SMART AIRPORT HOW T EC H N OLO GY I S SHAP I N G T H E F U T U R E O F AI R P O RTS Wavestone is a consulting firm, created from the merger of Solucom and Kurt Salmon’s European Business (excluding retails and consumer goods outside of France) Wavestone’s mission is to enlighten and guide their clients in the most critical decisions, drawing on functional, sectoral and technological expertise. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The airport industry is developing at a very fast pace, supported by a solid and continuous growth of the total number of passengers processed per year (the worldwide passenger traffic increased by 64% between 2009 and 2016). Major European and Asian hubs are continuing to grow, with Middle Eastern players developing quickly and new comers appearing in Latin America (e.g. Santiago) and Africa (e.g. Addis Ababa). requires common self-service solutions. Africa and Latin America are at the beginning of the digital era and will show an important need of legacy IT systems in the next few years. Globally, the airport digital era induces a substantial growth of the investments made in IT&T1. The market size grew twofold since 2011, reaching USD 9.07 billion in 2016. As for operations, the general trend within the industry consists in going for live and predictive operations in order to maximize the capacity of terminals and runways. In this domain, the A-CDM2 initiative seems to get serious interest, even outside the European market. Self-service solutions are now very mature and some of them even reach their limit with the massive introduction of online and mobile check-in solutions. Hence, airports should readapt their strategy and use further automations in their processes to improve the quality and the safety of operations. This rapid growth of the industry has put airport operators under pressure to face important challenges such as increasing their capacity, optimizing their processes, diversifying their revenues, being part of the passenger global experience and, of course, providing top security and cybersecurity measures. In this context, digital solutions gave airports the unique opportunity to address all these issues. The digital transformation started at the beginning of the 1990s and led each airport to move onto different levels of digital maturity, where each level is characterized by the set of technologies adopted. On the other hand, passengers look further into an augmented airport experience in which digital technologies co-create, with the personal assistance, a “phygital experience”. An experience enriched with personalized content and available seamlessly through different channels to provide the so-called omnichannel experience. The different levels of airport digitization have certain trends depending on the region of the world. In Europe, Middle East and Asia, airports are particularly digitally mature. Their needs in terms of IT&T are further steered towards cutting-edge technologies and innovations. In North America, the airport industry seems to be late in its digital transformation and mainly However, these digitally enhanced services require a robust and advanced network infrastructure, able to carry 1. Information Technology & Telecommunication 2. Airport-Collaborative Decision Making 3 huge amounts of data generated from Finally, in this continuously moving the newly deployed solutions. For this, IT&T sector, airports should adapt their both the professional 4G/LTE network organization in order to follow the and the access to free public Wi-Fi offer change better by reducing the risks an ideal environment to leverage IT and and uncertainties related to the rapidly propose new innovative applications. emerging cutting-edge technologies. To Furthermore, to accelerate innovation, do that, innovation should be put at the heart of their strategies, and management airports are adopting open innovation, should find its equilibrium between based on providing API platforms to the 3 developers’ community. conventional and new agile methodologies Integrating the airports’ systems within quality, faster, cost effectively and most the global ecosystem, giving third parties importantly on a lean start-up basis. that are capable of delivering better access to the airport’s critical systems, Thus, being a Smart Airport is not about associated to the fact that operators are complete digitization of the airport, willing to migrate to the cloud in the next but much more about the ability of the five to ten years, will dramatically increase company to make the most of innovation the risk of cyberattacks. To face these new and technology, in order to develop a challenges, where the airport is obliged competitive edge and face international to innovate and at the same time protect competition. its own legacy systems, the industry must develop additional expertise in the field of cybersecurity, such as putting in place a SOC4 and thoroughly testing the vulnerability of its infrastructures. 3. Application Programming Interface 4. Security Operations Center 4 AUTHORS Jean-Baptiste Nau Franck Benoit Jean-Baptiste Nau, Senior Manager, is an expert in the air transport industry. He joined Wavestone after more than 15 years of experience in Groupe ADP, where he managed financial, international, commercial and operational projects. Today Jean-Baptiste steers various studies on air transport and manages project deliveries in many fields such as controlling, business strategy, customer experience, etc. Franck Benoit, Business Analyst, initiated his career in transport and travel consulting. He studied Political Sciences at the “IEP d’Aixen-Provence”, and holds a Master’s degree in Air Transport Law & Management from Aix-Marseille University. His double expertise allows him to advise different actors from the air transport industry in conducting their strategic projects. 6 CONTENTS 08 13 Introduction of the study The future of the airport industry 28 Global digital trends within the industry 53 Organizational impact of the d igital transformation 56 Conclusion 7 INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY 8 CONTEXT In 2016, train operators showed some signs of weakness due to security and political concerns raising across Europe. Eurostar for example, the operator of the high-speed train that crosses the English Channel, processed 4% 5 less traffic than in 2015. On the other hand, air transport continued to show its strength globally with an impressive 5.5% growth in 2016, confirming the resilience of the air industry to political instability. In this flourishing state of air travel, airlines and airports are required to deliver high standard services for their customers in order to be able to improve their attractiveness and provide the passengers with a personalized travel experience. early on. Airliners are generally known for their low financial margins, moving operating costs due to a high exposure to fluctuant fuel prices and for having “demanding” customers. These constraints have put airlines under pressure to reassess their business model and their value proposition earlier. This “underconstraints” evolution, has made the airlines embrace the potential of digital solutions early on, in order to find new ways of generating revenues, reducing costs and improving the customer experience. // certain way, engaged in the digital makeover in response to the rise of passengers’ connectivity and access Today, we are witnessing a continuous reshaping of the air travel industry in order to face not only common challenges such as cost reduction and competitiveness improvement, but also newly emerging challenges such as digital transformation and passenger experience. In fact, digital transformation is impacting all players of the ecosystem including airlines, hotels, travel agencies and airports. However, this impact occurred at different paces for each stakeholder: // Later on, travel agencies were, in a to the Internet. They embraced this change by going massively online, providing mobile-based reservation applications and recently launching chatbots to improve customer service (i.e. Expedia launched its Facebook messenger-based chatbot in June 2016). // Nevertheless, airports were rather late in their digital transformation and in leveraging information technology. Historically, airlines faced serious issues with their competitiveness This difference can be explained by the following circumstances: 5. Source: Press releases 9 • airports decided to invest massively in technology over the last decade. These investments doubled between 2011 and 2016, increasing from USD 4.42 billion to USD 9.07 billion according to the airport IT provider SITA. Putting aside regional and international hubs, the majority of airports in the world process less than one million passengers. This limited passenger traffic makes these airports less exposed to complex operations that require IT This acceleration of the airport digital market has faced the industry players with new challenges: and digital assistance to become optimized and smoothened. • Airports are generally known to be financially robust. Their average // Airport IT departments are now obliged to adapt their working environment to deliver in an agile way, more suitable for disruptive solutions and technologies // Airport operators are used to collaborating with big IT companies but and must now work with startups and small companies, who are new major players in the innovation and digital landscape. Many structures, unknown to the industry a few years ago, had to be created: digital department, customer experience digital department, innovation department, etc. net profit margin is around 16% 6 and can go up to 20% for airports processing more than 40 million passengers. This healthy financial status made airports adapt late i n n ova t i o n s a n d s o l u t i o n s to improve their competitiveness because they were not in need of that, unless the case of airlines. • F ro m a m a n a g e m e n t a n d a n operational point of view, airports are extremely complex structures w h e re d i f fe re n t st a ke h o l d e r s co - ex i s t a n d o p e ra te : p u b l i c services, airport operators, airlines, This digital “shock” has pushed airports to leverage IT solutions, become smarter and be more efficient, and has revealed to the public a new concept: the “Smart Airport”. Does this concept have an exact definition? Can we define an airport as a smart one or not a smart one? What about the regional trends? The following white paper tries to provide the reader with some answers to these questions. ground-handlers, suppliers, etc. This complexity can make technology deployment sometimes difficult due to a divergent set of interests held by each player and a lack of collaboration. I n o rd e r to g o a h e a d w i t h d i g i t a l t ra n s f o r m a t i o n a n d c o n f i r m t h e i r substantial role in passenger journey, 6. Source: ACI 2015 10 METHODOLOGY I n t h i s c u r r e n t s t u d y, Wa v e s t o n e proceeded with the following three approaches: Airport survey: Wavestone addressed a questionnaire to more than 25 airports around the world regarding their IT&T systems and digital strategy. The sample of airports ranged from very small local ones like Durango airport (DGO) in Mexico to important international hubs such as Dubai airport (DXB) in the United Arab Emirates, Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG) in France and Frankfurt airport (FRA) in Germany. // The status of the current IT&T solutions deployed at the airport 2 The future deployments planned for the short and long-term The major issues that digital solutions may address within the airport industry 4 The airport’s strategy i n t e r m s o f I T&T a n d cybersecurity. // Large data analysis, including press releases, annual reports and various studies // Interviews with a range of experts in the IT industry, airline and airport IT in particular. The three elements mentioned above, g a ve Wa ve s t o n e e n o u g h m a t e r i a l to draw up trends appearing on a re g i o n a l b a s i s a n d m a j o r d i g i t a l challenges to come in the next three to five years within the airport industry. The survey is divided into four main parts: 1 3 11 THE IT&T SYSTEMS CONSIDERED IN THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY The following study deals with a l l t h e I T&T f r o n t o f f i c e s y s t e m s including mobile applications, self-service applications, airport operation systems, network, infrastructure and cybersecurity. t h ro u g h o u t t h e p a ss e n g e r j o u r n ey on terminal side, including check-in, bag drop, security & boarder control and boarding. Network and infrastructure are the backbones of any digital t ra n s fo r m at i o n . We a re w i t n e ss i n g a generalization of legacy solutions l i ke W L A N 7 a n d Wi - F i , b u t a l s o a n increased interest in new solutions like the Internet of Things (IoT), 4 G / LT E f o r p r o f e s s i o n a l u s e a n d iBeacons. As for mobiles, they included smartphone applications but also mobility solutions deployed m a s s i ve l y i n b e t we e n t h e g r o u n d agents and ground handlers on airside and landside. For the self-service applications, they are present nowadays 7. Wireless Local Area Network 12 THE FUTURE OF THE AIRPORT INDUSTRY 13 A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THE AIRPORT INDUSTRY Following the fall in air travel demand in 2008, resulting from the economic crisis that had hit at the time (the growth of the number of passengers transported d ro p p e d to 0.1 % i n 2 0 0 8 ) , t h e industry started to show strong results year-on-year: starting 2009 to present, the number of passengers transported by air made a n i m p re ss i ve g row t h a n d re a c h e d a 9.2% CAGR8 for 2009-2016. Number of passengers transported per year 4 3 2,25 2,628 2,787 2,894 2010 2011 2012 3,048 3,218 2013 2014 3,441 3,7 2 1 0 2009 2015 2016 Source: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) This variation of the number of passengers transported seems to be closely linked to the GWP, allowing us to confirm that the global economic growth is a key driver fo r a i r t rave l . A s a re s u l t , o n t h e one hand, positive financial trends are coming out from Russia and C h i n a i n 2 0 1 7 w h e r e r e s p e c t i ve l y t h e i n d u s t r i a l p ro d u c t i o n we n t u p and the household consumption increased. On the other hand, a fuel barrel price stabilizing around 5 0 to 6 0 U S D, i s j u st a s p e r fe c t t o i m p rove t h e e c o n o m y a n d p u l l u p t h e c o n s u m p t i o n i n d ex i n G u l f co u n t r i e s a n d t h e U S ( w h e re s h e l l oil companies are showing good signs of financial resilience). Th e s e t wo m a j o r fa c to r s p re f i g u re a GWP9 growth for 2017 higher 8. Compound Annual Growth Rate 14 airport operations significantly m o re co m p l ex a n d l e ss s e c u re. O n the one hand, the complexity of t h e o p e ra t i o n s t e n d s t o g e n e ra t e additional costs due to an increased s o l i c i t a t i o n o f g ro u n d a g e n t s ( i .e . servicing, processing and quality control agents), while on the other hand, the security issue is getting more problematic with the considerable increase in terrorismrelated risks, especially in public congested places like airports. than in 2016, and therefore an i m p o r t a n t i n c re a s e i n t h e n u m b e r of transported passengers in the coming few months, maybe years. This sustainable increase in the number of passengers fueled the r e v e n u e s o f t h e a i r p o r t i n d u s t r y, w h i c h f o r a b o u t 5 5 % 1 0 , co m e f ro m aeronautical revenue 11 . Thus, airports saw their revenues increase by around 50% between 2011 and 2016. At the same time, the immense volume of passengers, baggage a n d f re i g h t to b e p ro ce ss e d m a d e Global revenues of the airport industry (in $billions) 200 150 108,3 117 2011 2012 153,9 158 2015 2016 142,4 131 100 50 0 2013 2014 Source: ACI for major hubs (more than 40 million p a ss e n g e r s /ye a r ) , g i ve t h e a i r p o r t industry the unique opportunity of b e i n g a b l e t o i n ve s t m a s s i ve l y i n construction, innovation and digital solutions. The regular growth of revenues mentioned above, matched with an important net margin of the industry ranking, according to ACI, between 12.9% for small airports (1 to 5 million passengers/year) and 20.6% 9. Gross World Product 10. According to ACI 11. Aeronautical revenues are the ones generated exclusively from the air transportation activity (passenger charges, landing & parking charges, terminal rentals, security charges…), whereas non-aeronautical ones are generated by ancillary services (retail concessions, car parking, real instate income or rent, food and beverage, advertising…) 15 MAJOR HUBS AND REGIONAL TRENDS Th e a i r t ra n s p o r t vo l u m e i n te r m s of passenger traffic is expected to explode with an annual cumulative growth rate of 4.9% until 2040. H oweve r, t h i s b o o m w i l l b e m a i n l y driven by four leading markets: EUR NAM +3,7% +2,8% ASP MEA AFR +6,2% +7,7% +4,2% LAC LAC +4,6% Source: ACI MIDDLE EAST Being both strategically and geographically well placed between Europe and North America on the one hand, and Asia on another, dynamic platforms like Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Doha in Qatar will continue to act as major international hubs, boosted by the great performance achieved by Emirates and Qatar Airways respectively. ASIA-PACIFIC The region is expected to confirm its leadership by having almost double the air traffic of the European market in 2040. This is possible due to the surge of the middle class in both China & India, and the attractiveness of many countries such as Thailand & Indonesia as major tourist destinations. SOUTH AMERICA Recently, the social and political context deteriorated in Latin America, mainly in Brazil and Columbia, due to corruption and economic issues. This will definitely lead to a review of the growth of air traffic projected by ACI for the region. Nevertheless, the consolidation of the air travel market by LATAM Airlines and the emergence of Santiago de Chile as a hub for the region, will support the local traffic growth for the next decade. AFRICA It will experience solid growth profiting from Nigeria as a business hub, Ethiopia for its hub potential, South Africa & Kenya for their tourism and business; mostly supported by growing trade with China. 16 Th i s a i r t ra f f i c co n ce n t ra t i o n t h a t will be migrating, by 2040, from the North (Europe and North America) to the South (Latin America, Africa, M i d d l e E a st a n d A s i a - Pa c i f i c) , w i l l change the configuration of the airport industry in the world: // to public and environmental policies that are limiting the possibilities of extending current infrastructures. // Today, major hubs are located in Europe (e.g. Frankfurt, Paris and London), Asia (e.g. Singapore and Seoul) and in the Middle East (e.g. Dubai, Istanbul and Doha). Most of them are facing serious capacity issues: their current maximum capacity is nearly reached and any extension in the near future is hard to get due In the future, hub cartography will move following the air traffic shift projected for the next decades as shown in the map above. There is no doubt that the historical hubs will keep their market place in the short and medium run, but a considerable number of hubs, either regional or international, will be appearing in Latin America and Africa. Airport operators within these regions will face a surge of operations and an increasing complexity in their processes. MEA High concentration of regional and local hubs at present High potential of developing air hubs for tomorrow 17 High concentration of international and regional hubs at present FUTURE CHALLENGES OF THE AIRPORT INDUSTRY Facing the generalization of air t r a n s p o r t i n s o c i e t y, t h e a i r p o r t industry has been able to absorb the continuous growth of the traffic. In the late 2000s, the value p ro p o s i t i o n o f a n a i r p o r t c h a n g e d drastically by shifting from a processing platform serving airlines a n d g ro u n d h a n d l e r s ( i .e. s e c u r i t y checks, baggage processing, etc.), to a travel experience provider serving passengers: lounge services, travel retail, entertainment corners, business areas, online shopping, etc. in less than two decades, including h u b s l i ke Pa r i s - C D G . B a s e d o n t h e ex p e c te d a i r t ra f f i c evo l u t i o n a n d t h e f a c t t h a t i n t e r n a t i o n a l t ra f f i c will overcome domestic ones by 2028, the “physical capacity” of these platforms will be reached. Knowing that these airports are in regions where extensions are almost impossible, they should deploy new processes and solutions capable of treating passengers fa s te r. N o n e t h e l e s s , t h e e m e rg i n g air transport market in South America and Africa won’t face such co n s t ra i n t s , s i n ce a i r p o r t a re a s i n these zones are still extendable by a d j u s t i n g r u n way a n d t e r m i n a l volume. This fast transformation that o c c u r re d i n t h e e c o s ys t e m f o rc e s airport operators to find innovative and new solutions to enhance virtually the entire capacity of their infrastructure and improve p a s s e n g e r j o u r n ey by o f f e r i n g a n airport experience as a way of living. PASSENGER EX P ER I EN C E The airport journey is now very important in the door-to-door passenger experience. The average time spent at the airport counts for more than 60% 12 of the overall time s p e n t d u r i n g t h e t rave l i n c e r t a i n cases. The value proposition of a n a i r p o r t o r a te r m i n a l to a t t ra c t additional flight connections, is no longer exclusively linked to the minimum connection time (MCT) RAIS IN G THE CA PACITY F i ve m a j o r E u r o p e a n a i r p o r t s a r e already facing capacity issues ( D ü ss e l d o r f, F ra n k f u r t , Lo n d o n Gatwick, London Heathrow and Milan) and 19 other airports are expected to have the same problem 12. For short haul flights 18 but it is also linked to the quality of the in-terminal experience that the airport is able to provide. (historically, airlines used to choose a n a i r p o r t a s a h u b o r co n n e c t i o n , based on the accessibility and transfer time between each flights), MOBILE OVER CONNECTIVITY Passengers are connected : whether business traveler or tourist, passengers are looking for Internet connectivity “everywhere” This over connectivity is for airports at the same time a cost generator (i.e. network investment) and a great opportunity to make revenues out of this ancillary service PERSONALIZED SERVICE Passengers are looking for services matching their needs and preferences Airlines adapted their model to let the passenger feel unique. Now it is up to the airport to do the same in order to ensure the loyalty of their clients In addition, passengers’ needs are changing under the global connectivity boost within the travelers’ population: according to t h e a i r p o r t I T p rov i d e r S I TA , 8 3 % o f p a ss e n g e r s c a r r y a s m a r t p h o n e t o d a y. T h i s o v e r - c o n n e c t i v i t y, c a u s e d t h e t rave l e r to c h a n g e h i s attitude during his travel, to look for a seamless travel journey and to ask SEAMLESS EXPERIENCE The airport and the travel experience are a series of steps which are similar across the globe Passengers look to make these procedures as seamless as possible so that they won’t feel the disruptions on their way for a personalized experience: in this co m p e t i t i ve l a n d s c a p e , a n a i r p o r t must adapt his merchandizing strategy and propose the right service for the right passenger a t t h e r i g h t m o m e n t . T h e s e t h re e conditions should all meet in order to maximize the value created by a passenger. 19 the only two sources of revenues for airports were the airport tax and the landing fee. However, knowing that the runway capacity is limited, and therefore it is for the terminal, the so-called aeronautical revenues are l i m i te d a s we l l . Th e re f o re , a i r p o r t o p e rato r s a re t u r n i n g , l i ke a i r l i n e s did years ago, towards ancillary services including VIP lounges, fast track lanes, Internet connection and other services. P RO C ESS O PTIM IZ ATION AND COST RE D U CTIO N As mentioned before, airports a r e a b l e t o d e l i ve r h i g h f i n a n c i a l p e r fo r m a n ce s . H oweve r, privatization is occurring fast within the business, leading to private ownership of major airports requiring additional cost reductions a n d b e t t e r f i n a n c i a l m a rg i n s t h a n the public one. Airports have already deployed lean processes that showed encouraging results in t h e l a st t wo d e c a d e s , b u t n ow t h e tremendous increase in the number of passengers to be processed has challenged the efficiency of such legacy processes inherited from lean management: the industry is no longer looking for big budget cuts or huge process redesign, but it is increasingly chasing every small improvement to be done t h ro u g h o u t t h e p a ss e n g e r j o u r n ey (i.e. automated security checks), the a i rc ra f t j o u r n ey ( i .e. i n d u st r i a l i ze d apron processes), the baggage journey (i.e. automation, reliability, loss reduction), etc. Hence, by diversifying its business, the industry shifted from a B2B player (serving airlines and ground handlers) to a B2C one (serving directly the end-user). This change is crucial in terms of marketing and m e rc h a n d i z i n g , s i n ce d e l i ve r i n g i n a B 2 C m o d e re q u i re s t h e n e e d t o k n ow t h e c u sto m e r ve r y we l l , h i s / her preferences and his/her profile. The new digital era penetrating the industry, gives the opportunity to k n ow t h e c u sto m e r a n d t h u s to propose an adequate service. SECURITY AND C YB ER S EC UR I TY For the last five years, the international geopolitical landscape has changed. The world witnessed an unprecedented rise of terrorist attacks, especially in Europe. Knowing that public places as congested as airports are a privileged target of such attacks (a major attack happened D IV E RS IFICAT IO N O F REVENUES The industry understood early o n t h e p o te n t i a l o f t h e p a s s e n g e r d we l l t i m e i n s i d e t h e a i r p o r t a n d how this time can be turned into a new source of revenue. Historically, 20 O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , m a ny a i r p o r t s are embracing the benefits of open d a t a a n d t e c h n o l o g y. H o w e v e r, steering airport’s solutions towards open APIs and their integration with external systems widens their exposure to an increased risk of cyberattacks. Noting that according t o t h e I T p rov i d e r S I TA , l e s s t h a n 19% of airports are ready to face a n y k i n d o f c y b e r t h re a t s , t h e re i s a major challenge that the industry m u s t ove r c o m e a n d t h e r o a d m a p t o a c h i e ve t h a t i s c e r t a i n l y a t i t s starting blocks. recently in Brussels airport, also in Paris-Orly to a lesser extent), t h e s e c u r i t y p ro ce d u re s a re b e i n g t i g h te n e d d ra s t i c a l l y b o t h a ro u n d and inside airports. This change in procedures has had a serious impact on passenger experience, on the waiting time at security checks and therefore on the dwell time in the duty-free area. Therefore, operators are facing a challenge of optimizing security for the staff and passengers, and keeping the airport journey as smooth as possible. 21 A DIGITAL ERA FOR A BETTER AIRPORT EXPERIENCE AND SMOOTHER OPERATIONS The airport industry started its digitization process under the pulse of airlines. Indeed, in the mid1980s, airlines and ground handlers wanted to share IT facilities across t h e a i r p o r t i n o rd e r to re d u ce t h e required investments when opening new routes (especially seasonal ones or charter flights). At the same time, n ew s p a ce a n d t h u s , n ew c h e c k- i n agents in the airport premises, was b e co m i n g h a rd e r to f i n d a n d ve r y expensive for operators. Therefore, through common interest for airlines a n d a i r p o r t s , C U T E (C o m m o n U s e Te r m i n a l E q u i p m e n t ) o f f e r e d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o d ra s t i c a l l y re d u c e the space required to install check-in areas and to partition the investments in-between the airport and all the airlines using these desks. This massive CUTE d e p l oy m e n t t h a t c a r r i e d o n u n t i l the beginning of the 2000s is co n s i d e re d to b e t h e f i r st wave o f the airport industry digitization. and processing faster passenger c h e c k- i n . Th i s wave co n t i n u e s i n a w i d e ra n g e o f a i r p o r t s a c ro s s t h e g l o b e , e s p e c i a l l y i n ce r t a i n zo n e s w h e re t h e m a n p owe r c o s t i s ve r y h i g h ( E u ro p e, U S , A s i a - Pa c i f i c) . I t i s t o b e n o t e d t h a t by 2 0 1 6 , 9 1 % 1 3 of the airports in the world were equipped with at least one selfcheck-in kiosk. A third wave of digitization started to take place around 2010. It consisted of deploying self-service throughout the customer journey in the airport: for baggage deposit, b o rd e r co n t ro l a n d b o a rd i n g . Th i s generalization of self-service marked an important milestone for the passenger experience: travelers became the master of their own ex p e r i e n c e , b e i n g a b l e t o c h o o s e the moment to check-in, to pass through border control and to b o a rd . M a ste r i n g a l l t h e p ro ce ss e s to be done on terminal side gave the passenger the possibility to better manage his/her own time, and in a certain way to extend his/her dwell time in the entertainment and dutyfree area. This wave was then followed by the deployment of self-service check-in starting in 2003: a compact solution capable of replacing check-in agents 13. SITA 22 relevant to identify digital trends. F i n a l l y, t h e f o u r t h w a v e o f digitization arrived earlier than expected, around 2012. This wave wa s s u p p o r t e d by t h e ove r performance achieved by tech giants like Google and Facebook w h o g ave b i r t h i n t h e t e c h n o l o g y e co s p h e re to t h e co n ce p t o f o p e n d a t a a n d b i g d a t a . T h i s l a s t wave of digitization is still at its very b e g i n n i n g , a n d i s c a r r i e d by ve r y few airports around the world. We s h o u l d rat h e r fo c u s o n “d i g i t a l maturity”, which represents the level of technology adoption within an airport. The four waves of digitzation led to the emergence of four types of airports: // Airport 1.0: the typical “traditional” airport where all processes are done manually. The IT penetration is limited to certain solutions such as CUTE or basic resources management solution. These types of airports normally run a B2B business without any service marketed directly to the passenger. // Airport 2.0: the main factor defining this type of airport is self-service and massive CUTE deployment. Airports 2.0 are adopters of partial self-service, limited just to check-in process and Wi-Fi technology being deployed in these airports. // Airport 3.0: self-service is deployed across the passenger journey at all levels. Operations management is automated and predictive and mobility solutions are largely used on terminal side and air side (particularly in apron areas). // Airport 4.0: the 4.0 airport leverages big data and open data to enhance its innovation. Operators try to create value out of data, by adapting processes to real-time passenger flow, anticipation and by knowing the customer profile better. This family of airports clearly sees its business shifting from B2B to B2C. D IGITA L MATURITY: A KEY CHA RACTERIST IC OF AN AIRPORT The four waves of digitization clearly distinguish airports according to their digital maturity. Why? The analysis of the airport landscape, at first glance, lets us t h i n k t h a t t h e I T&T p e n e t ra t i o n i s closely correlated to the size of t h e a i r p o r t . Ye t t h i s a ss u m p t i o n i s potentially irrelevant: when looking closer into the digital performance of different airports, we spot t h a t t h e m o s t i n n ova t i ve o n e s a re in many cases small to medium a i r p o r t s , m o re a g i l e t h a n b i g o n e s or hubs. Also, when comparing two major hubs (i.e. Atlanta and Dubai), both the size and the platform complexity are almost the same b u t t h e d i g i t a l d e p l oy m e n t i s n o t at the same level in both. This leads us to confirm that the airport segmentation, based on passenger traffic or freight volume, is not 23 BUSINESS TYPE A IRP ORT 4 .0 B2C ++ • Airport systems are fully integrated within the ecosystem using open APIs, and big data • Using data for a better comprehensive way to analyze passenger profile and generate additional revenues SMART AIRPORT A IRP ORT 3.0 • Self-service fully deployed across the terminal. Agents are equipped with mobil ity solutions (i.e. smart tablets) • The use of digital solutions to improve operations, optimize the usage of resources and improve the passenger experience A IRP ORT 2 .0 • CUTE is fully deployed and CUSS is set for some airline users • The m ain purpose of this level of digitalization is process automation and cost reduction A IRPORT 1 .0 B2B ++ • Computerized processes but manual intervention is needed • IT is used to run basic services of the airport d r i ve n a l m o st exc l u s i ve l y by t h e w i l l to i m p rove t h e p ro ce s s e s a n d re d u c e c o s t , w h e re a s s t a r t i n g 2 .0 level, the main objective shifts onto the passenger: to generate additional revenues and improve the customer experience. The airport transition between the d i f f e re n t d i g i t a l m a t u r i t y l eve l s i s d r i ve n by t h e c h a l l e n g e s t h a t t h e i n d u s t r y i s f a c i n g . H oweve r, e a c h challenge motivates the choice to go from one level to another differently. The transition operated from 1.0 to 2.0 digital grade is 24 A I RPORT 4 . 0 1. Generate ancillary revenues 2. Passenger experience A IRP ORT 3.0 1. Capacity raise 2. Passenger experience 3. Cost reduction & process improvement A IRP ORT 2 .0 1. Cost reduction & process improvement 2. Passenger experience AIR PO RT 1 .0 in the number of airports which are digitally advanced, running important transformation programs based on data analysis, mobile technology and open innovation. THE T RENDS A RE QUITE SPECIFIC TO EACH REGION The global trend of airport digitization seems to be very heterogeneous. Nevertheless, it is obvious that there are some regional trends that can be grouped into three main categories: // // The zone including Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific is a very dense area in terms of air traffic. The airports of these three regions suffer from serious problems of congestion which lead them to push the digitization process to its limit by targeting the airport 4.0 model. In the future, we will be seeing a rise 25 North America, a specific region where airports (and airlines) seem to struggle to impose a digital d i s r u p t i o n i n t h e i r i n d u st r y. I t might be linked to the American passengers’ state of mind for whom the travel is still considered as just a way of transport and not as an experience. Regional airports, which are for the most considered to be at 2.0 level, will be potentially migrating to level 3.0 by deploying largely self-service at security checks and boarding and by equipping their ground handling teams with mobility solutions capable of enhancing quality, customer service and ground operations. // in the airport industry is for the time very low. These airports are running with overcapacity, but the air travel potential of these two continents is very high, that is why the demand for legacy IT systems like CUTE, CUPPS and CUSS is expected to explode in these continents. South America and Africa, two regions where the digital penetration MEA High demand on self-service solutions & mobile solutions High demand on legacy IT&T systems 26 Getting Smart with high demand over data related to solutions 27 GLOBAL DIGITAL TRENDS WITHIN THE INDUSTRY 28 The airport IT&T industry achieved growth seven years in a row since 2011 and achieved double-digit growth each year between 2011 and 2014. Total airport IT&T build and run expenses (in $billions) 10 8,3 8,7 9,07 9,43 9,81 10,20 10,61 8 5,77 6 4,42 5,03 4 2 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* 2019* 2020* Source: Estimation based on SITA communications THE MAJOR I N V EST MEN TS ST I L L G O TO AIRP ORT OP ERAT I ON SYST EMS AND CHEC K- I N SOLUT I ON S The major growth of the market was recorded in 2014 with an increase of 43%14, due mainly to a high number of greenfield airport constructions achieved by 2014 and the generalization of the self-service technology, known to be very expensive (hardware & software). This growth is expected to persist with a cumulative annual rate of 4% until 2020, at least. This increase in the total IT&T expenses is accompanied with an increasing IT&T budget allocated by airport operators: IT&T average budget went up from 4% of the average airport turnover in 2011 to 5.7% in 2016. New technologies like digital solutions for staff mobility and new services still account for a very small amount of the industry’s market volume. Until present, the Airport Operation Systems (AOS), including RMS (Resources Management Solution), AODB (Airport Operation Database) and check-in solutions counted for more than 40% of the global IT&T spending. 14. According to figures communicated by InfraDeals 29 year with USD 2.4 billion of airline a n d a i r p o r t c y b e r s e c u r i t y m a r ke t (out of which 31% is directly re l ate d to t h e a i r p o r t I T i n d u st r y ) , k n ow i n g t h a t t h e l e g a l f ra m ewo r k is extremely propitious for a stable growth of the sector for the five to ten years to come. IT&T expenses distribution 7% 21% 3% 5% 6% 2% 9% START-UPS: A S ER I OUS CON C ER N FOR HISTORICAL PLAYER S OF T H E I T&T INDUSTRY 25% B a c k-of f i ce s ol ut i ons FI DS Te l ecom C heck- in & boarding AOS B aggages Se c uri ty Airside Historically known for its airport IT solutions, SITA is still the leader of the market, controlling almost 25% o f g l o b a l I T&T d e l i v e r i e s ( S I TA’ s market share accounts for four times the one of the second market player A R I N C ) . Th e a i r p o r t I T s e g m e n t i s also held by smaller players like RESA, offering a large portfolio of specific airport products. Source: Amadeus, SITA, Wavestone analysis As shown by our estimation of the m a r ke t va l u e a n d d i st r i b u t i o n , t h e investments in security systems are still low (around 5% of the t o t a l I T&T i n v e s t m e n t s ) . T h i s i s driven primarily by IATA and ICAO re st r i c t i o n s a n d a i r p o r t st a n d a rd s . H oweve r, a c c o rd i n g t o S I TA , 2 0 1 6 was an important milestone for the fast change happening in the security field: more than 50% of the surveyed airports pointed out that security is in the top 3 priorities for the coming years. But these airport IT specialists are facing the arrival of new actors on this increasingly attractive market: // A c r o s s t h i s I T&T p a n o r a m a , cybersecurity is achieving an e xc e p t i o n a l g r o w t h o f 9 . 9 % 15 p e r 15. According to Gartner 30 IT integrators: these players have been active in the industry for a while and are reinforcing their positions by having an innovative brand powered by a large international presence. A few samples of these actors are the Spanish IKUSI or INDRA, the American UNISYS or the German T-SYSTEMS (better known as a telecommunication specialist). // // Airline IT editors: this is the major risk of airport IT pure players. Groups like AMADEUS or SABRE evolve in a similar airport environment so they know the ecosystem very well. They have important connections within the industry (airlines, ground handlers or airports) letting them easily enter the market. They also have very important investment capabilities due to a very strong financial performance (these actors are still recording double-digit growth year after year). 31 Start-ups and small companies: two characteristics define these new competitors, innovation and agility. Their very small structure and organization allows them to propose disruptive solutions for airports of type 3.0 and 4.0. Their agile deliveries are something particularly requested by airports when it comes to new technologies inducing a great level of uncertainty (i.e. uncertain business model, uncertain need, uncertain technical feasibility, etc.). These new players are mainly specialists of certain cutting-edge technologies, for example Vision-Box for security solutions, Foxstream for intelligent video surveillance, BLIP Systems for indoor geo-localization and Pacifa Decision for 3D modelling and flow management. THE GLOBAL PREDICTIVE AND SMOOTH AIRPORT OPERATIONS where the passenger and flight n u m b e r s a re t i g h t l y l i n ke d to seasonal fluctuation (e.g. the activity of Parisian airports is considerably higher for summer holidays than for random days in the year, the activity of certain airports like the one in Mauritius is concentrated around the western seasonal breaks, etc.). Airports have to be able to predict the operational needs based on the number of scheduled flights, and the flight occupation status as well. This operational visibility allows the airport to adapt its human and physical resources to be as close as possible to the peaks of demand. The rise of airport management c o m p l ex i t y d u e t o t h e democratization of air travel (as shown before, causing the tremendous increase in the number of transported passengers) and the arrival on the market of a large number of airlines and ground handlers, have put the airports i n f a c e o f c o m p l ex p ro c e d u re s t o perform, very important number of assets and resources to manage and i n c re a s i n g r i s k s o u rce s to co n t ro l , where cases of travel disruption have increased significantly. To co u n te r t h e s e n ew l y a p p e a r i n g i s s u e s , a n d to o p t i m i ze t h e u s a g e of the airport assets (i.e. apron occupation, check-in desks attribution, etc.), airport operators a re n o l o n g e r l o o k i n g fo r a l e g a cy solution capable of managing resources on a day-to-day basis, but m o re f o r re a l - t i m e a n d p re d i c t i ve s o l u t i o n s c a p a b l e o f a d j u st i n g t h e operational performance according to the actual and predictive needs. // // Predictive operations: particularly important for “seasonal airports” 32 Real-time operations and centralized steering: predictive operations are not sufficient to run an airport nowadays. Disruption risks are very high (i.e. terrorist attacks, weather uncertainty, etc.), so the operators are forced to have a real-time status of all the actions done around the platform, to share this status with all the involved stakeholders in order to adjust operations and guarantee quality and safety. The outcome of the study confirms that the so-called “operations IT” including RMS (Resources Management System), AODB (Airport Operational Database) and FIDS (Flight Information Display System), are well consolidated directly by software editors l i k e R E S A ( F r a n c e ) a n d S I TA (Switzerland). The benchmark validates the fact that relational proximity between the airport and the editor is well appreciated by the airports for several reasons: // At t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e f i r st wave of airport digitzation in the 1990s, many airport operators chose to develop, in house, their own “operations IT” solutions. This was the case for major airports s u c h a s G ro u p e A D P a n d F ra p o r t . With the fast evolution of these solutions, “in-house” adopters faced a co n t i n u o u s r i s e i n t h e I T&T co st , whereas sharing platforms like SITA and AMADEUS continued to propose very competitive solutions in terms of cost, technology and innovation. Unlike local or international integrators, editors are capable of providing all levels of support on site or offshore, whereas integrators provide support only at level three or the second level at their best. // Editors have greater expertise in the solution that they designed and implemented. // When dealing directly with the software editor, sometimes airports benefit from some “community evolutions” of the solution where the costs are shared by all members of the community (SITA and AMADEUS models, for example). // MOST OF T H E AI R P ORTS P R EF ER MARKET SOLUT I ON S OV ER I N - H OUS E DEVELOP MEN T Almost 100% of questioned airports have their IT operation systems p r ov i d e d b y a t h i r d p a r t y, a n d i n t h e f u t u re t h i s t re n d d o e s n ’ t s e e m to get reversed. COLLABO RAT I V E DEC I S I ON MAK I N G (A-CDM) AN D T H E TARG ET OF SHARING I N FOR MAT I ON I n i t i ate d by t h e i n te rg ove r n m e n t a l organization EUROCONTROL, A-CDM intends to share information between all the stakeholders of t h e a i r p o r t ( i . e . o p e ra t o r, g r o u n d handlers, ATC, airlines, and external stakeholders like weather condition providers, etc.). This initiative makes every supplier serving at the airport an actor of the decision made across the platform. These systems are considered as “critical” for the industry. Having direct support from the editors is an important criteria very well appreciated by the questioned airports. 33 The benchmark confirms that A-CDM is more adapted for 3.0 and 4.0 airports where digital maturity is high enough to deploy such a tool for all of the stakeholders. Historically, this solution registered high demand in Europe (it was even conceived for the European air traffic zone), but the study clearly shows a certain interest in the subject in airports located in the Middle East and Asia. These regions will record an important demand for this solution in the next few years. A-CDM benefits E XCH A NGING DATA P LAN N I N G I N ADVAN C E SH AN G TI DIN IZI NG UP TA • U p d at in g t h e AO P/ N O P w it h th e l atest dat a received • Adapting infrastr ucture to pre dictable flows • Adapting re s ource s to pre dictable abnor mal s ituations IM UP DAT IN G DATA • Adapting s lots to flight plans OPT G • We ather forec ast s NG A ircraf t Operato rs A irpo rt s G ro und Handlers A ir Navigat io n S ervice P roviders • N etwo rk con st rain t s AT I • Pl a n ned act ivit ies an d even t s RIN • Adapting de mand to capacity CIP • A r r i v i n g & depart in g flight s i n fo r mat ion A • A i r p ort con figu rat ion an d re so u rces RE D U C I N G COST S AN D I M PAC T O N E N V I RO N M E N T • Optimiz ing aircraft tur n- arounds and de par ture & ar r ival proce s s e s • A r r i v i n g & depart in g f l i g ht s in form at ion • Re ducing de lays • Pl a n ned act ivit ies an d eve n t s • N etwo rk con st rain t s 34 TOWARDS THE LIMIT OF SELF-SERVICE The first self-service check-in kiosk appeared around the beginning of the 2000s. At the time, it was considered as a revolution for passenger experience. The technology provided major i m p rove m e n t s fo r t h e d e l ay s p e n t checking-in, and important cost reduction opportunities, especially in countries where the labor cost is high. to the ground handling costs, in particular the check-in cost. ONLINE AN D MOB I L E C H EC K- I N I S A MAJOR TH R EAT FOR K I OS K SOLUT I ON S T h e r i s e o f l ow - c o s t c a r r i e r s w h o limit the number of checked l u g g a g e by m a k i n g i t a n a n c i l l a r y paying service, has pushed travelers t o d e e p l y c h a n g e t h e i r b e h a v i o r. The number of passengers carrying checked luggage on medium or short haul flights is getting too low: the average length of vacation is being shortened, especially for yo u n g t ra ve l e r s w h o p r e f e r s h o r t breaks over long holidays. But the labor cost is not the only driver to implement such a s o l u t i o n . Th e n a t u re o f t h e t ra f f i c is fundamental: airports having a n i n c re a s i n g n u m b e r o f l ow - c o s t airlines are facing high pressure to implement automatic check-in s o l u t i o n s . Th e p ro f i t a b i l i t y o f l owcost airlines is indeed directly linked This change in traveler behavior has limited the actions to be done at COST O F LOCA L LA BOR A I R T RA F F I C TYPE For countries with a high cost of labor, the demand of these solutions is much important Airports receiving low-cost carriers have a higher demand over automated solutions 35 going back to manual services where the human impact and added value is largely pointed out by passengers of all kinds (business, tourists, technophiles, etc.). This human-based customer service is perhaps making these airports appear in the top performing airports in terms of passenger satisfaction, but it is not challenging, in any case, the fact that digital technologies are essential for the airport operations management and efficiency. The key is likely to be able to mix self-service equipment for basic operations and human presence for added value services. t h e a i r p o r t to p a s s e n g e r c h e c k- i n and possibly on-board seat changes or other option changes. However, the mobile and online technologies h ave m a d e i t p o s s i b l e t o p e r f o r m all operations from reservation to on-board service purchase. This technological improvement, associated to the traveler behavior change, has made the usage of in-terminal automated check-in kiosks very limited. K n ow i n g t h at t h e f u n d i n g o f t h e s e assets is based on a model of “per checked-in passenger fee”, the business model of the airport is being directly and negatively impacted. Some airports, especially in South East Asia where passengers a re “ ove r - c o n n e c t e d ” , d e c i d e d t o s t o p i n ve s t i n g i n c h e c k - i n k i o s k s (the average cost of a single kiosk is €20,000 to €30,000) and instead, to invest in mobile check-in technology, but here they fa ce a n o t h e r i s s u e : t h e u s e o f t h e airport website and mobile solutions is too low in comparison to the ones provided by the airlines. For that, the use of technology i s s h i f t i n g t ow a r d s t h e q u a l i t y o f operations. The benchmark confirms a t r e n d o f l e ve r a g i n g t e c h n o l o g y t o i n c r e a s e a c c u r a c y, e s p e c i a l l y i n co m p l ex a n d m a j o r h u b s w h e re luggage and cargo management is critical to match particular conditions of a large number of flights and in some cases very short connection time. In this domain, solutions like Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) are driven by both an improved accuracy, a considerable reduction in luggage loss and most important, the IATA resolution 753 making BRS mandatory for all IATA airlines by 2018. Airports are complying with these constraints by massively deploying scanning and reconciliation solutions, but still small airports processing less than 1 million passengers seem to be late regarding this issue. AU TO MAT IO N IS S HIFTING TOWARDS Q UA L I TY INST EA D O F PASSENGER S E RV ICE A l t h o u g h i t i s n o t g e n e ra l i ze d ye t , automating passenger service is showing its limit. Major tourist airports (like in Mauritius) and major h u b s ( l i ke S i n g a p o r e - C h a n g i ) a r e 36 THE AIRPORT PASSENGER EXPERIENCE: A MAJOR CHALLENGE B e g i n n i n g i n 2 0 1 0, a n ew co n ce p t e m e rg e d i n t h e a i r t rave l i n d u st r y : airport experience. The airport te r m i n a l i s n o l o n g e r a p l a ce o n l y intended to process check-in, luggage and to go through security checks, but it is more a day-to-day l i v i n g s p a c e w h e re p a s s e n g e r s o r v i s i t i n g p e o p l e c a n s h o p, v i s i t a n d be entertained. and in certain cases to connect t o r e m o t e c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e (e . g . Munich airport deployed their famous Infogate, capable of merging between information technology and human assistance). This mix of d i g i t a l s o l u t i o n s a n d p e r s o n a l i ze d s e r v i ce s e e m s to s u i t t h e n e e d s o f t h e c l i e n t s m u c h b e t t e r. A i r p o r t s that have already deployed “ d i g i t a l o n l y ” i n t e ra c t i ve s c re e n s , are facing the reluctance of the p a s s e n g e r s w h e re t h e s e s o l u t i o n s are impersonal, having some technical limitation (in particular fo r t h e i r “ to u c h ” c a p a b i l i t i e s) a n d not adapted to the passengers need in such a critical place as airports: passengers are often stressed in the terminal and at duty-free and when they need assistance they prefer a human-based one over purely digital s o l u t i o n s . Th e “ p hyg i t a l ” s o l u t i o n s a re m o re a d e q u a t e t o t h e a i r p o r t environment, they can definitely have a better technology usage factor. In order to answer this new form o f “ a u g m e n t e d t r a v e l ” b e t t e r, airports multiplied entertainment co r n e r s a n d s h o p p i n g a re a s i n t h e te r m i n a l . Th e re s u l t i n g co m p l ex i t y of the airport design induced a lot of new passenger needs like indoor guidance, CRM, e-marketing, etc. INDO OR GU IDA NCE: FROM DIGITAL S IGNAGE, TO INTERACTIVE SCREENS, TO M O B ILE P OWERED NAVIGATION Major hubs benchmarked in the s co p e o f t h i s st u d y h ave d e p l oye d indoor interactive screens allowing passengers to find points of interests, access to flight schedules 37 DIGITAL TOUCH SCREENS SOLUTIONS ASSOCIATED TO A REMOTE ASSISTANCE DIGITAL TOUCH SCREENS SOLUTION n o t ad ap ted to t he st re s sf ul ai r p o r t envi ro nm e nt ve r y expansive ver y ex p an s i ve m i xing digit al so lut io n wit h human vir t ual presence th e p as s en g er a d op t i on i s to o l ow m ore perso nalized a c hieving better usage facto r As for the indoor mobile assisted navigation, the projects seem to be at their very beginning and at PoC stage (less than 20% of the benchmarked airports have already implemented indoor mobile localization or plan to implement i t ) . P a r t i a l l y, t h i s i s d u e t o t h e inaccuracy of the Wi-Fi technology t h a t h a s b e e n u s e d u n t i l n ow a s a p r i m a r y t e c h n o l o g y. T h i s t e c h n i c shows serious limitations inside complex infrastructures like airports, but some PoCs who are merging it with Bluetooth or IoT solutions are showing promising results. of the passenger going through the te r m i n a l i n d u ce s ve r y l i m i te d t i m e lapses where the passenger is able to manipulate his mobile phone. For instance, at the check-in and s e c u r i t y a re a s , t h at a cco u n t fo r a s m u c h a s 3 6 % 16 o f t h e t i m e s p e n t at the airport, the ability or the willingness of the passenger to check his phone for guidance is extremely limited. Then come the other moments of the experience where the passenger proceeds with his own discretionary activities. These periods are divided in two parts: the first one between t h e c h e c k- i n a n d s e c u r i t y c h e c k s , and the second one between the c u s to m s a n d b o a rd i n g . A s f o r t h e first one, the stress of the passenger is at his highest level and the Another important point to mention is the user experience of indoor mobile-based guidance applications. The particular context 15. According to a research by Kirk (2013) 38 exa m p l e, t h e a i r p o r t s i n F ra n k f u r t and Copenhagen are testing some use cases applied to these h a rd wa re s i n t h e m a i n te n a n ce a n d repair activities. passenger won’t use his mobile since he knows he is going to have to give it in to be checked at security. Therefore, the only phase where the potential of using the mobile phone for a long period is high, is actually between the customs and boarding. B u t h e re , a n o t h e r f a c t o r a p p e a r s , the complexity or the simplicity of the dwell-time zone: // // CRM AND E- MAR K ET I N G TO B ET T ER REACH TH E PASS EN G ER As stated before, the improving digital maturity of an airport leads it to change from a business-tobusiness model to a business-tocustomer model. This migration immensely changes the way airports approach passenger needs. In many cases, the duty-free area is a straight zone where the need for indoor guidance is very limited. The duty-free at Dubai airport is a perfect example to illustrate that, the architectural design is so straight that the passenger will probably use the conventional signage over mobilebased guidance. In a B2B configuration, the airport is not looking to serve the end user: therefore, knowing the p a s s e n g e r, t h e i r p r o f i l e a n d t h e i r n e e d s i s n o t o f g re a t i m p o r t a n ce . But when it comes to serving the c u sto m e r d i re c t l y, a i r p o r t s s h o u l d l o o k t o k n o w t h e p a s s e n g e r ve r y well, at least as much as the airline d o e s . To e n s u r e t h a t i s t h e c a s e , a i r p o r t s h ave t r i e d m a ny t i m e s to obtain passenger data (for instance through the PNR, Passenger Name Record) from airlines, but these were always opposing this requirement. Facing this reluctance, airports decided to launch their own CRM and loyalty programs. In other cases, the terminal design is more complex, including circular, straight and cross levels areas. In those particular cases, the passenger adoption of mobile-based indoor navigation can be effective and high. The development of new mobile personal solutions such as connected watches, digital glasses and other wearables, will have a p o s i t i ve i m p a c t o n t h e te c h n o l o g y adoption by the passengers. Without any doubt, airports should start preparing the post smartphone e ra . Po C s i n t h i s f u t u r i st i c d o m a i n a r e s t i l l a t a ve r y e a r l y a g e : t h ey are oriented for operational use but n o t fo r p a ss e n g e r ex p e r i e n ce. Fo r // 39 It is clear that the CRM penetration within the industry is still low and mainly concerns airports of 3.0 and 4.0 digital maturity (for example, Paris, Frankfurt, Dubai, S i n g a p o re - C h a n g i a n d S e o u l Incheon). Thanks to new services directly provided by the airport to the passengers (e.g. Internet parking booking, a mobile app, loyalty program), these airports acquire passenger data, increase their customer knowledge and develop p e r s o n a l i ze d e - m e rc h a n d i z i n g through personal messaging or notifications sent via IoT or i-Beacons infrastructures. The fact that the passenger is now better known by the airport operator offers new opportunities to generate additional revenues, either through targeted marketing with higher added value than the conventional one, or by selling passenger data (in accordance with local and international rules) to third parties interested in such kind of data (retailers, advertisers, etc.). Data use is key and still needs to be developed by airports. 40 THE OMNICHANNEL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Th e m o b i l e d ev i ce, fo r i n st a n ce, i s the second most used channel after the website for retrieving flight information, or buying additional s e r v i c e s . T h e r e f o r e t o d a y, a n d t o keep their market share in terms of services sold in terminal or outside (parking slots, taxi service, e tc . ) , a i r p o r t s s h o u l d m u l t i p l y t h e channels that lead to the customer. The evolution of the traveler ’s modes of consumption has led the airports to readapt their conventional channels of interaction w i t h t h e p a s s e n g e r. N o w a d a y s , a traveler is a big consumer of d a t a , h e /s h e i s o v e r - c o n n e c t e d via smartphones and is always ready to change his/her channel of interaction with the airport. Social media channel Wearables channel Physical channel 1990s Mobile channel Mobile channel Website channel Website channel Website channel Physical channel Physical channel Physical channel 2000s 2010s 41 2015s the performance of these mobile applications depends on the digital maturity level of the airport. S M ART P HO N ES A RE THE BACKBONE O F T H E PA SS ENGER EXPERIENCE Airports that understood the i m p o r t a n ce o f t h e m o b i l e c h a n n e l in the passenger experience and started to implement a mobile application are generally the bigger a n d d i g i t a l l y m at u re o n e s . I n d e e d , A I R PO RT 4 .0 • The level of digital maturity of the airport characterizes the f u n c t i o n a l i t i e s p rov i d e d , w h e t h e r by the phone application or the we b s i te a s s h ow n i n t h e fo l l ow i n g diagram: A IRP ORT 4 . 0 WEBSITE Website providing flight schedules, 3D cartography and rich ancillary services e-purchasing capabilities • MOBILE Mobile application with cartography and flight schedules, click & collect and indoor navigation SMART AIRPORT A I RPO RT 3 .0 • WEBSITE Website providing flight schedules, 3D cartography and some ancillary services e-purchasing capabilities A I RPO RT 2 .0 • • WEBSITE Website giving live flights schedules and 2D cartography A I R PO RT 1 .0 • A IRP ORT 3.0 WEBSITE Website with some basic information 42 MOBILE Mobile application with cartography and flight schedules have the capabilities and most importantly they have the will, to do that. A great example of an airport leveraging technologies to the maximum is Frankfurt: some months ago, it launched a new chatbot a p p l i c at i o n to s e r ve p a ss e n g e r s i n collaboration with a start-up. A s s h ow n i n t h e g ra p h a b ove , t h e transformation of customer service and care has been accelerating since 2 0 1 0. B e fo re t h i s c r i t i c a l ye a r, t h e momentum of new transformations within the airport and travel industries on a wider scale was a ro u n d 1 0 ye a r s . S t a r t i n g i n 2 0 1 0 (and the democratization of mobile and other cutting-edge technologies since 2007) the landscape of customer experience has deeply changed. THE REAL CHALLENGE IS NOT TO P R O V I D E M U LT I P L E C H A N N E L S , B U T TO M A K E T H E E X P E R I E N C E S E A M L E S S WHEN SHIFTING FROM ONE CHANNEL TO ANOTHER I n n ova t i o n w a s s i n c e g e n e ra l i z e d to all industries, either service or product ones (banks, airlines, i n s u ra n ce co m p a n i e s , re t a i l , e tc . ) , and the number of customer touchpoints has become “limitless”: mobile app, wearables app, chatbots through social media, personalized emailing, e-chat etc. Indeed, providing a new technology or a new channel of customer service is important to show the d i g i t a l m at u r i t y o f t h e a i r p o r t a n d i m p rove i t s c l i e n t p e rce p t i o n . B u t the most important thing is to provide certain continuity between every tool: it is not of a tremendous use, to provide a functionality or a computerized process that you can perform through the airport website, a n d t h a t yo u c a n n o t f o l l ow - u p o r modify later on during the journey. The passenger should be able to switch from one channel to another without disrupting his/her process. Airports should follow this trend and f re q u e n t l y p rov i d e n ew i n n ovat i ve touchpoints in order to maintain their capacity to be the main source o f i n fo r m at i o n fo r t h e p a ss e n g e r s , at least during the final three days before departure and at best during the entire travel experience. Airlines 43 The principles of a successful omnichannel experience 1 Multi-device & multi-channel Functional 2 Seamless 3 • Devices’ technology is moving very fast: digitally mature airports should innovate permanently and look for what’s next. • Airports should not focus on airport application only: they should look for new channels in order to reduce the risks of losing passenger’s connectivity and access. • Passengers are now looking for interactive interfaces and are not interested anymore in “passive” applications where they can only find and read information. • They are willing to interact with every interface, perform processes, purchase products and services across all channels. • Any process or functionality proposed via an interface should be accessible from any device and any platform. There is nothing more frustrating than an ancillary service bought on the Internet and not accessible for modification on a smartphone. • Along the travel experience, the passenger is invited to use multiple devices and interfaces: the website through his desktop, the application through his mobile phone, another application through the tablet available at some corners of the terminal... these “digital jumps” should be as seamless as possible. // This new approach of passengers’ services was long awaited by the airport business departments. However, the digital and IT departments inherit major challenges to manage in this complex and multiplatform environment: // The system architecture should be done to support the evolution towards new platforms and devices. The legacy one is extremely costly to adapt and integrate whenever a new channel has to be implemented 44 Platform alignment: having unsynchronized processes through all the devices and channels is a major risk induced by the omnichannel experience. Any small change applied to a channel should be assessed for all the other channels. MOBILITY SOLUTIONS FOR AN ACCURATE AND SECURED TERMINAL OR AIRSIDE OPERATIONS M o b i l i t y te c h n o l o g i e s d i d n o t o n l y change the user and passenger habits, but also the way ground agents achieve their day-to-day w o r k . C e r t a i n l y, d i g i t a l s o l u t i o n s provide more accuracy in the operations by providing live and up-to-date data and more possible a c t i o n s to a c h i eve by b r i n g i n g t h e working tool to every corner of the a i r p o r t . A c c o r d i n g t o I T p r ov i d e r SITA, 47% of the airports worldwide plan to equip their staff with mobile phone or tablets over the next 2 to 3 years. are getting some enriched content allowing the ground agents to propose and sell ancillary services across the terminal. The level of penetration of these solutions is still low: across the benchmarked airports, Paris Airport seems to be the most mature regarding this technology through their in-house developed solution Vasco (which is developed in partnership with a start-up). // Used to exchange operational d a t a ( u p & d ow n ) o r i n te ra c t w i t h customers, these mobility solutions are productivity tools which are mainly present on terminal side around the check-in and security areas, in baggage handling activities and at air side around the aircraft. The aim is not the same for all these areas: // Mobile solutions at baggage handling and apron side: in this case the aim of such tools is to improve the efficiency and the quality of the operations. The benchmark shows that mobility solutions in these “technical” areas have a penetration level higher than in terminal. This is due to the will of airports to ensure a safer air side environment through precise mobile assets and objects traceability. The benchmark was not able to identify a trend regarding in-terminal mobility solutions. The characteristics of airports planning to deploy these solutions are so Mobile solutions on terminal side a re u s e d to p rov i d e a cc u ra te assistance, especially in disruption cases. Nevertheless, these solutions 45 disparate. Indeed, they have at least a 3.0+ digital maturity level before adapting these mobile devices. B u t i t i d e n t i f i e d a c l e a r t re n d f o r operational mobile solutions at apron and air side: the adoption o f t a b l e t s i n t h e s e a re a s s e e m s to b e d i re c t l y c o r re l a t e d o n t h e o n e hand, to the number of passengers p ro c e s s e d a n n u a l l y a t t h e a i r p o r t and on the other the number of assets. THE GRADUAL REPLACEMENT OF PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANTS (PDA) The analyzed airports show that the demand over the legacy personal digital assistants is still high, especially for operational agents. These devices ensure robustness, a very good pricequality ratio and they require light d a t a i n f ra s t r u c t u re . P DA s a re s t i l l t h e m a i n d ev i ce u s e d i n te c h n i c a l a r e a s o f t h e a i r p o r t , f o r ex a m p l e in baggage handling and apron a c t i v i t i e s . B u t t h e p ro b l e m o f t h i s solution is that it is esthetically not suitable for passenger-facing processes. Passengers/Cargo traffic • So l u tion s to m a n a ge an d t race m o b i l e as s et s : r u nway veh ic les tra ce a bility • Mo b i le s olu t ion s o n term in al s ide fo r g rou n d agen t s • S o lut io ns to m a na ge a nd t ra ce f ix a sset s • Runway m o bile a sset s t ra cea bility so lut io ns • Mo bile so lut io ns o n term ina l side fo r gro und a gent s • S o lut io ns to m a na ge a nd t ra ce f ix a sset s : a sset m a intena nce For these customer-facing activities, airports have chosen lighter solutions such as tablets o r s m a r t p h o n e s . H o w e v e r, t h e actual issue of the airport te c h n o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t i s to o f fe r a combined solution c a p a b l e o f a n swe r i n g Airport complexity t h e r e q u i r e m e n t o f and air side assets customer-facing number businesses and a tough operational environment. That is why the market is witnessing the advent of reinforced heavy tablets inspired by a m i x o f t a b l e t f l ex i b i l i t y a n d P DA robustness. The only remaining issue that is slowing down the market a d o p t i o n o f t h i s te c h n o l o g y i s t h e price: for now, a heavy tablet is a lot more expensive than the PDA and is priced on average up to double the price of common tablets. 46 NETWORK, CONNECTIVITY AND THE CLOUD ARE THE BACKBONE OF AIRPORT DIGITIZATION Any business or customer oriented IT solution requires an efficient network to support its performance and evolution. Telecommunications and networks are the backbones of the airport IT. To ensure the level of quality, many airports developed, in t h e p a st , t h e i r ow n l o c a l n e t wo r k s either for phone calling functions o r i n te r n e t co n n e c t i v i t y, a n d t h ey were acting as a monopoly actor d i st r i b u t i n g a cce ss to t h e n e t wo r k to different airlines, ground h a n d l e r s a n d o t h e r t r a ve l a c t o r s . However, things are changing, this l o c a l n e t wo r k i s b e i n g o p e n e d t o competition and we are seeing the a r r i va l o f n ew t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n low-costs on the market. technologies like IoT networks a n d p ro f e s s i o n a l 4 G / LT E i n o rd e r to keep their market share, by proposing high-end offers (more data, faster and more secured). 4 G I S M A K I N G I T S E N T R A N C E TO T H E PROFESSIONAL WORLD P r o f e s s i o n a l W i - F i a n d Te t r a Solutions are still very common in the airport industry (100% of q u e st i o n e d a i r p o r t s a re st i l l u s i n g these technologies), but many airports are running tests on 4G with some promising results in some o f t h e m o st co m p l ex a i r p o r t s (e.g . positive results in terms of coverage and data capacity were reached in the scope of the tests ran by HubOne in CDG airport). Th i s n ew co m p e t i t i o n i s d e f i n i te l y impacting historical actors (like H u b O n e 17 f o r P a r i s i a n a i r p o r t s a n d D e u t s c h e Te l e k o m f o r t h e Frankfurt airport), but it is pushing innovation to its boundaries. telecommunication operators are largely investing in new Starting in 2018, 4G technology should make a large appearance i n t h e a i r p o r t i n d u s t r y, w h i c h w i l l have a positive impact on leveraging innovation and IT. 17. HubOne is a subsidiary of Groupe ADP, specialized in telecommunications 47 4G HAS MULTIPLE ADVANTAGES Mutu alis at io n o f infrastr u ct u re an d co st redu ct io n O p t i m i s at i o n o f a p ro n o p e rat i o n s by h av i n g a h i g h e r b a n d wi d t h H i g h er cap aci ty of d ata exch an g e (more ad ap ted for ai r p or ts o f d i g i tal typ e 3 .0 an d 4.0) professional channel is completely separated from the public one. P U B L I C W I - F I I S W I D E LY AVA I L A B L E AND IT MUST BE FOR FREE, TO S U P P O R T T H E D E V E LO P M E N T O F N E W PASSENGER-ORIENTED APPLICATIONS As for the commercial offering, major airports with a high level o f d i g i t a l m a t u r i t y ( 3 .0 & 4 .0 ) g o for a free Wi-Fi model. This free access is used by the airport as a base to develop new ancillary services (e-shop through mobile applications, indoor localization and notifications push, etc.) with higher added value than making the passenger pay for the Internet co n n e c t i o n . H oweve r, s o m e o f t h e airports are opting for a mixed model of free and paid access, where the offering is dependent on the usage time and/or the data volume and/or the bandwidth. Public Wi-Fi is available in all bench marked airports. Providing a n I n te r n e t a cce s s f o r p a s s e n g e r s and visitors is no longer an option during the travel lifetime. Airports’ Wi-Fi connection landscape is quite similar to the public hotspot accesses available in common places like malls, but the cybersecurity concerns are much higher because the network access is used for operational solutions and activities. That is why airports adopted the dual Wi-Fi networks where the 48 The Wi-Fi is generalized to all airports studied in the scope of the benchmark, but the business model differs from an airport to another Free Wi- Fi fu n de d by adver t is em ent [Th i s m o del i s s p e cif ic to th e d i g i tal l y m at ure ai r po r ts] M i xe d W i - F i m o d e l s b a s e d o n t h e a cce s s t i m e to t h e i nte rn et [T h e p rem i u m l evel i s ei t h er m o d u l ated b a s ed o n t h e b a n d wi d t h o r t h e a m o u nt o f d at a a l l owed ] // INTERNET OF THINGS L i ke o t h e r i n d u s t r i e s , I o T h a s n o t ye t fo u n d i t s u s e c a s e s w i t h i n t h e a i r p o r t i n d u st r y. Ve r y few a i r p o r t s with a very high digital maturity (e . g . D u b a i a n d C o p e n h a g e n ) a r e testing some use cases of these connected objects. These use cases can be grouped in three streams of usage: // Environment quality: IoT is used to deliver remote environmental data like temperature, humidity, noise etc. // Safety: some PoCs are implemented to test the feasibility of remote safety checks using IoT (ex: intrusion detection, door lock check etc.) “Freemi u m” f u n d ed by th e ad ver ti sement an d a p remi u m p ai d of fer i n g Asset management: some PoCs are applied in certain airports to assess the potential of IoT in the field of predictive maintenance (e.g. machine’s vibration level monitoring, heat level monitoring etc.). To d a y, t h e m a i n p r o b l e m f a c i n g a massive deployment of IoT is notably its maintenance: the limited battery lifetime of these devices and their difficult accessibility in certain cases, would generate considerable maintenance cost. Th i s a d d i t i o n a l co st i s m a k i n g t h e R O I o f t h e s e d ev i c e s ve r y l ow, a t present. Perhaps, the emergence of newer battery technologies and the technology mastering improvement will have a serious push to the IoT in the complex airport environment. 49 Recently, Frankfurt airport decided, for instance, to outsource all its o n s i t e d a t a c e n t e r t o T- s y s t e m s . This kind of move is a clear sign t h a t a i r p o r t s wa n t to re d i re c t t h e effort of their technology teams from legacy IT issues to innovation solutions and more added value activities. T H E A I R P O R T I N D U ST RY I S G O I N G TO THE CLOUD H i s t o r i c a l l y ve r y r e l u c t a n t t o t h e offsite data housing, airports are reassessing their strategies regarding outsourcing data centers. Space is becoming very limited on t h e p re m i s e s a n d o p e rato r s p re fe r to use these areas as rental or retail zones, financially more interesting than a data center. A n o t h e r ex a m p l e o f s u c h a t r e n d is the partnership between Copenhagen airport and Amadeus, which aims to deliver all operational systems through the Amadeus c l o u d ( R M S , A- C D M , AO D B , B R S etc.). This “cloudification” of the airport IT&T is a reality, but it could i n s o m e c a s e s fa ce s o m e p o l i t i c a l and national security constraints, as airports are considered as vital and strategic national assets. Around 45% of airports have a plan to develop their cloud connectivity, to migrate their applications, starting indeed by non-critical applications (e.g. back office applications). Airport maturity in terms of cloud and offsite hosting Test or no plan Major migration programs 55% 45 % Source: SITA 50 HOW ARE AIRPORTS DEALING WITH GLOBAL CYBERSECURITY ISSUES? T h e I T&T l a n d s c a p e i s m u t a t i n g r a p i d l y. D a t a e x c h a n g e s a r e becoming bigger and bigger w i t h n e w s o l u t i o n s d e p l oye d l i k e CRM, loyalty programs, mobile devices, facial recognition, etc. The airports tend to open and share t h e a cce s s i b i l i t y o f t h e i r sys te m s , including critical systems like Airport Operation System (AOS) and F l i g h t I n fo r m a t i o n D i s p l ay Syste m (FIDS). And finally, the airports are planning to migrate to the cloud in the next 5 to 10 years. Airport cyber security status 7% 59% 12% 10% In 2016, 55% of airports had fully developed an operational cybersecurity plan and only 19% were prepared to deal with any threats. Any th re at s ma n a g e me nt E a rl y p l a n n i n g Com m on cy b e rt h re at s m ange me nt M o st c ri t i ca l syste ms s e c u ri ty ma n a g e me nt Source: SITA Major airports now address this st rate g i c i ss u e by p u t t i n g i n p l a ce dedicated, but still under-sized, teams (due to the lack of available skilled manpower). 51 19% advanced, have a good knowledge and expertise in this field. However globally, the industry will develop an i m p o r t a n t n e e d i n t h e few co m i n g years for two areas: TWO CRITICAL CYBERSECURITY KNOWHOWS TO DEVELOP Before the emergence of open data and big data, airport systems we re n o t co m m o n l y t a rg e te d w i t h cyberattacks since the systems were independent, isolated and n o t a cce ss i b l e by t h i rd p a r t i e s . At present, giving access to the airport systems through dedicated APIs, in o rd e r t o e m p owe r i n n ova t i o n a n d development, multiplies the risk of cyberattacks. Despite there being few small airports (of less than 1 million p a s s e n g e r/y e a r ) w h i c h h a v e a serious lack of cybersecurity expertise and solutions, major airports, which are digitally 52 // Cyberattack detection centers: the number of attacks will, without a doubt, increase within the industry, carried on by the global terrorist threat. To counter this, airports will have two options: either to develop internally the required expertise or to choose outsourcing. The second option is more likely to happen, since the shortage of adapted profiles for such a domain is a fact. // Penetration tests: the same analysis applies for this domain, where airports will most likely outsource this activity in the future years. ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT OF THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 53 All changes and new trends impacting the airport systems have a direct impact on airport organization, in particular the IT&T department. INNOVATION H AS B ECOME T H E MAI N EXPECTED SERV I C E OF AN I T AN D DIGITAL DEPA RT MEN T The IT department has the technological knowledge and skills to drive innovation. Other business u n i t s , m o re f o c u s e d o n d e l i ve r i n g service to clients, expect digital people to lead innovation. The IT department, which used to be considered as a support function, is not one anymore. IT has become strategic, and generally t h e a i r p o r t C h i e f Te c h n o l o g y O f f i c e r (C TO) i s n ow p re s e n t a t t h e exe c u t i ve b o a r d o f d i r e c t o r s . The additional weight given to CTOs allows them to transform the function from an IT developer to a s o l u t i o n p rov i d e r. I n o t h e r wo rd s , the airport IT department has, henceforth, the responsibility to b e p ro a c t i ve i n s t e a d o f re c e i v i n g and implementing requirements coming from the different business divisions. For this innovation to be economically viable and b u s i n e s s w i s e , i t s h o u l d b e s h a re d across all the departments. That is why innovation must be transverse. To speed up innovation, it would be b e t te r fo r a i r p o r t s to i n c re a s i n g l y turn to startups and small co m p a n i e s i n o rd e r to g e t g re a te r f l e x i b i l i t y a n d a g i l i t y, e s p e c i a l l y during the experimental phase. H I STO RI C A L O R G A N I SAT I O N B ETW EEN B USI N ESS & I T DEPART MEN TS Business units Requirement expressed IT department Software delivery C U RRE N T OR G A N I SAT I O N B ETW EEN B USI N ESS & I T DEPART MEN TS Business units Requirement expressed IT department Innovation 54 Software delivery or PoCs Th i s t y p e o f b a s e l i n e p ro g ra m c a n b e m a n a g e d g l o b a l l y i n a V- c yc l e mode as the uncertainty is very low, and for small additional innovative functionalities the development teams can go for agility. AGILE OR V-CYCLE? Innovative projects have, by definition, a higher level of risk. We even call it uncertainty. Performing s u c h d eve l o p m e n t s i n a V- c yc l e development mode can induce enormous financial loss if the project is not successful at the end. In those cases, agile methodologies and going step by step in a lean startup mode is more adapted. F i n a l l y, a i r p o r t s s h o u l d f i n d t h e i r equilibrium between traditional p ro j e c t m a n a g e m e n t m e t h o d s a n d newly emerging agile ones. M a ny a i r p o r t syste m s a re n o t t h a t innovative in areas necessary for the functioning of the airport: check-in, RMS (Resources Management Solution) for operations and so on. 55 CONCLUSION 56 To d a y, n e w t e c h n o l o g i e s h a v e a clear impact on airports: they facilitate and accelerate their mutation. Digital transformation is happening quickly and gradually pushing the limits, by offering new solutions to the airports’ challenges. Te c h n o l o g y i s a l m o s t l i m i t l e s s : identifying relevant use cases, checking acceptability and adapting t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n to p rov i d e q u i c k a n swe r s i s c l e a r l y w h at i s at st a ke today. and weaknesses and considering airport context and constraints. As Albert Einstein said, the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius knows its limits. Consequently, positioning as a s m a r t a i r p o r t w i l l f i r s t re q u i re a strategic review, in order to define the most relevant bricks to develop to meet the airport strategic goals. A smart airport is not about complete digitization of the airport, it is more how it can provide a competitive edge to the company. A roadmap will help to prioritize and co o rd i n a te t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f solutions which are more and more interconnected. H o w e ve r, a i r p o r t s ’ d i g i t a l transformation is still at the beginning: knowing how to use abundant data, being more responsive to new uses, developing new safety & security solutions, generalizing PoCs in order to l eve ra g e t h e f u l l p o te n t i a l , h av i n g a flexible organization able to manage technologies in constant development, are many topics which still need to be improved! « The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius knows its limits » In the end, being a smart airport a p p e a r s m u c h m o re co m p l ex t h a n j u st b e i n g d i g i t i ze d o r i n n ova t i ve. A more appropriate definition wo u l d ce r t a i n l y b e to b e re a d y to make the most of technological potential, to take up strategic p r i o r i t i e s , a c c o rd i n g t o s t re n g t h s Albert Einstein 57 58 59 60