My ideal kitchen classroom design would be organized so that each group would have their own workstation. This would eliminate congestion in the kitchen and increase efficiency. Each group will be assigned tasks for the beginning of class that will be discussed in the previous class, email, and on the whiteboards in the kitchen and demonstration classroom. Once the groups finish the tasks, they will meet back at their prep tables in the kitchen or group tables in the demo classroom for the demo of the day. They will be able to ask questions and share concerns before heading into hands on learning and cooking. The classroom and kitchen are setup to promote the groupwork and group discussion. I know that some schools have a demo classroom, and some will not. The kitchen will have a space for the teacher to demo and that will also be the space to come to if a student has a question. As for the demo classroom, there would be a screen, smart board, or even a mirror above the instructor that can show what the chef if doing on the workstation. I would be able to use it now in the covid era to live steam the lessons. I would try and work with the TV production class to make a nice production out of it. For one of their assignments, I could even have each group use that space to make their own cooking show.