Running iihead: iCHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT Chemistry iTest iAssignment i Student’s iName Institution iAffiliation i 1 CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i 2 Section i1 i– iNumerical 1. We ihave iabout i10g iof iIron(II) iammonium isulphate icrystals. iWe imix ithese iand imake ia i 250cm3 iacidified isolution iof ithis. iApproximately i21.25cm3 iof ipotassium i dichromate(VI) i(0.02 imol idm-3) iis ineeded ifor ioxidation iof i25cm3 iof ithe isolution imade. i Given ithe iformula iof icrystal ias i The ivalue iof ia+b+c+x iis? i The igeneral iformula iof iIron(II) iammonium isulphate icrystals iis iFeSO4. i(NH4)2S04. i xH2O This imeans ithat ia iis i1, ib iis i2, ic iis i1 iand ix iis iwater iof icrystallisation. Therefore, iwe iare ilooking ifor iwater iof icrystallisation: Moles iof idichromate iions, iCr2O7^2– i i Moles i= imolarity ix ivolume i/ i1000 = i0.0200 ix i21.25 i/ i1000 i= i0.000425 imol Moles iof iIron(II) iammonium isulphate isalt; Moles iof iiron isalt i= imol iFe2+ ititrated i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = i6 ix iCr2O72– i= i6 ix i0.000425 i= i0.00255 imol This imeans ithat i1/10 iof iFe2+ isalt iis iused iin ititration i(25/250cm3) Therefore i1 ig iof iFeSO4. i(NH4)2S04. ixH2O iis iequal ito i0.00255 imol. We iget ithe iRMM iof ithe isalt ifrom ithe iformula; RMM i= imass/moles CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i iiiiiiiiiii = i1 i/0.00255 i= i392.2 Therefore, ithe iformula imass ifor iFeSO4. i(NH4) i2S04.xH2O iis i392.2. Now ithe iformula imass iof iFeSO4. i(NH4)2S04; = i56+32+64+28+8+96 i= i284 i Getting ithe idifference, i392.2 i– i284 i= i108.2 RFM iof iH2O= i18 Meaning, i18X i= i108.2 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii X i= i6.011 i Therefore, ia+b+c+x i= i1+2+1+6 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = i9 2. We ihave ian iiodine isolution i(25cm3). iIt iis ititrated iwith isodium ithiosulfate i(0.1 imol idm-3). i With ithis, iaround i17.6cm3 iof iiodine isolution ireacted. iThe iconcentration iof iiodine iis i then ifound iout ito ibe ix imol idm-3 iand iy ig idm-3. i Evaluate: i(y i– ix)? i ii The ireaction iinvolved iis iwritten ias iionic iequation ias ishown ibelow I2(aq) i+ i2S2O32–(aq) i==> iS4O62–(aq) i+ i2I–(aq) i Or ias ithe iwhole ichemical iequation ias; i ii I2(aq) i+ i2Na2S2O3(aq) i==> iNa2S4O6(aq) i+ i2NaI(aq) Moles iof isodium ithiosulfate; 3 CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i iiiiiiii Moles i= i(molarity/1000) ix ivolume i = i0.100 ix i17.6/1000 i= i0.00176 imol Moles iof iiodine i I2 i= i0.00176 i÷ i2 i= i0.00088 iin i25 icm3, Molarity iin imol idm–3 i M i= i(moles ix i1000)/volume iiiii = i0.00088 ix i1000 i÷ i25 i= i0.0352 imol idm–3 i Molarity iin ig idm–3 Molecular imass iof iiodine imolecule, iI2 i= i2 ix i127 i= i254 Therefore, iconcentration i= imolarity ix iRMM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = i0.0352 ix i254 i= i8.94 ig idm–3 4 CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i 5 Section i2 i– iTheoretical Addition iReactions iof iBenzene iCompounds Table iof iContents i Figure i1……………………………………………………………………………….5 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...4 Addition iMechanism………………………………………………………………….4 Uses iof ithe iCompound………………………………………………………………..5 References…………………………………………………………………………….7 Introduction i Benzene, iC6H6, iis ithe isimplest imember iof ia ilarge ifamily iof ihydrocarbons, icalled iaromatic i hydrocarbons i(Alan R. Katritzky, 2010). iThese icompounds icontain iring istructures iand iexhibit i bonding ithat imust ibe idescribed iusing ithe iresonance ihybrid iconcept iof ivalence ibond itheory ior ithe i delocalization iconcept iof imolecular iorbital itheory. i Addition iMechanism When ia ibenzene iring ihas itwo isubstituent igroups, ieach iexerts ian iinfluence ion isubsequent i substitution ireactions. iThe iactivation ior ideactivation iof ithe iring ican ibe ipredicted imore ior iless iby i the isum iof ithe iindividual ieffects iof ithese isubstituents. iThe isite iat iwhich ia inew isubstituent iis i introduced idepends ion ithe iorientation iof ithe iexisting igroups iand itheir iindividual idirecting ieffects i (Mndzhoian, 2013). iThus, ithe igroups imay ibe ioriented iin isuch ia imanner ithat itheir idirecting i influences iact iin iconcert, ireinforcing ithe ioutcome; ior iare iopposed. i iIn iour icase, ithe ibenzene CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i i compound ireacts iwith itetra imethyl iamine igroup iin iaddition ireaction iin ithe ipresence iof isodium i methoxide iand imethanol ito iform ipyridine i(John A. Joule, 2010). 6 Figure i1: iThe iaddition iprocess Although iit idoes iso iless ireadily ithan isimple ialkenes ior idienes, ibenzene iadds ihydrogen iat ihigh i pressure iin ithe ipresence iof isodium imethoxide iand imethanol icatalysts. iThe iproduct iis icyclohexane i and ithe iheat iof ireaction iprovides ievidence iof ibenzene's ithermodynamic istability. iSubstituted i benzene irings imay ialso ibe ireduced iin ithis ifashion, iand ihydroxy-substituted icompounds, isuch ias i phenol, icatechol iand iresorcinol, igive icarbonyl iproducts iresulting ifrom ithe ifast iketonization iof i intermediate ienols i(Tadeusz Marek Krygowski, 2009). iNickel icatalysts iare ioften iused ifor ithis i purpose. Benzene iis imore isusceptible ito iradical iaddition ireactions ithan ito ielectrophilic iaddition. iWe ihave i already inoted ithat ibenzene idoes inot ireact iwith ichlorine ior ibromine iin ithe iabsence iof ia icatalyst i and iheat. iIn istrong isunlight ior iwith iradical iinitiators ibenzene iadds ithese ihalogens ito igive i hexahalocyclohexanes. iIt iis iworth inoting ithat ithese isame iconditions ieffect iradical isubstitution iof i cyclohexane, ithe ikey ifactors iin ithis ichange iof ibehaviour iare ithe ipi-bonds iarray iin ibenzene, iwhich i permit iaddition, iand ithe iweaker iC-H ibonds iin icyclohexane i(Frank De Proft, 2014). i Uses iof ithe iCompound i CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i Heterocyclic icompounds iare iof ivery imuch iinterest iin iour idaily ilife. iThey ihave ihigh isignificance i in iour iliving isystem. iHeterocyclic icompounds ihave ia iwide irange iof iapplications iin i agrochemicals, ipharmaceuticals, iveterinary iproducts ietc. iThey iare ialso iused ias istarting imaterial i in ithe isynthesis iof iorganic icompounds. iThese iare ialso iused iin isanitizers, idevelopers, ianti- ordinates, icorrosion iinhibitors ietc. iHeterocyclic icompounds iare ithe icyclic icompounds iwhich i contain ione ior imore idifferent iatoms iother ithan icarbon iin ia iring istructure. iThese icompounds imay i be iaromatic ior ianti-aromatic. iHeterocyclic icompounds iwidely ifound iin inature, ie.g. ipyramiding i and ipurine iare ithe iparts iof iDNA, ivitamins iand ienzymes. iHeterocyclic icompounds iare ivery i important ifor ihuman isurvival itoo. iThey iare iimportant iinformation icarrier. iThese iare iused iin i neurotransmitter iand ipyrimidines; inucleoside iis ia ipart iof igenetic imaterial ithat itransfers i information ifrom ione igeneration ito iother. 7 CHEMISTRY iTEST iASSIGNMENT i References Alan iR. iKatritzky, iC. iA. iR. iJ. iA. iJ. iV. iV. iZ., i2010. iHandbook iof iHeterocyclic iChemistry. i3 i ed. iLondon: iElsevier. Frank iDe iProft, iP. iG., i2014. iStructure, iBonding iand iReactivity iof iHeterocyclic iCompounds. i 2 ied. iNew iYork: iSpringer. John iA. iJoule, iK. iM., i2010. iHeterocyclic iChemistry. i5 ied. iLondon: iJohn iWiley i& iSons. Mndzhoian, iA. iL., i2013. iSynthesis iof iHeterocyclic iCompounds. i1 ied. iNew iYork: iSpringer i Science i& iBusiness iMedia. Tadeusz iMarek iKrygowski, iM. iK. iC., i2009. iAromaticity iin iHeterocyclic iCompounds. i2 ied. i London: iSpringer iScience i& iBusiness iMedia. 8