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Teacher Observation Form: Lesson Planning & Reflection

Name: _________________ Grade/Subject: _____________
Pre-Observation Date: __________ Observation Date: __________
Focus for
Briefly describe your goals for today’s lesson. This is where I state my specific
standards that I am addressing. Explain how today’s lesson goals fits into the unit
as a whole and how it will be helping your students achieve content learning that
will benefit the overall goals of your school.
Standard #1
Standard #2
Prior Content
Explain the variety of assessments pieces you used to determine student strengths and
areas for student growth. Your assessments should have taken place prior to this lesson
and should have helped you plan for this lesson. What did you use to help you know who
would need extra attention? What did you use to know who would need to be challenged?
Try for assessments that hit a variety of learning styles. Did you use oral assessments,
technology assessments, performance based assessments, and paper pencil assessments?
Were they diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments? List it all here because you
are assessing your students every day. We should ALL get Accomplished in this category!
Briefly describe how you get input from families, former teachers, and other professionals
about the knowledge base of your students. Do they have the prerequisite knowledge to
be successful at what you are about to teach them?
Explain how you will connect this lesson to real-life experiences and to other content areas.
Detail how this lesson builds upon information that has already been taught and connects
to information yet to be learned. Make sure this lesson fits into the district curriculum and
prioritizes the state standards.
This is another area where most teachers shine. Briefly describe how you get to know your
kids – interest inventories, parent phone calls, going to their extra-curricular activities,
coaching, tutoring, sitting with them at lunch, etc.
Use this spot to point out your Tier 2, and Tier 3 students in the RTI process. List any
students on IEP’s (first names only). Point out gifted students. Discuss the many
modifications and accommodations you are making to your curriculum to meet the needs
of these students.
Knowledge of
Don’t forget about everybody else. Briefly describe background and experience this
particular group of students brings to the classroom. Has this group of students been more
independent, more knowledgeable than groups in the past, or have you have you had to
spend more time reviewing basic skills? Point to specific data that you have analyzed to
support your claims rather than just your feelings. How will this affect this lesson in
Discuss how your experience in knowing how children learn (development, learning styles)
will be directly connected to strategies, content, and method of delivery you will use in this
Explain the lesson here. Provide times, transitions, questioning, and discussion techniques.
Make sure to include content specific vocabulary. Show how you will present the content in
multiple formats to hit all learning styles and lessen confusion. Explain how you are going
Lesson Delivery
to get the students to be creative, thinking critically, and working independently. Your goal
should be to have a lesson that is student centered with the teacher as the facilitator.
Showcase how you are meeting the needs of all students. Perhaps you teach as a whole
class for only 10 minutes because that is the length of time you can hold their attention.
Then you move into small group collaborative work to explore the topic. After that, you
have some working independently while you meet with others. The goal is to explain how
your instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all your students.
Briefly describe the different task expectations for the lesson. You should not expect your
lowest 10% to be doing the same level of work as your highest 10%. If you are, then either
one or both of those groups is very bored or very frustrated.
Explain what it takes for EVERYONE in your class to reach mastery of this lesson. Your job
is to make this particular lesson accessible to all (think lowest 10%) and challenging for
some (think highest 10%).
Describe the materials and resources you used to not only teach this lesson, but to engage
the learner. Make sure it is aligned to the curriculum, however. That means candy for
correct answers is not a resource.
Resources include content appropriate YouTube videos, SMART board lessons, math
manipulatives, iPads, music, photographs, etc.
Also include any resources you accessed to create the lesson. If you researched a book or
learned something in a course, reference it here.
Briefly describe your rapport with your students. Explain how you develop it and your
feelings about the student-teacher relationship. Discuss simple classroom routines. These
should be the things that students do with automaticity even if you were not there. Do
your students transition from one thing to the next smoothly? Explain your classroom
management system ensuring that it provides for decreasing unwanted behaviors and
rewards positive behaviors.
Explain how you communicate with parents and the community so that it benefits your
students and contributes to a positive learning environment.
Assessment of
Let your evaluator know how you will be assessing the level of student understanding
during your lesson. For example, what will you use to show you that students are ready to
move from whole class instruction to small group exploration, to individual discovery?
How will you determine which students are independent and which need more instruction
during the lesson? You need to show that you are able to adjust the lesson to meet the
needs of the students, not necessarily what you’ve written in a lesson plan. Have a few
scenarios planned for different situations based on whether students are “getting it, not
getting it, or are somewhere in between”.
Explain how you are going to give feedback to the students and parents. Show how you
are going to encourage student self-assessment of strengths and weaknesses before,
during, and after the lesson.
List the ways that you are a professional with your students, with parents, and with your
colleagues. With your students, explain any extra things you do like going to basketball
games, watching plays, or heading any clubs. Show how you support them as a positive
role model in school and out.
With parents and community, explain how you communicate with them, are available for
conferences, and treat them with respect. If you play additional roles in the community,
list them here.
With your colleagues, list how you collaborate with them to improve the education of your
students. List any committees you belong to at the school, district, and state level.
Finally, indicate any professional development you have completed. This could be college
course work, professional workshops, or even books you are currently reading. It may be a
good idea to mention study of educational laws if you are reading up on them.