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Medical-Preventive Faculty Overview

Read and translate the text.
The medical-preventive faculty was founded in 1931.
It became the first faculty in the Urals and one of the oldest
in Russia. The 1st head of the faculty was M.A. Dykhno.
The course of studies lasts 6 years. In the first 2 years
the students study mainly preclinical subjects. They learn the
basis of human anatomy and physiology. Senior students
study the problems of prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, influence
of physical, biological and chemical factors of the environment on the health of the
population. All students of the faculty have a lot of practical work in different
medical institutions of the city. At the end of the sixth years students pass their final
state examinations and receive diplomas.
The head of the faculty is the dean. 22 Doctors and 53 Candidates of Medical
Sciences work at the departments of the faculty. The faculty prepares specialists in
such fields of medicine as bacteriology, virology, hygiene, clinical laboratory
diagnostics, preventive medicine, parasitology, food and occupational hygiene and
many others. The graduates can work in clinics, hospitals, sanitary and
epidemiological stations all over the country as well as in the Federal Service on
Surveillance for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being. Though the
graduates of this faculty cannot treat people still they are highly demanded
specialists because of the present-day sanitary conditions.
Answer the questions (you can give a short answer if it is possible)
1. What faculty do you study at?
2. Why have you entered this particular faculty?
3. When was the faculty founded?
4. How many departments are there at your faculty?
5. How long does the studying course last?
6. What do the students of your faculty study?
7. Where can the students of your faculty practice?
8. What fields can the graduates of your faculty specialize in?
9. Where can you work when you graduate?