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Daniel 9 Prophecy Timeline: Seventy Sevens Explained

Daniel 9 Event Line
“Know and Discern”
Appendix G
“Seventy Sevens are Decreed for Your People” (490 Years)
From the time the word goes out
to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
Seven [sevens] = 49 years v25
49 years of trouble until
Jerusalem & Temple
Time of the Gentles?
Until the Messiah, the prince comes
Sixty‐two [sevens] = 483 years v25
Luk 24:24, Rom 11:25
Then 434 years=483 years [483 x 360 days = 173,880 days]
444 BC to 33 AD
Last [seven] ruler makes a
7 ‐year covenant for many v27
Unspecified Period
concerning the last
two phases in v.26
and covered in
chapters 11 & 12
In the middle of the 'seven'
he will put an end to
sacrifice and offering v27
Sets up the abomination of
desolation in the sanctuary
After the sixty‐two [sevens], The
Messiah will be put to death and
will have nothing v24
V27 Matt 24:15, Mk13:14 2Thes2:4
2Th 2:8
3rd Temple
33 AD
Second Temple Period 395 BC to 70 AD
444 BC
70 AD
?? AD
The end is like a flood,
Romans swept the land
of the Jews
The people of the ruler who
will come will destroy the
city and the sanctuary. V26
Luke 21:20
War continues to the end,
desolations are decided v26
The end that
is decreed is
poured out
on him v27