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Doncaster Pages from Kellys 1880

DONC.ASTER is a municipal borough and market town, head
of a union and count:J court district and a polling place for
the Southern division of the Riding, in the Lower division of
the wapentake of Strafforth and Tick hill, in the rural deanery
of Doncaster~ and archdeaconry and diocese of York: it is
about 10 miles from the counties of :V ottingham and Lincoln,
in 03" 31' north latitude, 162 miles from London, 18 northeast from Sheffield, 16 east from Barnsley, 22 aorth-west from
Gainsborougb, 29~ south-east from Leed11, 20 south-east from
Wakefield and 35 south- by-west from York; principally
built on the south bank of the river Don, which rises near
Penistone, flows thence to Sheffield, Rotherham and Doncaster, thence to Thorne and Goole, where it joins the Ouse,
near its confluence with the Humber.
The Great Northern railway has a station here. ';I.'be Midland and Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Companies
have also each goods stations. During the year 1866 a new
line was substituted for the old one to Thorne, and the extension from Keadby, across the Trent, gives direct communication with Great Grimsby. The North Eastern Railway
Co.'s il:X:tension across the Ouse to Tborne considerably
reduces the distance to Hull, and forms the throogh route
between London and that town; and the line between Doncaster and W akefield shortens the distance to that town and
Leeds by half an hour, and is the route for passengers from
London. The line from Doncaster to Gainsborough was
opened during the summer of 1867. The North Eastern line
to York leaves the Great Northern at ShaftholmeJunction,
about 4 miles north of Doncaster. The Midland, Manchester,
Sheffield and Lincolnshire, North Eastern and Lancashire
and Yorkshire Companies run their passenger trains from the
Great Northern station.
The Corporation consists of a mayor, six aldermen and
eighteen councillors ; the latter being elected from three
wards, viz. the East, West and North; the sanitary regulations are under the control of the Town Council, acting as
the Local Board of Health ; watching, lighting, and county
rates, the costs of repairing the footpaths and maintaining
the drainage, are all defrayf'd ftom the borough fund.
The Gas Works, now the property of the town,and highly
remunerative, are managed by a committee, consisting of
twelve members of tbe Town Councill gas is sold at 3s. 4d.
per thousand feet.
Doncaster formerly derived its chief supply of water from
the river Don, but on the 27th of October, 1880, new waterworks were opened : the gathering ground is the land lying
around Ravenfield and Thrybergh, where large reservoirs
have been constructed~ these works have involved a cost of
upwards of £180,000.
The ancieut parish church of St. George, built about the
year 1204, was originally Early English, but underwent many
transitions, until at the time of its uestruction by fire in
1853 it was externally Perpendicular, but retaining internally
much of its earlier style : the foundation stone of the new
building was laid on Tuesday~ the 28th February, 1854; the
late Sir G. G. Scott R •.A.. being the architect: it consists of
chancel, nave, aisles and north and south transepts, and is
14 feet longer in tern ally_. and 22 externally, than the previous
church, and will hold about 1,350 people with reasonable
convenience ; the plan of the chapels on each side of the
chancel is copied from those in the old church ; the whole
of the eastern front has an effect vastly superior to the
corresponding part of the old church, not merely by reason
of Mr. Forman's magnificent restoration of the south
chapel, which bears his name, but because they are no longer
cut off from the rest of the (!hurch and divided into three
distinct parts by the screens and partitions which had grown
up in the old church: Forman's chapel is again the baptistery and was built by the late Mr. Forman, of Pippbrook
House, Dorkiug 1 the whole of the windows of this chapel
are stained ; the top of the roof is 73 feet from the ground,
o:r rather from the floor-line, and nearly 75 feet from the
ground outside the church; the tower isl70 feet 1 inch in
height to the top of the pinnacles, being 14 feet higher than
the cel~brated tower of St. Mary's, Taunton, 25 feet higher
than llowden, a little higher than the central tower of
Wells, the height being also very nearly the same as tile
interna.llength of the church, which is very unusual with a
tower destitute of a spire; the clock was tbe gift of the late
Mr. Dent, of the Strand, London, and the peal of bells were
replaced after the fire, out of funds subscribed ; the organ is
the production of the late Herr Schulz: the building was
reopened on October 14th, 1858, having been restored at a
cost of £43,128 4s. M. exclusive of Forman's chapel and. the
chancel, the whole of which was paid ofF and the church freed
from debt December 29, 186.5. The earliest datt's in the
registers, which are in very good condition, are baptisms,
April 7, 1557; marriages, May 4, 1557; burials, April2,
1557; and the last interment July 28, 1860. The living
is a ticarage, _yearly value £315 with residence, in the gift
of the Archbishop of York and held by the Rev. Charles
Sisum Wright II . .A.. of Trinity College, Dublinr
Christ Church is an ecclesiastical parish forVJed out
of St. George's in 1846. The church is a Gothic etone
building with spire, erected in 1827-8, and founded by John
J arratt esq. who gave £10,000 for its erection and £3,000 for
its endowment:,. in December, 1830, an organ was erected at
a cost of £420; during a violent storm in November, 1836,
the spire of thi~ church was struck by lightninJ{. and one of
the falling stones penetrating the roof, lodged in the organ,
doing much injury; in February, 1850, the top part of the
spire was blown do"n during a hurricane, doing considerable damage to the buildinJl, cau:~ing expen:.es for
reparation not less than £400 ~ the patron has erected a
stained east window to the memory of his father; the
widow of .l\Ir. Jarratt has ~iven the pulpit as a memorial Qf
her huaband, and the ftmaming members of the family have
presented a richly illuminated reredos, also in memory of
Mr. Jarratt. The register dates from the year 1847. The
living is a vicarage, yearly value £344 16s• .fxl. in the gift
of George Jarratt esq. and held by the Rev. Henry Frederick
Brock M •.A.. of Trinity College1 Cambridge, prebendary and
boo. canon of York. In 1857, the present patron placed in
the hands of the trustees of thi-3 church the sum of £750
towardet the purchase of a parsonage house, which purchase
was completed out of funds remaining in the hands of the
trustees, and the house was attached to the living.
St. James' is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 186!. The
church was built by Mr. Wllson, of Grantham, from plans
by the late Sir G. G. Scott R•.A. and is for the use of the
population dependent on the Great Northern railway,
amounting to between 3,000 and 4,000 people, and was conl!ecrated on the 15th of October, 1858, by the late Archbishop of York: the roofs are covered with flat Stafford ..
shire tiles! an elegant window has been placed at the east
end, as a tribute of respect to Sir Edmund Beckett hart.
formerly member of Parliament for the West Riding,.late
chairman of the Great N orthernrailway, and the family have
also erected a reredos to his memory under the east window.
There is a parsonage house of brick, with Ancaster stone
dressings ; the cost of which was about £2,300. The
register dates from the year 1855. The living is a vicarage,
yearly value £300, in the gift of Sir Edmund Beckett bart.
Q.c. during his life, and atwrwards of the Archbishop of
York, and held by the Rev. John Campion M.A. Cantuar.
In 1870 a free chut•ch in connection with Christ Church
district was built by His Grace the Archbishop of York ; it
will seat a congregation of 506. The architect was Thomas
Penrice eeq. of Clapham, and the builders were Messrs.
Anelay, of Doncaste=.-.
The School church, in Marsbgate, owes ita erection to the
Rev. Dr. Va.ughan, formerly vicar of Doncaster, and is
built of Levett Hagg stone, in random courses, with Ancaster stone dressings : the east end, facing Marshga te, has
a richly moulded triplet stained window, with detached
shafts, carved capitals and moulded bands and bases, "to
the memory of the Rev. E. Wigram,'' a former curate of
the parish: longitudinally the church is divided into five
bays by buttressea, with couplet treloil windows between
each; the west end has also a couplet, with a trefoil gable
light above: the roof is open timbered, plastered on the
under side of the rafters, leaving the principals, collars and
purlina exposed ; the church will seat 250 persons, including a proportion of children, and is heated with hot water
and lighted with gas: at the west end is a small bell, the
gift of Sir E. Beckett bart Q.c.: Mr. Teale, of Doncaster,
was the architect, and the total cost was about £1,050: the
school was opened the firs,t week in May, 1867,. and has upwards of fifty scholars.
The Cemetery was established by an Act of Parliament of
17 and 18 Victoria, cap. 88, and opened on the 2nd of J anuary, 1856, the land, consisting of 7A. 2a. 13P. beiog given
by the Town Council; the common-right owners contributing to the undtll'taking by appropriating on the 27tb Qf
May~ 18.52, the sum of £1,706 3s. 10d. the compensation
for land taken by the Great Northern and the Soutb York.ahire Railway and River Dun Companies. The commissioners
are fourteen in number, and consist of the mayor of the
borou!!:h for the time being, ex officio, six commissioners whom J. B. Testa esq. is honorary secretary), is appropri•
nominated by the Town Council, and seven commissioners ated on, Sunday evenings to diviue worst•ip in connection
elected hy the common-right owners. The qualifications for with the parish church.
a comntissioner to be elected by the common-right owners
The Catholic school is situated in Portland place.
are that he shall be a resident within tha borough or within
TheWesleyans have built large schools in connection with
7 miles thereof, and shall be seised ofreal property of the clear Oxford place chapel, each having a frontage of 8;) feet, and
value of £1,000, or shall be possessed of a personal estate of holding 2-50 children.
the value of .£2,000, over and above all debts and engageThe Wesleyan chapel, Priory place, erected In 1832, adments : two-tuirds of the Cerneterv are set apart for the joins Printing Office street, and fronts Priory place ; in 1840
Established Church and one-third for Dissenters: two an organ, by Mr. Booth, of Wakefield, was placed at the
Gothic chapels were erected in 1855, united by an interme- west end: school-rooms are attached, and a chapel keeper's
diate tower and spire: the ground has since been enlarged by reiidence. On the 12th of May, 1870, the Wesleyau chapel
purchase of adjoining land.
in Oxford place was erected in the Italian style, and will
The Catholic church in Princes street is a handsome struc- seat 1,000 persons.
ture of brick; and stone in the Early English style, and is
The Congregational chapel is in Hall gate. School-rooms
ornamented with a finely sculptured figure of St. Peter (the were erected in 1856, at a cost of £2'10.
patron saint of the church) placed near the west door; it
The Unitarian chapel, built in 1740, was originally the
was erected in 1867 by subscription, raised by the Rev. place of worship of an orthodox DiHSenting community,
Edward Pearson, the then officiating priest; a very hand- established in Doncaster in 1692 by Mr. Samuel Crompton,
some presbytery, adjoining the church, being added in 1879. a son of one of the ejected clergy of 1662, but the eongregaThe educational institutions are numerous. The Grammar tion has, in course of time, gradually adopted the views
school is one of the most ancient educational inl'titutions in commonly held by Unitarians: the chapel house, now 60,
the county, having been founded A.D.15.53, and rt>Suscitated Hall g-ate, was built about 1804, and the burial ground
by the Rev. Dr. Vaughan, formerly vicar, and the Town closed in 1805, on the formation of the Doncaster cemetery:
t:ouncil. Mr. W. H. Forman, of Pippbrook House, Dork- the chapel itSP.lf was re~tored and re-opened in April, 1867.
ing-, pre.."f'nted to the Municipal Charity Trustees, on the
The Primitive Methodist chapel, erectt>d in 18'>4-5, is in a
lOth of May, 1867, a close of land comprising 2A. OR. 30P. central situation, at an angle with Cleveland street and
near Christ church, for the site of the new school; the Town Spring gardens.
Council subscribing £2,000, and receiving back the old
The Friends' meeting-house is in West Laithgate.
school and premises, with other considerations; Mr. Forman,
The Baptist chapel originally belonged to the Calvinists.
who contributed £1,000; Mr. Walker, of Woodlands, a
The School of Industry, founded by Mr!l. Vaughan, wife
donor of £300,with other benefactor;;, raised the fund to the of the Rev. Dr. Vaughan, and now carried on hy Miss
amount, in the whole, of £6,700; the Rev. W. Gumey M •.A. Denison, assisted by a committee of ladies, occupies the preof Emmanuel College, Cambridge, elected in 1862, is the mises vacated by the Doncaster Dispensary, near the Friars'
present bead master. This school has now the ~tur~es Ex- 1 bridge, and h;, to a considerable extent, self-supporting, by
hibition, \'alue £40, for three years; the Vaughan Fund, the earnings of the inmates as laundressos, under the superamounting to £:!0 a year (for prizes at midsummer); the intendence of a matron: here a nuruber of poor girls are
~tandish Benevolence, value £22 lOs. "for the benevolent prepared for service and household lite.
purposes of the school"· and competes for the Hastings
Nether Hall, the ancient residence of the Copleys, with
£xhibitions, value £90 for five years, of which the 11chool its beautiful park and extensive grounds. is now untenanted.
has won several. and at present (1880) holds three; the
One of the chief attractions of Doncaster is the race meetpresent Head Master also gives the PChool (durante bene ing in September: the origin of this anniversary can be
placito) two exhibitions, valu~ £30 each, tenable at school. traced to the commencement of the seventeenth century,
The school competes also for the Akroyd Scholarship, value but it was not until the year 1776 that the St. Leger was
£75, for three years, two of which are vacant every thinl established; the Town Council subscribe the stakes given in
year, thll school now holding one. There are ten Corpora- addition to fees, the amount for the 1880 meeting being
tion scholars, elected hy open competition; some of whom £5,800. The St. Leger is run for on a Wednesday, and
eventually proceed to the Universities. The staff consists brings thousands of visitors from all parts of the country
of six masters, a modern lan~~;uage master, and two exhi- the course, on the east of the town, is circular, and nearly
hitioner assistant&; the number of boys is about 170, and flat, being about 1 mile i furlongs and 70 yards in length;
37 have proceeded to the Universities since 1862. The late the St. Leger course about 1 mile 6 furlongs and 70 yards;
Alderman Sir Isaac Morley, a trustee of the school, has also the T. Y. C. is 7 furlongs and 214 yards; and Red House-in
bequeathed £2,000 for additional Exhibitions to CambridgP, about 5 furlongs 152 yards. Messrs. J ohnson, Dawson and
There are four boarding houses belonging to the school, viz. Johnson are clerks of the course; Mr. Clark, of N ewmnrket,
Hall Cross House, the residence of the Rev. William Gurney j•1dge; and Mr. McGeorge, of Newark, starter. The grand
M.A. the head master; 35 Hallgate, the residence of the stand was erected in 1776; the noblemen's stand in 1826;'
Hev. William Smith M.A. the vice-principal; 7 South parade, the subscription stand in 1854; and there was built in 1859
the commercial master's residence; Eden field House, Ml'l". another stand for the exclusive accommodation of ladies. A
Lane's residence: the Rev. Canon Brock M •.A. rector of platform, capable of holding 500 persons, was built and comChrist church, also receives a few boys who attend the school. pleted in 1861. Another stand, called the county stand,
St. George's National schools are situated close to St. together with weighing rooms and offices for the members
George's church, and were originally established in 1816: of the press and others, was built in 1869. A new grand
the building contains a boys' and girls' school with two class- stand to hold 1,000 people, with ladies' rooms and lavatorie:J
rooms, all on the upper story; beneath are dwellings for is at present (1881) in course of erection. Booths, extendmaster and mistress, and under the class rooms is theiR- ing from the rubbing house to the Intake farm, are arranged
fants' school. A boy11' playground is provided behind and in the for m of a crescent, and occupied by innkeepers. There
one for girls in front, divided from the churchyard by a low is a telegraph office within the enclosure. The betting-rooms,
ornamental railing. The style of architecture is that of the situated in the High &treet, were erected in 1826, near to
fourteenth century; the walls are of brick, with Ancaster the Mansion House. Mrs. Wood is the housekeeper at the
stone dressings. Two towers contain the stairs to the upper grand stand, but the refreshment rooms are let at an annual
schools, that to the boys' school having an enriched beltry rent of £400.
arcade, surmounted by a pyramidal slated roof; all the other
The Mansion House, a noble building d~signed by J ames
rools being covered with Staffordshire tiles. These schools Paine, and situated in the centre of the town, was begun in
were built from the design of Mr. Teale, Architect, Doncas- 174.'>, but uot finished, in consequence of the Scottish reter. The Rev. nr. Vanghan contributed .£1,000 to the hellion, untill748; itis the residence of the chief magistrate;
present buildings, in addition to the purchase of the lease- and, although not strictly appropriated for that purpose, is
hold of the site.
used for civic dinners and public entertainments; the ballChrist Church District ~hools will stand as a monument room contains four large full-length portraits, viz.:- Her
to the Right Rev. Dr. Alford, late Bishop of Victoria, who, Majesty the Queen, after a painting by Winterhalter;
at the time of theif erection in 1851-2, was the incumbent; Ge<lrge Ill. by G. Woodforde; the Marquis of Roekingham,
the buildings cost upwartis of £2,000, and there is room for by Phillips R.A.. after Sir Joshua Reynolds; and Earl Fitz159 boys, 159 girls and 257 infants.
william, by Jackson R.A.; in the drawing-room are also Sir
St. James's Church schools adjoin the church in St. William Bryan Cooke hart. as the first Mayor under the
Sepulchregate without, and will hold 500 children.
Municipal Act, by Beetham; Dr. Chorley, by Marshall; the
The British school, Wood street, is under the patronage late Sir Edmund Beckett hart.; the grandfather of the
of Earl Fitzwilliam K.G, and Vi~otmt Halifax, and was present Earl Fitzwilliam, by Jackson; and a painting of
opened in 1835.
the Rtlv. Dr. Vaughan, dean of Llandaff, and formerly
Tbe Rag!!:f'd sehool, Factory lane, wa9 t>rected at a cost vicar of Doncaster, by S. Hodges, which has only recently
of .£750. The master and mistress live on the premises. been added.
The school-room, with the 1-1anction of the committee (of
The Town Hall, designed by Mr. John Butterfield, land
agent of the Corporation, stands on the site of the Old Angt:l
inn in Frenchgate, and W88 built in 18!7 ; the la~e room is
72feet by 40, and 30 feet high; on the summit of the pediment h1 front of the builclin~ is a figure of Justice, from the
chisel of Jamea Guise. The Borough Petty Se!ISions 88 well
88 the Borough Quarter Sessions are held in the large hall.
The Petty Sessions for the lower division of Strafforth and
Tickhill are held here. The Town Council and the county
court1 have separate rooms for their meetings. Public meetings, lecturea and other entertainments are also held here.
A Session hall is at present (1881) being erected in rear of
the building, and 24 new cells, communicating by an underground passage, l•ave been .constructed under the large
room. The police-office is on the right of the entrance on
the ground floor. A fire bell has been fixed at the top of
the building.
On the 22nd of September, 1870, the foundation stone of
the Corn Exchange, from designs by William Watkins esq.
of Lincoln, was laid by A. J. Smith esq. mayor. The Exchange is 91 feet 6 inches by 84 feet, inside measurement,
and althouJ~;h chiefly intended for a Corn Exchange, is also
designed with a view to large public assemblies; galleries
are provided on three sides of the Exchange, and it is capable
of holding altogether 2,0f)0 persons. The Corn Exchange was
opened for public business on Saturday, May the 3rd, 1873,
which is also the day for the weekly market. The Wool
Market, a noble building which has been much enlargtd,
abuts on the Corn and Cattle Market:~ ; the latter bt:ing
one of the largest in the county. Public slau~htt-r-houses
have also been built by the Town Council, the whole cost
of which, including the Cattle Market, was a little under
The Market Hall, erected on the site of the ancient Town
Hall, originally the church of St. Mary Maedalene, was
opened on Saturday, the 2nd of June, 1849, and is fitted up
with shops and stalls, and lighted with gas; the roof is
elegantly constructed of iron and supported by columns of
the same material.
The market is held weekly on Saturd~t:v, and there is also
a fat cattle market every Tuesday. The annual fairs are
held on the 2nd of Febmary, 5th of April, 5th of Au!{ust,
and 16th of November. The annual wool fair comlllences
on the first Saturday in June, and continuf's weekly each
Saturday until August fair day ; there are also three other
annual fairs on the first Saturday in August, the fi•st
Saturday in September and the first Saturday in October.
The Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, is a
large and commodious building, founded by the late Rev.
William Carr Fenton, and opened on the 2nd of November,
1829, for the education of deaf and dumb children of both
sexes, resident in the county of York, or the adjoining
counties, on certain conditions; the pupils are taught, as
fa.r as possible, on the oral or otherwise on the French system.
The institution is open to visitors every day from 10 to 12
o'clock, Sunday excepted; the building was considerably
extended in 1864:1 at a cost of .£5,000, and again in 1880 at a
cost of £700, ana now accommodatesl60 pupils.
The Public General Infirmary and Di~pensary, situate in
Wood strec;t and Whitaker stret:t, is a build in~ of brick with
stone dreBSings, in the Elizabethan style. the fa~ade preJSenting three gables; there Is a basement story, which can
be altered for kitchens, should the present domestic apartments be required for additional ward accommodation, and
the entire building is well drained : the cost of erection
&c. was upwards of .£4,000, towards which the late Dr.
Bainbridge bequeathed .£500, the Town Council also giving
£500, the remaining amount being subscribed by the resident:~ of the town and neighbourhood : it contains twentyfive beds, to which five others have been added tor infectious
cases; there are two female and two male wards, an accident
ward, operating ward, bath and nurses' rooms. The Dispensary (established in 1792, and removed to the present
building on theist of May, 1867),consists of a surgery, medical officers' consulting rooms, and residence for the apothecary; a wide corridor running the length of each story.
St. Thomas's Hospital, founded by Thomas Ellis esq. alderman of Doncaster and five times mayor, is situated in St.
Sepulchregate without, and consists of six small cottages,
with gardens in front, separated from the street by a high
wall: the original benefaction, of small value in comparison
with its present worth, consists chiefly of land, and brings
in a yearly income of £400, the surplus being applied to the
relief of out-door patients. F. W. Fisher esq. is the clerk
to the trustees, of whom the mayor and vicar for the time
being form a part.
A Free Library with news-room was publicly opened on the
29th of December, 1869, in the building originally designed
for the Grammar school, situate in St. George gate; the library tontains 13,000 volumes, besides a splendid collection
of pamphlets,and the news-room is supplied with the leading
daily and weekly papers and monthly magamn~.
The Young Men's Christian Association, now held in the
building formerly called St. James' Hospital, Cleveland
street, promotes I~tures on religioutt and scientific to.,ica,
and has an excellent new11-room.
The Great Northern Railway Company b88established a
good libra"Y for its servants and workmen at the plant
works, containing nearly 2,000 volumes.
The Borough Gaol, at the angle of West Laitbgate an1l
Factory lane, was built after plans and designs by Messrll.
Woodhead and Hurst, and will bold 20 prisoners.
The County Police Station for this division is in Bentinck
The Theatre is near the M agdalen Market, and was built
in 1774 by the Corporation.
The Public Baths, opened to the public on the 5th July,.
1876, are situated in Frencbgate, and the present building
W88 completed in the summer of 1876, the site bein~r given
by the Corporation, in addition to a donation of .£500, and
the whole cost being a little o\·er .£1,000.
There are several iron and brass foundries and agricultural
implement makers, as well as brewt>ries and matting estab·
The town has four weekly newspapers, vi~. the " Doncaster, Nottingham and Lincoln Gazette" established in 1786,
and has a very extensive circulation amon?, the agriculturists
of the district/ the" Doncaster Chronicle, • " Doncaster Free
Press " and ' Doncaster Reporter."
In May, 1821, John Jarratt esq. of Doncaster, pre~nted
£2,200 to tbe Corporation, for which they gave an annuity
bond to pay £ll0 per annum amongst six reduced hout~e­
keeper$ of 'he town.
Quintin Kay's charity of .£300 a year, derived from interest of invested funds, is chiefly devoted to the relief of
poor and reduced persons, and to the apprenticing of six
poor children to mechanical or handicraft trades.
8tocks' Alroshouses.-Tbe benefaction of Stocks, aftf'r
many unsuccessful attempt• by various successive mayors of
the borough, wat~, tbroul{b the energy of the late Alderman
John Hatfield, resuscitated, and consists of almshouses situated in the Holmes, abutting on the road from Doncaster to
Wheatley, which were entered on by the new pensionel"' in
April, 1861. The late Mr. Alderman Hatfield added other
almshouses of the same character, to be appropriated for
enr to the widows of servants of the corporation: this benefaction is in the han,Js of the mayor and the v:car for the time
being : there is also the " Red House " charity formed in
1726, formerly consisting of a farmhouse and 85 acres, which
have been sold, and the proceeds (.£5,629 4s. 7d.) sunk in
stocks realising .£168 7s. 6d. per annum, which is distributed in pensions, and Sannders' charity of £120 yearly,.
founded by will in 1861, for six poor widows; and ~here are
several other charities, including Martin's, Copley's, Elston's, and 8aunders' t)pinsterll Annuity tor six spinsters of
£20 each.
Sir Isaac Morley knt. left by will in 1879 the interest or
.£5,000 88 an annual pension to six a~ed persons of .£30 each,
who are resident within 7 miles; it is vested with the trustees of St. Tbomas's Hospital.
The country around lloocaster contain$ several noblemen's seats and many well-built fc&mily l'tlSillencez:~. Carr
House, the seat of Hugh Childers esq. ma) or of Don caster
in 1604, is now vacant. Elmfield, a ple&!lant residcmce, built
in 1803-4, is now occupied by Archibald 8turrock esq. s.P.
Beech field, the residence of the Misses Morris, has all the
advantages of a town and country residence; it adjoins the
horse tair, and h88 a charming prospect towards the south.
At the south end of the town and near the Balby road is
Don Cast!~, a house belonging to and occupied by H. Senior
esq. and excavated in the red sand..tone rock, the outer walls
are 9 feet and inner walls 3 feet thick, the staireaJe to the
upper rooms being cut in the solid rock ; the roof originally
wu rock also, but has lately been covered with tiles. Frorn
the house run several tunnels about 400 yards long, lighted
with gas, in one of which there is growing a stemle~& fungus,
circular in shape and measuring 6 feet in diameter, it i11 a
successor from the same root of one which attained a diameter of 18 feet: there are also several large mushroom beds
which produce largely during the whole "ear.
CARK HousB and ELMPIBLD, formerl1 extra-parochial,
now form a parish, area 2J6 acres, population 37.
The area of the township is 1,8711 acre11, and of the parish
6,5~7 acres ; gross estimated rental £112,108; rateable
value £92,518. The population in 1861 of tbe borough was
16,406, and in 1871, 18,768; the entire pari!!lh ia 21,277.
This increase in the town population aioce 1~51 is due partly
to the erection ofextensive plant work~! by tbe GreatNorthern
Railway Company, which furnish employment to about
1,500 skilled mechanics.
Sa"ings Baak &:; Government Annuity &t Insurance Office.-P08tmast6r......Vacau.t.
Lines of Road & Chief Places of Destination.
t'""''''"' t
Letten &o. ean be posted
''";re: 1
extra. charge
With one
additional ~
stamp until
.5 0 a.m.
Messengers to Button, Barmbrougb, Cantley,
Hooton Pagnell, Kirk Bramwith.JRobin Hood's
Well & Wad worth .•••••.•••••••••••••••••••
6 0 a.m.
Keadby, Althome, Burringbam & Askern ••••••
6 0 a.m.
1st London, 1st Manchester & Hull _•••••.••• ,. 10 45 a.m.
Leeds, Pontefract, Wakefield, York & parts of
Scotland • • . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 12 30 p.m.
2nd London .••••••••••••.••••••••••• , •••••••
I 25 p.m.
Bamsley, Rotherham, Sheffield & Thome _•.••.
2 25 p.m.
3rd London, Peterborough & Eastern Counties ••
5 55 p.m.
Scotland, North Wales, Cumberland, Westmorland, Cheshire, Manchester, Liverpool &:; all
Lancashire, Birmingham, Derby, Notting8 0 p.m.
ham &:c. • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... ~ ••••••
4th London, Peterborough & East Lincolnshire .• 10 0 p.m.
No late fee
Letten &e.
oan be regis•
tered until
Ill •
8 o p.m.
9 0 p.m.
9 0 p.m.
10 '15 a.ru.
12 40 p.m.
8 30 p.m.
IO 25 p.m.
No late fee
No late fee
11 0 a.m.
2 30 p.m.
6 0 p.m.
;q'fqJl l11''1f flll'll' Hf11tt'tl '•
pi f
Thorne, Hatfield &c. • • • • • • ••• • • • • • . • •••••••••
0 p.m.
55 p.m.
25 p.m.
25 p.m.
7 30 p.m.
9 0 p.m.
With one
5 0 a.m.
'No late fee
Only Hooton Pagnell
{ -t~~etl8enger dispatched
Not dispatched
Not dispatched
Not dispatched
Not dispatched
Not di11patched
6 15 p.m.
10 0 p.m.
6 30 p.m.
10 15 p.m.
OPFICB & Saving~
Bank, Doncaster New town, cleared at 12 noon & 8 p.m.
week days only.-Robert Chambers, receiver.
There are three deliveries per day from London & all parts, first commencing at 7 a. m. ; second at 2.15 p.m. & third
at 7.25 p.m.
W AI,L Box, Bentinck street, cleared at 9.45 a. m. & 7.15 p.m. ; sondays 5.15 p.m.
PILLAR Box. Hall Cross, cleared at 10 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; sundays 5.30 p.m.
WALL Box, Thorne road, cleared at I0.5 a.m. & 7.35 p.m.; sundays 5.35 p.rn.
PILLAR Box, Avenue road, cleared at 7.30 p.m.; sundays 5.50 p.m.
WALL BoxBs, Com Exchange, cleared at 10.10 a.rn, & 7.40 p.m.; sundays 5.40 p.m.; Railway Station, cleared at
10.30 a.m. &: 8 p.m.; eundays 5.55 p.m.; Hexthorpe villas, cleared at 7.30 p.m. Wt-ek days only; Hexthorpe villag",
cleared at 7 .1o p.m. week days only; Bulby road, cleared at 6 p.m. week days only; King's road, cleared at 6.15 p.m.
week days ouly.
George Dunn e§lq. M.D
Charles Stockil esq
.Acting in t.%6 Lower Division of Straiforth ~ Tickh.ill. Chas.Edwd.Stphn. Cooke, esq William Cotterill Clark esq
Richard Ecroyd Clark esq
Robert Stockil esq
Ri~ht Hon. Viscount Halifax F. B. Frank esq
Richard Morris e!!q
John Sykes esq. M."D
J. W. Cbilders esq
P. B. Davies-Cooke esq
Clerk, Frederick William Fisher
G. S. Lister esq
C. B. Denison esq
R. H. Wrightson esq
E. C. Bower esq
Sir J. W. Copley bart
Hon. C. L. Wood
l\IA YOR~Samuel Meacock
W. Aldam esq
B. H. Brooksbank esq
'RECORDER-.Edgar John Meyoell esq
W. Walker esq
C. E. S. Cooke esq
CHAPLAIN-Rev, C. Sisum Wright l'll.A
T. Walker esq
G. H. C. Yarborough esq
F. J. Leather esq
J. Moutagu esq
Expiration of Offiee.
F. Ramsden esq
W. G. Lysley esq
Arthur Joseph Smith, Park hill
W. W. Warde-Aidarn esq
J. Hatfeild esq
Nov. 1883.
Richard Ecroyd Clark, Thorne road.
R. J. Streatfield esq
J. Coulman esq
Sir Edmund Beckett, bt. ~.c T. W.D.J ohnson esq
John Clark, Albion place "
L. T. Baines esq
Charles Stockil, French gate •
Lord Auckland
Nov. 1886.
George Hatfield, Regent square
J. Bladworth esq
A. Sturrock esq
William Cotterill Clark, Thorne road
Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles E. Palmer
The petty session11l division embraces the following plac~ :Expiration of Otltce.
Adwick-le- Street, Ad wick -on ~Dearne, Armthor()f',
Askern, Austerfield, Awkley, Barmbro', Barrnby Dun,
Bawtry, Balby-with-H~xthorpe, Bentley-with-Arksev,. John Athron, Avenue road
} Nov. 1881.
Bilbam, Blaxton, Bolton- upon- Deame, Braitbwell, 1 Thomas Black burn, St. GeGrge's terrace.
Brodsworth, Burgbwallis, Cadeby, Campsall, Cantlev, George H untriss, Field boose •
• ·
1'( O'V. t882,
Clayton and Frickley, Conisbro'r Edliugton, Fenwick, Henry Wainwright, Market place •
Fishlake, Hamphall Stuhbs, Hampole, Hatfield, Hickle- Charles Verity, Waterdale house
} .Nov. 1883.
ton, Hooton Pagnell, Little Houghton, Kirkbramwith, James Howorth, Thorne roali •
Kirk Sandall, Long Sandall, Langthwaite-with-Tills,
Loversall, Marr, Melton, Mexbrough, Moss, Norton,
Owston, Roasington, Scawsby, Skellow, Sprotbro', Stain- Samuel M~acock, Avenue road (Mayor) •
Nov. 1881.
torth 8taucil-with-Welliogley and Wilsic Stainton• John Tomhnson, St. Sepulchre gate
with~ Hellaby Stotfold t)utton Svkehou~ Thorne J obn Ehvis, Avenue road •
@V, 1882.
' Tickhill
' J o hn SInres,
Q ueen ' s roa d
Thorpe- in. Balne,
Warmswortb and WheatJey. The eession~ are held at Hichard Crswsbaw Elwess, Carr House road } ~ov. 1883.
the Town Hall every wedneaday and saturday
Henry Senior, Balby road
William Lee Spencer, Baxter gate •
l(ov, 1881.
Robert Ellis, St. Georgegate •
The Mayot and ex-Mayor, Edward Peniston esq
Patrick Stirling esq
Charles Halrnshaw, St. George's villas ,
ex officio
~<1'1. l882.
Henry Woolhouse Shaw. Market place •
Thomas Turner t-sq
Charle~~ J ack11on esq
William Hough, Market place •
Arthur Joseph Smith esq
} tlf ()'1, 1883,
Robert Cbas. Bentley esq
Frank Fox, Hall lane
Geo. Hatfield esq
John Cl ark esq
ftgTO':&NING 0PPJ:C'Ek8 AND ltBTlSiNG Assi;SsORS.
.East Ward.
Rewisl.ng .4ueuor-.
Aiderman Smith
The Mayor
.l West Ward.
R. T. Morris
Alderman Hatfield
W. Johnson
North Ward.
.Alderman Stoekil
Treasurer, Charles J ackRon, Balby
T41wn Clerk, W.illiam Edwood Sbirley, St. Georg~ate
Clerk of the Peace, Edward Nicholson, 5 Regent terrace
Coroner, Artbur James Shirley, St. Georgegate
Surgeon to the Police, J. Ri~~;by, 27 High street
.Auditors, Alderman Hatfleld (Mayer's Auditor)~ Robert
Stockil & Edward Peniston
{:hiRJ' Constable, Isaae Gregory
Stf'ward, Henry Frederick Jordan, 3 Priory place
Borough Surveyor, Thomas Anelay, Priory place
C11mmon Crier t Pindar, Jas. Pitchforth. 26 Sprin!{grdns
Water Works t Fire Engine Superintendent, John A.
Taylor, Water Works yard, Frenchgate
Clerk, W. E. Shirley
1'reasurer, C. Jackson
Medical Officer, J. B. Withington
Accountant, H. F. Jordan
Surveyor, Thomas Anelay, Priory place
Inspector f!f Nuisances, John Thompson
Collector, John H utchinson, 42 Cartwright street
Office, St. Georgegate.
Thomas Walker D.L., .r •.P. John Sykes H.D.
Woodlands (Chairman)
Archibald Sturrock ~ .P.
'The Very Rev. C. J. Vaughao Richard Morris
D.D. Master of the Te10ple
Robert Stockil
The Rev. C. S. Wright ll.A. Robert Charles Bentley
Vicar of Doncaster
Arthur Joseph Smith
The Rev. Canon Brock M.A. George Hatfield
Vicar of Christ Church
Jonthn.Barnard Sheardown
The Rev. J. Cam pion M.A. Thomas Atkinson
Vicar of :St.James'i Church William Mawe
Charles Jackson
Charles Mandall Hartley
Richard Ecroyd Clark
Joseph Firth Clark
Law Clerk, W. E. Shirley
Alliance Fire, C. C. C. Cooper, 16 Scot lane
British Empire Mutual Life, J. Smith, Baxter~te
Briton Fire~ Life, J. Killengrey, agent & district manager, Frenchgate
Commercial Union, H. Perc_v, 1 & 2 Scot lane
County Fire t Provident L~fe, E. H. Walker, 18 Sontb
parade; S. Meacock & Son, 53 High street
Eagle, Baxters & Co. High street
Guardian, Baxters & Co. High .street
Lancashire Fire~ Life, C. M. Hartley, High street
Law Fire, B. C. Pearson1 7 Priory place
Lion Fire, J. Killeng-rey, Frenchg-ate
Liverpool~ London {f Globe, E. Easterfield, 16 High street;
J. 8tott, 47 Hall gate
London Assurance Corporation, G. Erooke, Regent square
London Guarantee~ Accident, E. R. EIJis, St. George·
gate; J. S. Jag-ger, 2 ~cot lane
London ~ Staffordshire Fire, T. Fag"an, 2 Scot lane; A.
Brown, 71 Spring gardens; T. Watson, 71 Catherine st
Manchester Fir!!, C. E. Palmer, 14 St. Georgegate; J.
Scales, 123 Cleveland strret
Norwich~ London Accident~ Casually, J. Killengrey,
52 Frenchgate
Norwich Union Fire~ Life, ~icholson,Saunders, Nichol..
son & Reeder, St. George~ate 1 A. Parkin, .Priory place
Phmnix Fire, J. E. Hindle, Yorkshire hank
Queen, B. Bailey, Highfield road; J. Moneton, 120 Catherine street; J. W. Tbompson, London & Yorkshire bank
Railway Passengers', A. Parkin, '23 Priory place
Royal, C. Fisher, 1\lessrs. Beckett & Co.'s bank, 12 High
street: J. Marsden, Gt. George street, Leeds
Royal Exchange, W. H. Hall, 19 &; 20 Baxtergate
Scottish Equitable Lij'e, T. Atkinson, St. Georgegate
Scottish Provident Institution, A. Parkin, 23 Priory pl
Scottish Union ~ Natitmal Fire {f L~fe, H. E. Winter,
Baxtergate; T. 8. Verity r 12 french gate
~·cottish Widows' Fu•d, A~ 13. Leatham, York City &
County bank, Baxtergate
Standarf/. L~fe, A. Parkin, Priory place
Sun Fire t L~te, F. W .. Fisher,..il {ligh .Street buildings
Westminsrer Fire, B. S. 5nndell, l Princes street
West of EnglaNd. Fir~ ~ L~fe, J • .S. Jagger, 2 Scot lane ;
Yorkshire Fire t Life7 .E. Fvx &. 8on, Corn exchange &
Hall gate
Borough Fr~ Library t New11 Room, John- JJallinger,
librarian St. Georg~ate
Borough PolicB Station, GuUdba~ lsaac Gregory, chit:f
constable; J08eph 'l'aylor., inttpector
CattUI Market. Market place, Jvhn Sellers,. -controller
rem,tery, William E. Shirley,.clerk ~ WilliaiQ ,Bade., aupt
Corn Exchange, Market place
Corn Market Market place
Corporation Batlu, Frencb~te, lhorge Burtwistle, man
Corporation Gu Works, Tn~ Holmes~ Robert Bridge,
superintendent; Jvhn Brooks, collector
Corporation Office, 3 Priory place
CorporatioN. Water Work.$, Frenebgate, J'olm Hutchin·
son, collector
Corporation Yard ~ Fire Bagine Station, F~tory lane;
Fire bell, Guildhall
County Court, Guildhall, Richard Wlldman esq. jud~:te ;
William Edwood 8hirley. registrar &; high bailiff; office,
St. Georgegate. Doncaster County Court district comprises the following places, viz. :-Ad wick-le-Street, Adwick-on-Dearne, Armthorpe, Arksey, Askern, Aoster·
field, Awkley, Barmbrough, Barnby Dun, Bawt.ry,
Barosdale, Bessecar, Bilbam, Blaxton, Bolton-uponDearne, Braitbwaite, Braitbwell, Branton Brodt~worth,
Burgbwalli~, Cadeby, C~tmpsall, Cantley, Carcroft, Cllly•
ton-in-the-Ciay, Conisbro', Cusworth, Denabv, Don· •
caster, Edlington, Finningley, Penwick, Goldthorpe,
Hampole, Haywood, Hickleton, Hooton Pag-nell, Kirk
Sandall, Kirkbramwish, Loversall, Marr, Mexbrough,
Micklebring, Misson, Moss, Norton, Rossington. Sprotbrougb, Staintou-witb-Hellaby, Tickhill, Wadworth &
County Police Station, Bentinck st. Joseph Sykes, supt
Dun DrainagB Office, 1 Princes 1tret1t, W. E • .Shirley,
clerk ; B. S. BrundE>ll, engineer
Fruit, Fish~ Vegetable Market, Market place
Guildhall. Frt-nchu:ate
Highway Board for the Lower Division of Strafforth ~
1'ickhill, Fredk. Edward Nicholson, clerk, High street
buildings; Joseph Wood, district surveyor, Bennithorpe
Infirmary §r Dispensary, Whitaker street, John Sykes
M.D. physician; James Rigby, F. R. fairbank H.D. A.
C. Wilson M. D. & J. B. Withington, surgt-ons; William
Walker, house surgeon; F. D. Walker, hon. surgeondentist; Capt. Leatham, bon. secretary
Inland Revenue Office, 5 Priory place, George Brown,
surveyor of taxes ; Francis Croft, supervisor; J. S.
Bulmer, Joseph 0. Watson & T. Landel'll, officers
Manllion House 1 45 High stteet
Market (for the sale of butchers' meat, butter, eggs &
poultry), Market place, George Burley, keeper
St. Thomas' a Hospital, an .Asylum for Si.:r: Poor Persona,
St. Sepulcbregate .without, Frederick William Fisher,.
clerk & r~ceiver to the trustees
Stamp Office, po t office, Priory place
Theatre, Market place, Thomas Brooke, lessee
Town Hall, Frenchgate
Wool Market, Market place
Yorkshire Institution j'or the Deaf~ Dumb, Eastfield
house, James H. Crouch, secretary; John Sykes M.D.
hon. physician; J. B. Withington, surgeon; James
Howard, head master
DONCASTER UNION; offices, 21 High street.
Board day, each alterr ate saturday.
Doncast:er union embraces flfty.six townships, viz. :-Ad·
wick.Je-Street, Adwick-on-Dearne, A.rmthorpe, Askern,
Austerfield, Awkley, Balby-wlth-Hexthorpe, Harmborough, Barmby-upon-Don, Bawtry, Hentley-with·
Arksey 7 Rilham, Blaxton, Bulton-on-Dearne, Braithwel!,
Brodsworth- with-Pigburn & Scawsby, Burghwallis,
Cadeby, Campsall, Cantley, Cerr House & ElmOeltl,
Clayton-with-Frickley, Conishrough, Denaby, Doncaster, Edlington, Feuwick. Finninglev, Hampole, Hickleton, Hooton Pagnell, Kirk Bramwith, Kirk Sandall with
Trumfleet, Long Sandall, Langthwaite- with -Tilts,
Loversall, Marr, Melton (High), Mexbrough, l\lisson,
Moss, Nortou, Owston, Rossington, Skellow, Spratborough, Stainton-with-Hellaby, Staneil-with-Wellingley & Wilsic, Stotfold, So.tton, Thorpe-in-Balne, Thurnscoe, Tickbill, Wadworth, Warmsworth & Wheatley.
The district embraced in the Doncaster union had a population in 1861 of 39,388, & in 1871 of 45,170; gross
estimated rental, .£4~,719; rateable "talue, £373,711.
Cler~, J ames Falconar
Assistant Clerli., Henry Georg-e Woodhouse, High street
Assi8tant Oversfer ~Collector~ John Butchinson, 42 Cart·
wrigbt street
Vaccination Officer, H. W. Downs, Balby
Relieving O.f!icers, John Farrow, 15 Horsefair (south district); Jolm Cochrane, 36 Spring gardens (nortb district)
Pwblic Vaccinatort, A. C. Wilson (Doncaster district),
Frederick T. Hindle (Askem district),James A. Cameron
{ Bawtry district), Rowland Hills (Conisbrougb district),
John Kenyon (Hooton Pagnall district), William Sykes
(Mexbrough district), George G. Phillips (Tickbill dist)
Medical Officers, Robert Storrs (Doncaster east district), James Rigby (Doncaster Wt>st district), Fredk.
T. Hindle (A~kern district), James A. Cameron (Bawtry
district), Rowland Hills (Conisbrough district), John
Ken)'on (Hcoton Pagnall district), Willlam Sykfs (Mexbrough district), George Phillips (Tickhill district)
Superintendent Registrar, James Falconar
Regiltrars of Births ~ Death8, E. H. Battie, 11 Priory
place (Doncaster district); H. W. Downs, Balby (Tickhill district); G. Wordsworth, Mexbrough ( Barmborough
district); Richard Pearson (Campsall district)
Regi4frars of M arriagP,s, John H utchinson, 42 Cartwright
street & Joseph Seaton, 25 High street
The Union Workhouse is situated in Hexthorpe lane, & is
approached from Balby road across St. J awes's Railway
bridge; it occupies a.n extensive area & was opened in
1839; an infirmary & infectious wards have been added;
Charles Harrall Ward, master; Rev. John Cam pion M .A.
chaplain; F. R. Fairbank llri.D. surgeon; Miss l\lary Ann
Patterson, matron
Lawrence Kieman, surgeon; Thos. Colley, I!I.R.c.v.e.
veterinary surgeon
West Riding Yorkshire Riji.B Volunteers (8th Battalion)
(comprising the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 36th, 37th & 40th
corps), bead quarters, Doncaster; Waiter L. Stanhope,
lieut.-col.; Capt. Thomas Horton, adjutant; John
Blackburne & Clement S. Blytbman, surgeons; C. Company, Capt. John C. Elwis. D. Company, Capt. John F.
Tyler{· Rev. William R. Hannam B.A. acting chaplain.
Order y room & armoury for the two companies, Woo<! N
Billet Master, John F. Pond, IOl French gate
Clerk to the Burial .Board, W. E. Sbirley. St. Georgegate
Clerk to Commissioners ofAssessed Taxes ~ Clerk to the
Commissioners of Income Tax for thll Borough o.f
Doncaster, Fredk. Wm. Fisher, 5 High Street buildin~s
ClPrk to Commissioners of Income Tax, C. E. Palmer,
14 St. Georgegate
Clerk to the 7'rustees of Charities, William Edwood Shir-
ley, St. Georgegate
Collector of Property, Income~ .A1sessed Taxes, Frank
G. Eamshaw, 14 St. George gate
Collector nf Taxes, I. Mosby, Queen's road
County Coroner, Edward Nicbolson (West Riding), f»
Regent terrace
Deputy, Fredk. Edwd.Nicholson, offices, High Street bldgs
Inland Revenue Officers, John Smith Bulmer, 3 Camde»
Clerk, Henry George Woodhouse, Higb street
street; Josepb-0. Watson, 6 Kelham ter. & T. Landers
.lledical Officer of Health, J. M. Wilson M.D
Superintendent of Police for the Lower Diui3ion o
ln8pector of Nuisances, Alfred Wrigbt, High street
Stra.fforth ~ Tickhill, Joseph Sykes, Bentinck street
Superintt!ndent of Slaughter Houses ~ Market, John
Sellers, Back way, Cattle Market
West York Yeomanry (Iat.), head quarters, Doncaster; Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Francis Croft, 5 Priory pl
Earl Fitzwilliam K.G. col.; Capt. John C. Kinchant, Surveyor of Taxes, George Brown, 5 Priory place
adjutant; Rev. Chas. John Vaughan D.D. chaplain;
-------------------·--------------Bt. George's Parish Church. • St. Goorge ga.te ••••••••
School Church •• , • • • • • • • • • • • Marsh gate, in connection with Parish Chch
Christ Church. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thorne road ••••••••••
Christ Church (Free) • • • • • • •
St. J'ames..... .. . • . . . . . . . . .
Catherine street ........
St. Sepulchre gate .•••••
8& 11
6 30
Rev. Chas. Sisnm Wright lll.A. vicar
Rev. John N. Quirk M.A
Rev. Somerset Cowry
Lowry B.A.
6 30
11 0
Rev. William Alfred Strawbridge
B.A. curate
6 30
Rev. Canon Henry Frederick Brock 344 16 5 . 11 0
M.A. vicar
6 30
11 0
6 30
11 0
Rev. John Campion llri.A. vicar
Rev. Richard Ma.rsden Withington
M.A. curate
Daily 10 o..m •
& 5 p.m. •
thllnl. S p.m
thurs. 7.30 p.m
wed. 7.30 p.m
wed. 7.30 p.m
Catholic • • • • • • . • • • • •. • • • • • • Princes' street , , • • • • • • • Rev. Charles Burke ••••••.•••••••••
Congregational •••••••••••• Hall gate, •••••••••••••• Rev. George Raymond Bettis. .......
Baptist • ~ •••..•..•••••••••• Spring gardens .••••••••
Primitive Methodist •••••••• Cleveland street •••••••• Rev Elihu Tya.s & Rev.JamesThorpe
Rev. John Goorge Smith .......... ..
................... -............. -..
Primitive Methodist........ Duke st. (2nd circuit) ••
Unitarian.................. Hall gate ••..••......•. Rev. Alexander Ashworth ••••••••••
Wesleyan.................. Printing Office street •• Rev. John Isa.a.c Britteo .......... ..
Wesleyan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Oxford place •••••••••• Rev. John Smith •••••••••••••••••••
Catholic Apostolic.......... Clevela.nd street .••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Friends' Meeting Rouse...... West Laith gate
mass, 9
11 0
10 30
10 30
6 30
6 30
6 0
6 0
wed. 7.30 p.m
thurs.7.30 p.m
10 30
10 80
10 so
10 30
6 0
6 80
6 30
6 0
thurs. 7.30 p.m
6.30 p.m
thurs. 7.30 p.m
wed. 7.30 p.m
Marshgate, Miss Beasley, mistress
Grammar, Thorne rd. Rev. Wm. Gurney M.A. bead master Primitive Methodist,Wellin~ton st. Miss Hanstock, mists
Ragged ~ Industrial, Factory lane, Richard Deigbton~
Ptirish Church National, Alfred Knight, master; Mrs.
master; Mrs. Varley, mistress
Fitzgeor~e, mistress; Mrs. Shipman, infants' mistress
We1leyan, Oxford place, James Cowley, master; Mrs. Jane
.British, Wood street, George A. Lewis, head master; Mrs.
Maidment, mistress; Miss J. E. Hetherington, Jnfts! mist
Lewis, mistress
Catholic, Portland place, Miss Bridget Connell, m is tress
Doncaster Chronicle; office, 15 High street; Hartley &
Mrs •. Elizabeth 0' Brieu, infants' mistress
Son, proprietors & publishers; published friday
Chri41t Church, St. J awes's street, Isaac Moulton, master;
Mi~ L<lmas, mistress; Miss Yarnell, infants' mistress
Doncaster Free Press; office, 31 High street; Edward
Dale, printer &. _publisher; published saturday
Great Northern Railway Company's, St. Sepulchregate
wituout, Henry Lewis Hunter, master; Miss Margaret;· Doncaater, Nott'tngham ~ Li'R.coln Gazette; office, 23
A uld, mii!tress ; Miss Eleanor H ughes, infants' mistress
Printing Office etreet; Brooke, White & Hatfield, proI1tdustry, Mrs. Mary Ann Bain, matron, Frenohgate
prietors; published friday. See advertisement
Doncaster Reporter; office, Printing Office yard. St. BRAKLBY-Wadsworth, to' Wellington/saturday
Sepnlchregate within ~ W. L. Spencer & Co. printers &; CADEBY-Mar8hall, to 1 Brown Cow." satorday
CL&YTON-ON-CI.AY-Beevors, to' Little RedLion,'saturpublishers ; published wedneaday
day; Cooke, to' White Lion,' aatorday
Doncaster A. B. C. Railway Time Table; office 31 Higb
st.; Edwd.Dale,proprietor & publisher; publish;{ monthly CROWLB-Wilson, to ' Wellington,' saturday
ELXSALL-Whittle, to 1 Brown Cow." saturday
EPWORTH-Lovely &; Grondy, to 1 Wellington,'saturday;
Great Northern, Midland, t Manchester, Sheffield ~
Makin, to 'Old George,' satorday
Lincolnshire (South York8hire Section) Joint Scatwrn~, EVERTON-Gibson, to' Horse &; Groom,' saturday
West Laithgate, Charles Ratchelous, station master; John FINNJNGLBY-Hempstock &; Godley, to' Little Red Lion,"'
Weaver, inspector
Great Northern ( Good8 Dep8t), Richard Peddie, goods
agent; (Mineral Department), William Newton, mangr
Great Northern Locomotive \t Carriage Depart'IIUmt
(the Plant), Patrick Stirling, locomotive engineer;
John Sbottoo, works manager; Richard Bonnett, locomotive accountant; E. F. Howlden, superintendent of
the carriages & wagons
Manchester, Sheffield \t Lincolnshire Raihoay CtJmpany; office, Frenchgate; J. E. Halm11haw, d~trict
11uperintendent; George Cartwright, engineer canals department ; g-oods agent, Benjamin Rooth; carting agent,
George Chafer, 9 Market place
Midland (Goods Depot), Charles Buxton, station master
& goods agent
()mnibuses meet every train from the' Angel," Frenchgate;
'Elephant,• St. Sepulchregate, & the' Reindeer,' Hallgate
BAWTRY-Wood, from the Wood Street hotel, daily, except
friday &; saturday
TICKHILL-Colliers,from' Woolpack,'saturday; Gardiner
from ' Elephant,' saturday
satorday; Maw, to 'Horse &; Groom,' saturday
FISHLAXE-'frimminghamt..to' Old Masons' Arms •
GRINGLEY-Antclitfe, to 1 Hlack Swan,' saturday
HATPIELD-Hochon, to' Old Masons' Arms,' satordayHATPIBLD &; TBORNB-W. &; S. Schofield, to 'Black
Swan,' wednesday &; saturday
HATPIBLD WooDHOUSB Booker, to' Masons' Arms, at
HAXBY-Clark, to • Wellington,• Saturday
HooTOl'il PAGNELL-Beevors, to' Little Red Lion,' sat
KIRBY-Rhodes, to' White Lion,' satorday
MALT BY-Hakes, to' Little Red Lion,'saturday; Drink~II,
to' Black Bull,' aaturday
Mrs~oN- Atkinson, to 'Old Masons' Arms,' saturday i
Briggs, to • Black Swan,' satnrdav
NORTON-Whittle, to' Little Red Lion,' saturday
OLDCOATES-Andrews, to' Wellington,' saturday
PONTEPRACT-Stones, to 1 Little Red Lion,' saturday
RoTHERBA.x-Fiddler, to' King's Arms,' monday & friday
STENTON-Drinkball, to 1 Black Bull,• saturday
SYXEHOUSE -Ciaybnrn, to 'Old Masons' Arms,• wed. &
sat.; Holroyd, to ' Wellington,' saturd11y; Goodridge, to
'Black Mwan,' sat.; Butterfield, to' Masons' Arms,' sat
THORNE-Schotleld, to • Black Swan,' wednesday & sat
TICXHILL-Saxton, to 'Three Legs;' Whinfrey, to' Black
Bull,' toes. thurs. & sat. ; Colliers, to' W oolpack,' .at
UPTON-Whittle, to' Brown Cow,' aaturday
W A.DWORTH-Kaye, to' King's Arm~,· tues. thurs. &; sat
WROOT-Lister, to' Hone&; Groom,' saturday
Anwrcx & SKELLow-Whittle & Kidson, to' Little Red
J~ion,' Wednesday & saturday
ARKSEY-Barker, to ' White Lion,' saturday
ARMTHORPE-Pollitt, to' Horse & Groom,' saturday
AS KERN, FENWICK & Moss-Jeff, to' White Lion,' sat
BARNBOROUGH-Wilkin80n, to' Brown Cow,' saturday
To & PROM SHEPPlELD 1 BARNSLEY, HULL&; LONDONBA.WTRY-Wood, to Wood Street hotel, monday, tuesday,
Earle, Hailer & Earle, from Brooke's wharf, every week:
thursday & saturday
Mrs. Brooke, agent
HULL & SHEPPIEJ,o-Fellows & FurJey, &Wilson, every
11ELTON-Bellamy, to' Wellington,' saturday
BILLINGLBY-Casson, to 'Wellington,' saturday
week, from Brooke & Co.'s wharf; Mrs. Brooke, agent
BRA.ITHWELL-Fiddler, to' King's Arms,' 11aturday
RoTHERHAM & HuLL John Brooke & Co. from Br\)()ke's
Bao DSWORTH-Kipson, to 'White Lion,' saturday
wharf, every monday & tuesday
Alcock Mrs. 2 Bennitthorpe
Allatt James Storey, Rutland villas
Alien Daniel, 32 8t. James street
Anderson Septimus, 1 Horsetair
Aneiay Thomas, 39 Horsefair
Appleyard Thomas, 3.'3 Cartwright st
Arnold Harold, 1 Oxford place
Ash"orth Rev. Alexander [Unitarian],
King's road
Astwood Daniel, 6 Young street
Athron John, Avenue road
Athron 1\lrs. King-'s road
Athron Thomas, Nether Hall road
Atkinson George, 167 Bentinck street
Atkinson George John, 3 Bass terrace
Atkinson Mrs. 50 Bennitthorpe
Atkinson Peter, 4 Clifton terrace
Atkinson Thomas, 2 Regent square
Attwood Mrs. Queen's road
Ayer Mrs. 8 South parade
Baddely Mrs. King'11 road
Bailey Charles, Avenue road
Bainbridge Mrs. 28 HaJlgate
Barlow Charles, 39 Bennitthorpe
Barrass Jonathan Garbutt, 1 Albert ter
Bastord J obn, King's road
Baxter Edmund, 22 Stmth parnde
Beale Wm. Newsome, 15 Regent square
Beastall Mrs. 24 Oxford place
Bell Henry, 41 Spring gardens
Bell John, 39 Spring gardens
Bell Mis.'!, 37 Spring gardens
Bennett Waiter Turnbull, 9 Horsefair
Bentley Miss, Christchurch tenace
Bentley Robt. C• .1. P. 6 Hall Cross hill
Hettis Rev. George Raymond [ Congregational], 46 Cartwrigbt street
Binnington Henry, 141 Catherine st.
Binnington Henry, 7 Printing Office st
Bird Thomas, 74 Spring gardens
Birks Mrs. 13 Baker stre41t
Birks Mrs. 7 Oxford place
Birley Miss, 64 Spring gardens
Bisat Eltph George, Avenue road
Blackburn Thomas, 3 St. George's viis
Blagden Chus. M. 12 St. George's viis
Bloomfield Harry, 44 Cart.,.•right street
lJiundy Mrs. 30 Oxford place
Bonnett Richard, St. J ames's villa
Hooker Mrs. 23 Cartwrigbt street
Hoothroyd Mrs. 5 Bass terrace
Boston Miss, 33 Young street
Boyes Mrs. 26 Cartwright street
Brightmore Frederick, 15 Priory place
Britten Rev. John Isaac [Wesleyan],
Regent square
Brock Rev. Canon Hy. Fredk. M.A.
rrural dean & surrogate], Cbri11t
l;hurch vicarage, 41 Hallgate
Brooke George, Regent square
Brooke Mrs. 27 Low FisheT~Z:ate
Brown George, 13 Regent square
Brown William, Queen's road
Brundell Benjamin Shaw c.E. Chri!ltchurch house
Brundell Richard, Regent square
Buckland EtJwin, 55 Bennittborpe
Bucklow Mrs. 2 Horsefair
Burchby John, 1 Kelbam terrace
Burgess Samuel, 4 Oxford place
Burke Rev.Chas.[ Catholicj,St. Peter's
Burke Thomas, 2 Spring gardens
Burton Mrs. 23 Hallgate
Buxton Henrt, 12 Clifton terrace
Cade Mrs. HighfieJd road
Campbell Marshall, 25 Baker street
Cam pion Rev. John .M •.&. [ cha£lain of
Don(l..aster Union], St. Jamet~ s vicarage, Balby road
Carnelly Edmund Geo. High field road
Cartwright Mrs. 11 Albion place
Chafer George, 5 Oxford place
Chafer George,jon. 6 Oxford place
Chapman Chas. Elm view,Bennltthorpe
Chapman George, 22 Horsefair
Ch11pman Mrs. 11 Regent square
Childers Misses, Belrnont house
Clark John, 9 Albion place
Clark Joseph Firth, Regent sqnare
Clark Miss, 19 Priory place
Clark Richard Ecroyd, Rutland house
Clarke Henry Joy .M.B. 53 Hallgate
Clarke William Cotteril, O.:~bome house.
Tborne road
Clay Geo~e, Cemetery road
Clayforth George, Edenfield villas
Clayton Charles D. Broxholme bou~
Clayton William, 1 Priory place
Cockill Winter, Green house
Collins James Samuel, 123 Bentinck sl
Collins William, Kin~e's road
Constantine Mrs. 33 Hall gate
Cook Daniel, King's road
Cooke Mrs. 40 Horsefair
Cooper CaCt. Samuel, Oxford place
Cooper C arles C. Cocking, 5 Hall
Cross hill
Cooper Charles Henry, 5 Cartwright st
Cooper Charles Rawdon 5 South par
Copplt>11tone Capt. Highfleld road
Cowley James, Oxford place
Cox Arthur Edward, Tbome road
Crawsbaw George, Christchurch ter
Crosley John, 70 Spring gardens
Cro11ley Willial!l_, 70 Spring gardena
Crouch James Henry, Thorne road
Cunningham William, 37 Bentinck st
CD880ns Mrs. 45 Horsefair
Cutforth John, 55 Bentinck street
Cuttriss Thos. 45 St.Sepnlcbre gt. within
Dale Edward, Hakerstreet
Dalton Thomas, 25 Oxford place
Delanoy WiUiam, 1 Lawn road
Denison Miss, 15 South parade
Deuton George, 16 Youag street
Dey John, 1 Cliftoo ter,.<::emete}')' rd
Dickinson Miss~ 7 .Albion place
Doe Henry, 43 Cartwrigh~ .11treet
Urabble Waiter H 4 6 SJ;.. Ge. rgegateDrabwell Mrs. Regent square
Dransfield Mrs. 2 Hall Cro&s hill
Duckitt George, 55 High stner.
lluDtierdale Mrs.I60 Cleveland strett
Dun well Mrs. 8 Regent square
Earn-;haw Mrs. 3 Albion place
Edgur George,. 2 St. George'& villas
Edgur Miss, 31 Oxford place
Elliott William, 56 Sprh1g gardens
Ellis Graves, .tiO Spring gardens
Ellis Robert, St. Georgegate
Ellis William, 53 Bennitthorpe
Elwis John, Avenue house
Fairbank F. Royston M.D. 46 Hallgate
Fairburn John, 21 Oxford place
Fairgie Thomas, 23 Hax1ergate
Falla John, 2 Princes street
Fawcett Thomas, 43 Bennitthorpe
Fenton Cha.s. Ducker M. D. 4I High st
Fenton Henry John, 33 Horselair
Fenton Miss, JO Bennittborpe
Few William, Greylriary buildings
Firth Miss, 9 Bennitthorpe
Firth Mrs. I4 Spring gardens
Fish Henry, South par..de
Fisher Charles, I2 High street
Fisher Frederick William, Westfield
Fisher Miss, 8 Young atreet
Fitzgerald Juhn, 8 Albion place
l''oster Mrs. 48 Hallgate
Fox James, 9 Regent square
Fox Mrs. I9 HaJigate
Fux Thomas Walker, Field cottage
Fox William Byron, 2 Re~ent terrace
Freeman Alfred, 7 South parade
Frood Charles Trefusis, ::12 Priory pl
Furnival Johu, 56 Kelham street
Gill Wm. \\ agtr, Nether H<~ll road
Gillatt 1\lit,s, 9 Oxtord place
Gillatt Mrs. 5 Clifton ter Cemetery rd
Godfi:ey 1\lr~. 40 Bennitthorpe
Goldthorpe James, 13 Young ~:>treet
Goodair Edward, King's road
Gossip Mrs. 4 Regent terrace
Gostick Rev. John C. W. l WesleyanJ,
2 Bass terrace
Gothard Mrs. I58 Cleveland street
Greathed John, 34 St. J ames street
Green John, 2 Young street
Green John, IO Young street
Gregory John Robert, 11 Oxford place
Gregson Johu,3I St. James street
Gunby Mrs. Highfield road
Gurney Rev William M.A. [head master
of the Grammar school], U all Cross bo
Gurney Edmuod Wm. 37 Horsefair
Hague J ervis, 33 St. J ames street
Hall Mrs. Avenu.;: road
Hall Wm. Henry, A\·enue rd.Wheatley
Halmshaw Charles, 1 ~t. George's viis
Hanks Miss, 29 Hall gate
Hanley Thomas, 2 Oxford place
Hardy George, Nether hall
Haresigh Frederick, I Carr House rd
Barley Philip, Queen's road
Harper J ames,. 47 Bennitthorpe
Harrison Geo. Windle, 49 Bennitthorpe
Harrison John, 8 Oxford plare
Hartley Charles Mandall, &s Hall gate
Hatch William, I7 Bennitthorpe
Hatfleld George, 7 Regent SIJUare
Hatfield Mrs. I4 Albion place
Hatfield Mrs. Charles, Hall Cross
villa, RPgent square
Hawksworth Joseph, 13 Priory place
Heath Mrs. 3 Princes street
Heathcote Godfrey, 10 South parade
Heaton John, 24. Hallgatt~
Hepper Henry t .00 Sprin~ gardens
Herbert Horace A~ 9 Hign street
Hill James~ Rutlaud vUlas, Thorne rd
Hindle James Edward, 3 High stree•
Hobson MiM, King's road
Hodgson Richard Henry, Northtieldr
house, Thorne road
Holmes William,. 4 Albert terrace.
Hope Miss, Regen~ square
Howard James, Roche cot.. Thorne rd.
Hunter Mrs. 5 Albion place
Hunter Mrs. King's road:
H untingtonJ spb.7Cliftn.ter.Cemetry .rd
H nntriss George, Field house
Inchbold William§ 45 Benoitthorpe
J ackson Wm.I5 Clifton ter.CemeteJ:y rd
J enkiuson Miss, 34 Cartwrigbt str~
Jenkinson Mrs. 4 Young street
J ennin~rs Richd. V alentine,14Regent sq
J eves Mrs. 43 Horsefair
Jones F.dgar, 2 Albert terrace
Jordan Henry Frederick, 2 Lawn road
Kelsey Thomas, 6 Priory place
Kendall Mrs. 43 Spring gardens
Kidd Miss, 28 Young street
Kidson James Horatio, I3~ Priory pl
King Miss, 11 Horsefair
King Mrs. 48 Bennitthorpe
Kitchingham Miss~ 3l.Hallgate
Lane Rev. John Geor~e M.A. (curate of
Marr], Christchurch terrace
Lane Mrs. Edenfield housC!
Low Mrs. 30 Spring gardens
Lawrie William, 35 Cartwril!ht street
Law!'on J obn, l~ Oxford place
Leatham Capt. Alfd.Sinclair,Regen.t sq
Lee Mrs. I Albion place
Lewis George Albert, 5 Youn~ ~treet
Liddle George, South parade house
Lindley Mrs. 31 Cartwright street
Lindley Timothy, 12 South parade
Lister Miss, 41 Cartwright street
Lister Mrs. Charles, 1 Hass terrace
Lister Mrs. John, 13 Hallgate
Littlewood Frank John, 9 Printinll
Office street
Liversidge Mrs. 12 Albiou place.
Long Miss, 57 Spring gardens
Lowry Rev.SomersetCorry B.A.[curate
of ~t. Geor~~:e ], I6 Hall gate
Loxley John Thomas, 8 Bennitthorp e
McArthur Duncan, Clifton terrace,
U>metery road
M ann Mrs. 1:1 Yuung street
Marriott Mrs. 24~ Hallgate
Marsden ll'aac, I6 Priory place
Marsden Mrs. 1 Young street
Marsh Henry, 44 Bennitthorpe
Martin Thomas, 3 Re~ent terrace
.Pt'lartley Richard, Bennitthorpe
Masters Frederick \Villiam, Clifford
villas, Thor11e road
Matthew Mrs. 9 St. George's villa!!.
Matthewman John, l l Baker street
Matthewmau John Robert, 32 Cartwright street
Maw Gervase, 1 Regent square
Maw John, I Regent square
Mawe William, 4 Lawn road
Meacock Samuel, Avenue road
Milnthorp .J a roes, 1 Regent terrace
Moore William, I6 Ha11gate
Moorehouse Mrs. 20 Horsefair
Morrell Henry, 3 Youug street
Morrell John, 46 Catherine street
Morris The .Misses, Beechfield
Morris Hichard, 39 Hallgate
Morris Robinson, Thorne road
Moss Mrs. Higbfield ter.Thomeroad
Needham Mrs. 159 Cleveland street
Newton Wm.Elmfield cot.Bennitthorpe
Nichols Mrs. Kings road
N icholson Edward. 5 Regent terracto
Nicholson Fredk. Edwd. Bennitthorpe
Nicholson John Wm. Kiugs road
Olding Miss, 60 Bennitthorpe
Palmer Charles Edward.,Danum house,
South parade
Pal mer Mrs. John, 16 Regenttaquare
Palmer William Henry,. 4 Albion place
Parker H. J. Aveoue -'Qad
Parkin Alfred, ;\xholrQeho.. Tborne rd
Parkinson Mrs. George, Avenue road
Parkinson Mrs. Thos. 16 Souib parade
Parrey Riebd. W 01., 47 Ca.rtwriA:ht st.
Pears Mrs. 57 Bennittlaorpe
Pearson Benjamin Clater, 1 Priory pi
Pearson Johu Robert, 4 Marshgate
Peddie Robert.A • .3 A~bert terrac;e
Peniston Edward-, Bttl!uOnt house
Percy Henry, Cl itlord viis. Thorae 'd
Plested Josepb,.18 HallW!t~
Pond George Frederick, ~ 'Raxtergate
Popplewell Miss, 44 Horsef<~ir
Porter Mrs. 3"2 Young street
Pye Mrs. 41 Bennitthorpe
Rand Fredk. The l'Ioun~ Thorne road
Rawson Harry 01iverii20 Yonng st
Rhodes Miss, 2 Carr ous~ ro&l.l
Rich Mrs. 30 Clltherine street.
Richardson Miss, 38 Spring gardens
Rickman Samuel jun. Ham1ltoo lodge
Riding George, Oxford place
Ridley Miss, 40 Spring gardens
Rigby James, 27 High street
Rober1;1l Mrs. St. J ames'sl'ottage
Robinson Richard, 38 Hennittllorpe
Robinson Robert,Arundel ho.Thorne rd
Rogt>rson Mrs. 4 St.GI'orge's villas
Rowing Step hen, 59 BennittllOZ'pe
Rushton William, I7 Young strt'.et
RusselJ Mrs. 50 H allg-ate
Ruxton Alexander, Queen's road
S1•holfield Mrs. 37 Hallgate
Selby George, 52 Hallgate
Senior Henry, Don castle, Balby road
Seymour The Misses, I3 South parade
~heard Mrs. 8 Printing Office street
Sheardown J on a than Harnard, ll 8outb
Shearman Thomas, 43 Bennitthorpe
Shepherd Rev. Jas. Thorp6 [ Primitivtt
Methodist], 2 Cliftou ter.Cemetry.rd
Shires John, Queen's road
Shirley Wm. Edwood, 7 Regent ter
Shotton John,6 St. Ue•m.(e'lll villas
Si m mons John, Kinl!l'ton terrace
Simms Henry, Queen's road
:Simpson Mrs. Avenue road
Sirupson Samuel, IO St. George's villasSlater Mrs. 25 Horsefair
Smith Rev. John [Wesleyan], 1()
Alhion place
Smith Rev. John George [Primitive
Methodist j, 3 Clifton ter. Cemetery rli
Smith Rev. William M.A. [assistant
master of grammar Sl·hooll,35 Hallgte
Smith Frederick, 21 Horse:tilir
~mith George, 1 Cartwright street
Smith George Thomas, 27 Hallgate
Smith J ames W illiam, 2LI Hallgate
Smith :Mrs. 19 Borsefair
Snow Mrs. I2 Regent !'quar~t
Snow Mrs. 3 St. Ueorgegnte
Somerset Edward, 2 Alhion 11lace.
Somerset Mt~!l, 48 Spring gardens
Sorsby M is<~, Chril'tchurch tt·rrace
Spivey Mrs. Regent square
Stables Mrs. 35 Horsetidr
Stenton .Miss. 56 Ha:Jg-ate
Stephensnn John, Avenueroall
Stirlin!! Patrick, Highfield bom'~e
Stockil Charle<>, 5l Frenchgate
Stocktl Miss, 36 Hallgate
Stockil Robert, 3 Hail cross
Stones John, King-'s road
~torrs Robert, 7 Hallgate
Strawbridge Rev, William Alfred P.A~
[curate of St. GPorge ], Marsh gatu
Stringer J oseph,6 Printing Otfil'e stHet
Sturrock Archihald J .P. Elmfidd
Swales Mrs. 4 South parade
Sykes John M.D. 23 ~outh parade
Sykes Mrs. I8 Priory place
SJkes Mrs. 9 South parade
Sykes Samuel, 32 Hall gate
Tacey Dalton L.R.C.P.EIHN.53Hallgate
Tate Mrs. 46 Henuitthorpe
Taylor Herbert, {lueen's road
Taylor Mrs. Bellnitthorpe
Teale James Massingberd, 4(). High st
Terry Waltf'IY, 36 Young- street
Theobald Ch11rles, Edt>nfield vi,llaa
Thirlwall John Shaw, 25 Carh•right st
Thornhill Charles, Regent square
Tilburn Miss, IS Horsefair
Tilhury Henry, Artbur street
Tindall George~ Avt>nue roa~
Todd Mrs. f) Cartwri~ht &treet
Tomlinson Miss, 40 Young street
TravissChs. Parks, Elm view, Bennitthrp
TriJlpett Reynolds, 51 Spring gardeu
Turnt»r ThoMas, 6 Regent square
Turney WiJJiam Bertie, A venue road
Tyas ReT.Eiihtl [Primitive Methodist],
24: Horsefair
Tyrell Miss, 5 Wood street
Verity Chas. Waterdale ho. Horsefair
VerityChas.Hy.Eisworth ho.Elswrth.st
Verity Thomas Samuel, 12 Frenchgate
Wads worth Alfred, Cleveland street
Wadsworth Mrs. Christchureh terrace
Waite Thomas, Chequer house
Waite William Henry, King's road
Wakinshaw Ml'l!. Oxford place
Walker Edwd. Hawxley, 16 Sth. parade
Walker Franeis Drury, 26 Hallgate
Walker James, 5 St. Georlle's villas
Walker John, Albert street
Walker Joseph, 31 Spring gardenf
Walker Mrs. 34 Hallgate
Wall John, 7 St. George'a villas
W aller Mrs. 3 Carr House road
Wallis Arthur Peal'80n1 61 Hallgate
Wallis Ferdinand, 9 Priory place
Ward John, New Oxford strt'et
Want Mrs. 42 Spring gardens
Warton Abel, Cbristchurch terrace
Waterhoose Solomon, :'J7 Benuittborpe
WeJis Mrs. 10 R~ent square
WhaiJey Miss, 23~ Cartwright street
Wbeelhoo<~e George, 19 South parade
Whitaker Mrs. 25 Hallgate
Whitaker Swan, 17 Regeat square
White Frederwk, Regent square
White George, Oxford place
White Rohert Henry, 17 Priory place
Wild Edwin, 2.5 South parade
W ilkiea George, 7 Bati terrace
Wilsoa Alex. Christy x.n.21 Stb.parade
Wilson Jam~ 1\!itehell M.B. 11 St
George's viJlas
Winter Henry .Edwal'd, AwnueTOad
Rev. Richard Marsden
M .A. [curate of St. J amee' J, Balby rd
WitLin~ton J ames Bissell, 13 Hallgate
Wood Joseplt, 6 Albion place
Wood 1oseph, jaiL 13 Albion 'place
Wood M1'8. Queen's road
Wood Wllliam, 29 Cartwrigbt street
Wood William Daniel, King's road
Woodhouse Geo. Bridge cot. Marshgate
W oodhouse 1 ohn, 41 Young street
Wrig-ht Rev. Charles Sisum M.A. The
W right Mrs. 9 Clifton ter. Cemetery rd
Wright Samuel Hawkes, 49 HaiJgate
Wright Thos.ll Clifton ter.Cerne~ry rd
Wright Torfitt, 17 Horselilir
Yaws loho Carrant, Queen's road
Yelland Ed wd. IOCiiftn.ter.Cemetery rd
Beckett & Co. bankers (Wllliam Beckett Denison, ChristoAdams Luke, fruiterer, 11 St. Sepulchregate without
pher Beckett Denison, Charles Edward Stepben Cooke &
Addin!{ley Bros. linen drapers, 34 St. Sepulchregat6 within
Edmund Beckett Faber), 1~ High street ; draw on Glyn,
All an J oseph, Britannia, 44 East Laithgate
M ills & Co. London e.~
Alien Henry Richard, commercial traveJier, Queen's road
Beetham Joshua, wine & 11pirit merchant~ St. Georgegate
Beilhy Edwin, 11tationer, 22 Scot lane
Alsop John Thomas, fellmonger, The Carr
Ande1soo John, shopkeeper, 103 Cleveland tatreet
Helduu Lucy ( M1'8. ), glass & china dealer, 34 St. J a mea st
Anderson Septimus, butcher, 33l Baxter~ate
Hell Bros. watch makers & jewellers, 41 St. Sepolcbregate
Anrlerson Tom Waltt-r, coal & eoke mer. 37 Cartwright st
Andrew Thomas, boot & shoe makel', 11 Market place
Bell Edward & John, boot & shoe makers, 45 St. BepulAnelay Charlet~, builder, 1 High Stretot buildings
chregate within
Anelay Thomas, borough surveyor, Priory place
Bell Elizabt»th (M 1'8. ), •hopkeeper, 2"2 Bennitthorpe
Anelay William, builder, contractor&; monumental mason, Bell George, machinist, fJ1 .8t • .Sepulchregate wituout
31 Silver street
Bennett Frances (Mi11s), ladies' school, 1 Hall Cross hill
Armitage Wm. general dealer, 2 St. Sepulchregate without Bennett Geo. baker & confctnr. 21 St. Sepulchrel(t. wathin
Benuett Walter, corR & l'ack merchant, 9 Market place
Armstrong &; Winter, linen drapers, 13 Baxtergate
Benson Waiter, shopkeeper, 2"2 Fitzwilliam street
Arnold Harold, builder, Printing Office street
Arnold Joshua, Tur:f"hot11l, 7 St.James street
Bentley A. & 8oo, wine &; spirit merchllnts, 37 Frenchgate
&; Market office in Corn Exchange
Ashton Wmiam, refreshment rooms, Railway station
Blckerton &; Turner, berlin repository, lA, Higl1 stn-et
Aspinall Henry, marine store dealel', Marshgate
Bingham James, bef!r retailer, 47 Marshgate
Aspinall William, plumber &c. 15 Spring ~ardens
Bingley J ames, fruiterer, 35 High 11treet
Atbarin Est her (Mrs.), lodgil.g house, 36 Horsefair
Atbron Bros. & Gill, builders & contractors, Nether Hall rd l:linnington Arthur, cabinet ma.129 St.Sepulchregt.without
Atkinson & Hasselby, pharmaceutical chemists, I Baxtergte Birkinshaw Harry Hodgson, provision dealer, 39 St. Sepulchre~ate within
Atkinson Charles, shopkeeper, 27 Cleveland street
Atkinson J oseph, shopkeeper, I.') West street
Bisat Eleph. G. bookseller & printer, 5 Baxtergate
Bil>ley A. coal dealer, 19 St. Thomas street
Atkinson Thomas, baker, 117 St. Sepulchregate without
Atkinson Thomas, solicitor (firm, Shirley, Atkinson & Black Thomas, watcb maker, 73 Spring gardens
Shirley), St. Georgegate
Blackburn Thomas, brewer, Plant brewery, Sunny bar
Blanshard N athaniel Lee, butcher, 72 Clt:veland &treet
Auckland Edward, corn factor, 8 St. Georg~'s villas
Audaer Chas. Rt. pork butcher, 89 St. Sepulchregate without Blomfield Edward Henry, conf..ctioner, 36 Silver street
Boddy Henry, eoal dealer, :Marsbgate
Axe Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer~ East Lalthgate
Axe J.osepb Machin M.R.c.v.s. Salutation, &; veterinary Boddy James William, marine store dt<aiPr, Printin~r Office
street; &; general dealer, 137 St. Sepulchregate without
surgeon, South parade
Bond John F. billt:t master, I()! Frenchgate
Axe Robert John, shopkeeper, 46 Catherine street
Baccbus Jamel4, accountant, 10 Horsetair
.Booth Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer& shopkeeper, 68 Bridge st
Bagshaw J n. Thos. confectioner,31 St.Sepulcbregate without Booth George, professor of music, 44 Hallgate
.Bailey C. &; Co. grocers, 138 St. Sepulchregate without, Booth William, china & glass dealer, 13 Scott lane
&; West Laithgate
Boothmau George, haberdasher, 13 Union street
Bailey Benjamin, insurance agent, HighfieJd road
Borough Free Library~ Neu:s Room (John Ballioger,
BaH Mary (Mrs.), Rockingham, 26 Benmttborpe
librarian). St. Goorgt:gare
Ballinger John, librarian of free library, St. Georgegate
Bowland William, hosier, 8 Hig-h street
Bowling Charles, whet-lwright, Marshgate
Balmford George & Son, dyers & scourers, 11 Scott lane
Barker John, builder, contractor &; dealor in building Bowskill George1 furniture broke10, 17 Cemetery road
materials, 15 Princes street
Bowskill William, bill poster, 9 Cemetery TOad
Barker John Maw, wine&; spirit merchant, 56 High street Brabineii William, Mas01ts' Arms, Market place
Bradford Henry,joiner, 11 Whittaker street
Barues Mrs. Woolpack, 32 Ma1ket place
Barrass Thomas, shopkeeper, 20 High Fishergate
Bradley John, china & glass dlr. 2-l St. Sepulchregt. without
Bradley Robert, shopkeeper, 4-1 French gate
Barrett John Henry, Cheshire Cheese, Holmes
Barrett Tobias, Dolphin commercial hotel, 44 Market pi
Bramwell Joseph, wholesale drnggist, drysalter & oil merBarron Charles Edward, commercial traveller, King's road
chant, 41 Cleveland street
Barry Owen, shopbeper, 24 & 25 West street
Bramworth Thomas, beer retailer, 16 Low Fishergate
.Bartley Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, 44 St. Bramworth William, rope maker, I High Fisht-rgate
Sepulchregate without
.Brass Willlam, Nay's Head, 19 St. Bepulchregate within
Rateman Henry, shopkeeper, I Bridge terrace
Bratley Charles Fr~ick, tailor, 152 Cle•eland street
Battie Edward Hickson, accountant&; registrar of births & Bray &; Co. furniture dealers, ll Clt:veland stteet
deaths for Doncaster borough, 11 Priory place
.Breckon George, glass &: china dealer, 111 Cleveland strret
Battle Sophia (Mrs.), beer rtlr. 20 St. ~epulchregt. without Brightmore Frederick, marine store dlr. 23 PrintingOfficest
Brightmore 10Eleph, cabinet maker, 4 Frenchgate
Batty William, Sloop inn, 57 Man~hgate
Brook Samuel, haberdasher, New Oxfordstteet
Baxters &; Co. solicitors, M High sti'E'et
Bax:terEdmund (firm,Baxters &; Co.),solicitor,commiMioner Brooke, White&; Hatfield, general steam printers,&; prlntns,
publishers&; proprietors of the 4 Doncaster, Nottingham
for oaths & clerk to theHatfieldChaseCorporation,High st
& Lincoln Gazette,' 23 Printing Office st. See advt
Baxter William, beer retailer, West Laitbgate
Brooke Margaret(Mrs.), coal merchant, Brooke's wharf,
Bayles Charles, tailor, 166 Catherine stteet
Low FishergateBeastall Samuel, builder, :>0 Cleveland street
Brooke Thomas, bookseller, etationer, printer & bookbinder,
Beaumont George, Young Union, 35 Silver street
49 High street
Beaumont William, beer retailer, 41 Bentinck street
Brooke Thomas Slater (Mrs.),chemist & druggist,28Higb st
Beaumont William, ehopkeeper; 138 Cleveland etreet
Brooks John, ffliS rate co11Pctor, 14 Yoon2 street
Brooks Marv (Mi'!ls), shopkeeper, 59 Hallgate
.Rroughton John, painter, 42 East Laithgate
Brown Angus Sinclair, homreopathic chemist, 40 St. Sepulcbregate without
Brown Geor~e, surveyor of taxes, 5 Priory place
Hrown Henry, tobacconist, 42 High street
Brown Louisa ( Mrs.), shopk pr. M St.Sepu lchre!!:'ate withon t
Brown Sarah (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 42 High st
Brown Susannah (Mrs.),coal agent,5 Honefair
Brown William, bakflr, 10 St. J ames street
Brudnell Samuel Robert, provision dealer, Marshgate
Brundell Benjamin Shaw, civil engineer&: surve~or &: en2ineer to the Dun Draina~e Commissioners, 1 Princes st
BuC'kley Mary Sopbia & J a ne (Misses), hosier:ll 1 2 High st
Buckley Henry, coal dealt:r, 40 Bentinck street
Bullock William Henry, tailor. 26 Market place
Bulmer John Smith, inland revenuf' officer, 3 Camden st
Burdett William, watch maker. 16 Frenchgate
Burgess Samuel, shopkeeper, 53 St. Jame~~street
Burke Thomas & Co. engineers, millwrights, iron & brass
founders & manufacturers of ket:l, bar~e & small stoves
&c. Union foundry, Spring gardens. See advert
Burkell James, Labour in Vain, Man;h!!"ate
Burland George, cabinet maker. 8 Pells close
Hurley Robert, bricklayer, 42 Frenchgate
Burton Elizabeth (Mrs.), Goldtn Ball, 21 Spring gardens
Burtonshaw William (firm, Pearson & Burtonshaw), solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 21 Priory place
Butler John, coal dealer, Bridg-e terrace
Butler Thomas, confectioner, 9 St. Sepulchregate- without
.Butll'r William, eab proprietor, Horsefair
Butler "William, plasterer, 11 Silver etreet
Butterflt·ld Euward, chimney sweeper, 1 Spring gardens
Buxton Thomas, station master, & goods agent of Midland
railway station
Byers William, cabinet maker, 1 Belle Vue terrace
Carlisle Parkinson, dining rooms, 3! Market place
<.:arr J ameo1, coal dealt·r, High field road
C!lrter J ames, eating house, 21 Scott lane
Cary Charles, temperance hotel, 4 West Laithgate
Cemetery (William Edwood Shirley, clerk to the Burial
Board ; William Bark, superintendent)
Charlwick Willy, beer retailer, 108 St. James street
Chafer Geor~ote, oil merchant & carting agent for M. S. &
L. railw11y, 9 Jrlarket place
Chamben Robert, shpkpr. & post office, 33 Cambridge st
Champney William, corn dealer, 18 Young street
Chapman & Thwaites, dress makers, East view
Chapman George, iron founder, Marshgate
Chapman John, metal broker, 1 Young street
Chapman Peter, C'oal agent, 41 Horsefair
Chapman William, corn factor, 18 Young street
Chatterton Mary(M:rs.), harness maker, 11 Frenchgate st
Cheg-widden Edmund Mitchell, commrcl. trvlr. Queen's rd
Chivling William, Ram, 32 High street
Christian Knowledge Societies' Depository ( Edwin White,
see.), 71 Frencbgate
Church of England Temperance Cocoa t Coffee Tavern
(George Lodge, man.), 12 Frenchgate
Clark J oseph & Sons, tanners & curriers, 20 St. Sepulchregate within & Fish~rgate
Clark & Reed, ale & porter merchants, 15 Market place
Clarke Alfred, grocer, 15 Market place
Cla.rk George, refreshment rooms, 14 & 15 Scot lane
Clark Hezekiab, dyer & cleaner, 4 St. Sepulchregt. without
Clark Joseph, Blue Bell, 29 Baxtergate
Clark Rd •.Ecroyd, grocer Se stock & share brokr. 1 High st
Clarke Charles, Star, 23 St. J ames street
Clarke George, boot maker, 5 Silver street
Clarke lsaac, berlin repository, 61 Hallgate
Clarke Matilda (Miss), dress maker, 22 Young street
Clarke William, beer retailer, Locomotive buildings
Clay bourn Rd.Marsllall, fishmgr. 23 St. Sepulchre gt. witht
Clayton Chas. D. coal, coke & pig iron mer. l:lroxholme bo
Clayton Frederick, market gardener, 50 Union street
Clayton Frederick, whitesmith &c. 142 CleYeland street
Clayton John, hair dresser, 3 Silver street
Clayton Margaret (Miss), lodging house, 31 Horsefair
Clegg Charles, gardener, 40 Cleveland street
Coates Charles, bill poster, 12 Chancery pl. Spring gardens
Coates Henry, coal merchant, 78 Spring gardens
Coates John Henry, butcher 2d St. Sepulchregate, without
Cochrane J n. relieving officer for North dist. 36 Spring gdns
Cockerel John Henry, stationer, 60 Frenchgate
Coggon George, harness maker, 33 East Laithgate
Cooke Charles, harness maker, 10 :Silver Rtreet
Cooke Edward, Burns tavern, 82 Cemetery road
Cooper Albert, cabinet maker, 4 Low Fishergate
Cooper Amos, rope k twine maker, 46 Mal"'lhgate
Cooper Charles C. Cocking, auctioneer, valuer &:: estate
agent, 16 Scot lane
Cooper Josepb, slater&: slate merchantf Nether Hall road
Cooper Kate (Miss), beer retailer, 28 Market place
Cooper William, rope&: twine maker, 29 Marshgate
Copley William, joiner &c. 114 Cemetery road
CorbridgeTbomas, boot & shoe maker, Christchurch cott
Corporation Baths (GE'o, Burtwistle, man.), Frencbgate
Corporation Gas Works (Robt.Bridge,.supt.),Tbe Holmes
Corporation Sewage Works (Thomas Buckley, engineer),
Corporation Water Works {John Hutchinson, collector),
Couldwell Edwin Staniforth, confectioner, 51 Market place
Coulton Ann (Mn.),ho:;ier, 110 St. James street
County Court, Guildhall (Richard Wildman esq. judge;
William Edwood Shirley, registrar & high bailitl);
office, St. Georgegate
Coupe & Co. coal merchants, Coal drops, Marshgate
Coupe John Charles, coal merchant, 42 Horsefair
Cowden Ann (Mrs.), linen draper, 73 Cleveland street
Cox Henry Joseph, grocer, 117 St. James street
Cox William, grocer, 182 Bentinck street
Coxell Thomas, baker, 80 St. J ames street
Coy Thomas, (,'onch t Horses, 3 & 4 ~cot lane
Craven Abel, boot maker, 46 St. Sepulchregate witbin
Crawford Isaac, beer retailer, 66 St. 8epulcbregate without
Crawshaw Samuel, monumental mason, 49 Cemetery road
f~reaser Chrlt.(Mrs.), soda water & !!ingr.beer mfr. Marsbgt
Creasf'r Thomas, corn dealer, 54 Clevt>land street
Creighton George, tailor, 141 St. 8epulchregate without
Cri:lp Edwin, shopkeeper, 52 Marshgate
Crolt Francis, supervisor of inland revenue, 4 Carr House rd
Crosley George, millwrigh1 & engineer, Church street
Crosley John, iron merchant, Church 11treet
Crosley William, butcher, 43 St. Sepulchreg<lte within
Crow Lucy & Jane (Misses), milliners, 55 Market place
Crowcroft Charles, f~Armer, Carr Farm grange
Crowcrolt Geo. greengrocer, 119 St. Sepulchregatt! without
Crowcroft William, greengrocer, 162 Bentinck street
Crowther George, blacksmith, Backway
Crowther William, nurseryman, Cemetery road
Cruther Wm. &hopkeeper, 122 St. SepulchregatP without.
Cusworth George, boot & shoe maker, 9 Frenchgare
Cuttriss Thomas, dentist, 45 St. Sepulcl1regate within
Ualby William, Saracen's Head, 151 Cleveland street
Dale Edward, printer, bookseller & publisher of the 'Doncaster Free Press,' 31 High street & Baker street
Dale John, Ship, 19 Low Fishergate
Dalton Emma (M:l:ll.), milliner, 12 Scot lane
Darley & Senior, pl'ovision merchant~, Si> Baxtergate
Darley Thomas, haberdasher, 163 Bentinl'k street
Davey Joseph, glass & china dealer, 1 East Laithgate
Davis Rose (Mrs.), White Hart, 5 Frenchgate
Daw Thomas, painter, 17 Whitaker street
Dawson Edwin, butcher, 140 Catherine street
Dawson Geor!!:'e, draper, 41~ High street
Dawson Joseph Henry, Wellington, 37 Market place
Dawson Robert, butcher. 10 Frenchgate
Dean William, clothier, 136 St. Sepulchregate without
Delanoy William, currier &. leather cutter, 32 Baxtergate
& 85 St. Sepulchregate without
Den ham Richard, Duke of York, 65 Frenchf.!,"ate
Dewsnap & Hatfield,chimney swprs. 99 St. Sepulchregt. wtht
Dickinson William, tailor, 20 Scot lane
Dimline Mary (Mrs.), draper, 109 Catherine street
Dixon William John, painter, 8 Mal'llhgate
Jlobrah Henry, Green Dragon,67 Frenchgate
Dolling Harry Edmund, coal mercht. G.N. R. goods station
Doncaster A.B.C. Railway Time Table ( Edward Dale,
proprietor & publisher; publisht'd monthly), 31 High st
JJoncaster Agricultural Society (George Chafer, sec.),
9 Market street
Doncaster Chronicle (Hartley &: Son, proprietors & publishers; published friday), 15 High street
IJoncaster Club ( Robert Stoekil, sec.), 59 High street
Doncaster Free Press ( Edward Dale, printer& publisher;
published saturday), 31 High street
Doncaster Mutual Co-operative ~ Industrial Society
Limited (Josiah Smith, sec.); office, 62 & 63 Cleveland
street; drapers 62, butchers 63, & !!:fOCers 64, 65 &: 66
Cleveland st. & grocers &; coal mers. 89 & 90 Spring gdns
Doncaster, Nottingham & Lincoln Gazette (Brooke,
White & Hattield, proprie~ot"S & publishers; published
friday); office, 23 Printing Office street. See advert
Doncaster Reporter ( W. L. Spencer & Co. printers & publishers; published wednesday); oflice, Printing Office
yard, St. Sepulchregate within
Downend Geol'Jle, butcher, 56 Frenchgste
Downing Edward, cabinet maker, East Laithga!e
Downing William, bay & straw dealer, EllSt Laithgate
Garner Philip, butcher, 58 Cle•eland street
Dowson John Rohert, tailor, 103 Bentinck street
Garrett William, tailor, 59 Cleveland street
Dowson Mark, tailor, 97 Catherine street
Gascoyne John, Falcora inn, 6:1 Marahgate
Drabble & Sons, cabinet makers, 30 & 31 Baxtergate
Gaol Frederick William, watch maker, 3!J Baxtergate
Draper Frank Edward, White .Lion, 11 St. Georgegate
Gee Joseph, grocer, 35 St. Sepulchregate without
Drewry Arthur Gilbank, hair dresser, 21 Baxtergate
Gibbons Stephen Reynolds, day school, 83 & 8! Spring gdn
Drewry Mary Ann (Miss), fancy repository, 8 Baxtergate Gill & Hall, solicitors
Drummond & Co. dyers, 69 Frenchgat.e
Gill Mary (Miss), day school, 16 Spring gardens
Dutty Elizabeth (Mrs.J, butcher, 101 Cleveland street
Gill Thomas, corn dealer, Sunny bar
Dugher Hy. shoeing smith & beer retlr.St.Sepulchregt. wtbt Gill William, tailer, 36 Ba,;tergate
Duke James, provision dealer, 14.7 Catberine street
Gilvray William, coal dealer, 20 Union street
Dun Drainage Office (W. E. Shirley, clerk; B. S. Brun- Glassam Seth Hall, grocer, 110 Cleveland street
dell, engineer), 1 Prince's street
Glastonbury Agnes (Mrs.), servants' registry office,IO Print~
Dun hill & Stiles, pharmaceutical shemists, 2 Frenchgate
ing Office street
Dunkerley George, shoe maker, 5 High Fishergate
Goldthorpe George & Son, woollen merchants, St. Georgegt
Dunkerley Henry, hair dresser, 2 High Fishergate
Good Cbristopher, coal de,der, Id Union street
Dunkerl.ey John, hair drt'88er, 12 High Fillhergate
Good Richard, beer retailer, 166 Bentinck street
Durran!l Richard, Reindeer family ~ commercial hotel, Goodair Brothers, butchers,
St. Se.pulchregate within
64 Hallgate
Gooderidge John, boot & shoe maker, 26 Baxtergate
Dutchman John, 11hoe maker, 61 Itlarshgate
Goodlad George, nnrseryman & seedsman, 1 Bennitthorpe
Eaddie George, wheelwt"ight, 3 High Street buildings
Goodworth Thomas, tailor, 7 ~ilver st~et
Eales Geo~e, picture frame maker, 5-5 Cleveland street
Grf4mmar ."\chool (Rev. W 10. Gurney K.A.. bead master;
Earnshaw Geo. beer retailer, 48l:it. ~epulchregate ~ithout
Hev. Wm. Smith K.A. composition master), Thorne road
Edwar•J Samuel, boot warehouse, 53 1W:arket place
Grand Stand (Mrs. Wood in charge)
Edmunds ~ Swaithe Maine Collieries Co. Limited, coal' Grantham George, railway clearing houae inspector, 8
& coke merchants, Coal drops, .Marshgate
Clifton terrace
Ellis Elizabeth (Miss), straw hat & bonnet maker, 46 Great Northern Locomoti"e ~Carriage Depart"'ent(tM
Bentinck street
Plant) (Patrick Stirling, locomot1ve engineer; John
Ellis Robt. solicitor~ commissioner for oaths, St. George~rt
Shotton, works manager; Richar•l Bonnett, locomoti"fe
Ellison William, shopkeeper, 10 West street
accountant; E. F. Howlden, superiutendtmt of carriages
Elwess Richard, farmer, Carr view
& wagons)
Elwt-ss William, farmer, Intake farm
Greathed William Thomas, cbemi~t. ll.) & 116 St. Jamet at
Greatorex Henry, gteengrocer, 21 St. Thomas street
Elwiss John & :Son, timter merchants, Marshgate
Eskholm Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 42l West Laithgate
Green George, beer retailer, Fitzwilliam street
Exley Thomas, cow keeper, 63 Bennitthorpe
Green John, boot & shoe maker, 9 Hallgate
Eyre 1sph. Hobson, teacher of singing, 4 High St. buildings Green John, poulterer, 112 Cemetery road
Faigan Mary (Mrs.), draper, Carr House road
Green William, shopkeeper, Carr HoU!Ie road
Fairhurst James, photographer, St. James bridge
Gregory Frederick, Sl1a~speare's Ht!ad, 92 St. SepulFaiss Jsph. watch & clock ma. 4!3 St. Sepulcbregt. within
chregate without
Falconar James, solicitor, clerk to the Guardians & t~uper- Gregory Henry, marine store dealer, Spring p;ardens
intendent registrar, 21 High street
Gregory Isaac, chief constable, Old Borough gaol, West
Farr Robert, furnishing & gener'll ironmonger, locksmith,
bellhanger, tinman & coppersmith, 9 Baxtergate
Gregory Samuel, slater, 21 Silver street
Farrow John, relieving officer for the So. dis. 15 Horsefair Grundy George, beer retailer, 9;) Cemetery road
Faulding William, beer retailer, 29 Union street
Guest William, Bay Horse, 14 Frenchgate
Fawcett William, Stag, Holmes
Gunby & Hill,· corn & seed merchants, French~tate
Fendall Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 Fitzwilliam street
Gyles John, coach builder & painter, 29 Printing Office et
Fendall Reuhen, shopkeeper, 1 Holly street
Gyles Nathan, painter, 3 Cartwri.!.ht st. & 4~ Bentiock st
Fenton Charles Docker M.D. surgeon, 41 High street
liackshaw Eli, tobacconist, 57 High street
Fenton Henry John, artist, 33 & !34 Horsefair
Hadwick Kenelean, shopkeeper, 9& Wt"st street
Few Eliza & Jane (Misses), ladies' school, 42 & 45 Hallgate Haigh Sarah (Mrs.), dining rooms, 27 Market place
l<'ield Robert. provision dealer, 128 Cleveland street
Hainswortb Elizabeth (Mrs.), haberdasher, 118 Clevela1d et
Firth Charles, blacksmilb, 26 Printing Office street
Haley John, tailor, 157 Cleveland street
Firth Frederick, pork butcher, 29 Cleveland street
Hall Abraham & Son, tailorR, 19 & 20 Baxtergate
Firth Robl'rt, blacksmith. 29 Duke street
Hall William, Leopard, 1 West street
Firth Thomas, baker, 23 Cleveland street
Halmshaw Charles, tallow chandler, SO HiJ.rh Fishergate
Fish William, shopkeeper, 17 Catberine street
Halstead Winifred (Mrs.), lodging house, 26 Baker street
Fisher Edmund Fearnley, brewer, Crown bt·ewery, Fitz- Hamtol Henry, photographer, 1 Printing Office street
william street
Hamp~>hire William Ri<'hard, tJeCOndhaud clothes dealer, 126
St. Sepulchregate without
Fisher Frdk. Wm. solicitor,cle1 k to the borough ma~~;istrates,
to the commissioners oftaxes for thl:l divi11ion of Doncaster Hampson John Anthony, linen draper, 1 & 2 Market place
Borough, clerk & receiver to St. Thoma:>'s Hospital Trus- Hankes Jarnes, herald painter, 65l:it. 8epulcbregt. without
tee!l, 5 High Street buildings
Hankin George, blacksmith, Silver stref't
Fisher John, corn factor, 17 Low Fil'hergate
Hanks George, JJork butcher, 14 St. Sepulchegate without
Fisher Sarah Alice (Mrs.), 7'hrecl Ltgs, ::l ~eplchrl(t. withn Hau~Wn Corneliutt, glass & china dealer, 19 French gate
Fitzgeorge Edward, smith, Hallgate
Hanson James, rope&: twine maker, 12 Pe!ls close
Fletcher George, carpenter, 1 Church street
Hanson John, rope maker, 24 East Laithgate
Fletcher Thomas, dining rooms, 18 Scot lane
Hanson John Abrabam, shopkpr. & beer retailr. Kelham st
Flowitt Henry, builder, Nelson st. & Cleveland street
HanS6n William Emest, shopkeeper, 58 Bridge street
Fogg John, carver & J!.ilder, 18 High street
Hardey Richard, photographer, 15 Hallgate
Foot tit & Booth, grocers, 78 St. J ames street
Harlancl George, shoe maker, 116 St. Sepulchregt. without
Forth Louisa(.Mrs.), hosier, 38 Baxtergate
Harrison Charles & Sons, carpenters, 16l Cleveland street
}'oster James & Son, timber merchants, Low Fisbergate
Harrison Nathaniel, shopkeeper, 12 New Oxford street
Foster Abraham, tin plate worker, 40 Frenchgate
Harri:Joo Thomas Henry, bill diacounter,l2 Frencbgate
Foster Ann (Mrs.), pork butcher, 3 St. Sepulcbrgt. within Harrison William, beer retailer, 137 Cleveland street
1 Harrison William Wrightson, brewer, Corporation brewery,
Foster Charles, travelling draper, 53 Cleveland street
Foster Geo. fruiterer, 15 & 16 St. Sepulchrel'!:ate without
56 & 57 Cleveland street
Foster John, hatter, 19 St. Sepulcbregate without
Hartley Ric~rd, grocer, 6 Baxtergate
Foster William, shopkeeper, 93 St. Sepulchregate without
Hartley Robt. bookseller, stationer&; bookbinder, 15 High st
Foulston Alfred, hair dresser. 10 St. Sepulchregate without Hast!8ll William, shoemaker, 2 Bentinck street
Foulston Arthur, greengrocer, 36 St. Sepulchregate within Hastie John, hosier, 24 St. Sepulchregate without
Fox E. & Son, manufacturers of wool sheeting, canvas tar- Haughton Geo. beer retailer&; civil engineer, Carr House rd
paulins7 11acks, bed sacking &c. Corn exchange. See advt Hawksworth Cath. (Mrs.), shopkeeger, 32 St. Thomas st
Fox Hy.linen draper, 47 & 48 St. Sepulchr~gate within
Hawley & Webb, painters, M Hall~ate
Fox Henry, tailor, Carr House road
Hawthorn Mary Anu, Georgina & Elizabeth (Misses), music
French Samuel, Three Cranes, Cranes yard, Factory lane
warehouse, 7 Horsefair
Fretwell Arthur William, watch maker, 20 High street
Hazelby William, beer retailer. 39 West Laithgate
Froggatt Thomas, hosier, 18 St. Sepulchregate without
Head Thomas, shopkeeper, 36 Frencbga.te
Frost Maria (Mrs.), White Swan, 62 Frenchgate
Heap George, grocer, Highfield road
Garner John, butcher. 102 St~ James street
1 Heap Henry, shopkeeper, .Marabgate
Heath Elizh. (MJ"8.),soda wattor manufacturer; 3 Wood 8t
Hebb John, shopkeeper, 40 ~t. Jamee.street
Henderson Henry, hair dl"t'sser, 4 High street
Henger William, coal merchant, 20 Bennitthorpe
Henry Samuel, draper, 8 Cleveland street
Hepworth Charle11 Hayden, painter, Sunny bar
Hepworth Rd. Fitzgeorge,tobacconist,5St.Sepulchregt.witht
Ht-rbert Ho race A. manager of London & Yorkshire Banks,
9 High street
Herring James, shopkeeper, 19 Cartwright street
Herring William Hy. boot & shoe maker,5 Carr House rd
Hewitt Brothers, brewers, St. Sepulchregate within
Jlewftt John, butcher, 12 St. Sepulchre!fate without
Hewitt Joho Stephen, hair dresser, 26 Scot lane
Hick William Lambert, beflr retailer, 40 West Laithgate
Hickson Anthony, plumber & glazier, 5 East Laith~te
Higgir.sJ oseph,confectiooer,35 Baxtergate & West Laithgate
Highway Board for. the LOtm·r Division of Strnjforth ~
1''ickhill (Frederick Edward Nicholson, clerk, 5 High St.
buildings; Joseph Wood, district surveyor), Bennitthorpe
Hill William, cattle dealer, 196 Bentinck street
Hinchcliff Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 East Laitbgate
HinchclitfeAbei&Co.news agents,30&143St.Sepulchree;t. wtht
Hindley John, pork butcher, 95 St. James street
Hirst George, cabinet maker, 119 Cemetery road
Hirst John, tailor, 22 West street
Hirst Paul~ fruiterer, 16 Catberine street
Hodgson & Hepworth, grocers, pl ovision dealers & wine &
spirit merchants, 7 & 30 St. Sepulchregate within
Hodgson Frederick, pork butcher, 42 Cleveland street
Hodgson Richard, tobacconist, 42 St. Sepulchregate within
Holmes George, haberdasher, 20 Ea:ot Laitbgate
Holmes Henry, g-rocer, East Laitbgate
Holmes Henry, mealman, Silver street
Hope Joseph, Magdalen hotel, & auctioneer & valuer, 20
1\'Iarket place
Hopkinson Bros. sewing machine makers, 18 Cleveland st
Hopkinson Henry, tailor, 19 Cleveland street
Hopper Charles, chemist, 39 Mark et pi. & 7l Cleveland st
Horsley Thomas & Son, gun makeM~, 6 Soot lane
Hough Charles, confectioner, 133 St. Sepulchregate without
Hough William, chemist & druggist, 16 Market place
Hough William, confectioner, 58 High street
H"Ough William, shopkeeper, 94 St. James street
Ho ward Richard, horticultural builder & hot water engineer,
Nether Ha 11 road
Howell William, tobacconist, 45 St. s~pu~t:hregate without
Howo1 th & Parkin, pharmaceutical chemists, 47 Market pi
Hoy~s William, shopkeeper, 1 Belle Vue terrace
Huddle Richard, sauce manufacturer, Cemetery road
H uddlestoue Fredel'ick, builder, 14 Clifton terrace
Hunting• on William, blacksmith, Marsh~ate
Huntington Joseph, auctioneer, appraiser & commission
agtnt, 32 St. Sepulchregate within
Hurst Mary (Mrs.), shopkt>eper, 231\Iarshgate
Hurt John Rigley, tobacconist, 108 St. Sepulchregate witbt
Hutchinson J ohn,collector of to" n & poor's rates & registrar
of marriages fur the Doncaster di11trict, 42 Cartwright st
Button Hannah (Mrs.), grocer, 24 Mark~::t place
Infirmary~ Dispensary(John Sykes M.D. physician; Jas.
Rigby, P. R. Fairbank M.D. A. C. Wilson M.D. & J. B.
Withington, surgeons; William Walker, house surgeon;
Capt. Leatham, hon. sec.), Whitaker street
Ingbam Constantine, bookbinder, 34 Silver street
Ingham William, shoe maker, 12 Printing Office street
Ireland William, baker, 67 Cleveland street
JacksonThos.Ptr.&Son,pork butchrs.38St.Sepulchregt.wthn
Jackson Richard Morton, shoe maker, 14 High Fishergate
Jackson Thomas, boot maker, 111 Catherine street
Jackson William:; beer retailer, 25 Marshgate
Jacksou William Toase, gentleman's school, 22 Hallgate
Jagger J. 8. auctioneer, valuer & estate agent; rents collected & property managed, 2 Soot lane
Janney Mary (.Mrs.), dining rooms, 33 Market place
Jaques Samuel, grocer, 29 Bt. Sepulchregate without
.Iarratt Richard, beer retailer, 155 Cleveland street
Jenniogs Henry, shopkeeper, Pells close
Jewitt Furniss, confectioner, 24 Scot lane
Johnson Henry, sewing machine Rgent, Highfield road
Jobnson James, fruiterer, 11 St. James street
Johnson John, butcher, 8 Scot lane
Johnson Louisa (Mrs.}, corn fuctor, 29 Market place
Johnson Robt'rt, slwpkeeper, 47 St. James street
J ohnson Thomas, Brown Cow, 26 French~ate
Johnson William~ builder, 27 Printing Office street
Jones Alice Mary (Miss), bositr, 75 St. James street
Jordan Edward, grocer (i() Kelham strett
Jordan Henry Frederick, corporation stewartl, 3 Priory pi
Jubb William, greengrOl'er, 3 Cemetery road
Kaye Fanny Maria (.Miss), milliner, 42 Market place
Kaye William, watch & clock maker, 19 Scot lane
Kelsey Peter, Hor8e ~ Groom, 9 Enst Laith~ate
Kelsey RobPrt, greengrocer, 94 Cleveland 11treet
Kemp William, toy dealer, 12 Union street
Kenball William, shopkeeper, 101 St, James street
Kentlal Alfred, grocer, 17 Scot lane
Kenyon George, solicitor, 21 Baxtergata
Kenyon Thomas, tin plate worker, 114 Cleveland street
Kershaw Henry Waiter, grocer, 61 St. James street
Keyworth John, fruiterer, 5 & 6 Hi~h street
Keyworth William, gre~ngrocer, 13 St. Sepulchregate witht
Keyworth William, jun. fruiterer, 113 Cleveland street
Killengrey Jaques & Co. manufacturers of Doncaster butter
scotch & baking powder & sole agen~ for Little'a Soluble
Phenyle, the new disinfectant, 52 Fren<'hgate
Killengrey Richardson & Co. dealers in artificial manurep
rape dust, salt &c. ; agents for Little's chemical fluid.
Doncaster Canal wharf, Fishergate
King John, herbalist, 32 Spring garden<~
Kirk Richard, saddler, 40 ::lt. Sepulchregate within
Kirk Thomas, woollen draper, 14 High street
Kirton Christopher, cheese fa1!tor, 48 ~larket place
Lambourne James, Railway hotel, 22 West Laithgate
Lamport Gertrude (Miss), milliner, 37 Baxtergate
Lane Thomas, St. Thomas'8 tavern, 20 St. Thomas street
Larner James, tobacconist, 93 Cleveland street
Laughton Josepb, mineral agent, 3 Oxford place
Laurence George, plumber, 26 St. Sepulchregate witli1n
Laurence William, plumber &c. 127 Cleveland street
Law & Hague, mineral water manufacturers, Marshgate
Laycock George, shoe maker, Bowers fold
Leary Marv (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29 St. Sepulchregate withn
Leatham Capt. Alfred Sinclair, manager of York City &
County Bank, Baxtergate
Ledger Henry, greengrocer, 92 Cleveland street
Ledger William, joiner &e. 26 Baker street
Lee Fredk. Wm. pork butcher, H2 St. Sepulchregate without
Leesing David, pork butcher, 17 Frenchgate
Legge MariaCath. (Miss.), ladies' boardingscbl.l7South par
Leith Alexander, agent, Queen's road
Leng Francis, green~rocer, 8! Cemetery road
Lidster Samuel Proctor, china&: gla;;s wareho. 57 Hallgate
Lindley Henry, plum her & glazier, 30 Scot lane
Lindsey Frederick, beer retailer, 8! 8t. James ~treet
Littlewood J n. & Son, woollen drprs. 1 St. Sep .. lchregt. withu
Liversidge & Son, builders, 40 Cartwrigbt street
London ~ Provincial Tea Co. 43 Market pla('e
London~ Yorkshire Bank Limited (Branch),(Horace A.
Herbert, man.), 9 High st.; draw on UnionBank, London
Long bottom Carter, ironmonger, 52 High street
Longfellow Samuel, shopkeeper, High Fishergate
Loxley John Thomas (firm, Baxters & Co. ), solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Hij:!;h street
Lyon Sherwood, dressmaker, 59 St. Sepulchregate without
Lyons Charles, plumber, 91 Cleveland street
McKaig George, wood & ivory turner, 153 Cleveland st
McKone Thomas, general dlr.l04 & 105 St.Sepulchregt. wtht
Maidment David, boot maker, 9 St. lames street
Maidment George, builder, 13 Oxford place
Maidment William J uhn, builder, 65 Hentinck street
1\'lalthouse Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 25 Cleveland street
Manchester, Sheffield~ Lincolmhire Railway Co. (J. E.
Halmshaw, district superintendent; George Cartwright.
engineer, canals department; George Chafer, carting
agent) ; office, Frenchgate
Mappin John Newton, maltster, Low Fishergate
Mapplebeck William, Old Georgeinn, Market place
Marsden Joseph, woollen draper & outfitter, 50 Market
place ; & at Leeds
Marsden May (Miss), milliner, 10 Scott lane
Marsh Henry, coal dealer, 100 St. James street
Marsh William, baker, 35 Cleveland street
Marshall George, beer retailer, 9 Printing Office street
Marshall Robert, beer retailer, 10 Kelham terrace ·
Martin Fanny (Mrs.), brewer & bePr retailr. 22 Cleveland l't
Marwood Josepb, watch maker, 46 St. Sepulchregt.with'lu"t
Mason Alexander, tinman, Bower's fold
Mason Ann (Mrs.), hosier, 2 East Laithgate
Mason John, Black Boy, 5.5 Frenchgate
Mason Robert, wheelwright, 13 Frenchgate
Mason Thomas, coal merchant, 12 Belmont tet. Balby ro11d
Mason William, butcher, 3 Ha1Igate
MatherGeo. John, M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgn. 17 Hallgate
Maw John, brewer & maltster, Old brewery, Market place
Mawe & Son, linen drapers, furnishers, cabinet makel'lt &
decorators, 44 High street
Meacock Samuel & Son, music warehouse, & importers of
german pianofortes & small goods, 53 & 54 High street
Mell George, corn dealer, Oxford street
Mell William, furnitnre dealer, Fitzwilliam street
Meller George, brosb maker, 41 Market plac~
Merrick llenry, drill instructor, ls& Wes~ York, Yeo10~l'
Cavalry, King's road
MetcalfHenrietta (Mrs.), shop~eeper, Low Pishergut.,_,
Mid-Linct}lnshi~e Iron Co. (William J. Roseby, ma~ging
partner), 31 Htgh street
Milan William Alex. Greyhound, 23 High Fishergate
Milner & Hall, wine & spirit merchants, 1 Frenchgate
Milner IsabeUa Susan (Miss), ladies' school, 60 Hallga.te
Milns John, King's.Arm8, ii St. Sepulchregate within
Mimmack Edward, tobacconist, 12 Bower's fold
Minskip John, greengrocer, 13 Freocbgate
MitchellAnn (Mrs.),Jrnitre. bro.120& 121 St. Splchgt.wtht
M itcheson J oseph, cow keeper, Wellington street
Moncaster John, tobacconist, ol Cleveland street
Mooney Arthur, greengrocer, 43 Cleveland street
Moore Charles Frederick, plumber, 23 High street
Moorhouse Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 15 Bennittborpe
Moorllouse John, gardener, Bentiock tatreet
Moorhouse Mary (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 52 Bentinck. streetMorley George Thomas, cooper, 31 Market place
Morrell Henry 1 grocer, 40 Market place
Morris Brothers, manufacturer11 of sulphuric acid, superphosphate of lime, sulphate of ammonia &: ehemieal
manure manufacturers ; office,. o Priory place.; -work.s,
Morris, Little & Co. manufacturing- chemists & manufacturers of Little's chemical fluid dt Little'sliOluble phenyle;
office, 5 Priory place; works, 8tockwith ..en-Trent
Morris dt Co. copper & silver extractors.i oftict-1 6 Priory
place; works, Stockwith-on-Trent
Morris Horatio, boot&: shoe maker, 4 Market place
Morris John, carpenter, Oxford place
Mos by lsa.ac, collec~r of taxes, QuPf'n's road.
Mum by Alien, commit~sion agent, 23 ~pring garden•
Mnrray (Mrs.), Angel~ Royal hotel, Frencbgate
Murtagh Patrick, tobacconist, Carr Houo;e road
MyersAnn (Miss), dressmaker,S Cartwright street
N aylor John, clothier~ 132 St. St'pulchregoate without
Neal GeorgeSampson, hatter, 17 St. 8epulchregate without
Neep Mordecai Glover, Red Lion, 25 Marketplace
N eep Thomas, George~ Dragon, Marshgate
N ettletonJohnJ ennings,grocer & provision d lr. 72 Frencbgate
NewbittJohn,slloemaker, 27 St.Sepulchregate within
Newborn Henry, commercial boarding house, 51 Frenchgate
Newborn John Robioson, grocer, 30 Hig-h street
Newell Richard, confectioner & baker, Highfield road
Newsome John, beer rtlr. & tin plate workr. 85 St.J ames st
Newton James, beer retailer, Carr House road
Nicbolson, Saunders,. N ichol11on & Reed er, solicitol'8, clerks
to the Wath-upon-Dearne gas works & to tile Commissioners of Improvement Act, St. Georgegate; & at Wathupon-Dearne
Nicholson Beckett (firm, Nicholson, Saunders, Nicholson &
Reeder), solicitor & commis,.ioner tor oaths & perpetual
commissioner, St. Georgegate
NichoJson Ell ward, solicitor & clerk of the peace & coroner
for the West Riding, 5 Regent terrace
Nicholson Edward l\lorton, hosi~r, haberdasher & fancy
draper, 10 .Baxtergate
Nicholson Frederick Edward, solicitor, deputy coroner for
West Riding & clerk to the Highway Board for the Lower
division of ~trafforth & TickhilJ, 5 High Street buildings
. Nicholson John, grocer, 9 St. Sepulchregate within
North John Cooper, cattle dealer, Nelson street
Olive .l"ohn & Son, makers ot every description of colliery
plant, railway wagon builders, wheel & axle manutiu~­
turers; wagons rebuilt or repaired on the shortest notice ;
also proprietors of the railway carriage & wagon wurks,
WooHold & Spri.ogside, Bury & Ince railway wagon
works, Wigao; He~thorpe railway wagon&. iron workB
Oliver Henry, confectioner, 73 Frenchgate
Osborne John, Crown~ Anchor, Low Fishergate
Outwin Richard, dining rooms, 27 Scot lane
Outwin William, beer retailer, 76 St. James street
Pacy John V. tobacconist, 1 Hallgate
Palmer Charles Edward, solicitor&. sec. to the West Riding
Reformatory for girls & clerk to the West Riding magis.
trates & to commissioners of taxes, 14 St. Georgeg*.te
Pal mer William Henry, solicitor, 46 St. Sepulchregate witho
Parker Henry, greengrocer, 22 Duke street
ParkesAnn (Mrs.). straw bollllet maker, 41 Frenchgate
Parkin & Sons, sewing machine dealers, 7 High str~t
Parkin & Co. solicitorl'l, 23 Priory place
Parkin Alfred (firm, Parkin & Co.), solicitor, perpetual
commissioner & commissioner for oathe, clerk t~ the Lind~
sey magistrates, lord of the manon of Epwonh & W e&tt
wood, to the Isle ot Axholme Highway Board & agent. to
the Scottisl)( Provident Life Institution & N orwick Union
Fire Office, 23 Priory place; & a~ Epworth.
Parkin J ames, Good Wo»&an inft, 130 St.Sepulchregt'. wfthC
P11rkin William, e-Jwkeeper. King street
Parkinsoo &; Son, confeetionera, lri'OCel'& & proprietor& of the
Royal Doncaster butter scotch &; manufacturers of the
celebrated baking powder, 60 & 51 High street
Parkinsoo Thos. k Sons, millers, Mar&bga~&c W~ Laithgte
ParkinSOR John Wilks, corn &. cake merehant & flour dealer,
11 Market place
Parkinson Joseph, upholsterer &joiner,. 37 Young' street
Parrey Louisa (Mrs.), milliner. 4:7 Cartwrigbt stre6t
Parry & Walker, ciwil & mechanical engineers,.architeirt.s &
surveyors, I High street
ParsollSOo Thomas, accountant, 16 Scot lane
Pawsoo Willism, linen draper, 49 Market. place>
Payne George, beenetailer, 10 Highfield roa&l
Peacock William Webster, draper,o H:dlgate
Pearce George, ironmonger, 6 St. Sepolchregate within
Pearson & Burtonshaw, solicitors, 21 Priory place
Pearson Benjamin Clater (firm, P.aNIOO &: Bu.-tonshaw),.
solicitor &. commissioner for oaths, -.!1 Priory pia~
Pearson William, provision dlr. 27 8t. Sepulcbre~te witbt
Peet Joseph, commission agent, 80 Bentiock street
Peniston Edward & Co. Hnen drapers, 46 Markel place
Penney Charles, butcher, 13 Manthgate
Penney John, butcher, 93 Catherine strt!t't
Penney William, hair dresser, 4 St. Sepulchregate within
Percivel William, shopkeeper, Holmea
Pe:rcy Henry, tailor, 1 Scot lane
Petch John, cowket'per, 22 Uuion street
Peters Stephen, Littl6 Red LiOR, 10 Market place
Pilkington James, shoe maker, 20 New Oxford street
Ptllin Frederick, painter, 48 Cartwright st1 eet
Pillin Robert John, pianoforte warehouse, 4:l Young street
Pitchforth James, town crier, 29 SprinJ{ gardens
Plaister John, boot maker, Bennitthorpe
Plant William Cart, draper, 29 St. Sepulchregate within
Platts Arthur, shopkt>eper, 63 St. Sepulchn!gale withoat
PJatts Saviel, tailor, 13 West Laithgate
Platts Waiter, tobacconist 6, &t wire worker 7, Frenchgllte
Pond Georjle Fr~derick, dentist, 2 Baxt~rgate
PondJ ohn Freeman tie, hair dre~~tter, 6~ Fr~nchgate, & f.mcy
repository, 2 Baxtergate
Poole WilJiam, shopkeeper, 16 Kelham street
Popple .Annie Harby (Mrs.), grocer, 2t French~ate
Poskitt Geo. grocer &c. 13!J & 140 St. Sepulcbr~ate witht
Poynter William, butcher, 34§- St. 8epulchre~te without
Pratt Thomas, hair dresser, 47 St. Sepulchregate witbout
Preston .Brothers, boot salesmf'n, 16 Baxtergate
Prit"stley Mary Ann (Mr!\.), lodp;ing hou..e, 23 Horsefair
Pruden William, bookseller & stationer, 21 CJevdand street
Puddle Ellea (Miss), toOO.ceooist, 74 St. Sepulchregate ,itht
Pye William Henry, Doncaster Arms, ~ BennitthorJl8, &;
livery stables, job & post master, St. Sepulchregate withn
Ramsden Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10 Hallgate
Ranson Charlotte (Mrs.), grooer, 2a Seot lane
Raper Benjamin, publisher {If transfers, 22 St. Sepu1chregate within
Ratchelous Charles, station master, Grea.t Nort1tel"n railway
Ratcliffe J onathao, SCTipture reader for parish of Christchurch, 23 Baxtergate
Reasbeck John, tailor, 6 St. James stl"\'et
Reast George Thomas, cabinet maker, 2 St. James sheet
Reed Daniel, ironmonger, cutler, whiteslftith, hPIIhangerr
gas titter & tin&; copper-plate worker, 56 Market place
Reeder Thomas (flrm, Nicholson, Saunderq. Nicholson &;
Reeder), 110licitor &:: commissionP.r for oaths, St.Georgegate
ReviJl George C. woolstapler, West Laithgnte
Hhodes Robert, butcher, 2 Silver street
Richardson Elizabeth (Mrs.), White Bear, 4 Hallgate
Richardson Joseph, shopkeeper, $1 Benoitthorpe
Richardson Samuel, Royal Lancl'r, 49 Frenehgate
Richardson William, shopkeeper, 6 Bennitthorpe
Rigby James, surgeon, 27 High street
Riley George, King's Head, 12 East Laithgate
RobertsDennis&Sou, draprs. ll& U St .Sepu lchl"egate within
Roberts George, aerated water manufacturer, Ea<Jt Laithgate
Roberts George, pork b11tcher, 19 Spring garlle::ns
Roberts Thomas, tailor & woollen drnper, 2.') B:tx~te
Robinson Bros. cork cutters, 63 Frenehgate; &:: at Halifax
Robin110n & Hanley, corn mers. & millers, Low Fisher~ate
Robinson Thomas Field & Son, silk mercers, 47 &-t8 High st
Robinson James,. wine & spirit merchant, 22 Baxtergate
Robinson John Galloway, bookeeller, stationer & bookbinder.
70 Frenchgate
Roe Tbomas, harness maker, 8 Silver street
Roe buck W alter & Co. 011tfittere, 33i St. Sf'pulclfl'egate withn
Rogers Robert M. profdsor of music, 39 High street
Rogers John, cowkeeper, Oxford place
Rose John, grocer, &: agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine&:
spirit merchants, 46 St. Sepulchregate without
Ro'*!by Wi1liam J. iron merchant, 31 High street
Routh Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 12 Bennitthorpe
Routledge William, beer retailer, 23 Catherine street
Rowing Stephen, tailor, 3t Baxtergate
R11yston John, butcher, 36 High street
St. Thmna11'8 Hospital (Fredt-rick William Fisher, clerk &
receiver ta the trustees), St. Sepulchrt>gate without
Salmon James1 Royal Oak, Printing Office street
Salmon John, l>oilder, East Laithgate
Salmon Mary (Miss), milliner, 14 St. Sepulchregate within
Salmon Thomas, bricklayer, 28 St. James street
Sanderson, Stringer & West, grocers, 44 St. Sepulchregate
within & 1 without
Sanderson Emily (Miss), ladies' school, 14 Priory place
Sanderson George, grocer, 1 Silver street
~anderson George, shopkeeper, 16 Corporation street
San~on Thomas, boot maker, 36 St. Sepulchr~te without
Sanson Thomas,jun. boot maker, 14 West Laithl{ate
Sanson William, clothier, 8 Market plaee
Saunders George Morley (firm~ Nicholson, Saunders, Nicholson & Reeder), solicitor, ~t. Georgegate
Savings Bank (Edward Easterfield, sec.), 16 High street
:-cales & Salter, boot salesmen, 24 Baxtergate
~cales John, boot maker, 123 Cleveland street
Scarborough & Stacey, fu!b.mongers, 32 & 33 St.&pulcluegate without
Scholes William & Son, brush manufacturers, 58 Hallgate
School of Industry (Mrs.Mary Ann Uain, matron),Freochgt
~cott Herbert, stationr. & printr. 342 ~t. Sepulchregate withn
Scott Robert, boot & shoe maker, 79 St. Jame.s street
Seaton Joseph, outfitter, 2.5 High street
Sellars William, haberdasher, 119 Cleyeland street
St:llers John, controller of the cattle market, Market place
Senior Henry & Son, brewers, Market place; & builders &
sa.nd merchants, Don castle, Balby road
Senior John, shopkeeper, 107 St. Sepulchregate without
~enior William, butcher, 3t Cleveland street
Seymour Richard, grocer, 13 Cleveland street.
Shand John, shopkeeper, 89 St. James street
Sbarrad Annie Maria (Mrs.), Birmingham warehoust',
3.') St. Sepulchregate within
Shaw Hy. Woolhouse, pharmaceutical chemist, 6 Market pl
Shaw John, provision dealer, Marshgate
~haw Joseph, pork butcher, 49 Cleveland street
Shaw William, joiner, Hallgate
Shepherd Edwin, bookseller, 34 St. Sepulchregate without
~hepherd Thomas, butcher, 1 Baker street
Sheppard George, shoe maker, 92 Spring gardens
Sherrard Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, 56 Cleveland street
Sherwin William, Old Crou:n, Church street
Shillito Mary Ann & Sarah (Misses), ladies' 5Chool, 9 & 10
St. Georgegate
Shillito Charle~, cowkeeper, 22 Wheatley lane
Shillito Hy. Horse ~Jockey, 101 St. Sepulchregate without
Shirley, Atl..ioson &. Shirley, solicitors, ~t. Georgegate
Sbirley Arthur James (firm, Shirley, A.tkinson & Sbirley),
solicitors, St. Georgegate
Sbil'ley William Edwood (firm, Shirley, Atkinson & Shirley),
solicitors, town clerk, registrar & high bailiff of county
court, & clerk to the burial board, St. Georgegate
::lhurt Alfred, beer retailer, 39 Bridge terrace
Showier Joseph, saddler & harne"S maker, 3 Market place
Showier Rachel (Miss), dress maker, 28 Scot lane
:liddall Geerge, linendraper, 45 Market place
Siddall James, shopkeeper, 18 St. ~epulchregate within
Sinclair George, b~r retailer, 41 St. J ames stl'eet
Sinclair William, furniture dealt>r, 103 St. Sepulchregt. witht
Singer Manufacturing Co. (Thos. BirJ, man.), 23 ~cot la
~ingleton John, tailor, 163 Cleveland street
~kinuer James~ painter &c. 77 Cleveland street
Skipton Charles, boot maker, 46 Cleveland street
Slack George, shopkeeper, Highfield road
Slack William, chemist, 3 St. ~epulchregate without
8laytor John, Elephant hotel ~ commercial inn, 10 St.
Sepulchregate within
Sleigholm Edmund, hosier, 13 St. Sepulchregate without
Smith & Son, coach & carriage manufacturers & livery
stable keepers, 135 St. Sepulcbrt>gate & West Laithgate j
posting establishments, Angel hotel yard & West Laithgate; & at Grove street, Rettord; central office, West
Laithgate ; residence, Jl7 Hallgate
Smith William States & Son, ironmongers, 14 Baxtergate
Smith Arthur Joseph, wine & spirit merchant, Sunny bar
Smith Charles, hair dreeser, 31 Duke street
Smith George, market gardener, 2 Hallgate
Smith Henry, shopkeeper, 2 High Fishergate
8rnith Henry George, shopkeeper, 90 Cemetery road
Smith James William L.R.c.P. LOND, surgt>on, 13 Hallgate
Smith John, hair dresser, 33 High street
Smith John, shopkeeper, M Union street
Smith Robert John, hosier, 7 Baxtergate
Smith Thomas, beer retailer, 7 St. Sepulchregate without
Soakell Henry, tailor, 2 West Laithgate
Somerville Stafford Edward (firm, Baxters & Co.), solicitor,
High street
Sorsby Elizbth. (Mrs.), shopkpr. &: genera! dlr. King's road
Speight Robert, tinman & brazier, I Low Fishergate
Spencer J. L. &: Co. printers & publishers of the' J.>oncaster
Reporter.' Printing Office yard, St. Sepulchregate within
Spencer John Tinsley, butcher, 20~ St. Sepulchregate within
Spencer William Lee, milliner, hosier & fancy draper, 15
Spight Edmund, chemist, 12 Cemetery road
Spinney Waiter, professor of music, 43 Hallgate
Sprakes Charles, builder, 16t Cleveland street
Sprake.s William, bricklayer, 8 Belle Vue terrace
Stace Samuel, tripe dres:~er, 40 St. Sepulchregate without
Stamp Alfred, cheese factor, 11 Baxtergate
Steadman Charles Graham, cah proprietor, 40 Princes st
Steers & Co. slaters, St. James' terrace
Stenton Charles, haberdasher, 88 Bentinck street
Stephenson Wm. & J ohn,Maddlers & harness mkrs.26 High st
Stockil Charles, currier, Frenchgate
Stockil Robert, manager of Yorkshire Bank, 3 High street
Stocks William, fishmonger, 85 Cleveland street
Stoker Mary (Mrs.), stay maker, 115 Cleveland street
Stones George, tillage merchant, 26 Horsefair
Stoppani Anna {Mrs.), umbrella maker, 7 Scot lane
Stoppaoi John, Bull's Head, 134 St. Sepulchregate
Stoppani Nicholas~ livery stableil, Wt'st Laithgate
Storrs Joseph Thompson, naturalist, 6 Silver street
Storn Robert, surgeou, 7 Hallgate
Stott & Son, auctioneers, 47 Hallgate
Subscription Betting Rooms (Messrs. Goodered, proprietors), 43 High street
Subscription News Rooms (John Bull, jun. sec. & treas.),
59 High street
Swaby Arthur, wheelwright, Silver street
Swaby Robert, fishmonger, 25 St. SP.pulchregate without
Swaby Thomas Henry, fishmonger, 38 High street
Swaby William, potato dealer, 49 Spring gardens
Sykes John M.D. physician, 23 South parade
Sykes John, tailor, Marshgate
Sykes Joseph, superintendent of county police for the lower
divi11ion of Strafforth & Tickhill, Bentinck street
Sykes Mary Jane (Mrs.), saw mills, 38 Printing Office st
Sykes Richard, M ail Coach, 20 French gate
Sykes Thomas, boot & shoe maker{ 20 Cleveland street
Tacey & Clarke, surgeons, 53 Hal gate
Tattershall Alice (Mrs.), groct>r, 61 Frenchgate
Taylor A. & G. photographers, :5cot lane
Taylor & Son, photographers, 8 St. Sepulchregate within
Ta)·lor Alfred (tlrm, Parkin & Co.), solicitor, commissioner
for oaths & steward of the manors of Epworth & Westwood, Priory place
Taylor Andrew, fishmonger, 48 Cleveland street
Taylor Jose ph, inspector of police, 5t Bennitthorpe
Taylor Thomas, clog maker, 25 Frenchgate
Taylor William, cowkeeper, Wellington street
Taylor Wilmot, secondhand book dealr. 4 Printing Office st
Teale Alfred, shopkeeper, 47 Frenchgate
Teale James Massingberd, architect, 40 High street
Te!!ta John Baptist, prof. of languages, Christchurcb nursry
Theatre (Thomas Brooke, lessee), Market place
Theobald Hannah (Mrs.), cooper, 6 St. Sepulchregate without & Cleveland street
Thompson J obn & Son, SPed & cake merchants, & agents for
W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, 18 Frenchgate
Thompson Christopher, tinman, 59 Frenchgate
Thompson Elizabeth (Mrs.), basket maker, 18 Baxterga.te
Thompson Emma (Mril.), beer retailer, 42 West Laithgate
Thompson George, tailor, 59 Frenchgate
Thompson R. bookseller & stationer, 23 Baxtergate
Thornton & Son, painters &c. 59 Spring gardens
Thornton John, hair dresser, 90 Cleveland street
Thorp George, tailor, 145 Cleveland street
Thorpe Henry, greengrocer, 76 Cleveland street
Thorsb:v & Froggatt, timber merchants, 2 Cemetery road
Thrush George, plumber, 64 Frenchgate
Tilbury Henry, artist, Arthur street
Tinson Thomas, shopkeeper, 38 Frenchgate
Tomlinson William & Co. hat & cap manufacturers, 31 St.
Sepulchregate within
Tomlinson William, shoe maker, Bower's fold
Tonkinson Benjamin, grocer, Ill St. James street
Top Jiff Sarah Dyer (Mrs.), tobacconist, 48 Frenchgate
Tovey John, professor of music, 10 Priorv place
Townsend Mary (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 31 Scott la
Trade Protection Society (E. H. Battie,sec.), ll Priory pi
Traviss Charles Parks, builder, Frenchgate
Travhs Emma ( MJ'l'.), wardrobe dlr.l25 St. Sepulchrgt. wtht Whiteley William, pork butcher, 68 Cleveland street
Traviss William, builder, 21 Hallgate
Whiting Jobn, shopkeeper, 100 Cemetery road
Trethewey William, news agent, 23 Union street
Whittiogton George, cowkeeper, 34 Cemetery road
Trout Mary {Mrs.), beer rtlr.131 St. Sepulcbrett"&te without Whitwell William, beer retailer, 112 Cemetery road
Trueman John & Leonard, cabinet makers, 10 High etreet Whitworth William, ahopkeeper, 00 Frenchgate
Tummond Frederick & Co. tobacconiste, 22 High street
Wightman Arthor Charles, tailor, 40 Baxtergate
Tunnadine John, grocer, 92 Catherine street
Wightmaa Thomas, bone setter, 3 Horsefair
Turner John Foulston, stationer & printer, 3l Hallgate
Wilburn Arthur, cabinet maker, 11 High street
Turner Waiter, butcher, liS St. James's st. & 22 Shambles Wilbum .Edgar, livery stable keeper, 10 Pella close
Twiby William Henry, greengrocer, 3 East Laitbgate
Wilbum Mark, importer of german yeast, 78 St. Sepq!Twist Christopher, linen draper, 70 Cleveland street
chregate without
Tyas Frederick, chimney sweeper, 17 Pella close
Wilburn Waiter, painter & decorator, 4l Wood street
Tye William, tailor, 2 Camden street
Wilkinson Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Marshgate
Union Offices (James Falconar, clerk to the Guardians), Wilkinson Joseph, fishmonger, 29 High stteet
21 High street
Wilkirulon Robert, land surveyor, 116 St. James street
Varley Robert, beer retailer, Balby road
Willaos Emma (Miss), straw bonnet maker, 43 St.
Sepulchregate without
Vaux Charles, Volunteer, 34 Frenchgate
Vaux John, commercial traveller, 39 Cartwright street
Willey James, Black Bull, 12 Market place
Verity Thomas Samuel, solicitQr, 12 Frenchgate
Williams George, grocer, 39 St. Sepulchregate without
Williams William (of Lincoln), lessee of markets, Markd pi
Vickers & Son, tailors, 63 Hallgate
Vickers Thomas & Son, manufacturers of bone manures &c. WiiJoughby Thomas, cabinet maker, 8 Hallgate
WilsonAiexander Christy K.D. snrgeon, 21 South parade
9 Market place
Wade Thomas, confectioner, Kelham atreet
Wilson Alfred, photographic artist, I .Arthur street
Wadsworth .Alfred, homreopathic 11urgeon, 7 Cleveland st
Wilson Charles, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 72 Elsworth n
Wadsworth .Richard, blacksmith, 18-i Bentinck etreet
Wilson Cornelius, Golden Lion, 50 Cleveland street
Wainwtight Henry, butcher, M Market place
Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.}, shopkeeper, 45 Cleveland street
Wilson George, tobacconist, 31 & 38 St. Sepulchregt. witht
Waite & Crouch, auctioneers, 6 Hallgate
Walker Christoph~r, butcher,47l Marshgate & 38 Shambles Wil110n James Mitchell K.B. surgeon, 11 ~t. George'a villa•
Wilson Thomas, confectioner, 6t Hallgate
'Valker Francis Drury, dentist, 26 Hallgate
Walker Frank, butcl1er, 148 Cleveland street
Wilson William, beer retail~::r, 18 Market place
Walker Joseph Clark, ironmonger, 74 Frencbgate
Wilton George, manufacturing dry~lter & manufacturer
Walker Thomas, wardrobe dlr. 25 .St. Swpulchregate within
of the celebrated Yorkshire baking powder, Victoria
Walker William, butcher, 35 Market place
works, Manhgate
WaU Jabez, shopkeeper, 4 ~ilver street
Wilton Robert, coal a~ent, 4 Bass terrace
Wailer John, flour & provision d~aler, 5 Market place
Windle Thos. brewer, Exchange brewery, 150 Cleveland st
Wallis Arthur Pearson, dentist, 51 Hallgate
Winfleld Henry, gteengrocer, 69 St. Sepulchregatewithou1
Wallis Ferdinand, surgeon, 9 Priory place
Withington & Smith, &urgeons, 13 Ha.llgate
Waiter John Charles, haberdasher, 130 Cleveland street
Wood Thomas & Son, builders, 154 Cleveland st. & Union el
Waltham Waiter, Wood Street hotel, Wood street
Wood George, tailor, 128 St. Sepulchregate without
Ward & Holmes, glass & china dealers, 5 Scot lane
Wood Joshua, stationer, 69 Cleveland street
Ward Charles, blacksmith, East Laithgate
W oodmansey & Son, watch & clock makers, 17 High st~t
Woodward Jo~ph cheese factor, 4 Wood street
Ward George, tobacco pipe maker, The Holmt>S
Ward John Christopher, beer retailer, 9 Scott lane
Wormall Henry, ;}hatched House,67St. Sepulchregt.witht
Ward Thomas, pork butcher, 8 Cemetery road
Wragg James, shopkeeper, 46 Frenchgate
Ward William, New River inn, Maro~hgate
Wragg John, shopkeeper, 124 St. SepuJchregate without
Warren WiJliam, Robin Hood, 59 Marshgate
Wright Brothers & Shares, clothiers & pawnbrokers, 16 & 17
Warwick Richard & ~on, brewers (John Fitzgerald, agent),
St. Sepulchregate within & 11 Baxtergate
2 Scot lane
Wright Alfred, inspector of nuisances to the Rural Sanitary
Waterton Richard, grocer, 7 Market place
.Authority, High street
Watson Christopher, grocer, 19 Bridge terrace
Wright Joe, house decorator, 19 High street
Watsun Joseph 0. inland revenue officer, 6 Kelham terrace Wright Richard, plumber & glazier, 8t. Geor~regate
Watson Thomas, brass founder, 71 Catherine street
Wright SamueJ Hawkes, stock & share broker & accountaut
Watson William, builder, Ill Hentinck street
M. S. & L. Railway offices, Frenchgate
Webster Samuel, farmer, Racecourse
Wright Thomas, nurseryman, Christchurcb
Wedgwood William, boot & shoe maker, 64 Kelham street Wright William Clifford, grocer,101 Catherine street
Welburn Williarn Robert, grocer~ 62 Kelham street
Wrightson Joseph, St. Leger tavern, 37 Silverstreet
Well borne George Edmund, butcher, 66 Frenchgate
Wyer Isaac, blacksmith, U East Laithgate
Well borne George Rosseter, gnu maker, 69 French gate
Yates J. C. & T. seedsmen & maltsters, U Market place
West Riding Chamber of Agriculture (Doncaster Yates Richard, butcher, 15 ~t. Sepulchregatewithin
branch) (George Chaft'r, sec.), 9 Market place
York City~ County Bank (branch) (Coipt. Alfred Sioclair
W.baley William, painter, Nelson street
Leatham, manager), Baxtergate; draw on Bam~:tts,
Wheater AngeJina (Miss), toy dealer, 29 Scot lane
Hoares & Co. London e.c
Whitaker Samuel J. coal merchant, ironmonger & glass & York3hire Banking Co. Limited (branch) RolJert Stockil,
china dealer, 24 St. ~epulchregate within
manager), 3 High street; draw on Williams, D~acon &
White Edwin, bookseller, printer, bookbinder & stationer,
Co. London
71 Frencl1gate
Yorkshire Institutionfor the Deaf~ Dumb (John Sykes
White Fred, boot & shoe maker, 3 & 4 Baxtergate
M.D. hon. physician; J. B. Withington, surgeon ; J~m~
White Robert, grocer, Frenchgate
F. Crouch, sec.; James Howard, head master), EastWhite Robert Henry, surgeon, 17 Prioryplace
field bouse
White Samuel, furniture broker, 10 Camdeu street
Young Men's Christian Association ~ Coffee Room~
White Thomas, hosier & carpenter, 38 Princes street
(John Gibson# librarian & manager), H Cleveland stree'
Whiteley Henry (exors. of), engineers, Marshgate & 19
Market place
DRA X is a "Vi11age, township and parish, 5 miles north- fuir condition. The Jiving is a vicarage, yearly value .£285,
east from Snaith and 7 south-east from Selby, in the Eastern
division of the Riding, lower division of the wapentake of
Barkstone Ash, county court district and union of Selby,
rural deanery of Snaith and archdeaconry and diocese of
York, bounded on the north by the Ouse, which separates it
from the East Riding. The church of St. Peter and St •
Paul is an ancient structure partly in tbe Norman and
partly in the Early English styles, consistiag of chancel,
nave, and aisles, and a tower with a 1pire and peal of
five bells. The churchyard has been enlarged by one
awe given by Lord Beaumont, and is enclosed by a stone
wall and iron railings, the cost of which was raised by subscriptions. The register dates from the year 1639, and is in
in the gift of the trustees of the late Lady Wheler and hdd
by the Rev. Samuel Hobbs Hooper, of St • .Aidans. Thert:
are almshouses in connection with Reade'a~ charity f.,r thret:
poor men and three poor women. The Wesleyans 110d
Primitive Methodi~ts have each a chapel here. J ames Tock
esq. who is lord of the manor, and Lord Beaumoot are the
principal landowners. The soil is rich sand, clay and warp;
subsoil sand and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
beans, potatoes. turnips and flax. The population of tile
township in 1871 was 443; the area of the township it
1,382 acres; area of the parish1 61 970 acres; rateable \allle,
£2,280; population 1,201.
Pari&h Clerk, James Gl(ea.