Uploaded by Joel Blenman

Caribbean Slavery: Resistance & Intolerance

Caribbean Studies Assignment: intolerance toward a life of slavery
NAME: Joel Blenman
DATE: 22/10/2020
SUBJECT: Caribbean studies
Describe the steps taken by slaves as signs of intolerance toward a life of slavery.
They're three ways in which slaves dealt with oppression: marronage, resistance strategies
and by initiating revolutions.
Slaves conspired with each other and initiated riots, they burned the slave master houses, and
burn the plantations where they worked and, they also destroyed towns, declaring war to the
slave masters. This initiation is referred to as a revolution.
Resistance strategies are how slaves dealt with imprisonment. Some slaves retaliated by
working slower, slaves would commit suicide and some of the slaves would run away,
escaping from their slave masters and some slaves would have also damage tools so they
wouldn’t have to work.
The process whereby slaves escaped from the plantation to find a settlement, is known as
‘marronage’. The runaway slaves were referred to as ‘maroons’. The slaves that escaped
would have built cabins near the forest or swamps. The slaves would have gathered food by
hunting in the forest and near the swamps to suffice their nutritional needs and at the same
time learning and exploring the terrain.