Assignment #1 – Data Visualization – ID 100756553 Name – Hiras Hamza After analyzing the data, I’m going to launch series of Fitness Centre across Texas and Georgia. Obesity rates are quite alarming in these 2 cities. Following are the detail explanation of my findings. a) Highest Obesity Rate As per this bar chart highest obesity states are Texas and Georgia. b) Refer work sheet “Who Do Not Exercise” where Texas and Georgia are highest. As per the below bar chart obesity in Texas and Georgia same time who do not exercise is very high compared to other estates. Assignment #1 – Data Visualization – ID 100756553 Name – Hiras Hamza Refer work sheet “Fast Food Expenditure” where Texas and Georgia list top in the scatter plot diagram. As per the below diagram Texas and Georgia is the highest estates who spent more on fast food. Refer work sheet “Diabetes Rate”. This shows the relationship with Obesity and Diabetes rate. Obesity and Diabetes are co-related where we can visibly see Texas and Georgia are victims of this disease. Assignment #1 – Data Visualization – ID 100756553 Name – Hiras Hamza Texas have the highest number of Fast food restaurants compared to other estates and Georgia was the 3rd estate. c) Refer work sheet “Median House Hold Income” work sheet. Median House Hold income in Texas and Georgia visibly much higher. Assignment #1 – Data Visualization – ID 100756553 Name – Hiras Hamza Refer work sheet “Co-related variable” work sheet which summarize co-relations between different variables. d) Other factors which will affect my current business model is Sub-way or Public transportation facilities which will enable customers to easily commute for Fitness Centers easily. Following graph visualize that Texas and Georgia states 77 % &70% metro coverage respectively. Assignment #1 – Data Visualization – ID 100756553 Name – Hiras Hamza 3) The reason why choose to launch Fitness Centre chain across Texas and Georgia is because both estates have the highest obesity rate in the country. One more reason is Adults in both estates are advised to take precautionary measures to avoid obesity. This would encourage adults in Texas and Georgia to enroll with a fitness center to keep them self-check with weight and health. In Texas Adults meetup are 16,180 and in Georgia 10,621. I have potential of 27,000 customers approximately who are cautious about the health. Also one more reason I wanted to launch this Fitness Centre is Texas and Georgia states are the highest spenders for fast food $137,000 and $85,542 accordingly which is around $ 222,000. Since people are spending their additional money fast food, given the alarming health warnings most of them would spend this additional money on fitness centers for being healthy. Launching fitness centers across city would encourage them to spend wisely on Fitness Centers instead consuming fast food which is alarmingly very high. If the customers able to visit Fitness Centers and least 50% of the spending which they are spend on Fast Food my potential revenue in the beginning would be $111,000. One more reason is that, commuting in these 2 estates are not difficult and metro coverage is 70% to 77% in both estate which enable any customer who doesn’t have a personal vehicle can commute to any fitness center nearby without any hassle. Reaching fitness centers without any hassle. When we compare the Median House hold income, estate Texas is the highest and Georgia is the 3rd estate. Average median income in Texas $42,171 and Georgia $41,186 indicate house hold have sufficient income to spend their money Fitness Centers. Diabetes rate in these 2 estates are too much higher than other estates. Often Doctors recommending patient workout daily in-order to avoid complications. Therefore I can target those customers as well and Launch customer made Fitness Programs for individuals who are in different health conditions. Average SNAP stores in Texas and Georgia is very high this will be one more reason for high obesity. Since the highest SNAP stores located in these 2 stores Texas and Georgia. Considering highest number of fast food chains in these estates, I can assume that Fitness Centre chain have good potential to do well especially when people are facing health issues. a) b) c) d) e) Highest Obesity Rate Adult meetups are the highest compared to others. Highest Diabetes Rate Highest spenders for fast food Highest number of Fast food restaurants Considering all these factors mentioned above Fitness Centre chain launch in Texas and Georgia will be very successful.