13 Colonies Project: US History Research & Presentation

US History
13 Colonies Project
Directions: You will be assigned a group and your group will be
given a colony to research and collect information about. You will
need to answer specific questions about each colony, create a
visual presentation and present the information to the class. Each
member will be graded individually on the information they collect
and as a group for the finished product. At the end of all of the
presentations, you will be quizzed on the information each group
Finished section of notes on your colony
Presentation Visual (Choose one of the following)
Slide Show
Group Delegation Form (signed by all group members)
*Note: not all group members need to talk, but all
group members need to contribute equally
Group Evaluation Form
Information to gather:
1. What is the name of your colony?______________
2. What country claimed your colony? (there may be more than
one, list them in the order that they claimed the land)
3. When was your colony established?
4. Why was your colony established?
5. Who (founder or land owner) established your colony?
6. What did your colony produce to export and make money?
7. Who made up the colonists? (race, social status, gender)
8. What form of government did the colonists establish in the
colonies themselves?
9. What region did the colonies become associated with? New
England, Middle (Chesapeake) or Southern Colonies
Include a map of your colony
Include the national flag of the country that claimed
your colony
Include a picture of the ruler/founder of your colony
13. You will write a journal entry based on a fictional historical character
that you have created. Your character will take the position of a Loyalist
or a Patriot. Use the links below to research the opposing viewpoints
between the Loyalists and Patriots, details of colonial life, famous people
you may have met, and historical events. Use this organizer to take notes
as you research.
14. Your journal entry will written using a authentic voice from colonial
America and embellished with details from history and your
imagination. You will write a total of 3 entries. In the first you will
introduce yourself. The second entry will describe an event that happens
that is related to the conflict and how it changes or strengthens your
position. The final entry will talk about how you see your future.