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10th Grade Science Exam: Chemistry, Biology, Physics

M.V.Herwadkar English medium school
Fa-2 2020-21
Sub Science
Marks- 40
Chemistry and Biology Std 10th
Q1.Fill up the blanks
4 X 1= 4M
1.Metals are found in---------- free state.
2.Alloy of Mercury is----------3.Living and non living components are called as --------4.------------- are evolved in animals as their thinking is not fast.
Q2.Answer in one sentence
1.Classify response to nervous system ?
2.Define Bio degradable.
3.Define Plant harmone.
4.What happens when metal is burnt in air ?
5.What is re - activity series.
Q3.Answer Briefly
1.Distinguish the chemical properties of metals and non-metals.
2.How are Tissues protected ?
3.Explain Food Pyramid .
Q4.Answer in details.
1.Explain food web?
2.Explain extraction of ore?
Q5.Draw a neat labelled diagram of Human brain and describe.
15 M.
Q1.Fill up the Blanks
1.A compass needle gets deflected when brought near a ----------2.The lines along which the iron filings along themselves represent ----------3.A -------- is an instrument that can detect the presence of a current in a current.
Q2. Answer the following
1.What is the principle of an electric motor ?
2.State Fleming's right - hand rule.
3.Name some sources of direct current.
Q3.Answer the following.
1.Explain briefly about Electromagnetic Induction.
2.List the properties of magnetic field lines.
3.Define Solenoid.
Q4.Answer in details.
1.Explain construction and working of an Electric motor.
1X4=4 M