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Customer Behavior Prediction: Structured & Unstructured Data

Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology
Informatics Department
4th year, SEMINAR
Predicting Customer Behavior with a Combination of
Structured and Unstructured Data
Submitted by: Mohammad Ali Hussain Bajaa
The Scientific Supervisor:
Dr. Yasser Rahhal
The Seminar Supervisor:
Dr. Kadan Aljoumaa
Linguistic Supervisor:
Dr. Fahmi Alammareen
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
structured data ............................................................................................................................ 3
Unstructured data ....................................................................................................................... 3
Related Work .................................................................................................................................. 4
Costumer behavior ...................................................................................................................... 4
The Problem of the research .......................................................................................................... 5
Methodology................................................................................................................................... 6
Gather data for predicting customer behavior ........................................................................... 6
Pre-process the data based on structured/unstructured basis .................................................. 6
Predict from structured and unstructured data.......................................................................... 6
Evaluate & deploy the model to predict on fresh data ............................................................... 7
Results of the study ........................................................................................................................ 7
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 12
References..................................................................................................................................... 13
These Days, many mediums of electronic marketing and mobile marketing are used for
marketing purposes. Some examples of these mediums are Youtube, SMS, Whatsapp,
Google, …etc. These mediums are particularly used by small and medium companies in
Nigeria (SMEs). The aim of this research is to address the problem of deciding which of
the mediums mentioned above is mostly appropriate to target customer of a particular
SME and also to discover the type of data that is most. For this reason, data was
gathered by administering questionnaires and pre-processed based on structured and
unstructured data sources. In general, when we mine the data, relevant predictions were
made from the structured and unstructured data and the results were evaluated. The
results revealed that predicting from unstructured data expresses more of popular
opinion, so decision can start from unstructured results and be fined tuned or validated
with predicting from structured data. Even if we see the opposite to be better and when
we talk about the opposite we mean data mining in the Structured data only,
unstructured prediction is still very valuable in situations where there are no structured
data such as analyzing text messages. In Addition, Models developed for predicting
customer behavior as regards the marketing channels studied, will form the foundation
for marketing decision making, in small and medium businesses in Nigeria.
Keywords: Data Mining, Classification Algorithm, Marketing, e-marketing, m-marketing,
Structured data, Unstructured data.
When we talk about buying and selling in E-marketing, It’s important to do some
research about customer behavior. Customer here means a person, a group of people
or an association. since the selection of products and the security of transactions are
very important. Also, instead of products, customers would purchase a service like the
cloud-sharing property or an experience. In the case of studying customer behavior, the
marketer must need a way to predict what is in customer’s mind. The significance in this
prediction is the first principle in direct marketing and it helps to maximize profit by
reducing marketing resources and so much more. There is an important idiom in
marketing which is “Target marketing”. It is defined as dividing markets into small groups
containing the buyers who have unique needs, characteristics, or behaviors.
Furthermore, Customers might need various products or a combination of marketing
products. This of course is the foundation for successful business intelligence systems.
For now, we concentrate on predicting customer behavior from both structured and
unstructured data for making quality decisions regarding marketing small businesses in
Nigeria. Data available for analysis as regards the target marketing are in the form of
both structured and unstructured. Structured data is represented in a form of an array
which means a table, columns, rows, indexes and so on. Usually this type of data is
characterized by a high degree of predictability and this is the reason it is useful in
capturing transactions, financial reports, word definitions, …etc.
We can say that data mining on structured data is the required process to have
consistent patterns and obvious relationships between variables. This way in
Data mining have correct answers in its queries by the structured data because it
depends on the patterns we have already referred to. On the other hand, the
majority of the data is unstructured and they don’t have any patterns or
relationships. This makes structured mining to be limited in its ability to solve
current problems.
On the other side, unstructured data tends to be more general. We see it in our
messages, emails, contracts, …etc. So, we can say that they don’t have a
tangible way or a standard rule to build them.
This type of data is usually represented in the form of text. So, they don’t have keys,
Indexes, Columns or rows. Unstructured data can be stored as a general file like .xls
(excel file) or .html (web blog) or any type of file that stores a text in it.
To link structured and unstructured data, the semi structured data is the key of the
solution. This type of data is a mediator between structured and unstructured data. The
importance of semi structured data is that meta-data is usually attended to the data. One
of the examples is XML (Extensible Mark-up Language). We can see that data storage
in it is an example of semi structured data. Unstructured data mining is referred to as
text mining.
We should define text mining to move on. Text mining is defined as extracting useful and
non-trivial patterns of knowledge from the unstructured text documents. It is also defined
as the extension of data mining or knowledge discovery from unstructured databases.
SMEs, which is the case study for this research does not have a universally accepted
definition, but can be classified into small, medium or large, and this classification
definition is determined by different countries. A small business is perceived as one
having a total asset in equipment, plant, capital and working capital of less than
N250,000 which has 50 full time workers as its employment capacity. The Central Bank
of Nigeria defined SMEs as an enterprise whose yearly turnover runs between N25,000N50,000. The Nigerian Industrial Development Bank (NIDB) characterized business as
little scale endeavor with venture cost (investment and working capital) not surpassing
N750,000 while it characterized those endeavors whose venture costs falls between the
scope of N750,000 to N3 million. As medium scale, Nigeria business environment is
quite different from the developed economies and other developing countries. It is
characterized by challenges such as inadequate infrastructures, such as internet etc.
Also there is lack of proper government support programs for SMEs. To make the
matters worse, SME operators possess attitudinal problem which greatly contribute to
the lack of success of these SMEs. Also, underscored that one of the significant
marketing issues confronting independent company ventures in Nigeria is the absence
of adequate comprehension and the use of marketing ideas.
Regarding the unique characteristics of SME’s in Nigeria as described above, predicting
customer behavior for the purpose of business intelligence becomes very important.
Defining structured and unstructured data is important to move to related work:
 structured data: Structured data refers to any data that resides in a fixed field
within a record or file. This includes data contained in relational databases and
 Structured data first depends on creating a data model – a model of the
type of business data that will be recorded, stored, processed and
accessed. This includes defining what fields of data will be stored and
how that data will be stored: data type (numeric, currency, alphabetic,
name, date, address) and any restrictions on the data input.
 Structured data has the advantage of being easily entered, stored,
queried and analyzed. At one time, because of the high cost and
performance limitations of storage, memory and processing, relational
databases and spreadsheets using structured data were the only way to
effectively manage data. Anything that couldn't fit into a tightly organized
structure would have to be stored on paper in a filing cabinet.
Unstructured data: information that either does not have a pre-defined data model
or is not organized in a pre-defined manner. Unstructured information is typically textheavy, but may contain data such as dates, numbers, and facts as well. This results in
irregularities and ambiguities that make it difficult to understand using traditional
programs as compared to data stored in databases or annotated (semantically tagged)
in documents.
Related Work
customer behavior is the trunk of our study. So, we have to define it:
Costumer behavior: It is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the
activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, including
the costumer's emotional, mental and behavioral responses that precede or follow these
activities. Costumer behavior emerged in the 1940s and 50s as a distinct sub-discipline in
the marketing area.
In general, Customer Behavior has been studied from two perspectives:
The first perspective: it is knowledge-based and it is foremost a theoretical approach,
that means studying the strength of motivation, personality aspects and ways that the
customer has learned before. It also involves the use of questionnaire framework,
designed in attempt to understand “what is going on inside people’s heads”.
The second perspective: it is Data mining which handles discovering hidden patterns.
It also discovers prediction directions and future behaviors from data. Data mining
proved also that it is a more efficient alternative.
In the case of our study, we will need some algorithms and necessary tools:
Statistics: the statistical approach used in customer behavior prediction includes the
following; auto regression, logistic regression, linear regression, structural equation
modeling and so on.
Clustering: The most commonly used clustering technique in customer behavior
prediction, which is, K means clustering. It works as follows; given an arrangement of
points in a Euclidean space and a positive integer k (the number of clusters), K means
split the points into k clusters with the goal that the total difference of the (squared
Euclidean) distances of each point to its nearest cluster center is limited. This approach
is reported to be used for customer behavior prediction.
Classification: The family of techniques in this category as regards customer behavior
prediction includes; Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network, Decision Tree (DT) and Support
Vector Machine (SVM).
Psychological prediction Models: This classification involves the group of prediction
models which has its foundation in the psychological field of study.
Boosting algorithms: The boosting algorithms used for prediction include Real
AdaBoost, Gentle AdaBoostand Modest AdaBoost.
Particle Swarm Optimization: prediction method used in customer behavior is an
evolutionary data mining technique.
Neuro-Fuzzy: This prediction technique is a combination of neural network and fuzzy
logic technique in data mining.
Graph Mining Technique: Graph mining is seen as a method of excerpting specific
patterns from a combination of graph data. It has also been used for customer behavior
The remaining technique includes Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Association Rule
Mining. Finally, the dataset used for prediction includes, data gathered from
Questionnaire survey and data gathered from Public data repository.
From the literature reviewed, it is discovered that predicting customer behavior is ongoing and is important to organizations. Most studies researched customer preservation
estimation and this was done for the most part utilizing organizational data as dataset for
estimating which is for the most part organized. In conclusion, data mining approaches
were utilized frequently in predicting customer behavior, when contrasted with the
theoretical approaches. In our research we focus on using a classification technique in
data mining to predict customer behavior.
The Problem of the research
Because of the low capital of the SMEs, they can’t afford to invest in marketing through
the heavy advertising mediums like TV stations and Radio stations. So, SMEs changed
their orientations to the m-marketing and e-marketing for many reasons. The most
important reason is that m-marketing and e-marketing are cheaper means to reach the
target audience. There is therefore a problem in Customer Relationship Management,
particularly relating to marketing which has to do with deciding which one of the
mediums mentioned above is most appropriate to target customer of a particular SME.
In addition, “reaching out to the target audience” is the biggest challenge marketers
faced in email marketing. The goal of this research is to propose customer behavior
prediction models in e-marketing (internet-marketing and m-marketing) for the Nigerian
context. A typical problem scenario to illustrate this problem is to attempt to decide which
marketing avenue is able to target and retain a potential customer of a table water
production business. Every company, from the information it collects from users like age
and hobbies and personal interests should select a way to know which platform it should
use to reach the largest number of audience such as google, Youtube, …etc. especially
that SMEs resources are limited so that companies should be wise when they decide to
choose their platforms.
We can divide our solution into four steps. These steps are:
a) Gather data for predicting customer behavior: The survey instrument was
employed to collect data by administering 400 questionnaires whereas 348 were
gathered from the respondents. Both online questionnaires and paper-based
questionnaires were administered. The questionnaire consists of two sections so as
to bring out complete characteristics of the respondent demographic analysis.
Respondents personal information (such as age, gender, …) was gathered in the
first section. While respondent’s perception about electronic marketing was gathered
in the second.
 The questionnaires contained sections for both structured and unstructured
questions. Structured questions allowed the respondents to select from
alternatives given while the unstructured provided a space for respondents to
express themselves in writing. The structured part of the questionnaire retrieved
the following formation from the respondents: age, gender, marital status,
occupation, highest academic qualification, states and town the respondents
reside in Nigeria, level of computer literacy, average income per month, hobbies,
income range, tribe, religion, internet subscription per month and frequency of
your visiting YouTube; Classification; Facebook; Twitters; Google and Personal
blogs and so on.
The unstructured part of the questionnaire allowed the respondents to express
themselves freely, thereby retrieving information concerning their interest in life,
their attraction to online business, their dislike about online business, attraction
and dislike about doing business through the mobile phone platform and so on.
b) Pre-process the data based on structured/unstructured basis:
The data pre-processing stage consisted of structured pre-processing and
unstructured preprocessing. For structured pre-processing, the data was converted
to nominal data. Data in the unstructured part of the questionnaire was filtered to
remove words that were termed not to be important from documents content. Such
words that are characterized as conjunctions and prepositions, determiners,
pronouns, articles, non-informative verbs and common verbs. Due to this process,
highly relevant or important words are selected. Finally, TF-IDF (Term Frequency,
Inverse Document Frequency) – a weighting algorithm - is used to allocate weight
values to words to differentiate them syntactically in a document. All the above was
carried out using the weka toolkit.
c) Predict from structured and unstructured data: In order to predict from structured
and unstructured data i.e. generate model/classifier that is able to predict on fresh
data, the J48 algorithm is used. Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis)
data mining tool was used to pre-process the data and implement the classification
algorithm. The particular algorithm used was the j48 classification algorithm. The data
gathered were divided into two categories. The first category contained two thirds of
the data which was used to develop the classifier and the set of data remaining was
used to test and evaluate the classifier model developed.
d) Evaluate & deploy the model to predict on fresh data: To deploy and make
predications with the model, fresh data were gathered from 10 respondents, so as to
make predictions of their behavior as regards these marketing channels. The
predicted result was now compared with the true decisions of these respondents on
the marketing avenues to evaluate the success rate of the models used for prediction
Results of the study
Table I displays the model evaluation results for both the structured and unstructured
Table 2a and 2b show the predicted results for the fresh data and for structured data.
Note that:
represents that the individual will not
decide for any of the option
means that the individual will visit the
marketing medium in question very
means that the individual will never visit
the marketing medium
means that the individual will visit the
medium frequently
means that the individual dose not visit
the medium frequently
means that that individual has never
visited the medium while
means that the model could not predict
for that particular individual
indicates a person that has done
business or has responded to adverts via
the SMS platform
indicates the opposite of Yes
means never does business as a result of
email marketing
means often does
means not often do business as a result
of email marketing
No Prediction
 From Tables 2a and 2b, it is obvious that Facebook, Google and Classification
are the most visited by the individuals experiment and YouTube is the least
visited. A lot of things could be responsible for this. It could be attributed to the
fact that the kind of people investigated are low income people who do not spend
much on internet facility and therefore can’t afford to be watching or downloading
videos on the internet. Whatever the reason is, it is clear that trying to target
these sets of people via YouTube will be a waste of resources.
Table 3a and 3b are the results received after comparing the predicted output for each of
the mediums by the model developed for each of these mediums and the actual
response of the investigated persons.
 Google, SMS and Classification, gave 100% prediction success rate meaning
that the results generated by the models are 100% reliable. The models for
predicting emails and Facebook did not do badly either. They gave 90% success
rate. At any rate, none of the models performed less than 50%.
Now, From Tables 4a and 4b:
 As we see, Facebook, Google and classification are still the most visited by the
individuals and YouTube is the least visited. This result is similar and almost the
same with that of the structured mining prediction. The advantage of this is that, if
structured data is not available to carry out this prediction, unstructured data
which is the most available data in organizations will also be able to give the
same inferences.
 only google gave 100% prediction success rate. Classification and Facebook
gave 80% each. in the unstructured mining evaluation results, the model that
predicted for YouTube and SMS marketing produced 60% and 40% success
After all the statistics above, Comparing the result of the evaluation of prediction results
for structured and unstructured data are illustrated in Table 6:
After we see Table 6, the following recommendations are made:
1. Structured data predication model does better than unstructured data predication
model but they both point towards the same direction.
2. It was discovered that predicting from unstructured data expresses more of popular
opinion, so decision can start from unstructured results and be fine tuned or validated
with predicting from structured data.
3. Even though structured prediction appears to be better than unstructured,
unstructured prediction is still very valuable in situations where there are no structured
Understanding customer behavior is a broad and complicated task, but with the right
research mix we can begin to get a detailed understanding of our customers and their
motivations. The models developed for predicting customer behavior as regards the
marketing channels studied will form the foundation for marketing decision making in
small and medium businesses. Such models can be embedded in decision supports
systems for marketing purposes. For example, revisiting the problem scenario, we can
see from the result that the problem of deciding which marketing avenue is most
appropriate for a target marketing campaign is solved by choosing between Google and
classification. Surprising as this maybe, such a potential customer is not a fan of
Facebook. Also, this study helps to achieve one of the main goals of CRM (Customer
Relationship Management), which is to turn a target customer to a paying customer and
a lifetime customer and eventually a marketing customer. Involving big data analysis is
planned to obtain an all-inclusive source of the unstructured data.
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