QUI Z1:PUBLI CACCOUNTI NGANDBUDGETI NG 1. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngr ecor dsi st echni cal l ynotconsi der edanaccount i ngbook? a. Gener al Jour nal b. Subsi di ar yLedger c. CashDi sbur sement sJour nal d. Regi st r yofAppr opr i at i onsandAl l ot ment s 2. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi s( ar e)af f ect edwhenagov er nmentent i t yi ncur sobl i gat i ons? a. ORS b. RAPAL c. RAOD d. aandc 3. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi s( ar e)af f ect edwhenagov er nmentent i t ymakesdi sbur sement st o set t l er ecor dedobl i gat i ons? a. ORS b. RAOD c. Jour nal andLedger d. Al l oft hese 4. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngaccount si smostl i kel ycr edi t edwhenagov er nmentent i t yr emi t si t s col l ect i onst ot heNat i onal Tr easur y ? a. CashTaxRemi t t anceAdv i ce b. CashModi f i edDi sbur sementSy st em ( MDS) , Regul ar c. CashTr easur y / AgencyDeposi t , Regul ar d. Cash–Col l ect i ngOf f i cer s 5. Thi sev enti sr ecor dedi nt hebooksofaccount s. a. Not i ceofAppr opr i at i on b. Not i ceofAl l ot ment c. Not i ceofCashAppr opr i at i on d. Cl osi ngent r i es 6. Ther ecei ptofal l ot menti sr ecor dedi nt he a. RAPAL b. RAOD c. ORS d. aandb 7. Accor di ngt ot heGAM f orNGAs, t heRegi st r i esar e( chooset hei ncor r ectst at ement ) a. mai nt ai nedbyt heaccount i nguni tofagov er nmentent i t y b. mai nt ai nedbyf undcl ust er c. mai nt ai nedf oreachobj ectofexpendi t ur e,whenev ert her egi st r yi susedf ormoni t or i ng obl i gat i onsanddi sbur sement s d. mai nt ai nedbyt hebudgetdi v i si onofagov er nmentent i t y 8. The8di gi tRev i sedChar tofAccount s( RCA)Codef ort heaccount“ Subsi dyf r om Nat i onal Gov er nment ”st ar t swi t hnumber a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 9. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotaf or m ofdi sbur sementaut hor i t y ? a. Al l ot ment b. Not i ceofCashAl l ocat i on c. NonCashAv ai l mentAut hor i t y d. CashDi sbur sementCei l i ng 10.TheNCAi sr ecor dedi nt he a. Regi st r yofAl l ot ment sandNot i ceofCashAl l ocat i on( RANCA) . b. Booksofaccount s( Jour nal andLedger ) c. Obl i gat i onRequestandSt at us( ORS) d. aandb QUI Z: 11.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngappr oachest obudgetpr epar at i onpr ov i dest hebesti nt er nal cont r ol ? a. I ncr ement al budget i ng b. Zer osum budget i ng c. Topdownbudget i ng d. Zer obasedbudget i ng 12.Thi sappr oacht obudget i ngr equi r est hej ust i f i cat i onofi t emsi nt hebudgeti r r espect i v eof whet hert heyar eneworcar r i edov erf r om t hepr ev i ousy ear . a. Zer obasedbudget i ng b. Bot t omsupbudget i ng c. I ncr ement al budget i ng d. Bot t omsdownbudget i ng 13.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi scor r ectr egar di ngzer obasedbudget i ng? a. Sev er alpar t i espar t i ci pat ei nt hebudgetpr epar at i onst ar t i ngf r om t hel owestl ev el soft he gov er nmentt ot hehi ghestl ev el s. b. Al l zer oesi nt hebudgetar eomi t t ed. c. Al lpr oposedpr ogr amsandexpendi t ur esi nt heupcomi ngy earmustbenew.Pr ogr amsand expendi t ur esi nt hepr ev i ousy earshoul dnev erbecar r i edov ert ot henexty ear . d. Thecur r enty ear ’ sbudgeti sf or mul at edwi t houtr egar dt ot hepr ev i ousy ear ’ sbudget . 14.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngwoul dmostl i kel ycomesf i r sti nt hebudgetpr ocess? a. Budgetaccount abi l i t yr epor t b. Pr esi dent ’ senact mentoft hebudget c. Pr esent at i ont ot heOf f i ceoft hePr esi dent d. BudgetCal l f r om t heDBM 15.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngwoul dmostl i kel ycomesl asti nt hebudgetpr ocess? a. Budgetaccount abi l i t yr epor t s b. Al l ot ment c. Di sbur sement s d. Per f or mancer ev i ew 16.Ent i t yA,agov er nmentent i t y ,r ecei v esaut hor i zat i ont odi sbur sef undsnott oexceed₱1Bi na speci f i edper i od. Thi sev entcanbedescr i bedas a. Not i ceofCashAl l ocat i on b. Al l ot ment c. Appr opr i at i on d. Adont knowcat i on 17.Ent i t yA,agov er nmentent i t y ,r ecei v esnot i cet hatoutofi t s₱10Bappr ov edbudgetf ort hey ear , Ent i t yAcani ncurobl i gat i onsupt o₱4Bi nt hef i r stquar t er .Thi sev entcanbedescr i bedas a. Not i ceofCashAl l ocat i on b. Al l ot ment c. Appr opr i at i on d. Amnot sur ecat i on 18.Ent i t yA,agov er nmentent i t y ,r ecei v esnot i cet hatf ort hecur r enty ear ,t hemaxi mum amounti t canspendonmai nt enanceandot heroper at i ngexpensesi s₱10B.Thi sev entcanbedescr i bed as a. Not i ceofCashAl l ocat i on b. Al l ot ment c. Appr opr i at i on d. Budget i cat i on 19.Af t err ecei v i ng i t s obl i gat i onalaut hor i t y amount i ng t o ₱4B,Ent i t y A ent er si nt o bi ndi ng agr eement sf ort heev ent ualpay ment sofat ot alsum of₱3B.The“ ₱3B”ev entcanbedescr i bed as a. Di sbur sement b. Al l ot ment c. Di sbur sementaut hor i t y d. Obl i gat i on 20.I ti sapar t ,segment ,uni torf unct i onofagov er nmentagency , headedbyamanager ,whoi s account abl ef oraspeci f i edsetofact i v i t i es. a. Responsi bi l i t yAccount i ng b. Responsi bi l i t yCent er c. BudgetCent er d. Cal l Cent er QUI Z 21.Agov er nmentent i t yr ecogni zesr ev enuef r om exchangeornonexchanget r ansact i ons.Whi chof t hef ol l owi ngmaynotgi v er i set or ev enuebyagov er nmentent i t y ? a. Recei ptofmi l i t ar yequi pmentasdonat i onf r om af or ei gngov er nment . b. Recei ptofcashdonat i onf r om ani nt er nat i onal or gani zat i on. c. Recei ptoff r eet r ai ni ngsandsemi nar sr egar di ngpr ocesst echnol ogyonf ar mi ngf r om an i nt er nat i onal or gani z at i on. d. Recei ptofabequestf r om t heki ngofaf or ei gnr eal m. 22.Al l oft hef ol l owi nggi v er i set ot her ecogni t i onofr ev enuef r om nonexchanget r ansact i onexcept a. sal eofgoods c.f i nesandpenal t i es b. t ax es d.donat i onofgoodsi nki nd 23.Accor di ngt oP. D.1445,al lr ev enuesofanent i t yshal lber emi t t edt ot heNat i onalTr easur yand i ncl udedi nt he a. Gener al Fund c.Nat i onal Fund b. Speci al Fund d.Of f i ci al Fund 24.Remi t t ancesofcol l ect i onst ot heNat i onalTr easur yar er ecor dedasadebi tt owhi choft he f ol l owi ngaccount s a. Cash–Col l ect i ngOf f i cer s b. CashTr easur y / AgencyDeposi t , Regul ar c. CashModi f i edDi sbur sementSy st em ( MDS) , Regul ar d. Subsi dyf r om Nat i onal Gov er nment 25.Thenat i onalgov er nmentr ecei v edaf or ei gngr antcondi t i onedont heconst r uct i onofapubl i c i nf r ast r uct ur e.Ent i t yAwaschosenast hei mpl ement i ngagency .Whent henat i onalgov er nment r ecei v edt hegr ant , t heent r yi nt heBTr ’ sbooksi ncl udeda a. cr edi tt ot he“ Subsi dyf r om Nat i onal Gov er nment ”account . b. debi tt ot he“ Cash–Modi f i edDi sbur sementSy st em ( MDS) , Regul ar ”account . c. cr edi tt ot he“ Cashi nBankLocal Cur r ency , BangkoSent r al ngPi l i pi nas”account . d. cr edi tt ot he“ Ot herDef er r edCr edi t s”account . 26.Att heendoft heper i od, t he“ CashTr easur y / AgencyDeposi t , Regul ar ”accounti scl osedt ot he a. Subsi dyf r om Nat i onal Gov er nmentaccount . b. Accumul at edSur pl usorDef i ci taccount . c. CashModi f i edDi sbur sementSy st em ( MDS) , Regul araccount . d. Thi saccounti snotcl osed. 27.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdoesnotgi v er i set or ev enuef r om assi st anceorsubsi dy ? a. I nt er agencyFundTr ansf er b. Not i ceofCashAl l ocat i on c. TaxRemi t t anceAdv i ce d. NonCashAv ai l mentAut hor i t y 28.Accor di ngt oP. D.1445, a. Amount sr ecei v edi nt r ustandf r om busi nesst y peact i v i t i esoft hegov er nmentmaybe separ at el yr ecor ded. b. Al lr ev enuesofanent i t yshal lber et ai nedbyt heent i t yandi ncl udedi ni t sGener alFund, unl essanot herl awspeci f i cal l yal l owsot her wi se. c. Acol l ect i ngof f i cershal li mmedi at el yi ssueat empor ar yr ecei ptuponcol l ect i ngapay mentof anynat ur e. d. Wher emechani caldev i ces( e. g.el ect r oni cof f i ci alr ecei pt )ar eusedt oacknowl edgecash r ecei pt s,t heBI Rmayappr ov e,uponr equest ,t heexempt i onf r om t heuseofaccount abl e f or ms. 29.Accor di ngt ot heGAM f orNGAs,r ev enuei ncl udesonl yt hoset hatar er ecei v edorr ecei v abl eby t heent i t yi ni t sownaccount .Accor di ngl y , r ecei pt sonbehal fofanot herent i t yar e a. r ecor dedasl i abi l i t y . b. r ecogni z edasr ev enue. c. r ecor dedonl yi nt her egi st r i esbutnoti nt hebooksofaccount s. d. r emi t t edonl yt hr ought heuseoft heTRA. 30.Gov er nmentent i t i esandbusi nessent i t i esuset hesameaccount i ngt r eat mentf oral loft he f ol l owi ngex cept a. t r adedi scount sal l owedt ocust omer s. b. r ecogni z i ngr ev enuef r om r oy al t yagr eement s. c. r ecogni z i ngr ev enuef r om di v i dends. d. r emi t t anceoft axeswi t hhel dt ot heBI R QUI Z: 31.I t encompasses t he pr ocesses of anal y zi ng,r ecor di ng,cl assi f y i ng,summar i zi ng and communi cat i ngal lt r ansact i onsi nv ol v i ngt her ecei ptanddi sposi t i onofgov er nmentf undsand pr oper t y , andi nt er pr et i ngt her esul t st her eof . a. Gov er nmentaccount i ng b. Gov er nmentr epor t i ng c. Gov er nmentaudi t i ng d. Taxaccount i ng 32.TheGAM f orNGAsi spr omul gat edbyt he a. Commi ssi ononAccount i ng( COA) b. Commi ssi ononAudi t( COA) c. Boar dofAccount ancy( BOA) d. Bur eauofI nt er nal Rev enue( BI R) 33.TheCommi ssi ononAudi t( COA)i sr esponsi bl ef or a. t hef or mul at i onandi mpl ement at i onoft henat i onalbudgetwi t ht hegoalofat t ai ni ngt he nat i on’ ssoci oeconomi cobj ect i v es. b. r ecei v i ng and keepi ng nat i onalf undsand managi ng and cont r ol l i ng t hedi sbur sement s t her eof . c. di r ect l yi mpl ement i ngt hepr oj ect soft hegov er nment . d. pr omul gat i ngaccount i ngandaudi t i ngr ul esandr egul at i ons. 34.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotchar gedwi t hgov er nmentaccount i ngr esponsi bi l i t y ? a. Commi ssi ononAudi t b. Bur eauofI nt er nal Rev enue c. Nonst ock, nonpr of i tpr i v at ehospi t al d. Depar t mentofBudgetandManagement 35.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngqual i t at i v echar act er i st i csmaybesacr i f i cedwhenr epor t i ngi nf or mat i on onat i mel ybasi s? a. Rel ev ance b. Rel i abi l i t y c. Subst anceov erf or m d. Fai t hf ul r epr esent at i on 36.Accor di ngt ot heGAM f orNGAs,i nf or mat i onhast hi squal i t at i v echar act er i st i ci fi tcanbeused t o assi sti n ev al uat i ng past ,pr esentorf ut ur e ev ent sori n conf i r mi ng orcor r ect i ng past ev al uat i ons. a. Feedbackv al ue b. Pr edi ct i v ev al ue c. Mat er i al i t y d. Rel ev ance 37.Thi sr ef er st ot hecompar abi l i t ybet weent hef i nanci al st at ement sofdi f f er entent i t i es? a. I nt er compar abi l i t y b. I nt r acompar abi l i t y c. Hor i zont al compar abi l i t y d. Ver t i cal compar abi l i t y 38.Whent hesubst anceofat r ansact i onorev entdi f f er sf r om i t sl egalf or m, t heent i t yshoul dr epor t t het r ansact i on’ sorev ent ’ s a. subst ance b. l egal f or m c. at r adeof fbet weenaandb d. ei t heraorb, basedont hei rsi gni f i cance 39.Thei mpl i cat i ont hatuser smustbei nf or medoft heent i t y ’ spol i ci es,changest ot hosepol i ci es, andt heef f ect soft hosechangesr ef er st o a. Compar abi l i t y b. Compl et eness c. Under st andabi l i t y d. Rel i abi l i t y 40.I nt hef i nanci alr epor t i ngsy st em oft henat i onalgov er nment ,t owhi choft hef ol l owi ngshal lan ent i t yr econci l esi t scashr ecor ds? a. Commi ssi ononAudi t b. Bur eauofTr easur y c. Depar t mentofBudgetandManagement d. Of f i ceoft hePr esi dent