Go to following website: http://www.childrensheartinstitute.org/content/for-kids/heart-house/heart-house.html
Please record your answers in RED!!!
1. Copy and paste the picture of the Heart House here:
2. What are the 4 major rooms of heart house?
3. What are the names of the 4 doors in heart house?
4. Scroll down and read about the hallways in this house. What are the 2 major exiting hallways?
a. _____: sends blood from ________to ______
b. _____: sends blood from ________ to ______
5. Read “The Plumbing” paragraph. Please explain how the heart pumps blood through the body.
6. Scroll up to the top of the page. On the left hand side under ‘The Heart House’ title please click on “How the
Heart Pumps”
a. Read the paragraph and watch the animation. When the heart constricts, blood is pushed out to the
entire body. Each contraction is considered a heartbeat. How would a healthcare worker measure a
person’s heart rate? What is the healthcare worker actually feeling?
b. Click ‘next’ on the bottom right until you get to “How Blue Blood Becomes Red”. What happens in the
capillaries? What are the tiny lung sacks called?
7. Please watch the following video and answer these questions:
a. How many times does a heart beat every day? And how much blood does it circulate?
b. What 3 types of blood vessels do we have?
c. Please list the 4 chambers of a heart. (look familiar?
8. Click on this link and watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruM4Xxhx32U .
a. What are the 2 circulation loops (figure 8)?
b. When the ventricles contract, what happens?
c. When you place your hand over your heart, what are you are feeling?
d. What is your current pulse?
9. Please write, in words, the path blood takes when it circulates through the heart. (What we did the other day
with the red and blue beads and big heart diagram)