Similarities and differences of online newspaper and printed version (The guardian was picked for the comparison) o Difference: the online version is more up-to-date than the printed version with news being reported as they are happening which is impossible to do as you can’t change what already is printed without needing to re-print and even if they do that they would have to reprint all the time as there is always something new happening. o Difference: the news are different, there are different topics on the online version than the printed one, and furthermore, the articles covered in the printed version are probably buried further down in the website. o Difference: the online version is free whilst the printed version is sold for 70p due to the fact that ink and paper costs whilst the online version only needs a website and internet. (in a sense the printed version is like a pay wall) o Similarity: They still follow the same layout in a sense, have the same lexis, same masthead, and both are filled with information. o Difference: the online version just gives headings of the copies to attract the reader’s attention to the subject whilst the printed version has some of the copies written on the front to encourage the reader to buy the newspaper and read more on the subject. o Difference: The online version has no advertisement in it as they get money from how many people visit their site and articles whereas the printed version has advertisement in it as they also pay for the newspaper to be printed (they pay for the spot in the paper). o Difference: You can donate on the Online version, in the printed on you would have to go online either way in order to donate. o Difference: different demographic targeted, the online version targets a younger tech savvy readership whilst the printed version is still aimed at a older 50+ audience that was raised with no internet and aren’t as good with technology. o Difference: online version allows there to be videos as articles so if a reader doesn’t want to read and would much rather listen/watch a video about the subject they can which a unavailable option for printed newspapers as they can only have non-moving images. o Similarity: both are split into sections i.e. sport, news, business and so forth o Difference: The online version is more in your face with all the information and all the bright colours, whereas the printed version is more muted. o Difference: the online version is easier to navigate than the printed version, you can just scroll down without having to go into other articles to find what you like whereas in a printed version you have to go through different pages to find the article you want which would be typically placed at the back if it was important so that the reader would see all the ads in the newspaper. o Difference: the weather is up-to-date in the online version and is present at the very top right under the masthead, printed versions can’t do that as they can’t update it straight away if the weather or temperature changes.