Ethio-Parents’ School (Gerji Branch) 2013 E.C Academic Year Biology For Grade 7 First Semester, First and second week program Unit one biology and technology Introduction Science is a systematic method of gaining knowledge about the natural world and the social aspect of human society. It is generally divided in to natural and social science. Relationship of biology and technology Biology and Technology are interrelated in that: Biology is the science that deals with living things. On the other hand, Technology is the science which includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive. Biology helps the society in the fields of medicine, agriculture, environment, population control and many more. For this to be achieved, biology requires the knowledge of technological innovations. WHAT IS BIOLOGY? • Biology is the study of living things. Biologists are people who study biology or about living things. The word biology is derived from two Greek words Bios means life, logos means knowledge (study). Living things range from tiny organisms like bacteria to very large organisms. Branches of Biology Biology is a vast subject containing many sub division, topics, and disciplines. The three main branches of biology are: Zoology (animals), Botany (plants), and Microbiology (microorganisms). Exercise 1 • Give the right answer for the following questions (do the questions on your exercise book) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define what science is? How science is studied? Describe the relationship between biology and technology? What is technology? Differentiate biology and biologist? Describe the following terms? A. B. C. Zoology Botany microbiology Sub disciplines of biology Physiology: the study of the functions of living organisms and their parts Anatomy; study of the animal form, particularly human body Morphology;deals with the form and structure of living organisms. Taxonomy;deals with systematic classification,naming and identification of organism Cytology;the study of cells at the microscopic or at the molecular level Histology;the study of tissues of organisms Genetics;a science that deals with heredity and identity Evolution;the study of the origin and gradual change of organisms in time. Ecology ;the scientific study of the relationships between plants, animals, and their environment Conti… • Mycology; the study of fungi • Parasitology ; the study of parasites and parasitism • Pathology; the study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences • Entomology; the scientific study of insects • Ornithology; the study of birds The Relationship of Biology with Other Sciences Physics Mathematics Chemistry Geography Branches of science are related to each other. Biology requires knowledge from other fields of science to understand about processes in living things. Exercise 2( do the questions on your exercise book) • 1. 2. 3. • 1. Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect. Biology is not related with geography and physics. Biology science doesn’t interact with other fields of study Anatomy is the study of tissue and cells of plants. Fill in the blank space with correct terms or phrases ---------Is the study of the gradual change and development of organisms 2. Disease and their causes are studied by---------fields of biology. Second week program • Chemistry - deals with the composition, structure, reactions and properties of matter. • Biology -is the science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. • Physics - study of matter and energy and the interaction between them. • Geography - deals with the distribution and arrangements of living and non-living things. • Mathematics-to determine the measurement parameters of something in which “biology” deals with the qualitative and quantitative aspects of life. Industries That Utilizes Biological Knowledge • Different areas of human activity utilize directly or indirectly the knowledge from all branches of biology. Those activities include agriculture, medicine, and food industries. Agriculture • Agriculture is one of the human activities to which biological knowledge and skills are very essential in cultivation of soil, growing and harvesting crops, breeding and raising livestock, dairying, and forestry. Cont… Figure 1.4 Different agricultural activities. A) Dairy cow B) Spraying pesticide to crop plantation C) Ploghing with tractor D) Crop plantation Cont… Biological knowledge is: Essential to understand the role of nutrients in plant growth. Important to study growth requirements of crops, analyze Soil composition and design way of increasing productivity. Used to increase productivity of crops in many ways. Agricultural industries use agro-chemicals like fertilizers, herbicides (weed killers), and pesticide to increase productivity. It is also used to prepare and use the right quantities and qualities of agrochemicals. Cont… • Agrochemicals used by large farmers in Ethiopia: Atrazine – herbicide Acetochlor – herbicide Hand spray and Claearys 3336F - fungicide Cont… Herbicide: a chemical substance used to destroy unwanted vegetation or weeds from farming sites. Fertilizer: a chemical or natural substance added to soil to increase its fertility. Pesticide: a substance used for destroying insects or other pests of plants or animals. Cont… Used for crop rotation (growing different crops in succession on the same land) this helps to reduce the effect of pests and keep the soil fertile. Used for preservation of top surface of the soil from erosion by giving the right skills to avoid overgrazing, burning the vegetation cover, over fertilizing and vertical ploughing of steep land. Exercise 3 (do it on your exercise book) Give The Right Answer For The Following Questions 1.WHATare agro chemicals? 2.List agrochemicals 3.What are herbicides? 4.Write industries that needs biological knowledge. II. Fill in the blank space with the correct terms or phrases 1.--------is used to maintain the fertility of the soil 2. -------refers to growing different crops in succession on the same land. 3.-------is used to destroy insects that are pests of crops. Second week second day program Medicine Medicine is the science and art of diagnosing, treating and preventing disease and injury. Medical scientists engage themselves in a constant search for new drugs, effective treatments, and more advanced technology. In the field of medicine, biological knowledge is important: To analyze the effect of drugs on human body To differentiate medical drugs from others To take collective measurement for drug abuse Cont… A drug is a medicine or any substance which has a marked physiological effect when taken in to or applied on the body. Antibiotics (Greek anti, “against”; bios, “life”) which are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria are drugs. All antibiotics are selectively toxic meaning they are more toxic to an invading organism than to an animal or human host. Drug abuse is a pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems or distress. It can be: Taking more than the recommended dose of prescribed drugs Taking antibiotics without prescription or Illegally using substances like marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other illegal substances. Food Biological knowledge and skills is used in food production and processing industries to produce good quality food and to keep it safe and longer. Food is anything nutritious and taken into the body in order to maintain life. It is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients such as: fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Food is composed of nutrient (usable portion of the food) and roughage (indigestible and unusable part of food). • Biological knowledge and skills is used to • understand and prevent deficiency disease. • The food we eat should contain the nutrients in a balanced proportion. Cont… • Table 1:2 Lack of nutrients in diet and their associated deficiency diseases Deficient Nutrient Vitamin A (Retinol) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B12 (niacin) Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) vitamin D ( Calciferol) Vitamin E (tocopheral) Vitamin K(Naphtha Quinone) Iodine Iron Carbohydrate Protein Deficiency disease Night blindness Beriberi Pellagra Scurvy Rickets Infertility in rats Blood clotting problem Goiter Anemia Marasmus Kwashiorkor Cont… Cont.. Biological knowledge and skills is used to study agro-chemical residues on / in food. Biological knowledge and skills is used in selective breeding. Selective breeding is a practice of controlled mating in plants and animals to produce organisms that better serve human needs. It is a technique by which offspring are made to have superior quality (high yield, disease resistant, drought tolerant, etc.) to that found in either parent. Exercise 4 (do it on your exercise book) 1.How do the knowledge of biology used in food production industries? 2.How do you define selective breeding? 3.What is food? 4. Define the following terms A. Drug abuse------------------------------------------B. Selective toxicity--------------------------------------C. Anti biotic----------------------------------------------5.What are the deficiency disease of the following nutrients. A. Iodine----------------------------------------------------B. Vitamin A-----------------------------------------------C. Calciferol-------------------------------------------------D. Carbohydrates-------------------------------------------E. Protein-----------------------------------------------------