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Torts Law Issue Spotter: Intentional Torts & Negligence

TORTS FALL 19 - Issue Spotter
Intent - desire or substantial certainty
& Act - harmful or offensive contact directly or indirectly occurs
Nelson ​- contact w/bullet flows from original intent to contact
*motive does not matter - insanity not a defense
Full consciousness not purely reflexive or convulsive
Polmatier ​- conscious of intent to harm, no insanity defense
Contact - harm v injures (damages)
Leichtman ​(disagreeable, nauseating, or painful)​ and
Peters Test ​(offend ordinary not sensitive person, unwarranted by social usages)
Dual v Single Intent
Intend to make contact and knowing it is harmful or offensive
Apprehending contact that is unconsented to
Words alone not enough, nor future threat
Transfer of Intent - device for recovery when not direct intended target
Transfer of person - transfer of tort, only for person not intended recipient
Consent - express or implicit
Rules of the game
Hogan exceptions ​(fraudulent concealment - nature or quality)
Richard v Mangion​ - teenager fight (consent)
Necessary and Reasonable force
Slayton​ factors (reputation, dif in size
Objective or subjective
Young vase - defense of another
Proportionality Principle
Force cannot be excessive, immediate threat of serious bodily harm
Defense of Property and Trespass
Trespass to Land (force if: intrusion not privileged, only terminated by force, request is useless)
Trespass to Chattel and Conversion (continuum)
Calculate Damages to Determine Harm
US v Aurora case​ (cell destruction)
Private v Public Necessity
Pay for harm unless “act of god”
False Imprisonment
Intent to Confine (desire/purpose/substantial certainty)
Consciousness of confinement
Unconsented confinement (privilege as defense)
Defense > reasonable means of escape
(No physical injury required)
Extreme and Outrageous
Intentionally/Recklessly caused the harm
Pattern of conduct, position of power, knowledge of susceptibility
Community Standard of outrageous
Prove Severe Emotional Harm
Dana case
NEGLIGENCE - Duty > Breach > Causation > Damages
Duty - Determine if a Duty
Andrews v Cardozo Duty (C - foreseeable within orbit of duty)
Especially Dangerous
Emergency (not able to consider acts)
Superior Skills (can raise standard)
Youth/Minors (unless inherently dangerous or adults only)
Disabilities (mental and physical = reasonable person with that disability)
Per Se
Special Relationship (superior knowledge/right to control) (Dr/Patient relationship)
Breach - was SofC breached?
Reasonable Person Standard
Parrot Test (situation, knowledge of parties, all circumstances)
Hand Test (B < PL)
Restatements (magnitude of risk outweighs utility of act or manner)
Negligence Per Se > violation of statute > lang of statute > class of persons AND type of harm
Industry Custom > Industry standard > ​TJ Hooper​ and ​Walmart
Res Ipsa Loquitur > no evidence (neg. Injury, defendant's exclusive control, no causal contribution, defendant superior access)
Recklessness - (1) knows harm or knows facts that make obvious and (2) is indifferent to the risk that could cause severe bodily harm/death
Causation - was the (n)egligence the cause of the harm
But for
Proximate Cause - greater cause
Directly Traceable
Intervening OR superseding (foreseeable) (boiling water spill intervening)
Substantial factor > dilute one another? (continuous force until harm >harmless until acted upon>lapse of time)
Type of harm foreseeable (not sequence of events-wall)(medical treatment)
Eggshell plaintiff and Shabby Millionaire
Multiple Sufficient Causes
Concert of Action (knows conduct is a breach and provides substantial assistance/encouragement)
Alternative (two defendants > shifts burden to determine ultimate liability)
Market Share (fungible product, design hazard, inability to identify D, substantial share of market)
Joint & Several Liability
Contributory Negligence (superior position)
Modified > 50 or 49 jurisdictions
Dobson​ (Wisconsin or Collective Defendant)
Nominal, Compensatory, General, Punitive
Defenses (Contributory Negligence or No Duty/No Breach)
Assumption of Risk - consent>knowledge>appreciation>voluntary choice to encounter
Implied - ​Schroyer
Primary - ​Clover v Snowbird​ (type of danger, notice req)
Wagenblast​ Factors (fit for regulation>great importance>open to public>superior bargaining>standardized
adhesion>under control of subject to risk)
Turnbough​ Waiver - clear/unmistakable lang>negotiated fairly
Vicarious Liability
Respondeat Superior - negligence of employer/tortious act of employee
Santiago​ Employee Test
McDonalds​ Scope of Employment Test (foreseeable connection>nature,time,place>work hired to do>incidental acts
reasonably expected>freedom>amount of time consumed with personal errand)
Mitigation of Avoidable Consequences
Statutes of Limitation and Repose
Doctrine of Fraudulent Concealment
Duty to Warn - Dr/Patient
Specific threat of serious bodily harm to a specific/readily identifiable victim
Duty to warn third party if contagious disease
Duty of Owners and Occupiers of Land
Trespass > not wanton/reckless unless criminal trespass then to not intentionally harm
Licensee and Invitee
Slip and Fall (mode of operation >nature of business>property’s condition>pattern of events) shifts burden
Open and Obvious Dangers
NIED (zone of danger> degree of consanguinity> shock follows closely from accident> serious bodily harm or death)
Strict Liability
Injuries Caused by Animals > domestic OR wild
Selected Dangerous Activities - ​Pyrodyne