NERC Alert Task Force: Guidelines for Determining Conductor Temperatures During Measurement of Sag Along Overhead Transmission Lines Quantifying The Impact Of Weather Measurement Errors On Line Ratings Alastair Jenkins GeoDigital International Corp February 7, 2012 Management of Existing Overhead Lines WG Meeting Tampa, Florida Quantifying TheTest Impact of Weather Measurement Error Field Methodology On Transmission Line Ratings Background: • • • • • Various authors have questioned accuracy of the IEEE methodology for NERC LiDAR surveys due to possible errors in weather data and a resultant implied conductor temperature uncertainty. Historical industry practice has been IEEE 738 with the deployment of remote Ground weather sensors every few (typ. 15‐25 Km co‐located with GPS base stations) Industry introduced in 2009 an improved methodology, based upon the IEEE 738 standard & an Airborne Metrological Data Probe (ADP) providing better metrological data than achievable using remote ground based weather sensors. The methodology currently deployed by three independent LiDAR Suppliers has been formally evaluated by EPRI as an effective methodology for collecting weather observations during LiDAR surveys (results will be available from EPRI) To allow wider ADP use GeoDigital is placing in the open literature the vertical profile correction methodology and an error estimation methodology developed to statistically predict residual errors in Conductor Temperature based upon weather conditions at the time of acquisition Air Data Probe - introduction APPLICATIONS: Without going into the technical details, the ADP is a highly accurate weather station – Technology is • it Originally developed in support of NASA research is just mobile and above the wires rather thanprojects, below them deployed to • ADP technology is in active use today at world leading organizations. Accuracy: support real • In use at three leading LiDAR providers for Transmission Line Rating time spraying to – Wind direction +/‐ 20 Degrees predict aerosol – Wind speed +/‐ 0.5 m/s (1.6 ft/s) and chemical drift – Ambient temperature +/‐ 1C (1.8F) Air Data Probe – Application and Methodology ADP measures temp and wind speed 150 – 300’ above wires. This must be corrected to appropriate line height A measured Vertical Profile and “wind industry” methodology is used to adjust data to line height ( not all vendors currently do this) Typical wind vertical profile is exponential near the ground, due to surface roughness, which highlights the inaccuracy of typical 6’ high ground weather stations. If ground weather stations are used it is recommended they be elevated to 30’ or higher. Aerial Data Probe Ground Base Stations 30 ‐ 50 ft 150 – 300 ft Vertical Wind Profile - Modeling Surface roughness and Log wind speed law Vh – wind speed at ground base station VH – wind speed at target height h – height of the ground station sensor H – target height z0 – surface roughness measure r – ratio between wind speed at target and base height Sheltering z0 High above ground, above water Open area, short grass Cropland Sheltered, tall trees 0.005 0.01 0.1 1 7.6 6.9 4.6 2.3 Wind speed ratio, r Power‐law parameter equivalent 1.27 1.30 1.54 3.32 1/7 1/6 1/4 1/1 6.0 5.3 3.0 0.7 Recent research into wind turbines Has generated a wealth of analysis Tools and statistical data related to vertical wind profiles "Wind Speed vs Height" correction function 6 m/s log(x/z0) H=10m h=2m 4 2 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 power 1/1.4 72 84 96 108 power 1/7 AGL, m 120 132 144 156 Conductor Temperature Validation & Uncertainty Estimation Study Study Objectives: • Validate accuracy of conductor temperature calculations and resulting sag modeling using LiDAR survey methodology and Airborne Metrological Probe measurements. • Compare accuracy of ADP to local ( in span) & more remote ground weather stations • Determine and quantify residual uncertainty in Conductor temperature • Determine and Quantify residual error in terms of Conductor Sag • Determine limits of Technology and publish Best practices to allow wider use Field Tests: – Conducted in USA & Internationally during 2011 – Methodology tested on over 2,700 miles of lines with over 100 ground weather stations deployed as control spaced every 10 mi – Three lines were additionally flown multiple times as part of an EPRI test program with multiple in span weather and line temp sensors as control – Statistical conclusions are derived from an analysis performed on over 16,000 miles of transmission lines flown over a 3 year period Meteorological & Line Load conditions – Data Base Temporal extent: 2007-11-23…2011-12-04 Geographical extent: See map linear totals: With weather parameters only: 31000mi, 1745 circuits, 164000 spans With calculable conductor temperature: 16000mi, 624 circuits, 62000spans With Ground reference stations: over 2,700 mi (analysis ongoing) Meteorological conditions – The Data Base in practice Survey Conditions. Temperature by Season Solar Radiation Distribution winter spring summer autumn ‐4 2 8 14 20 C 26 32 38 44 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 W/m2 Survey Conditions By Season. Wind Speed, Normalized winter spring summer autumn 0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 m/s 6 7.2 8.4 The Data sets shows the normalized distribution of temperature wind and solar load experienced ‐ data covers all 4 seasons. No attempt was made to constrain operations to specific weather conditions other than as required for safe rotor craft operations Meteorological conditions EPRI Trials vs Entire test Data Base EPRI FIELD TRIAL DATA ‐ 3 days 3 lines • • • • • Ambient air temp: Wind speed: Load: Current density: Conductor temp above ambient [9...20] °C [0.8...4.5] m/s [42…282] amps [0.1‐0.9] amps/kcmil [2.3..13.1] °C Distribution of Conductor Over Ambient Air Temperature Excess For total Data Base of 16,000 mi 069kV 138kV 161kV 230kV 345kV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C0 8 9 10 11 12 13 500kV Given the line‐load, span location, cable type, survey time and weather observations, the individual conductor temperature for each span was calculated Weather data was available on a span by span basis thru use of an Air Data probe supplemented by ground weather stations The Data set demonstrates that in practice while line temperature varied significantly the delta above ambient was typically relatively small consistent with operation under low to moderate loads Conductor Temperature Validation & Uncertainty Estimation Methodology • • • • • • Surveys: Flew multiple areas with different terrain, sheltering, conductor types, ages, and load conditions Acquisition: Test lines flown multiple times under different weather and load conditions –weather data acquired using local, remote and Air data Probe sensors Production: Observations input into PLS‐CADD’s IEEE‐738 conductor temperature calculator – dynamic model used when significant load changes Analysis: Sag modeled under different load conditions and compared to calculations from other flights of the same spans with different conditions Temp Validation: Conductor Temperature Validated in specific tests by conductor mounted sensors (EPRI and OLTM sensors were used during site specific trials) Sag Validation: Conductor Sag validated by comparison of LiDAR Data to predicted position of the conductor with load and weather conditions during the re‐flights Conductor SAG Validation & Uncertainty Estimation • • • • • PLS‐CADD model is built using the first flight and observed sag Temperature data from ADP/IEEE modeling is input into PLS‐CADD Difference between modeled and observed sag is compared Accuracy of fit directly correlates to ultimate rating accuracy For scale reference the sag difference shown is 4ft on this 600ft span Flight 1 – fit model to observed sag and Temp Flight 2 – sag model from Flight1 to temperature from Flight 2 & compare fit Flight 3 – sag model from Flight 1 to temperature from Flight 3 & compare fit Conductor SAG Validation & Uncertainty Estimation • Sag errors observed on multiple spans were very similar • Differences of less than 5cm (2 inches) observed – these are not significant as up to 2cm is likely due to laser range noise • Result provides high confidence in the subsequent rating accuracy (Sag error will be similar i.e. a few cm at max sag) GeoDigital IEEE Sag Discrepancy, cm Line Beaver‐ Line 1 Henrietta Perry‐ Line 2 Ashtabula Falconer‐ Line 3 Warren Comparison RMS Avg Min Max Max(abs) Flight1 to 2 3.4 ‐2.5 ‐6.0 0.0 6.0 Flight1 to 3 1.2 0.3 ‐1.0 2.0 2.0 Flight1 to 2 3.9 2.9 0.0 7.0 7.0 Flight1 to 3 3.0 0.6 ‐3.0 7.0 7.0 Flight1 to 2 4.5 4.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 Flight1 to 3 1.4 1.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 Note: Data is in “Centimeters” Max As Observed Sag Change 7.0 Sag 16.0 error 7.0 2 inches Less than RMS12.0 12.0 18.0 Conductor Temperature Validation – Using Line Thermocouple Sensors Plot compares predicted value with Line mounted temperature sensor Sensor accuracy +/‐ 1deg C Residual Error Estimation (confidence interval) • We have published methodology and a residual error estimator (confidence interval calculator) • Inputs to IEEE‐738 are the following parameters: – Cable properties (diameter, material, emissivity*, resistance and others) – Line load in amps – Date, time and location, used to estimate solar radiation if not measured – Meteo parameters: • • • • • Wind speed Wind direction, relative to span direction Ambient air temperature The ADP is designed to allow efficient collection of the meteo‐parameters required above, and in the immediate vicinity ,of the transmission line. All measurements will have a residual error and error distribution * Note: Emissivity estimates as applied in IEEE‐738 are not a major contributor to temperature uncertainty calculations. Uncertainty estimation method description Knowing the likely measurement error and error statistics (normal or other statistical distribution ) it is possible to calculate using the IEEE methodology not only the conductor temperature but also a confidence interval. The method has been implemented in a web application that performs a Monte‐Carlo analysis scheme: To calculate conductor temperature confidence interval: ‐ Generate N (~1000) IEEE input variables drawing from respective distributions ‐ Perform deterministic temperature calculations ‐ Obtain lower and higher percentiles at the required confidence levels The reliability of the derived interval depends on the accuracy of the assumptions made on input variables distribution types and parameters and can be used for all source data – not just an ADP. Residual Error Estimation • We have created a web calculator to model conductor temperature accuracy • URL available upon request and feedback welcome! Predicted intervals are valid Assumed stdevs of the inputs : • Temperature = 1 °F • Wind Speed = 2.1 ft/s • • • Wind Direction = 30° Emissivity/absorptivity = 0.15 Solar Radiation = 70 W/m2 We’ve calculated T0 and expected confidence interval [lower, upper] at 67% and 95% confidence levels. 62% and 92% of GT measurements actually within those intervals ‐ meaning that assumption of data inputs was only slightly optimistic. Best Practice Deliverable IT is now possible to provide Utilities with not only a calculated Conductor temperature But also a confidence interval specified for any desired level of certainty. Note : Span by span weather observations and conductor temperatures with confidence intervals Comparison of various meteo sensor performances Mean and Range of Cond Temp Error computed using various meteo data sources 12.0 Temperature Error, °C 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 ‐2.0 ‐4.0 Mean 2.2 RMSE 4.9 Deg. C Mean 0.8 RMSE 3.6 Deg. C Mean 1.3 RMSE 3.5 Deg. C Mean ‐0.2 RMSE 1.8 Deg. C Mean 0.11 RMSE 1.3 Deg. C All public Only airports User‐installed at 5‐10mi ADP EPRI In Span ‐6.0 ‐8.0 ‐10.0 ‐12.0 ADP error is significantly smaller than current “Industry Practice ” and similar to in span elevated sensors at a fraction of the cost & should be considered as a “Best Practice” Practicality of Method and notes • Analysis accounts for all (most) of the considerations expressed previously at IEEE panel presentations • We concur with the EPRI notes (Cigre TB‐299) recommendation related to restricting wind direction to 20‐70 deg. • Confidence interval calculation is simple and rapid to implement ‐ (eliminates uncertainty) • Provides immediate indication of spans that may (due to extreme circumstances) require special attention due to higher temperature uncertainty • Calculator may be extended to predict sag uncertainty if span length is input as a parameter Line Re-rating Workflow Conductor Temperature Uncertainty Conductor Temperature Uncertainty Distribution by Wind Speed ±0.50m/s ±0.75m/s ±1.00m/s 0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6 7.2 C0 67% 95% Temperature Uncertainty due to Wind speed uncertainty, ±x m/s @ 95% 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 0.3 0.7 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.4 2.9 0.8 1.7 2.5 3.5 4.6 5.9 7.5 Real world data demonstrates conclusively that conductor Temperature uncertainty during LiDAR surveys can be constrained 2 3.6 9.7 Given the individually observed load and weather conditions it is possible to use the model to predict (for the entire data set) the probability of a given Temperature uncertainty due to changes in wind speed or direction A line temp accuracy of less than +/‐ 5 Deg C 95% confidence is eminently achievable this results in a few Cm of possible Max sag error Of more importance however is that for any line flown at any specific time the actual uncertainty can be calculated and provided to the engineer for use in the ratings analysis. Conclusions • • • • • While small errors in effective wind speed can create significant changes in the final sag of a line when operating at close to maximum load, similar errors during a LiDAR surveys (with more typical operating loads) will not significantly change the initial or final sag. Use of an Air Data Probe to determine local wind speed and direction rather than multiple weather stations has been shown to provide improved accuracy and accurate Line temperature calculations at low incremental cost Line temperature uncertainty can and should be assessed by the LiDAR survey company using a statistical analysis and sections re flown or re‐ evaluated on the rare occasions when the line load and average wind speed is very unfavourable resulting in possible errors greater than acceptable ADP when operated and calibrated appropriately has demonstrated ability to match Line mounted sensor temperatures within +/‐ 2 Deg C RMSE or less this is comparable to in span line height sensors and significantly better than errors claimed by other new technologies Line sag errors during LiDAR surveys are relatively small – not large, Industry needs to focus on improving predictions at max sag not during survey