Uploaded by Michael Rea

Opinion Writing: Circle Justice & Animal Connection

Name:________________ Date:__________________
Opinion Writing:
You will need to tell me WHY you think what you think. Use the paragraph format that has been
previously taught. Use the introductory sentences given followed by THREE reasons and a
concluding sentence.
Question options:
Is Circle Justice a good form of punishment? Should it be used more
around the world?
I think Circle Justice is / is not a good form of punishment. I think this because …
I also think it should / should not be used more because …
Were the Circle Justice right or wrong giving Cole a second chance on
the island?
I think the Circle Justice were right / were not right giving Cole a second chance because …
What animal do you most relate to? Please explain why you relate
most to that animal.
I relate most to the ______________ . These are the following reasons why I most relate to this