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Laser my what

Laser my what?
Yes, you heard it right. You can have your vagina lasered. Why on earth would someone laser their
vagina? Dr.Betsy Greenleaf, a pelvic health expert at Greenleaf Health & Wellness, explains what it
means to laser your hoo-ha.
“We have understood the regenerative properties of light since cosmetic lasers were first used in the
1980s,” comments Dr. Greenleaf. “ Technically speaking, the light energy penetrates tissue and causes a
microscopic injury. Our bodies are very sophisticated. On a microscopic level, without us knowing, the
body sends healing factors to this injury site. As the body heals the injury, it regenerates all the tissue
around it. Laser therapy is biohacking before biohacking was even a word. Lasers rejuvenate and tighten
tissue. They have great anti-aging properties on all skin and tissue.”
But, still, why would you laser your vagina?
“It was a brilliant idea to take laser technology and apply it to the vagina. I wish I came up with it,”
chuckles Dr. Betsy. “Lasers are a breakthrough technology in women’s health.”
Though lasers have been around since the 1980s, they were not used for pelvic treatments until the
2000s in Europe. In fact, lasers were not sold for pelvic rejuvenation until 2016 in the United States. Dr.
Greenleaf was one of the first physicians in Monmouth County, New Jersey, to start performing vaginal
What do lasers treat?
Dr. Greenleaf informs us, “ There are many conditions such as birth control, just having a baby,
breastfeeding, and menopause, which cause changes in hormone levels that negatively impact the
delicate vaginal tissue. The tissue may become dry and easily crack, leading to pain with intimacy.”
But Dr. Greenleaf tells us it is not just about painful sex. Some women develop an increased risk of
recurrent urinary tract infections and vaginal infections because of these hormone changes.
So what makes the laser so unique?
“Before the lasers, women didn’t have many choices. Their choices were to use lubricants and
moisturizers, which are not pH balanced for the vagina or contain toxic chemicals leading to more health
issues. Otherwise, women had to use hormonal therapies. For some women, especially for those with
breast cancer, hormonal therapies are not ideal,” informed Dr. Greenleaf.
What happens during a laser treatment?
“Firstly, a woman must have a pelvic examination to determine if laser therapy is right for her and what
areas need to be treated. If only the inner vagina needs treatment, then the procedure is straightforward. A laser probe is placed into the vagina, and it takes less than 5 minutes to laser the walls of the
vagina. A patient will feel a gentle pulse during the lasering and afterward may have some cramping
that typically goes away in a few hours if they any get cramping at all,” states Dr. Greenleaf. “If a
woman has external vulvar changes, then a numbing cream is placed on this area for 15-20 minutes
before the laser procedure. Afterward, there is some soreness, but most patients state they don’t
notice much discomfort.”
How often are treatments?
The typical course of treatment is three separate treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart. Treatments will
regenerate the tissue for approximately one year on average. Plan on getting one yearly treatment to
maintain the tissue. Dr. Greenleaf explains, “ Nothing in life is permanent. We can regenerate the
tissue, but we can’t stop the aging process. This is why periodic “tune-ups” are needed to maintain the
new, healthy tissue.”
What are patients saying?
“ What I like about laser therapy is that you get it done, and then you forget about it for a year,” states a
Greenleaf Health and Wellness patient. “ I no longer have to deal with messy creams every night. And
as a financial advisor, I am a numbers nerd. I worked it out. In the long run, laser therapy is cheaper
than paying for a lifetime of prescription estrogen cream. I also like that I can be more spontaneous
with my partner—no more stopping to grab slimy lube. My partner and I really notice a difference. I
feel 18 again, and I am 55.”
Another woman in her 70’s states, “ I suffered for years with recurrent bladder infections. Since I got
the laser treatment, I have been infection-free. I make sure I come in for my yearly treatments, and it
has been three years now. I won’t go back to how I was before.”
Speaking with a younger patient in her mid20’s, “I have been on birth control for years. I thought,
“Great, I won’t get pregnant on the birth control,” but the birth control caused me to dry up. I didn’t
want to have sex because of the pain. So the birth control was useless if I wasn’t having sex. I am
young, and this was ridiculous. I opted for the laser because I didn’t want to add more hormones into
the mix. Now I am comfortable and can continue on my birth control. “
If you are looking for an all-natural, hormone-free treatment to rejuvenate your lady parts, consider a
laser treatment. To find out more, visit Greenleaf Health & Wellness in Howell, New Jersey, and for
more information