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Master winter play Es

Know Yourself
By Chris Reid
Notes: FOR 3E1 3E2 3E3
Scene 1: Children all dressed in black. Hosts dressed in formal wear.
Scene 2 and Scene 3: School uniform. Teacher wearing teachers’ clothes
Scene 3: normal clothes. Artist wearing arty clothes.
Scene One: zero
Scene two: drums (backdrop school playground)
Scene three: each student with white board.
Big white board. - adult
Blocks for sitting upon. Musician with instrument
Scene 4: easel with painting
Scene 1 – OCAC logo on WE ARE OCAC
Scene 2 – A playground
Scene 3 – A Chinese classroom
Scene 4 – An art gallery
Scene 1 – All
Host 1 (English)
Host 2 (Chinese)
Host 3 (English
Host 4 (Chinese)
Scene 2 – 3E1
Narrator 2
Mean Kid
Drum player 1
Drum player 2
Scene 3) –3E2
Student who’s good at music,
Scene 4 –3E3
Museum goer 1
Museum goer 2
Museum goer 3
Museum goer 4
Museum goer 5
Museum owner
3E1 (stage right)
1) We are all from different places. Anna
2) 我们都来自不同的地方。Frank
1 ss on right puts arm around and forward gesturing - Minnie
4) We all have our own stories - Diego
5) 我们都有自己的故事- Zoe
6) mimics reading a book – JJ
7) Every single one of us is unique. - Suzy
8) 我们每个人都是独一无二的 - Alisa
9) points to themselves. – Sophia
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
10) We speak different languages - Linda
11) 我们说不同的语言 - Bonnie
12) Mime talking together – Jack and david
13) And move in different ways. – Cici
14) 以不同的方式移动。- Jimmy
15) just does some walking – Ryan
16) We all like our own things. - Vicky
17) 我们都喜欢自己的东西 - Sampson
18) Opens up to palms looks at them and smiles – Alex
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
19) And have different ideas - Oscar
20) 并有不同的想法 - Daisy
21) points to the sky to show they have some idea – Evan
3E2 (stage left)
22) We have our hobbies - Bella
23) 我们有我们的爱好 - Emily
24) does some football – Astro
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
25) And our interests -Lyra
26) 和我们的兴趣 - Ebay
27) student shows paining - Queena
28) We do what comes naturally to us. - Elsa
29) 我们做自然而然的事。- Peppa
30) looks proud - Sunshine
31) We are one - Finn
32) 我们是一体的 - Jacob
33) holds up a 1 – Alan
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
34) We are many - Ray
35) 我们是很多的 – Johnny
36) shows that they are many by sweeping arm across - Eric
37) We are together. - Leander
38) 我们在一起 - Tiger
39) makes a heart - David
40) We are different - Andy
41) 我们是不同的 – Hannah
42) Comes and motions to the audience – Elaine
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
3E3 (center stage)
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
43) We are ourselves - Eva
44) 我们就是我们自己 - Ailsa
45) Does some impressive skills – Lara
46) Balanced - Shell
47) 全面发展 - Rene
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
48) knowledgeable – Qimiao
49) 知识渊博 – Winnie
50) risk takers - Lucy
51) 敢于冒险 – Angela
52) Caring – Grace
53) 懂得关爱- Fiona
54) Principled – Gabby
55) 坚持原则, - Zexuan
56) Inquirers – Ken
57) 积极探究 - Barry
58) Reflective - Zane
59) 及时反思 – Aaron
Student steps back. Spot opens on next position
60) Communicators – Alan
61) 善于交流 – Rhett
62) open minded – Max
63) 胸襟开阔 – Leo
64) Thinkers – Henry
65) 勤于思考 Leo
Blackout – students get into position
ALL) We are individuals.
ALL) 我们是独立的个体
all actors point to themselves with two thumbs
ALL) With our own stories
ALL) 用我们自己的故事
All pretend to read book
ALL) But without one another what would we be?
ALL) 但如果没有彼此,我们会怎么样?
All Put arms on each other’s shoulders
ALL) (loudly) We are OCAC
Background changes to OCAC logo
ALL) (loudly) 我们是 OCAC
Black out as cast exits left and right and spotlight falls on the center stage where our hosts are
waiting wearing formal wear.
Host 1 3E2) Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. It’s cold outside so thank you for joining us.
Today, we will present to you a short play about individuality and personal struggle that will warm
you. We hope you enjoy. - Finn
主持人 2 3E2) 女士们和先生们,男生们和女生们。外面那么冷,谢谢你加入我们。今天,我
们将为大家呈现一个关于个性的短剧,让大家感到温暖。希望你喜欢。 - Elaine
Host 3 3E3) we want to show you what we have learned in drama class as we have learned how to
work together as an ensemble last unit, and will use this play as the starting point of this unit on the
theme of who we are. –Gabby
主持人 4 3E1)我们想向大家展示我们在戏剧课上所学到的东西,因为我们在上一个单元已经
主题。- David
End of Scene 1
Scene 2 (in the playground) 3E1
Drummers: Minnie and Evan
Blackout again, backdrop is a school playground. Yellow light
Narrator: People can give, and people can take, with eyes of fire they made his life a misery daily. Bonnie
Narrator 2: 人们可以付出,人们可以接受,用火眼使他们的生活每天变得痛苦。 - Oscar
Boy comes running out stands center stage
Girl: Wha, what did I do? - Suzy
Mean kid 2) From off stage girl You don’t belong here! - Anna
Girl: 怎么了 - Suzy
Mean kid 3) From off stage: Why did you come here? – Jack
Mean kid 4) From off stage: Go back to where you belong! - Ryan
Girl: I can only be who I am, I can’t change. I am trying, but… but… it’s hard. – Suzy
Mean kid 5) from off stage: You’re different - Diego
From off stage (all) WE! DON’T! LIKE! YOU!
Girl (to the audience): all my life it’s been like this, kids don’t like me, teachers don’t understand me, my
parents just want me to fit in, I wish I could just fit in. It would make life so much easier. - Suzy
Students come out and play drums on left and right Drum beat plays as ensemble file in from SL and
SR, in line and time with the ever fastening beat and form a semi-circle around the boy pointing at him
lighting fades from yellowish to red to blackout and boy falls slowly to his knees and puts his head in his
All: We Don’t like you.
Spotlight onto one girl standing upstage right
Boy: Well I do - Alisa
SCENE 3 in the classroom – 3E2
Teacher is stage right with moveable white board students sit on blocks. Background is a typical
Teacher: 横、竖、竖、撇、竖、撇、竖弯钩(花)- Elaine
Students repeat in sync and lift up their blackboard to show identical and wonderful characters apart
form one boy who has drawn an incredible flower kind of in the shape of a character.
Teacher: Hey you, that’s not right. - Elaine
Boy: really? It’s good though no. It’s a flower too. But maybe its not quite right. (looking at it from
different angles) but I just can’t. I just can’t really seem to get it. - Finn
Teacher: You must not be listening. 听好! Erases picture. Let’s try again shall we? - Elaine
Boy: okay - Finn
boy and teacher walk to center stage with loose spot and rest of the stage in relative darkness. Teacher
takes boys hand and attempts to help him draw but it doesn’t really come out very well. During this time
students sit in darkness.
Teacher: We will work on it. Come back tomorrow. – Elaine
Narrator: The boy dutifully attended class, his thinking becoming narrower as his ability to follow others
grew. He no longer painted; his days filled with trying to catch up to his peers which he could
never quite do.
Narrator 2: Until one day the boys class attended a concert with their school. 我们看一下!- Ebay
Narrator and Boy go back to their seats. Background changes to a concert. students cheer as student
with some talent enter with their instrument. Spotlight on them and dim light on rest (or
lighting matching music)
Class: Cheering THAT WAS AMAZING,
class gradually sit down but one character is left standing. The boy.
Musician: Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to be here today as I followed my passion. - astro
Narrator 3: at that moment, the boy knew, he needed to follow his passion. He worked hard in school
and every night practiced, - Rayn
Narrator 4: no longer afraid of being different, people started appreciating his talent. The boy
graduated school with good grades particularly in art and joined a good art school. - Leander
SCENE 4: at the Gallery – 3E3
The scene opens to look like an art gallery, the Boy is standing next to an easel working on something
dramatically blocking the artwork. Students posing as museum goers is peering at the
amazingness of the work (an OCAC logo)
Narrator: 退役后,我们重新讲述了这个故事。现在成功的画家 - Eva
Museum goer: I’ve never seen anything like that. - Leo
Museum goer 2: it’s not like anything I’ve seen before - Barry
Museum goer 3: it’s beautiful – Grace/Fiona
Museum goer 4: it’s quite fantastic - Lucy
Museum goer 5: 这么漂亮!-Rene
Museum goer 6: It’s even more beautiful than Suzhou 秋裤 – Liu YiChen Alisa
Museum goer 7: without a doubt it is game changing in the world of art – Lara
Museum goer 8 - It brings together the best of east and west – Gabby
Museum owner: Excuse me ladies and gentlemen Sir, may I congratulate you on your latest work. May I
ask what it’s called? - Shell
Cast moves backwards making a circle around the art, and freezes
Boy: thank you, I call it ‘Chinese Origins, Global Originality’ – Qimiao
Museum Owner: I think I know you…. Didn’t we go to the same school? – Shell
Boy: all those years ago, I was a loser, a nobody. Remember - Qimiao
Museum Owner: I’m so sorry. I know now. Everyone has the right to be who they are inside. To show
their passion, everyone has their story of struggle, but if we work together, we become
stronger. -Shell
Boy - Our strengths match each other’s weaknesses, and their strengths match our weaknesses. Qimiao
Museum Owner: I agree, for example without me there would be not art in your gallery. And without
you I would have nowhere for my art. -Shell
Boy: seeing as its winter holiday, and in the spirit of working together won’t you come visit me for
dinner one day? - Qimiao
Museum owner: of course - Shell
Class together: come to the center.
Narrator: We are all different. All unique, everyone is special, we should love and appreciate one
another to build a stronger community. Happy Holidays Everyone - Eva