Today’s Date: ARD SCHEDULING CHECKLIST ARD Set date: Student: ID# DOB: Age: Time: ARD Held By or Before: Parent contacted on: ____/_____/20___ Parent : Phone/Email: Contacted By: Grade: Eligibility(s): FIE Date: Instructional Setting: ☐ LEP ☐ Dual Language ☐ Bilingual ☐ ESL ☐ Mono ☐ Transfer ☐ MDR ☐ LPAC ☐ Other Additional Information Diagnostician ☐ Felipe Guevara Location: ☐ Aoy ES ☐ Other Purpose ☐ Initial ☐ Review ☐ Brief/Revision ☐ Amendment Transition ☐ Yes ☐ (6th) Anticipated MS ☐ No ☐ Annual ☐ REED ☐ REED (1-3) ☐ REED (1-6) ☐ Re-Evaluation ☐ (9th) Anticipated HS ☐ SSI ☐ GPC ☐ Parent Req. Teacher input needed ☐ Yes ☐ No Translator needed ☐ Yes ☐ No ARD Members ☐ Administrator ☐ Mrs. Ortega ☐ Mrs. Arnold ☐ VI Elsa Hernandez Janette Nichols ☐ LPAC Rep ☐ AI ☐ Speech ☐ O&M ☐ SpEd Case Manager ☐ Home Bound ☐ Gen. Ed. Teacher ☐ Music Therapist ☐ LSSP Adrian Castillo ☐ Nurse ☐ OT Arturo Alva/Alfredo Diaz De Leon ☐ PT Cynthia A F -Fisher / Cynthia M Nelson ☐ In-Home Trainer ☐ APE Class 1 2 3 FDG© v 1.15 Teacher Adriana Araiza Raul Medrano Katherine Ames Angelica Barnett ☐ Transportation ☐ CTE ☐ MS Rep ☐ HS Rep ☐ Other Rep ☐ Master Social Worker ☐ Instructional Specialist Conf. Input Lisbeth Pacheco ☐ Jennifer Zuniga Support Teacher ☐ ☐ Donna Day Conf. ARD Notice Checklist ARD Date 1st Notice ☐ Draft ☐ Archived 2nd Notice ☐ Draft ☐ Archived 3rd Notice ☐ Draft ☐ Archived Notice Sent Outlook Invite Parent contacted on: Method Response ☐ Scheduled ☐ Sent ☐ Phone ☐ attempted: left Voice message ☐ USPS ☐ email _______________________________ ☐ Sent with the Student ☐ In person. Contact info: Will Attend Waive 5 days written notice Translator needed Parent will participate over / Ph. Parent Request: Hold W/O them Parent Request: Re Schedule it ☐ Scheduled ☐ Sent ☐ Phone ☐ attempted: left Voice message ☐ USPS ☐ email _______________________________ ☐ Sent with the Student ☐ In person. Contact info: Will Attend Waive 5 days written notice Translator needed Parent will participate over / Ph. Parent Request: Hold W/O them Parent Request: Re Schedule it ☐ Scheduled ☐ Sent ☐ Phone ☐ attempted: left Voice message ☐ USPS ☐ email _______________________________ ☐ Sent with the Student ☐ In person. Contact info: Will Attend Waive 5 days written notice Translator needed Parent will participate over / Ph. Parent Request: Hold W/O them Parent Request: Re Schedule it ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No ☐ No Checklist to Complete PRE-POST ARD Meeting ☐ Draft IEP Date Created: ☐ Working on Active Supplements (If Applicable) Final Check Post meeting ☐ Gen. Ed Input Form ☐ IEP Progress ☐ PLAAFP ☐ Accommodations ☐ Goals And Objective ☐ STAAR ☐ Intensive Program of instruction ☐ SOS ☐ Transportation ☐ BIP ☐ Personal Care Services PCS ☐ AU Supp. ☐ AI Supp. ☐ VI Supp. ☐ Transition MS/HS only (only if applies) ☐ API ☐ Other ☐ Safeguards & Receipt ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ Signature Page w/ names ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ ARD Notice ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ Excusals ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ PWN ☐ Paperwork Uploaded ☐ Audio filed / renamed ☐ Audio upload/Archived ☐ Parent Audio/CD ☐ Parent copy was sent ☐ NOE (Central) ☐ e-mailed ☐ Attendance ☐ Current Grades ☐ LPAC ☐ Excusals Drafted ☐ REED (1-3) Completed ☐ REEED (1-6) Completed ☐ NOE Completed ☐ Consent to release Conf. info. ☐ SHARS/Medicaid & Receipt ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ Consent to test ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ Consent to Release Confidential Info. ☐ Signed ☐ Scanned ☐ Archived in e-sped ☐ Active in e-sped Finalized on : FDG© v 1.15 Annual/Initial/Review/ ARD for Eligibilities XXXXXXXX and Speech Impairment-SI REED (1-3 ) is drafted –requesting testing / REED as FIE will be review / FIE Re-Evaluation will be reviewed/ Initial FIE will be reviewed / FIE is Due within the duration of the IEP FIE due date : Annual is due by : IEP is already open as a draft Be prepared to discuss currents needs IEP needs to be updated (Teacher’s Sections)******************************************* ☐ Gen. Ed Input Form ☐ Parent Input ☐ IEP Progress ☐ PLAAFP ☐ Accommodations / Modifications ☐ Goals & Objective ☐ STAAR /STAAR ALT (only if applies) ☐ TELPAS /TELPAS ALT (only if applies) ☐ SOS ☐ Attendance ☐ Current Grades ☐ LPAC info (only if applies) ☐ Signed Paperwork (if Parent Already returned Forms) Supplements ☐ BIP updates/Recommendations (if applies) ☐ Dyslexia (only if applies) ☐ Personal Care Services PCS (only if applies) ☐ AU (only if applies) ☐ AI (only if applies) ☐ VI (only if applies) ☐ Transition MS and HS Only (only if applies) Please bring any other information that you consider is important for this meeting. Thanks FDG© v 1.15