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Web Editing: Lists & Numbering Worksheet

ECDL Web Editing
Unordered and Ordered Lists (Bullets and Numbering)
1. Open jobs.html using KompoZer.
2. Just after the paragraph which starts with the text “Jobs married Laurene Powell on
March … “, include a second heading (h2) with the text ‘Career’.
3. Just after this heading, include a paragraph with the following text:
“ The following are some of the companies which Jobs was involved with:
Apple Computers
NeXT Computers
4. Open gates.html using FrontPage
5. Just after the paragraph which starts with the text “Gates stepped down as chief
executive officer… “, include a second heading (h2) with the text ‘Microsoft’.
6. Just after this heading, include a paragraph with the following text:
“ The following are just some of software which Microsoft created:
1. NT
2. XP
3. Vista
4. Office 2007
Ms. Scicluna
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