AMCS 151 Tutorial 9 Question I find the You of this matrix A with an unknown x in Uentries formula or the cofactor formula or possibly the pivotformula determinate could use big a Find the determinant of B which has an additional 1 in thecorner What new contribution to the determinant does this I make X7 at 0 I If Mis any 3 by 3 matrix of f at a I let fCxl dettlxm Find the derivative Solution Using the cofactor method we can expand detA det x ta th't detffoo 21 2 12 Hool to fool X X M 12 213 01 10112o x dettal as is 12 63 2 2 24 1,4 182 2 2 24 X4 20 2 124 It detB XU 202 24 2112 ol X H 202 24 24 14 20 2 So the new contribution is 24 text detlxm x3def M f'txt 3 2detail f'let 3deftM1 o ol 1210D it detµzF Question Are the following statement If A is a square matrix and def If A 11 then A is an orthogonal matrix is square and A QR then IdetCall productof diagonalentriesof R here Q is If Q In A is I P an orthogonal is an Here If TRUE or FALSE Give brief reason a project matrix and R is uppertriangular Mxn matrix with orthonormal columns and m is the mxm identity matrix matrix with independent columns onto the left nullspave NCAT and D n thenQQ'TIm ACATAI AT then Solution false False counterexample ldetla 71 example A if mon false True P I P EL ldetlQRH delta ldeflQlde.HR l I ldetfRJ1 Ilo then projects projects CI p A QQT is of rank n f Im onto CCA onto orthogonal complement p p p2 p_p a of CCA NEAT Questions calculate the determinant nn o o a L o o I 2 ofthe following 4x4matrix detf I G I 5 deflate 5 tdetf Question If orthonormal ga 92 93 are this matrix A with vectors in ID what're the possible determinants of A For a matrix A suppose what 2g 392and59g why columns 29 392 593 the information does that cofactor Cu of the firstentry am is zero give about A Can this inverse exist find the 3 eigenvalues ofthis matrix A and find all of its eigenvectors Why is the diagonal'itation a I3 D S AS A not possible Solution dettal Q q 92as 11 because QTQ I detLI I and det ata I detlatldettal defeat So when we determinant multiply a column by a number the is multiplied by the same def I 29 392 59331 defCAI thus A too B ff So whether number 2 3 5 detLg 92 3 cofactor is zero Cu being the inverse The eigenvalues a a a too of this or A doesn't exist and B exists doesn't exists at't 30 detCQ 130 cofactor is 7ero and cofactor 1 give us enough information to decide not 4 matrix is EH EH 42 43 22 repeated eigenvalue o But the rank of A LI is 1 That means matrix A doesn't have A un't be diagonalitable complete set of eigenvectors i e