
the mass media power structure.
Lesson 39: Goals, Career, Mony Makiflg and
If you do not know whether you want to travel to the
North Pole or to the South Pole you will reach neither.
You will be like the jackass between the two nutritious
hay piles who starves to death. Conversely, once you
have analyzed, defined and simplified your Life goals,
you settle down to your satisfying career and drive
toward each goal separately and efficiently--including the drive to achieve frontal lobes
transcendence, after which there is no more desperation
drive. Life-work, money-making, power-politique ,
personal transformation, happiness and fulfillment
become routine, daily joys.
I- Define your Lifework career in detail. Inventory
your Life goals in order of priority: short-range,
middle-range and long-range
achievements; physical, intellectual, emotional,
spiritual; social, economic, political.
2- Inventory the knowledges and skills which must be
acquired and mastered to achieve each goal and how
you plan to get each.
:3- Analyze your lazinesses and drives and how you plan
to deal with each.
L_ Describe your systematic strategies and tactics for
money making.
5- Describe your systematic strategies and tactics for
power acquisition.
6- Power is money. Discuss.
7- How can you apply divergent creativity to acquire
massive money?
8- How can you apply convergent creativity to acquire
massive money?
9- How can you apply divergent and convergent
creativity to acquire power?
10- What is your tithe of work, money and power to the
brain revolution?
Lesson LEO: Nony Profi fro Braj
The l960s were the decade of hippie search for
Life meaning through drugs. The l970s were the
decade of post-hippie search for Life mean-ing
through therapies, growth programs and endorphinbOnding, blindbelief religions. During the 70s, the non-youth, nonhippie, middle class adult population also got
turned on to the futility of conformist slavery to
meaningless work and joined in the “Meee Tooo”
search for personal, emotional, spiritual selfrealization. The “Me Generation.” They too bought
the therapies, growth programs and religions. _t
fl2t get they hunger4 for: Fulfillment. They did
not get relief from confusion, pain and fear. They
did not get peace of mind. Satisfaction. Awakening.
Enlightenment. SeIf-potentiation. True love. Bliss.
In short, they did not get transcendence. They
still demand transcendence.
All the methodologies of all the therapies,
growth programs and religions which were sold to
the exploding American market demand were
neurophysiologically incomplete , emotionally
unfulfilling products. Thus, the mass market, like
an adequately pornographed and massaged
glans/clitoris, is ready for the terminal cosmic
orgasm. All those who bought a prior therapy,
growth program or/and religion now are doubly
excited and quadruply motivated to get the final
climax: Thee Answer; Thee Way; Thee Perfect
Product--- releasing the 9O dormant brain into
whole brain power, starting with self-transcendence
through the dormant frontal lobes.
The perfect product is: Brain Self-Control. The
product has been perfected. The product now is
ready to be mass-multiplied through new research
and development laboratories; through new survival
and transcendence schools; through adult, child and
infant toys which release dormant brain circuits
automatically--- merely by playing creatively
with the toy; through the entertainment industry
hungering for the evolutionary breakthrough; and
through love families and cooperative communities
demanding new publishing enterprises to produce new
books which explain how all the parts of this brain
revolution work.
All after, now, merely is marketing. Selling. The
work now is using the competitive capitalist system
as thee tool to morally transcend whole populations
while receiving part of the avalanching profit.
The work now is:
I- \Vffarket research to determine: How to penetrate
different latent demand populations. How to
package and advertise the product into
each ego need person at the point of sale within
each population.
2- Penetration into specific mass populations via
public relations, publicity, paid advertising and
organizational techniques.
3- Re-packaging different parts of the product in
different ways for mail order sales and store
sales to different market needs: audio
cassettes, tapes, records, books, toys,
consciousness meter.
U- Planning and offering follow-up products and
services once the first product is bought:
lectures, workshops, workplace transcendence,
film presentations, in-residence courses on the
Profit expectation: Unlimited. The market for
brain freedom is going exponential. Four billion
If you want to join this company in this early
stage, demonstrate your enthusiasm and
intellectual creative insight by writing a
— Describe your special knowledge, skills and insights
into the market problems and how you propose to
solve one or more specific problems to cause
demonstrable sales of product immediately; after
middle-range strategic and tactical planning; after
long-range strategic and tactical planning.
Lesson l4l: nQcendc4 Toacho
Transcended teacher has self-circuited into
enough of his/her front— al lobes to be permanently
out of confusion, pain and fear about Self, Life and
Universe to radiate healing hands.
Transcended teacher knows the way to teach and
guide others to so escape the aimlessness and
meaninglessness of conformity into the gusto of
cosmic child.
Transcended teacher knows enough about the brain
to be awed by the mind, accepting the power of
infinity and eternity as routine guide to teach
others self-transcendence routinely.
Transcendent teacher periodically comes down off
the mountaintop of personal growth to help others
find their own inner mountains of search to top out
at the crest of fulfillment.
Transcended teacher teaches toughly. Lovingly but
toughly. For the times they are tough. There are
those who search and are ready to learn whole brain
power toughly. And there are those who are fools.
The worthy student naturally finds his/her natural
teacher. The clear sunshine teacher naturally
teaches adoringly--- to each at her/his own pace;
from each in his/her own way.
Transcended teacher knows the nature of human
nature and the nature of human motivation
sufficiently to avoid or counter-attack the attacks
of those who choose to prevent others from
Transcended teacher teaches teachers. Each one
teach one.
1- Are you transcended teacher? Can you be teacher
until you transcend?
2-What is the step-by-step method of teaching? This
3- “Oh! See Meee ! ! “ 0 C N E : Objectives ,
Curriculum, Method , Evalua— tion. List each in
the course you are going to teach to your
neighbors or through an established school publicity
program. What is the catchy title of your course?
What is your zingy one-paragraph course description?
To which strata of the market is it strategically
designed to appeal? To tactically satisfy which
unspoken needs? What objective can you reasonably
expect to hit with the level of intellect displayed
by each student? What power plays of curriculum will
you have in surprizing reserve in case your students
lose interest and the vitality of the course starts
to die? How shall your method of teach-ing he
dynamic, inspiring and liberating? How shall you
teach your students to evaluate themselves and
whether they achieved the stated objectives? Against
what standard of excellence?
L_ What is your motive to be a teacher? A great
5- What is the place of a teacher in the brain
revolution? Design and describe your career as a
6— “Serve the people.” Discuss
7- “Serve the children.” Discuss.
8- “No greater moral leadership than, simply:
schoolteacher.” Discuss.
Lesson LI2: Transcended Leac
Transcended leader is transcended teacher.
Transcended leader is sufficiently in touch with
personal intelligence, genetic intelligence and
social intelligence to solve the prob— lems which
others cannot solve for themselves.
Transcended leader understands, manipulates,
dominates, controls and exploits power toward the
single moral goal of teaching others to be
transcended leaders.
Transcended leader blithely skips through the
grim institutions of society and the desperate
values of culture, titillating candidates for
transcendence into waking up to their full brain
Transcendence leader is tough. The fight against
the child spirit murderers is deadly serious. The
fight demands the highest quality of skill and
endurance to do effective combat through society
institu V tions and culture chaos to maintain the
nurturance of genetic intelli— gence attempting to
trigger in ,OO0,000,O0O people the brainbomb.
1- Are you transcended leader? At whatever stage
you now are churning in your self-therapy, are
you ready to help those lower than you to
rise in mountaintop vision?
2- Do you understand that confusion about Life is
relative to how high you climb your personal
inner mountain? The higher you struggle,
the more of the world you see and understand--—
until one day, you reach the pinnacle. All is
known. Shall you then continue your grow-th (part
time; don’t forget your followers braying) to the
3- Do you have the courage to go back down off the
mountain into the cities to fight--- kissingly—-—
through the legal system, economic
system and political system to change each turdgid
system into The
Great Learning Society?
L_ Which specific skills of reptilian/frontal-lobes
fighting do you now choose to master to enter the
combat arena of which Lifedestroying system as transcended leader?
5- State your theory, hypothesis and experiment to
verify your skills and limits of power
manipulation at the lower local level before
you expand to the regional, national and inter—
national levels.
6- Which pie segments of the circular American
system do you choose to infiltrate and build your
career as a leader of that segment? Which
do you choose to not approach? Why?
7- Describe the neural mechanism by which you
avoid reptilian ego greed power motivation so you
transcend into egoless power manipu— lation. What
is the consequence to your energy exhaustion? To
your computer collapses? To your energy chainreaction? Cosmic computer?
8- Are men and women equal in their capacity to
manipulate and control power in the now-ongoing
brain revolution?
V 9 How shall you in-gather charming and wise
workers to your leader— ship? What shall be the
work of those not so charming and wise?
V _ t ‘
— — 1_
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Pi i
Fare Well
The trail is Life. The adventure is to dare. Survival
is for those who top out their own night mountains. The
new dawning is birthing the Great Creation Plains. Joy
is waving to each other from peak to peak. Laughter is
to keep from crying. Meaning is helping othersV. Soon,
with a bit of luck and a lot of work, all shall learn
to transcend above the perilous massifs to tranquil at—
Shall we join hand in friendship?
T• D. Lingo
Laughing Coyote
Box 10
Black Hawk,
Colorado 8OL122
United States of
T. D. Lingo
A step—by—step introduction to your neurophysiological
mechanism with which you will click into your dormant
frontal lobes to cause the automatic “nirvana/bornagain” transcendence phenomenon. In your own way; at
your own pace. A new order of intelligence, creatiyity
and telepathy emerges spontaneously. You start by
retrogressing backward into your repressed child trauma
memories. Release the emotional pain of each. Bound
energy of neurosis is turned into free energy--- which
automatically shunts into the frontal lobes.
Supernormal perception, coIt1I1un iV eat ion id love
happens . Automatically.
V Price : $11