入校走读承诺书 个人 概况 Personal Information 护照姓名 Passport Name Sharma Aastik 所在学院 Department Department of Mechanical Engineering 入校走读批准时间 Approval Time for Enter Campus 2020 22 : 00 现住址; Current Living Address 入校事由 The reason for going inside campus Y 护照号 Passport NO. 10490789 联系电话 Phone Number 11 M 16 13845158951 D , From 8 : 00 To 复华小区 D1 栋 801 For research purpose 1.入校后我将严格遵守学校的学生出入校管理规定,做好疫情的个人防护,生病(如发 烧、感冒、咳嗽等症状)会及时联系主管老师,并保证生病期间不进入学校。 After entering campus, you should strictly abide by the school enter and exit regulation for student, and take good protection work against the epidemic, if you ill (such as have fever, catch a cold, get a cough), please contact your coordinator 承诺遵守 以下规定 Promise to obey the following regulations and promise not go inside the campus during this time. 2.入校走读期间,如有必要去其它城市,将至少提前 3 个工作日向国教院申请报备,并 保证做好个人防护。 During the period of this time, if you need to go to other cities, you will apply to CIE for registration at least 3 working days in advance, and make sure you take good personal protection. 3.在哈期间,遵守中国法律法规,确保持有龙江健康码-绿码,做好相关登记,不与境外 来哈人员接触。 During the period of living in Harbin, please abide by Chinese laws and regulations, ensure to hold Longjiang Health Code - Green Code, and make relevant registration, please promise no contact with overseas personnel coming to Harbin. 4.违反以上规定者,将丧失申请入校资格,并依法依规严肃处理。 Those who violate above regulations will be disqualified from applying for entering the campus and will be dealt with seriously according to relative regulations. 承诺人签字 Signature: 日期 Date:2020/11/16 Aastik Sharma Digitally signed by Aastik Sharma DN: cn=Aastik Sharma, o, ou, email=sharma.aastik12@gmail.com, c=US Date: 2020.11.16 16:56:02 +08'00'