Uploaded by Michelle Graves

Body Organization: Anatomy & Anatomical Directions

Chapter 9
Body Organization
Anatomical Position
Standard Anatomical Position:
Face forward
Palms forward
Thumbs up
Tongue on roof of mouth
Hands below waist
Anatomical Directions
1. Medial-Toward midline
2. Lateral-Away midline
3. Superior-Above
4. Inferior-Below
5. Posterior-Towards Back
6. Anterior-Towards Front
7. Distal-Away from trunk
8. Proximal-Closest to trunk
9. Dorsal-Top of foot; back of the body
10. Plantar-Bottom of foot
11. Ventral- Front of body
12. Superficial – closer to the surface of the body “towards the skin”
13. Deep- further inside the body
Front to back
Upper to Lower
Sagittal or Medial:
Right to left
Body Organization
Anatomy: Study of body structures.
Physiology: Study of body functions.