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Grade 3 Geography: Earth's Surface Lesson Plan

Grade 3 Lesson Plan
Geography: unit: LANDSCAPES
The Earth’s surface
Objective(s): Chn understand that the Earth has a spherical shape, spins around the sun, is divided into continents and surrounded by the oceans. Chn use the basic
skills of mapping continents, oceans, equator, the Earth’s Hemispheres.
Aim: Chn can recall a few facts about the Earth: sphere shape; spins around the Sun; made of rocks air, water. Chn are able to locate continents
and oceans on the map.
Chn complete the worksheet What do I know already about the Earth…? (brainstorm). Guide chn with some questions:
How big is the Earth?
What shape is it?
How old is the Earth surface?
What is it made out?
What is the relation between the Earth and the Sun?
How many oceans surround the Earth?
Can you name them?
How is the Earth’s land divided?
Who/what does live on the Earth?
Does every part of the Earth look the same?
While chn response, label the Earth on the board so they can collect more facts about the earth on their worksheets.
Establish facts about the Earth through power point presentation. Point out that people find the way to display the Earth by inventing a map.
Encourage chn to look at the slide and the key words: world map, continent, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, equator, ocean/sea,
land, sphere.
Ask if they remember how many continents surrounds the Earth and what are their names and then, present them on the slide. Ensure chn
understand that some continents have many countries whereas others not and that some are islands whereas other continents are attached to
each other. Ask what colours continents are presented in? Pinpoint which continent some chn come from. Use mnemonics to memorize the
names of the continents, eg.:
North America married South America, and they went to Europe for their honeymoon. Soon after they had quadruplets who all had A names:
Africa, Australia, Asia (who was the biggest, even though he had the shortest name) and Antarctica, the coldest child.
Display on the slide a view of the Earth from space. Ask chn if they can define what the colours stand for? Emphasize once again the shape of the
earth - sphere. Show other spherical objects. Give chn some time to explore the glob. Mention the difference between word glob, earth and
world. The Earth as such refers to the planet Earth and is very specific. Earth is also used a synonym for ground or land in general. Globe usually
refers to the Earth, but it also refers to the spherical object on which the earth is mapped.Or in general any representation of the Earth being
mapped on a sphere. World has multiple usages. It can in general refer to a universe, the Earth, a place, a domain, a part of the population or any
such categories. It's used in multiple instances, could be for the entire cosmos or for a smaller part of the universe.
Ask about the names of the oceans. Display them on the slide. Use mnemonic to remember the names of the oceans, eg.:
Penguins are interesting and smart
Pacific Ocean Penguins
Atlantic Ocean - Are
Indian Ocean Interesting
Arctic Ocean And
Southern Ocean - Smart
Worksheet What do I already know about the Earth…?
Poster with the Earth and printed labels: sphere, continent, land, name of the oceans and continents, equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern
Glob, collection of spherical objects
Power point presentation