Uploaded by Anna Ruiz

Student 'About Me' Assignment Instructions

A Little About Me
This year it is going to take a little more effort to get to know your teacher and fellow
classmates. For that reason, let this assignment be as creative and engaging as possible.
Demonstrate your skills and abilities in the virtual/online world while providing us with a
snapshot of who you are!
Directions: Create a board, slideshow, Prezi, site, video, etc that concentrates on
answering/portraying the questions/tasks below. Make sure that your presentation is creative,
user friendly (we can maneuver through it easily) and is insightful. Add pictures/images,
interactive links, or videos. You do not have to implement all of the questions/tasks but select a
minimum of 10. Please make sure all of your content is school appropriate and meets the rules
and expectations of RUSD.
*Please begin with your full name
1. What is your homeschool and mascot? (What school would you have attended in
2. Do you have any pets?
3. What quote resonates with you and why? (try to look for one)
4. On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel about Lit classes?
5. Favorite food?
6. One thing you are passionate about
7. Career/College plans and goals (if you are doing both then add both)
8. First thing you plan to buy with your first big money dream job paycheck
9. Personal peeve
10. How would your friends/close people describe you? (Be honest)
11. Did you binge watch anything this summer?
12. Favorite snack (no matter how weird)
13. What keeps you grounded as a human being? (could be anything for example a value or
14. What is one thing you would change about yourself? (Could be anything)
15. What is one thing you love about yourself? (anything!)
16. What character from a movie, show, book, or even real life influential platform reflects
who you are the most?
17. Something unique or just anything you would like to share?
18. One SMALL (what others may see a trivial but very crucial to you) bucket list item you
must do before you die.
19. What would be your nightmare job?
20. If you had the power to choose to solve one social/global issue, what would it be?