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Star City Organizational Development Research Paper

Proposed Changes and Intervention on the Organizational Development of Star
Parks Corporation (STAR City)
Presented to the Faculty of
Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Cavite Campus
In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the subject
Organizational Development
Masters in International Hospitality Management
Presented to:
Presented by
I. Company Name
The FJE GROUP OF COMPANIES is a very dynamic organization engaged in
media and entertainment business. Over the years, member companies have made a
name in theme parks and radio industry. One of this is the Star City which is under the
name of Star Parks Corporation. Star City is operated by a group of professionals with
years of experience in the retail, entertainment and amusement fields. In addition to,
transfer of technology and know-how in these specific fields of expertise was achieved
through the engagement of various consultants.
Star City is a pioneer in introducing the concept of mixing retail with amusement,
a trend being followed by most malls today where they integrate rides with shopping.
Star City combines maximum shopping enjoyment attractions all focus on serving clear
target market, the Filipino family, schools and companies. It provides families with
maximum enjoyment through a stimulating array of world-class indoor and outdoor
attractions to captivate both the young and the young at heart. Rides that spin, twirl and
zoom, live shows that provide the thrills and spills, a collection of haunts and
destinations to fulfill your greatest fantasies and a scoop of fun foods and goodies all
blend together to give you a fantastic day out.
At present, it is now considered as one of the most famous and accessible theme
parks in the National Capital Region of the Philippines, Star City features numerous
thrilling activities to everyone. This amusement park is very easy to find since it is
situated in the part of Metro Manila that is accessible to different forms of land
transportation. This theme park is just half hour away from Manila City. From Manila
City, people should ride in buses and jeepneys that are bound to Pasay City. Along the
way, they will pass through Buendia where numerous jeepneys and cabs can take them
to President Roxas Boulevard. Along the boulevard, people can easily find the theme
park. Additionally, this park is attractive to masses for it has cheaper entrance fees as
compared to other theme parks in the country.
II. Logo
III. History of the Company
A 35,000 square meter area located at the heart of CCP Complex in Pasay City,
Star City is the country’s premiere theme park. Originally, Star City is a part of Toys and
Gifts Fair that is annually held at Philippine Center for International Trade and
Exhibitions until in 1991, the management of this theme park decided to part ways with
the management of the fair. To enhance the attractions inside this place, the
management of the theme park contacted foreign investors who have sufficient
understanding on marketing and entertainment. Since then, the theme park continues to
feature new attractions to the public.
Today, it is tagged as the “Entertainment Center of the Philippines” with the
creation of Star Theater which features innovative ballet shows blending marvelously
well with the family-fun atmosphere found only at Star City. Following the impressive
success of Star Theater, we are now home to a state-of-the-art 3,000-seat Aliw Theater.
Foreign artists like Dionne Warwick, Stephen Bishop, Sergio Mendez and Toto have
brought jam-packed crowd to this most modern performance venue. Likewise, local
artists perform regularly too.
Star City focuses on providing families with maximum enjoyment through a
stimulating array of world-class indoor and outdoor attractions to captivate both the
young and the young at heart. Rides that spin, twirl and zoom, live shows that provide
the thrills and spills, a collection of haunts and destinations to fulfill your greatest
fantasies and a scoop of fun foods and goodies all blend together to give you a fantastic
day out.
Indeed, there is simply no way that kids, and even adults, will not enjoy Star City.
The smaller ones specially kids can take their pick from among the double-decked
Grand Carousel which accommodates up to 72 riders; Telecombat composed of 16
independently controlled units that turn, lift, and drop like mini space vehicles; the Red
Baron—allows your child to imagine himself as an ace flyer during World War I; QuackQuack, a seven meter revolving ride with six duck-shaped tubs that can seat four
people each; the perennially popular bump cars; or the immensely popular mini roller
coaster called the Wacky Worm. Adults, in turn, can scream their lungs out on boarding
Viking, Surf Dance, Jungle Splash and the country’s only inverted roller coaster, the
Star Flyer. Complementing these are various attractions like Peter Pan, the Land of the
Giants, the Dungeon, Gabi ng Lagim and Kilabot ng Mummy—all designed to bring out
the child in us all. Fast becoming a crowd favorite is Star City’s newest, original
attraction, the Pirate Adventure; a boat ride that will take you to the world of the most
adventurous seafarers! Experience real snow and counter the tropical weather with
Snow World’s 15-degrees-below-zero temperature. Guests can also discover the heartracing, adrenaline-pumping, non-stop action of Lazer Blaster and 4D Maxrider. Plus,
live encounter with farm animals at the Animal Wonderland.
Star City is truly the family entertainment center where shopping, food, rides and
walk-through amusement halls hold center stage.
IV. Vision
Star City envisions being the first Filipino theme park in the Philippines that will
be the dominant player in the entertainment and amusement industry.
V. Mission
Star City aims to provide fun entertainment in a clean and safe world-class
VI. Unit or Department which is the subject of Intervention
The unit in Star City that is the subject of this study is the Park and Amusement
VII. Organizational Chart
Park and Amusement
Park and Amusement Assistant
Park Marshall
Indoor Amusement
Park Amusement
Star Games
Ride Attendant
Ride Attendant
Token Seller
Ride Operator
Ride Operator
Ticket Seller
Ticket Checker /
Booth Attendant
Ride Technician
Sanitation Aid
Park and Amusement Department (PAD) Organizational Chart
The Park and Amusement Department is composed of the following positions: Park
and Amusement Manager, Park and Amusement Assistant Manager, Park Marshall,
Ticketing Marshal, Indoor Amusement Marshall Park Amusement Marshall, Star Games
Marshall, Ticket Seller, Ticket Checker / Stamper, Ride Attendant, Ride Operator,
Token Seller, Booth Attendant, Ride Technician and Sanitation Aid. Below are the
known functions of the mentioned key positions in the department:
Park and Amusement Manager
In-charge of the overall operations of the amusement park.
Oversee all aspects of what makes the park run consider what can be done to
improve operations.
Hiring and firing of employees.
Keeping up-to-date with safety checks.
Setting up marketing programs.
Creating customer service policies to enhance customers’ experiences at the
Manage the area supervisors, including making their schedules, approving
orders, dealing with employee discipline, and making year-round decisions such
as removing old attractions and suggesting new ones.
Park and Amusement Assistant Manager
Assumes duties of the Park and Amusement Department Manager in his/her
Ability to perform all positions and processes within the front of the house and
back of the house.
Maintains high-level of knowledge regarding the company’s products and
happenings, and communicates properly to customers.
Conducts regular staff quality circle meetings.
Ensures accurate completion of staff member schedules in accordance with
forecasted business volume.
Park Marshall
Do rounds to ensure that all employees are doing their job properly based on the
company’s rules and regulations/ policies.
Ensure that all customers are receiving the customer experience that the park
Conduct daily meetings before the start of the operation discussing about last
day’s operation, opportunities, what needs to be done for the day and discussion
of updates coming from the Park and Amusement Manager (if there are any).
Indoor Amusement Marshall/ Park Amusement Marshall
Ensure that all guests feel welcome and are given responsive, friendly and
courteous service at all times.
Ensure that all rides are inspected daily.
Achieve company objectives in service quality, appearance of facility and
sanitation and cleanliness through training of employees and creating a positive,
productive work environment.
Fill in where needed to ensure guest service standards and efficient operations.
Schedule labor as required by anticipated business activity while ensuring that all
positions are staffed when and as needed and labor cost objectives are met.
Knowledgeable of policies regarding personnel and administer prompt, fair, and
corrective action for any and all violations of company policies, rules and
Provide advice and suggestions to the Park and Amusement Department
Manager and Assistant Manager as needed.
Recommends hiring, termination and promotion.
Ticketing Marshall
Monitor the ticketing operation of the park.
Ensures the promptness of the service given to each and every customer from
the time tickets are sold until the checking of the tickets.
Knowledgeable of policies regarding personnel and administer prompt, fair, and
corrective action for any and all violations of company policies, rules and
Provide advice and suggestions to the Park and Amusement Department
Manager and Assistant Manager as needed.
Recommends hiring, termination and promotion.
Star Games Marshall
Supervise all games held indoors.
Ensure that schedules are follow by regular and part-time employees for both
token sellers and booth attendants.
Conduct daily rounds to monitor staffs’ performance and guest satisfaction.
Knowledgeable of policies regarding personnel and administer prompt, fair, and
corrective action for any and all violations of company policies, rules and
Provide advice and suggestions to the Park and Amusement Department
Manager and Assistant Manager as needed.
Recommends hiring, termination and promotion.
Ride Operator
Operate amusement park rides by adhering to all safety requirements including
but not limited to height requirements and safety belts.
Perform daily inspection of amusement park rides by adhering to governmental
Create an enjoyable experience for the customers.
Ride Attendant
Provide guests with information on how the ride works and what to do in case of
Assist guests in embarking and disembarking from the ride.
Educate guests about policies and protocols that they need to follow during their
stay at the park.
Regulate guests’ actions in case of adversity and coordinate efforts of the
security personnel.
Inspect rides and surrounding areas several times a day to ensure safety.
Clean and maintain rides and areas surrounding them on a daily basis.
Inform management of any fault in rides that may be keeping them from working
at optimum level.
Ticket Seller
Greet customers when they arrive at the amusement park and ask them which
option would they like to avail (ride-all-you-can, admission only or other combos)
Sell tickets to guests and take payment in return.
Ticket Checker/ Stamper
Validates the tickets of the customer.
Wrap the ticket band on the wrist of the customers and stamp it.
Token Seller
Greet customers when they arrive at the game area.
Sell tokens to guests and take payment in return.
Booth Attendant
Assist customers who wanted to play games at the Star Games area.
Explain the rules of the game and the prizes if ever customer will reach the target
of the game.
Ride Technician
Carry out safe and effective engineering maintenance and inspection of all
amusement devices, associated equipment and ride buildings with the aim of
maximizing ride and equipment availability and safety in operation.
Detection and repair or replacement of worn parts, scheduled and necessary
lubrication of equipment and supervision of all related maintenance and daily preoperational inspections.
Schedule the necessary preventive maintenance during non-operational hours
and keep all rides operational.
Keep reports of all ride inspection and replacement parts on each ride.
Attend safety meetings and make recommendations for any necessary
corrections for a safe operation of the rides.
Sanitation Aid
Ensure all areas of rides and attractions are kept cleaned and maintained during
pre-, during and post operations.
VIII. Nature
The Park and Amusement Department is the primary revenue generating
department in Star City. Its main function is to monitor all of the park's daily operations
running both on administrative and engaging with staff and customers function, as well
as identifying all aspects of what makes the park run and consider what can be done to
improve operations.
IX. Functions
The PAD shall keep the park profitable, safe and enjoyable for guests.
The PAD shall do the planning and implementation of strategies to achieve
constant improvements in visitor and employee satisfaction.
The PAD shall keep abreast of developments in the industry, both internal and
external, such as changes in legislation.
The PAD shall project managing general ride
park developments, including
design. The PAD shall work on liaising with contractors, e.g. for the installation
and integration of facilities.
The PAD shall understand local community issues and building relationships with
local government and external partners.
The PAD shall monitor competition.
The PAD shall work with different departments of the organization in order to
oversee significant activities such as effective application of health and safety
regulations and risk assessment to ensure a safe environment for park
employees and the public, setting budgetary and financial strategies, maintaining
a critical oversight of marketing functions and dealing with human resources and
X. Rules and Regulations
1. In order to provide a safe, comfortable environment for all of our guests, our
security officers will conduct bag/baggage checks at the main entrance.
2. Parents and guardians are responsible for the safety of their children while inside
the park.
3. Certain items which are deemed dangerous or offensive may be prohibited from
being brought into the park. Illegal drugs, firearms, other harmful items, as well
as two-way radios are strictly prohibited inside the park.
4. With the exception of baby food items, outside food and/or beverages are not
allowed inside the park.
5. Star City reserves the right not to allow persons with heart ailments, motion
sickness, or other medical, physical or mental conditions requiring special
attention on certain rides and attractions.
6. Any ride or attraction currently under maintenance will be prominently posted the
park’s video screens and seller’s booths.
7. During the course of operations, the park reserves the right to discontinue the
operation of a ride or attraction if in the interest of safety it feels circumstances so
8. Occasionally during unfavorable weather conditions, the operation of certain
rides may need to be suspended. The park will not provide refunds due to
inclement weather.
9. Star City reserves the right to, without prior notice, change its operating hours,
temporarily close the park or any part of it, or suspend/close a ride or attraction
due to capacity or safety concerns or inclement weather.
10. Guests are responsible for their personal belongings. Star City will not be liable
for any loss or damage to guests’ personal property.
11. Star City reserves the right to refuse entry to or dismiss from the premises
without refund any person for failure to comply with any of the park rules, or for
unsafe, illegal or offensive behavior.
XI. Reminders on the Use of Rides
1. Please follow all safety warnings and notices.
2. For your safety, while on a ride or attraction, remain seated with hands, arms,
feet and legs inside the vehicle. Do not touch or hold mechanical props and other
equipment inside the attractions.
3. Each guest has different capabilities and limitations, and every ride or attraction
has associated risks.
Please carefully observe and evaluate each ride and
attraction to determine if you or members of your party can safely take it.
4. Please secure loose belongings such as bags, mobile phones, digicams, jackets,
caps, etc. You may leave them at the deposit area at the main entrance or in
designated areas available in some rides.
XII. Ticket and Ride All You Can Pop Tag Rules
1. Children below 34 inches have free admission.
2. Tickets and Ride All You Can Pop Tags are non-refundable.
3. Ride All You Can Pop Tags are non-transferable and void if altered. They should
be used by the same person during the period of their validity.
4. Individual ride restrictions should be strictly followed.
I. Service Flow
During the observation made, the group initially recognized that the amusement
park’s entrance and exit point was evidently ineffective when it comes to controlling the
crowd coming in and out of the premise due to unorganized queuing system and not
utilizing innovative technologies and proper structure design that are being used by
leading theme parks nowadays. There are no monitors or signage that clearly direct the
visitors where to go for admission or where to have their online purchased ticket be
validated which is very confusing for those customers visiting for the first time. Lanes
where people buy tickets and where people check-in seems to overlap when the crowd
number is increasing most specially during the opening hour of the park.
The Park and Amusement Department must work to provide visitors with a more
positive and engaging experience of waiting for rides inside Star City as well. The group
noticed that Star City is now suffering from declining attendances and the assumption is
that this is probably due to customer dissatisfaction rate with relation to long waiting
times where obstacles to seeing the whole park and going on all the rides arise or in
other words, getting the most out of the entrance ticket is becoming impossible. The
time spent waiting invariably comes at the top of the list of customer complaints. In a
whole day spent at the park, thrill-seekers will have only enjoyed on average nine rides.
This is because with every minute of sudden dips and breathless corkscrews, there is
around 30 minutes of queuing even the group visited the park on a rainy day at the
same time, on a lean season. People are spending a major part of their visit waiting in
line, while it is also seen as the most negative aspect of the park experience. This
obviously made them most likely to be annoyed rather than being in the state of
excitement. In addition to that, if the visitor is not familiar with the park or have not been
there before, possibilities of planning the sequence of rides that one wants to
experience is going to be hard due to not having a park map visible within the premise.
There are signage that directs visitors but they are quite confusing and looking
unorganized. The good point is that staffs are approachable when you ask them
information about attractions but it is better if the information that customers need are
readily provided prior to entering the park.
II. Maintenance of Rides and other Attractions
Inside the premise of Star City, customers can find numerous attractions and
amusement rides. For the enjoyment of children, this theme park features kiddie rides
like Junior Bump Car, Magic Tea Cup, and Fire Slide. On the other hand, adults who
are in search for exciting adventures should try thrilling rides like Surf Dance, Star Flyer,
and Wild River. Other attractions for adults are Super Viking, Zyklon Loop, and Adult
Bumper Boat. Meanwhile, for those who want to unwind and relax, they can always
check out the walk-in attractions at Star City, namely Snow World, Peter Pan, and Land
of the Giants. Aside from these attractions, there are also numerous arcade games that
people can try in this place. In terms of dining, people can also find several restaurants
and fast food chains at Star City at a very affordable price. Additionally, Star City also
features bazaars where people can purchase cheap clothes, footwear, bags, souvenir
items, toys and other specialty items.
Responsible and mature person should meet all the ride criteria and is able to
ensure that child conforms to all safety guidelines. Safety is of the highest concern of
this theme park. No infants or expectant mothers will be allowed on any ride or
attraction. Most restrictions are established by ride manufacturers. Height, however, is
not the sole basis for evaluating capacity to avail of ride. Parents, guardian and or the
rider must exercise best judgment. Depending on the nature of the ride or attraction,
there may be additional guidelines or restrictions. These are posted on the signs at the
entrance of each ride and attraction that each rider must strictly follow to ensure safe
Despite of all arcades, attractions and rides and expansion made by the
management of Star City which are still operational, management has to think
something to make this recreational facilities pleasing to higher and international
market. Rides are old and boring and too many vacant or open spaces. There is no new
attraction that customers find interesting. Though most of the kids really enjoyed, I think
this place went downhill and lose its star factor. Attractions are too old and there are no
brand new eye catching scene. Most of the attractions are dusty, full of cobwebs,
broken structures and displays, lights and sounds that are not functioning well, and
improper storing of damaged props. Most of the rides are still functioning but still dusty,
rusty and almost created annoying sounds. Some of the rides are not in operation
without telling or informing customers that they are under maintenance. Lights, sounds
and other technical effects used are also outdated and not functioning well.
Damaged structures, rides, props and other paraphernalias used by Star City are
not stored propery. It is placed and exposed along the amusements that can also limit
the pasage of the customers specially during emergency and evacuation situation.
III. Safety and Security
Based on the observation of the group, the establishment lacks on Safety and
Security protocol. Cameras we’re placed and misplaced only on several location of
certain areas making a lot of blind spots enabling them to provide an efficient and
effective surveillance on the premise. Also, having too many passage way in getting
inside the Park itself is not properly organize and secured for their costumers’ and
employees. Entrance and Exits are not guarded and manage accordingly with Security
Personnel. Fire Exits are not placed on a visible area for Costumer and Employee could
escape in case of emergency.
Warning signs were not clear and readable enough to see and warn costumers
before riding a particular ride about its safety procedures. Maps weren’t given to
costumers to provide them knowledge about where they were about. Information booth,
were not visible, given that the Star city is a huge theme park for children to get loss in a
crowded situation. Employees are not double checking the lock that secures passenger
for a particular rides, which leads to accidents later on. Foods and Beverage are
provided by concessionaires that is budget friendly but yet has poor sanitation practices
of handling the Foods and Beverages.
IV. Human Resources
Because the industry where amusement parks are in, offers a diverse range of
activities including sports and performing arts requires a huge number of workforce to
be able to maintain the minimum standards of the operation, the Human Resource
Department is the one responsible for acquiring competitive associates to be able to
achieve the goals of the observed department in terms of productivity and customer
The observation of the group focused on how employees perform their job in
terms of productivity and how they interact with the customers. In all areas that are
covered by the Park and Amusement Department, all employees are able to show
efficiency when it comes to their work output. Regardless if they are newly hired or
tenured because most of the employees that are interviewed, told the group that they
don’t encounter too much hassle in their work areas. One thing that is noticeable in
most rides/ attractions of the park, personnel don’t force customers. When it comes to
customer interaction there are also lapses when it comes to the relay of information
especially for employees that are new in the organization wherein there are simple
information that they don’t know. One of the questions that the group asked when they
rode the Ferris wheel was, “Is it air-conditioned inside the gondola?” and the personnel
said ‘yes’, and it was not air-conditioned at all. Basic information should be known to all
employees of the department as it is assumed that they were oriented of each and
every ride or attraction that is available within the park.
Through interview, the group also gathered information on how employees are
hired (minimum requirements), promotion, perks that they receive, salary rate for rank
and file employees, performance evaluation, and regarding how their contract of
employment is different from other private companies.
The minimum requirements when hiring new employees are the ability to speak
and write in English, and perform basic arithmetic.
There are only few promotions available annually.
Employees who have been with the company for 4 months are already entitled
for bonuses and complimentary tickets though they are still contractual and are
not regular employees yet.
The salary of rank-and-file employees are on minimum wage (they are following
the revised rate for NCR).
Some of the employees know about the performance evaluation every 5 months
but there are employees especially the newly hired employees who don’t know
about the evaluation.
The company practices open-ended employment contract for rank-and-file
The group also observed that the employees are visible and can easily deal with
their customer or simply they attend on the queries of the customer. Also in order for the
employees to be easily identified by their clientele they have a visible Identification card
and they are wearing a color- coded uniform scheme that determine their job position.
According to one of the employee, the hiring process in the establishment will depend
on the availability of vacancy, since that the company applies an open ended contract,
the hiring turn-over rate is very low. According to him it will took two (2) to three (3)
weeks process from the screening up to the orientation and deployment of the
employee. The applicants can apply through walk-in and will be entertain once the
submitted resume/CV were screened by the HR personnel and they will be given
schedule for an interview. Once an applicants passed in an interview which will be
conducted by the HR personnel, he/ she will be scheduled for the medical examination,
submission of requirements and orientation prior to the deployment of the employee.
The management sees to it that their employee will be satisfied on the work
environment that they will be dealing with. Employees were given free uniform (Color
coding scheme based on position) and freebies as they were been part of the team. On
the observation and interviewed employees, most of them says that they are highly
motivated and satisfied on how the management supports its employees.
I. Service Flow
It appears that there are several factors in the Park and Amusement Department
that has to be changed. This includes the present queuing system and various
technostructural aspects inside the park and at the entrance and exit area of Star City.
Advancement specifically in systems and technology is going to remedy the Park and
Amusement Department’s dilemma in relation to Star City’s current service flow. Having
a different arrangement of ticketing windows, validation counter and entry point is
suggested since this phase appears to be lacking on suitable structure design that could
cater to customer’s demand. Guests waiting in line should be provided an attentive
service and questions of arriving customers should be answered to give them security.
If it is not feasible for cost reasons to have an employee answering questions in person,
wait time-signs or monitors should be set and a FAQ-sheet which all important
information should be made available to arriving customers. Display panels or sheets
alongside the queue which ask the waiting public questions, or which set them tasks to
solve, assist both the information needs of the public and their perception of time. Due
to the significant variations in demand waiting in line for a ticket is inevitable and
therefore the waiting experience should be made as pleasant as possible under the
given circumstances. Because the biggest part of the queue forms at the entrance and
exit point, it could be advised to prove the possibility of installing benches or leaning
bars for the customers to relief from fatigue.
Inclusion of entertainment for people in the queue, such as decoration,
interactive elements, and active entertainment with actors is highly recommended for
those waiting area on each rides and attraction. Star City’s traditional queue type which
is the single, meandering line that follows the first-in-first-out principle must be subjected
to change. Implementation of virtual queue systems, such as systems being used by
several international theme parks is going to solve problems regarding unsatisfied
customers. Through this concept of virtual queuing strategy the visitors can be freed
from physically standing in line by being placed in a virtual queue, which eliminates both
the activity and perception of waiting by allowing guests to engage in other productive
and enjoyable activities until their time to be served has arrived. In this system, when a
guest returns to the attraction once their time has arrived, they will enter into a
designated physical queue, and thus, will have a minimal waiting time. Star City may
also apply the recent trend in theme parks which is a reservation system in place of a
virtual queue. No-wait systems as a premium service to guests is also going to be
efficient to Star City’s service flow. This generates revenue whereby also allowing a
method by which guests may reduce their wait times. This services require more of the
usual cost of park ticket but will get the visitor to have privileges like being admitted to
an express or front of line queue of different rides upon presenting their special passes
which could be reserved using smartphones or computers. New technologies such as
these show that queuing is something that Park and Amusement Department
operations should be looking at as a way of thinking of new tactics to increase guest
Employment of video cameras, computer programs, digital park maps and other
modern tools to disseminate significant information regarding ride and attractions will be
helpful to enhance the experience of visitors.
II. Maintenance of Rides and Other Attractions
Rides and attractions in an amusement and theme park plays a vital role to
attract more riders and customers. It serves as the heart and soul any organization to
create memorable and exciting experiences to all customers especially for kids and
young at heart. Nowadays, technology has helped amusement parks to create more
exciting rides to keep thrill-seekers coming back which can also be adopted effectively
by Star City. The design and development of amusement rides requires a mastery of
physics, engineering, and mathematics. As technology has improved to include
computers, advanced materials, and certain design innovations, the result has been an
increasingly rigorous, complex, and precise creative process. This process has
contributed to an extraordinary safety record proving amusement rides are one of the
safest forms of recreation available to the public especially customers of Star City. The
amusement park industry's tradition of continual improvement greatly enhances ride
safety. For example, the introduction of force reactive supports, headrests, comfort
padding, seat dividers, ratcheted restraints, computer controls, and magnetic braking
systems. Modern-day ride designers employ a steady stream of advances to create
new, unique, and safe amusement rides and attractions. All this can help Star City to
make their rides and attractions realistic, safe and secure and exciting.
Since the safety and security of all customers is the top priority of Star City, t he
management must conduct thorough internal and external evaluation in all concerned
areas of Star City by seriously doing internal quality audit every month. They can also
invite external auditors and experts to ensure that all areas are maintained, calibrated,
and functioning well. Cleaning and maintaining also all attractions, rides, and other
areas where there are customers must be practived and observed from time to time.
Eyesores must be removed and equipment and rides which are not functioining must be
stored in a secured area.
III. Safety and Security
To ensure the costumers as well as the Employees Safety and Security the
management should conduct consistent updates on every rides especially on the
extreme ride that majority of the costumers will fall in line for. It is a must for Star City to
install a wide scope of surveillance camera on all direction of the Amusement park
leaving no blind spot to hide on and relocate some surveillance camera on the areas,
this allow the management to have a better understanding and monitoring of events
might occur on a given time.
Providing at least 2-3 Information booth on different location of the Areas to gives
costumers ideas and knowledge about where to go in case of emergency, and revising
all signage’s and make them clearer to understand of the content written adding some
picture for any riders who’s rarely reads signage’s. To Make a Standard Sanitation
practices for their concessionaires to ensure that Food and Beverage are serve and
produce with quality to avoid any food poisoning, cross contamination etc. Removing
the local stores and provide Star city’s own shop that will sell their product. To increase
the marketing aspect of their business, also having a secured personnel handling there
on product.
IV. Human Resources
This aspect of any organization is the blood that ensures that every part will
function as intended. Having a healthy human resource through the assistance of the
Human Resource Department will guarantee the realization of the envisioned goals of
the company. With the ever changing nature of the needs of an organization to improve
and also to control its costs in order for it to obtain financial stability, one area that is
normally not given additional attention is the resources for manpower. Based on the
observation of the group, consistency with the answers given by staffs is a common
issue that should be addressed. Most employees that has these laspses when it comes
to information are new hires. Creation of a solid training manual and new hire
orientation would impact these errors. Because being a frontliner in the operations,
includes basic customer service on the part of the attendants and operators who have
longer periods of contact with customers/ visitors. During meetings, new hires can
actually raise questions for things that are still not clear to them and also imparting
questions or comments coming from customers (upward communication).
Being able to create trust between the management in all aspects including
monetary and other facets such as benefits and perks given to each and every
employees regardless what type of employment they have with the company should be
a priority of the Human Resource department. Good thing with Star City is that they are
able to commit in following what is mandated by the government when it comes to the
basic pay of their employees. But given that most employees are on open-ended
contracts, they should be able to clarify the pros and cons of having this type of
employment as this type of contract has no terms or periods defined in the contract itself
and this can be in writing or by verbal agreement between the employer and the
employee. Information like start date and the rate are clearly stated in the contract, and
also the employee doesn’t have to worry about losing his or her job because of a
contract end date. One disadvantage of this would be having the employer set the rate
without including language in the contract for reviews or raises. And without a clause
stating about periodic salary reviews, an employee can be stuck at the same rate pay
as long as you agree to work. So this policy should be sorted by the management in
order for their employees not to feel that they are being violated. It was mentioned by
some of the staffs interviewed by the group that they have a performance evaluation
done every 5 months but they did not mention if there is an increase in the rate after the
evaluation but it was clearly stated by most staffs that they are receiving salaries based
on Manila rate.
In order to achieve a good result on the proposed change to be implemented,
several things and actions should be done.
I. Service Flow
1. Simulation
Park and
Simulation will
later on assume
the role of the
system by
calculating the
waiting time for
every guests,
based on an
assumed pattern
of interest and
establish a
model for the
behavior of a full
day of park
loading times,
malfunctions and
other possible
distractions, all
based on actual
2. Conceptualization
1 day
Earning insights
of plans on
from experts on
execution of this
proposed change
will lead to
3. Formulate
To introduce new
capabilities of
technologies to
and programs
technology that
be deployed at
can range from
attractions within
the park
engaging, and
fun to
features for the
purpose of
enhancing inpark experience
of customers.
II. Maintenance of Rides and Other Attractions
1. Conduct internal
audit of all
functional areas
of Star City
where there are
4 hours per
Top Level
Checklist and
Minimize incident
report and
Ride Technicians
and Engineers
satisfaction. It will
also increase the
level of
awareness of the
Top level
Management to
be more
conscious and
attention to
2. Strict
6 hours
Ride Technicians
Prolong the
daily before
and Engineers
lifespan and
for calibration of
durability of all
Manual and
all rides for
3. Housekeeping
maintenance of
On a
Cleaning tools
Safe, secured
Marshalls and
and healthy
Sanitation Aid
environment for
all rides and
all customers
III. Safety and Security
Installation of
1 Day
Head Security /
Wide scope of
placement of
Assistant Head
surveillance on
surveillance camera
the premise
Familiarization and
Training of all
Facilities, Rides,
Training /
Training &
and Well trained
Daily Basis
Manager /
Conduct consistent
Every 3
Safe and Secured
machinery study on
Manager / Rides
Ride for
all Rides
IV. Human Resources
1. Credible
training/ new
hire orientation
new hire
manual and
Senior PAD
customer service
2. Transparency to
Awareness of the
all employees
employees about
new hire
their rights
Personnel; PAD
about openended
3. Developed KPI’s
Awareness on the
on how an
basis for
evaluation of
should be
Personnel; PAD
should be clear
used in the
to employees